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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1912)
HERE AT' HOME JPrppurr rttlxriift ;lattlj Testify and 'endrii(ly Kct-ouiiin nt Ituii'i kidney IMllv. It is testimony like tho following that has . laced Doan's Kidney Pills so far atxive competitors. When peo ple rig tit here at homo raise their oices i:i praise there is no room left it r doubt. Read the public statement af a llerner citizen : K. L. Berry, Main St., Hemmer, Oregon, says: "Yau are welcome to use my name afj one who has been ui?d of kiir.ey complaint by Po.-.n's Sidney Pills. My kidneys were weak and my Luck was o painful tht I was pblici) t walk all stooped uvi-r. The contents of one box of Doan's Sidney Fills effected a cure and dur ijE the past two years there has been ao recurrence of the trouble." If yotr- back aches if youi kidneys iother you, don't simply ask for a 1 Liner remedy ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the snme that llr. Bcrty had the remedy backed bv Home testimony. 50c all stores. Co. , Props., Buffalo, a. y, FOIt SALi: AT TIUS OFFICE, (iOOl) 3-1IOKSE .lASOLI.NK ENGINE AT A HARGA1N. Red Front Livery & Feed Stables WiUts Stewart, Prop -CLASS LIVERY HISS Kept constantly on hand uvA on he furnished en short notice to parties sriihirg to drive into the inier.'ur. First cLt.-s : : Hacks and Buggies CALL AROUND AND fEK US. WE CATER TO THE ; : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH IHG3 AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : flEPPNER,- OREGON A Grea! Clubbing Offer Senw-We ly Oreaon Jour- ial,euear 51 50 GafeEe-TMnes, one year SI. SO Total S3.00 Both Papers One Year - - $2.00 ThVIS Oregon Journal Publii t2ie latest and most complete Wlv15tHf nt3 o tlie world; gives reli able railit icportK, as it is published at PortUikt. Sen the market now tea be anil is .rre.-u-t to ds'e tor eacli issue. It also hi a pae A speriil matter for the fcinn J5 httme, an entertaining story page jKA'-or more of comic each week, .a4ilxet the subscriber t.v.ce every weeit m M'Si year. Tlse Gazette-Times G ivw ail tne local news a d linppenines an.1 tltaxli tie in every home In this vi cinity. Tb4lW make mlvn'lM combi antioa m save ! by sen'tins your ubTiid.' taitre GAZETTE-TIME-. Kemn Aigitur subscribers a good tlubblnc aZet it the Daily and Sunday, r Suniia.5 Journal, in connection with the Gazette-Times CASTLE ROCK. Mr. Postom and brother were over Sunday last. Mr. Wasley returned fiom Puyallup Wash. , Sunday morning. L. M. Davis returned to Irrigon on Saurday to do soma irrigating. Tom Itobbins was over Saturday, returning Sunday to help finish haying at tho Crow place. James Belmay and Jessie Davis spent Sunday last at John Peterson's on Willow creek. George Bennett and a friend were anions the callers from the Washing ton side of the river cm Sunday. Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. McDaid were over Friday last and were great ly pleased with the fine garden we have here. Little Katherine Marshall retrieved qnita an injury to her ankle one clay last week and was laid up a few days. She is recovering nicely. Mr. Moses and P. Shaw of Seattle were in this part of the county Thurs day last and took a number of samples of soil back with them. Mr. Cramer and son were inspecting the garden at this place the other day and were well pleased with the pros pects of what this soil can do when watered. Mr. Davis and two sons returned from Irrison Satnrdav night where they were looking after the hay. They broueht a fine box of cherries from their orchard at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Carley and two sons were over Sunday last and while here looked over the garden. They were very loud in their praise of every thing, especially the potatoes the children are raising. Wr. Carley said this was the first time he ever knew or heari of anyone trying to raise anything in Castle Rock. - n Lin. ... i-minii .limn, i.l.i.i..i..ll...l.lll,lrH,l. 