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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1912)
ofc Lake Sanatorium igiiiiPliiiiiiiiP 1 TVf i . .. rr.. - N ATURA L H E A LTH R E S TO R AT I V E - A il.u I..iUf Sanatorium oilers niuih to health niul rest Kwkorst. The jrrwir lioilinir mineral spring provides naturally im'dieated water mill inuil containing iii.'iicina! proper! it's of .ureat value. The three hundred room Jlotel Sanatorium affords ample aecomniodation. Use of the water Is preseribed aeeort.inu-to the needs of the patient, determined by skillful diagnosis. The result is. the Hot Lake Sanatorium is reallv a cure plaee. Thousands who have suffered from rheumatism, blood, skin, stomach and kidney disorders have found relief and permanent cure there. The rates nre made to conform to the requirements of fill classes. Open the year round. Hot Lake Sanatorium Is located in Union County, Lastern Oregon, in the heart of the l'.lue Mountains, directly on the main line of the Oregon Washington Railroad CO. Navigation Co., and I'M n be conveniently reached from any railroad point in the Northwest. Special reduced round trip fares are nuide from all points on the O.-W. II. & N. Write for free booklet to HOT LAKE SANATORIUM, WALTER M. PIERCE, Pres. and Mar. i SM. S. CORRIGALL, President J. H. McHALEY, J. B. NATTER, Vice Pre. Vice Pres. 1 T. J. M AHONF.Y, Cashier CLYDE BROCK, Asst. Cashier i I BUST NATflONAL BANK I 1 We offer to the Public the services of a strong and well equipped Bank, with the experience of twenty-five years in this community. Accommodations extended to cus tomers consistent with safety, and balances carried with us. I Try the New Drink Cherry Phosphate 5 cents a glass SLOCUM DRUG CO. EVERYTHING r uour Kitchen ft J GILLIAM & BISBEE Leading Hardware Dealers 75 Delinquent Tax List 1910. Notice is hereby given that the last half of the taxes 'or tho year 1910, on the property hereinafter described, which was assessed to the respective persons herein named . have been de linquent since the First Monday in October 1911: that if said taxes are not paid within six months from suid date, a Tax Certificate of delinquency will issue thereon, -as provided by law. f A penalty of ten per cent, interest at one per cent per month and the cost of this notice will be added to the respective amounts as herein given. Gladys Akers, lone Halvorscns Add; Lots 7-8 Blk 2 3 06 E. T. Allen. Irrigon Lota 1-15-17-18 Blk 16 41 Matilda 0. Avers, SW1 NWJ, 32. 1-N 28. S4 SEH. KEJi ' SEJ4 20. 1-S, 28 5 82 Wm. Ayers Est, Ej.t NW,i, EJ SW'i, 4, 1-S, 23. SEi 10, 1-S 28 11 20 Fred W. Balsiger, SWJ 81, 1-N, 24. N)a NWl beg llchs of SE cor of the NE1 Sec. 5. West 11 chsN,20 chs, East 44 chs. SE teiiy, 21 ohs to bee, Sec 4, 1-S, Range 24. NEJ, SEI, 5, 1-S, 24 51 Melvina Brenner, NV)a', NE1, NEJ NWl, 12, 0-S 25. BH SEI, 1, 6-S 25 16 E. S. Cnx. lone, Lot 6, Bkl 1. ..9 Joshana Doan. NWl, 8 1-N, 25. .14 M. O. Fuqua. SEI, 32, 3-S, 24. NWl. .33, 3-S, 24 36 Grace G.Gill, S4 SEi, 10, 4-S, 29. N SEI, 15. 4-S. 29 4 96 E. A. Hammer, NE NEJ, 10, 1-S, 24. W, 32 Acres of the NW NWJ 11. 1-S, 24. 3S 11 0. O. Henkle, Lot 4, Elk 9. West Irrieon, Sec, 24 fi-N 26. Lots 3-4 Si, NW Sec 2. 4-N. 26. .15 24 Hollie Leathers, Si W&, W. 30 Acres NWl SW, Sec 35, 4-S, 25 9 13 Shelby E. Lee, Lexington, Lot 3, Blk 15 '. 11 55 Littlehales & Roberts, WJ NE, Ei NWi, 17 1-N 23. El EJ, 17, 1-N, 23. Lots 3-4, 19. 1-N 23 13 45 C. A. Lovegreen, NW&. SJSW1, 17, 3-S. 23. NE4'. EJ NWl, 18, 3 S 23. NElNEJa19,3-rf 23. Ei SEU, 18. 3-S. 23. Nl NWl, 20, 3-S, 23 55 20 Lincoln Maedor, Lot 2, Blk 15 Wet Irrieon, 1 65 George Miller, Lot 12, Blk L, Looneys Add 16 10 Thaden Moore Heppner, Mt v'er non Add, Lot 1, Blk 20 1 71 Artie Morgon, Heppner, Ayers 5th Add: Lot 4, Blk 2. Tract No. 57 8 59 D. F. Kossler, Lot 1 Blk 20 West Irrigon .' 1 W. T. McNutt SEI 34, 1-N, 24, .36 17 Lena Owens, Tract in SW1 SW1, 35, 4-S, 25. ... 8 70 Frank W. Roberts, Heppner SI "Lot 5, Bkl 2. 33 X 42 ft off W. end of Lot 5 Blk 2 244 W. A. Thomas, NWl, a. 1-N. 23. NE1. 6, 1-N, 24. E SW1, 34, 2-N, 23 32 C. D. Turner, Est, Lexington, Lot 2, Blk 6 41 fC. G. Warren, SW'i NEJ, W SEI, 13, 1-S 29 4 20 S. O. Wat kins, WNElNSEl 19, 1-S, 25 9 60 R. O. Wills Est, Hepnner, Part Lot 1, Blk 9. 16 X 40 ft Lot 2, Blk 9. E. 30 ft, Lots 7-8, Blk 9 12 69 A. F. Young, S SEI, 8.2-S.23. EJS NEJ6, 17, 2-S 23 3 57 Cecil Young, Ey2 SW1, 29. 