'Sti 'I For Infants and Children. is: Ends limit for Iltch Uirl Often the hunt for a rich wife end when the man meets a woman that uses Electric Bitters. Her strong nerves tell in a bright brain and even temper. Her peach-bloom complexion and ruby lips result from pure blood: her brgiht eyes from restful sleep : her elastio step from free muscles, all telling of the heatlh and strength Electric Bitters give a woman, and the freedom from indigestion, back ache, headaohe, faintness and dizzy spells they promote. Everywhere they are woman's favorite remedy. If weak or ailing try them. 50c at Slo cum Drug Co. IRRIGON. Intended for last week.) W. R. Walpole, Jr. bought a ticKet for Portland last week. Mrs. Jacobson returned to her homestead near Spokane. Mr. Lee Cabbage's wife from Yale, Mich., is here on a visit with his par ents. The river is rising again and high water might interfere with the gar dens yet. M. F. Wadsworth has returned from riot Lake and says he likes the place well, but. Oh! you Asotin. Miss Calla Carson was a passenger on the local Monday en route to Port land to attend the Festival. Mis T.pnnra Oorev also went to Portland last week and now we have one awful lonesome lad in town. Cherry shipping is now the go by Irricon. These will Le followed in dewberries and apricots in about two weeks. Rev. Robinson preached here last Wednesday evening. Rev. Robinson is only a student minister but a very agreeable talker. An interesting ball same was played herwe last Sunday between the mar ried men and the kids. That the old "stiffs" (as we were called) can play ball was evident from the fact that the score stood 3a to 21 in their favor. :S2o..i'i :l - U fct( V ALfOilOL 3 PEK CENT. AVcSelablePrcparalionrorAs similaiiitgilieFoDt(;nulRctju!a ling Utc Sioiitadis amlBowdsaf Promoles Digcstion.Chep tfiJ ncss and ReshConiaiiis neillter Opiiim.Marp'iuic nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. JlaeifOMDr.S'S.ILrima. flmifJa'a Seed" jUx.Semm j'tpptmmt- ItirmSmi Ciunfieii Sugsr hmfeeu tlanp. Anerfect Remedv for ConsRpa- i inn . Sour Slnmacli.Diarrlioca Worms .Convulsions .leverbiv ness andLoss or Sleek Facsimile Si5natureof NEW YOPK. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature in Use For Over Thirty Years feOflVantecd. ur.twT the rood Exat Copy of Wrapper. TMI CINTUH eOMMNT. WtW VOKK CITY. iijiij ..inn :-..-. - If row Cou Are Yon 7 y Palroniz uslry ? ?E ARE AIANUFACTUIMXG Flour and Feed superior to-any imported article. If you are not using our products call at our office on Main Street and get a testing sample. Our flour is made exclusively from selected Morrow County Bluestem Wheat. A Mm Notice! Call and look over the new line of SPRING & SUMMER SAMPLES Just Received. LOUIS PBARSOIN, Tailor. IE VAWTER CRAWFORD Notary Public Insurance Agent Represents some Leading Fire Insurance- Companies, including; The Home of New York, Tho Hartford, ami The I'lut'iiix of London, also American Bonding Co. of Baltimore. ' Office: Gazette, Ileppner, Oregon The standard Machinery the World Over VAUGS1N & SONS, tSeppner SI o tr4 Seed Grain, Rolled Feed, Alfalfa Seed.. We Solicit the Storage of your Wool MORROW WAREHOUSE MILLING CO. ELMER BEAMAN Fuel Dealer Rock Springs Coal, Tine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company nd they will receive prompt attention. 9 . w MIKE II E A L Y, Proprietor Telephone Livery Stable TELEPHONE ' 201 - THE HOME OF THE SPOTTED HORSES COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. T WE PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP. RIGS. tt It .-! W "II OH 30 FUNERAL DIRECTOR and PRACTICAL EMBALMER Summer Range To Lease. f.