3 S, 23. NWl NE1, NE1 NWl, 32 3-S, 23 5 09 J. C. HAYES, Sheriff and Tax Collector. (1200.00) with interest from December 1, 1911 at the rate of 8 per cent tier annum, Twenty-fonr Dollars ($24.00) with interest from December 1, 11)10, at 10 Der cent per annum, and Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) with interest from December l", 1911, at 10 per cent per annum, find Forty-seven and 78-100 Dollars ($47.78) with interest from Januarv 20, 1912 at 10 pur cent per annum, and Seventy-five Dollars (75. Of)' as attornuy's foe, all in Unit ed States Gold Coin, together with tho costs and disbursements of this suit, and that the plaintiff have deoree for the foreclosure of the mort gage described in the complaint, which is recorded nt page M8 of Book "R" of Records of Mortgages of Mor row County State of Oregon, and for the sale of the mortgaged premises situated iri said County aud Srate to satisfy, such judgment as plaintiff may recover, siid premises being par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: All of the Northeast quarter (l) of Section Twentv-three (23) in Town ship One (1) North of Range Twenty- five East of the Willumetta Meridinn containing one hundred sitxy (1G0) acres, more or less and that plaintiff have snch other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equit able. This summons is published pur suant to an Order of tho Honorable G. W. Phelps, Judge of said Court, made and entered upon the 8 day of May, 1912. and the data of the first publica tion thereof is Mav 16, 11)12 EARL C. BRONAUGH, Attorney for Plaintiff. M 10-J 27. Summons. A sprained ankle may as a rale be cured in from tbre to four days by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and observing the directions with each bottle. For eale by PattersoD& Sod. A Rood must eral smi J. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. The Western & Hawaiian Investment Company Limit ed, a corporation, Plaintiff V8 Benjamin F. Estes and Ada Estes. his wife, J. Cy Smith and Millie R. Smith his wife, Eliza J. Wehband T. S. Townsend Creamery Company, a corporation, Defendants. To Eliza J. Webb: IN THE NAME OF THE of Oregon. You are hereby to appear and answer the complaint filed against yoo in the above entitled suit within six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. If you fail so to do for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wit, for a decree that plaintiff have judgment against STATE required Notice tor Publication. Department of tho interior, U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 24tn 1912. Notice is hereby given that James W. Waid, heir at law of Joseph E. Waid. (deceased) of Lexington Oregon, Novem ber 2(ith 1906, made Homestead, No, 15416, Serial. No. 04O43, for SEi. Sec tion 8, Township 1 North, Ranee 26 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to moke five year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before C. U. Patter son, U. S. Commissioner at his office, at Hepprer, Oregon, on the 1st day of July, 1912. Claimant cames 'ns witnesses: A. A. Finly, W. B. Fiuley, J. W. Siblev. all of Lexington, Oregon, P. B. Dohertv, of HepDner, Oregon. m30-j27 C. W. MOORE; Register. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Percy Hughes, has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of O. C Townsend, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, and has duly qualified for such trust. All persons haviig claims against said estate are hereoy notified to present the same to me dnly verified, at the office of my attorney, Sam E. Van Vactor, in Hepuner, Morrow County, Oregon, on or before six months from tho dato of first publication hereof. Dated and first published this 13th day cf June, A. D. 1912. PERCY HUGHES, Administrator of the Estate of C C. Townsend, deceased. Teacher's Examinations. Notice is hereby given that the. Connty Superintendent of Morrow County will hold the regular examin ation for applicants for State and oounty papers at Heppner as follows: For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, June 19 at 9 0 clock a. m. . and continuing until Saturday, June 22. at 4 p. m. Wednesday forenoon U. S. History, Physiology, Writing. Wednesday afternoon Physical Geo graphy, Reading, Composition, Mtehods in Reading,- Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday forenoon Arithmetic, His tory of Education, Psychology, Methods in Geography. Thursday afternoon Grammar, Geog raphy, American Literature, Phy sics. Methods in Language. Thesis for Primary Certificate. Friday afternoon Theory and Prac tice, Orthography, English Litera ture. Friday afternoon School Law, Bot any. Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday forenoon Geometry, Geol ogy. Saturday afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. , Yours truly, S. E. NOTSOiN . Co. Supt. Notice. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will he received by the City of Heppner up and untiT 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Saturday, June 30th, 19.12 , for the construction of a ooncrete reservoir for the storage of water. Suiih reservoir to be constructed in accordance 'with the plans and spBoifi eations now on public exhibition at the office of the City Reoordor of said City. Eirls to include all material to be used in tha construction of said reservoir. All bids most be accom panied by a certified check in the sum of at least ten per cent (10 pre oent) of the amount oi bid for faithful per formance an the part of the contractor. Tho right is reserved to reject any or all bids. J. P. WILLIAMS. City Recorder of the City of Heppner. Notice, of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Executor of the Estate of Eliza Beaman, deceased, has tiled his final account as such executor, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County has fixed Monday, the l5tn dny of August, l!)12, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore nootvrf said day, as the time and the County Conrt Room in the Court House at Hepnner, as the plane, for the hearing and settlement of said final account, Objnctions to said final account should be filed 011 or before said date. E. E.- BEAMAN. Executor. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution and order of sale dulv issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for thu Counly.of Morrow, dated the 15th day of May, 1912, in a certain suit in the Circuit Court for said Courty and State, wherein T. J. Mahoney, plaintiff, recovered judg ment against James Hamilton and Harriet E. Hamilton, defendants, for the sum of Three Hundred Fifteen and 33-100 Dollars, ($315.53) with interest thereon from said 15th day of May, 19l2, at the rate of eight ner cent per annum, and the sum of Thirty and no-100 Dollars ($30.00) Attorneys fee and, for the further sum of Thirty-ons and 94-100 Dollars. ($31.94), with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 15th dy of May. 1913, and the sum of Ten and no-100 Dol lars. Attorney's fees and for further. sum of Fifty-f-rar and 50-100 Dollars, ($54 50) costs and disbursements. Notice is hereby given that I will on Tuesdny, the Ifith dav of July, 191 at 2:30 0 clock r. M. of said nay, at the front door of the Court House in Hepnner, Morrow County. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder fur cash in hand, the following described real property, to-wit: The Norh-west Quarter (NWl) of the South-east QuartreS (ShJ)i) the Nor;h Half (Nl) of the Southwest Qnarter (SW1) and the South-west Quarter (SW1) cf the South-west Quarter (SWl) ot Section Twenty-six (26) in Township One (1), North of Range Twenty-five (25) East of the Willanv ette Meridian, in Morrow County, Ors gon. Taken and levied upon as the prop eity of the said James Hamilton and Harriet E. Hamilton or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of T. J Mahoney and against said James Hamilton and Harriet E. Hamilton, together with nil costs and disburse ments that have or may accrue. J. C. HAYES, Sheriff. By J. O. RASMUS, Deputy. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, June 12tb, 1912. Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oreogn administrator of the estate of George W. Goff, deceased and has qualified as such. All persons haying claims against the estate of said de cerned are hereby notified to present H. WILT, lone, Oregon. 1 same to me dulv verified as by lawre- the defendants Benjamin F. Estes and quired t the office of O. E. Woodson Ada Estes for Two Hundred Dollars " ! City of Heppner .Oregon within (200.) witlj interest from December six months from the date of first pub 1. 1909 at the rate of 8 per cent per , l'ction lie1"0'- nnnm. and for One Hnnrfrpd rin!lr ' Dated and published first time this 6th day cf June, 1912. S. T. GOFF. and Two Hundred nn!!,. Administrator. Wanted. sobtr, reliable blacksmith be a good horseshoer and gen- I (fioo.00) with interest from December! nith. W rite or call on , u m0f Bt the raUl cf 8 per cent annum, per Doilais From informaiton rceieved from the Southern .Pacific Company, operating the Steamship Line between New Yoik and New Orleans, we learn that passengers using that line need have no fear in case of accident. The life boat capneity on these ships has always been sufficient to acoomorlato all of the passengers and crew and the wire less equipment is such that the wire less room at a times night and day, is in charge of an experienced operator. Notices are posted in all state rooms, public