(0 a res if range for lease in iha Bine Mountains in the vicinity of "VMtT ad Baker, Orepon, at 8 ent wr if taken immediately. It is firjt ciM sheep ranpe. Write r wire tw. ondereigned for all or trty t f A'. I ami rr.-Cvii OAKD1NIKR, Baker, Ore. Lost. A iriJun tnare weighing about JOO; lrari.i T.E r right itifle; white star in fcrbel. This animal disappeared from th cattle and horse restrve near Hnd-ti in October last. A reward r$;f vtf be caid for information juariinjc t t4e recovery of this animal. E E. LOVGREN. Eight Mi! Oregon. I ts Jf 6ae ' mT P!"re on E!ght Bto Leghorn egg for hatch i ? at setting of 15. A good gtrais cl pplendid egg prodowra. -1SL Alfred E. Anderson. There is no real need of any one being trnnbled with constipation. Camberlain's Tablets will cau?e an agreeable movement of the bowels without any unpleasant effect. Give them a trial. For sale by Patterson & Sun. Rev. C. A. Phipp-i. of Portland, secretary of the State Sunday School Association, was in Henpner on last Wednesday and addiessed the Sunday school workers of this olaee at the Eaotist church on that evening. "Doan's Ointment cured me of eizma that annoved me for a long time. The result was lasting" Hon. S W. Matthews, Commissioner, Labor Statistics, Augusta M. Prof. H. H. Hoffman retnrced home from Portland and othrr coints down trie line on Thursday last. While below he visited a number cf the new Iv constructed gchools about Portland ,nd vicinity with a view of getting data to helo in p'.anniog for Hepprer'i proposed new school tuiliir.g. RSART1N JiNSON Contracting and Building, Painting and Paperhanging Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me for any kind ot work m these lines, I LOWER MAIN STREET - - HEPPNER, ORKGON g THE CITY MEAT MARKET Ss IIVTIv, Props. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sugar cured Ham and Bacon and Home-rendered Lard. Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts. FRESH FISH THURSDAYS. i i Mm ! mim ! I 11-1 Lo3t. I s 77- A yearling bav colt, with one white hind foot, branded :Pon right Bhoulder. This animal was missed from the Andrew Neal oastore at Lone Rock the early part of October 1911. A reward of $5 00 will be Daid for in formation leading to its recovery. AARON PETERSON. 1 mo. Eight Miile Oregon. For Sale. Seperaor and encine, at a bargain. Pride of Washington separator, prac tically new having been run only 30 days, wind stacker and self feeder. Advance engine. For further infor mation write Cooke Bros., Condon Oregon. A handsome dinner set will be given free with every range sold by us in the next tdxty days. Call and see Ljth. Case Furniture Co. 4 zzzrp jjhWSSTy lnasia IT WILL DO IT Let the AKERS PATENT FASTEN ER reduce your draper troubles to a minimum this season. Thf U.ipner whirh 1 lllutrnte1 here. In umpeil from heet ,Jel I ..tin. br.rt. Mrn k np from each j.w which are driven Into the tii k when tue jaw. are wt up. This hoH. the .tick as If In a ie. There: in ly J"1" thronth the .tick to weaken or .pli' H, We uae the be.t 0. 6 duck, r?.shl grained a-h ati. k. and fir.l quality leather belt. We guarantee the quality and we guarantee the workmanship. The draper, will -o.t ton no more than other and they will "?e vou much time and annoyance. Don" fail to u one on your Harvester or Header thi. aeason. A NEW INSTRUMENT An ttachment for hoe drills llluitrated here has two very val nahlc and lmpor ant features which eve-y rroErossive farmer will a.inreoiate ton.e. They are made to lit any hoe, are easily ad justed and answer the double turpoe of regulatinu the depth of .owing and at 'he same f?-.. tune prei,-f firmly around the grain thus ins.irinn immtd iate ger.nin.nion. Splendid results are obtained from theiruse, Manufactured by Pendleton Iron Works. Pendleton. Oregon. We have an up-to-date machine shop and found ry and employ skilled workmen in every depart ment. We solicit your patronage.