rooms and steerage showing the ass:gnments of occupants to speci fic boats, and all ilfe-boats are con soicously numbered. Fire and boat drills are held at each port as well as on the first day out and passengers are invited to take patt in them. Stewards demonstrate how to attach life-belts to the body. It is said that these are not new rulings, but have been in force on these ships for several years. IONE. P .G. Balsiger's family were up and spent last Thursday with the picnioers at tha convention. Mrs. Loren Hale, of White Salmon, formroly of Ioue, is here making her friends and acauaintauces a visit. Rufus Cochran and fumily were Lexington visitors last week enjoying the day with young people up theie. W. II. Oionk und family returned from the Rose City last Saturday night feeling as though they had put in a full week celebrating. Mrs. Ferdinand Balsiger left last Wednesday morning for Colfax, Wash., where she will visit with hor son John who i& M, D. up three. Ross Shaver, who has been confined in the Heppner hospital for the past Rix weeks suffnriug with a broken log, returned to lone last week and is stay ing with his brother Charlie. Mrs. John Cochran and her son Archie came in on Friday evening's train. They have been up at White Stvan visiting with friends and rela tives. You ought to see John smile these days. Mr. Samuels and wife, also T. M. Benedict and wife, took a joy ride to Heopner one dny last week. These good Morgan people have a fino time viewing the country in their "get there Eli." The Hotel de lone is having a new suit ot clothes made this week in the shape of some nice new paper. Pasty Afeers, Ginger nnd Doodle are the men at the whe.d and Beeoh is straw boss. Stay by it boys. E. E. Miller, the nun that blows the big horn, is out at Frank Wilson's these rlays fixiug up tha machinrey and gettiug ready for a big run. Frank says his wheat wilt make 20 bushels all over. We hope so, Frank. It is so hot these days that there is not much exoitement so you will have to excuse the shortage of news this week. It will soon be harvest and then people will all be so busy that it will be nothing but wheat, wheat wheat. Dr. Chick returned from Portland last Saturday after having spent a pleasant week among the roses. The doctor's wife left Portland Saturday rnornfng for Grand Rapids, .Michigan where she will spend a couple of months visiting with friends and rel atives. Tom 1'arman and wife, formerly of the GoosHterry country came in on Monday night's train to have a look at the fin grain that is about ready to harvest. There seems to be an unseen magnate that draws these old timers back to the home of younger days. Harry Warren received the sad news that his father, died last Friday. It was auite a shock to Harry as his father left here only the week before in fine health, and went to his home ot Portland. Harry drove to Arling ton and took the train from there to attend his falhre's funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney of Portland, are un hem viisting with the Buschke family. Mr. Buschke's brother came up also and spent a few days with Ben. Mr. Buschke said that there were so many people in Portland that he thought he wnutlj get out for a few days and make room for mere. Heppner and lone went to war again last Sunday to see which side could play ball the best. The game was a dandy good one on tha start and we thought it would be horse and horse till the close. But Henoner's pitcher conld not cut the mustard which was qnite a 3rawbck to the boys. How ever we had a good game of ball, and we hope we will have some more of them. The score at the close of the game was 0 to 10 in lone s favor. ap-Oil When baby suffers with croup, ply and give Dr. Thomas' Electic at once. Safe fr.r children. A little goes a long way. 25c and 50o. At all drug stores. G"!2I!E37e!? S FILLS BRAND DIAMOND 5&M CO' LADIFS I Ak yoor lnrir4t for CFII-CHES-TER'S DIAMOND HKAND PILLS in Kfd nl, Gold tnrtaiiic bom, scaled wilb Bl Kibhon. Txi no other. B y Irrrt.t mn Hk for II IXHKfkTt 1I4 UOMt RlttKII PII.I.H, for twcnt-f!0 jtars regarded aa best. Safest, Alwava Rrh'at.le. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Tim p rUCDYWUCDT worth You cannot buy a ' ready made" suit one that was made for a "model" man and Ei then reproduced by the dozen that will look right on you. Have your garments made to measure ta fit and of stylish material that will give you service. DETMER'S WOOLENS, the material handled by the best merchant tailors for over 25 years, are made in a wide range of styles for your choosing. Ordcryour next suit here FRIEDRICH The Best Tailor, 'WW