Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1909)
COFFEE TEA SPICES BArilNS POWDC ixtiucts JUST RIGHT CUISSCTftKVEjd rati lan a me rm strer troe mi, 'J"?im,"mlbE!?i,S ia ehlUrea. ot frliai Uiei fl . r ' toTarJ "III relle rniB, ing w SeltOMBaforrTaeS t'l-iot ft w eerl t. nauaili eair"jee v felled. Sat fraa with dirMtiya". aaty No. IWT1. dieal Laboraiurj. oader the Muu .I..AGB d tall eaaMSJ na w. H. MAT. MS Fesut Street. Mew forte City. C Gee Wo Tbt Cbinisi Doctor Tfcla wondoful nan baa roede a life study of the B'opei-tiea of Roots, erbe and Barks, and ta irlvinr the world tha benefit of his services. Ne Mtrapre. Pawsl evDranUeeeL Ne OattraUee ar CaHtta Oaaranteaa to cur Catarrh, Asthma. Lens. S to math and Kidney trouble and all Private Diseases of M n and Women. A SURS CANCEK OUME Joe received frogs PaklH. Cains aatat Psae and reliable. ,U..faillns fnita worka. If you cannot call writ for symptom bank ad dreaJar. Incloaa 4 cents in ilampa. CONSULTATION rBXE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 1H nmlLM. Marrlsao. fartM. Or. LAZY LIVER "I Bad Caacarets o awed that I would not b without them. I waa troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache. Now since taking Caacarets Cend r Cathar tic I fed very much .better. 1 shall cer tainly recommend them to my friends as Um beet medicine I have ever aeeor" " A n ; ' . Oibam M Ul No. a. Pail River, Pleasant. Palatable. Potest, Taste Oood. Do Good. Never Sick en, Weaken or Gripe. 10c, tV. SOq. Never told la bulk. Tbe aena taM tablet stamped C C C. Quaff d to wt or roar aaoaer kaak. "The sua you eee over yonder gets awfully on my nerves,' -Whyr ' "He's my dentist" Baltimore American. OH. W A. WISE O'lean a Leader in Painless Daaaat Work la Portland. Out-of-Town People Should remrabar that ear fore ia so arranred that WE CAN DO THEIR ENTIRE CKOWN. BRIDGE AND PLATE WORK IN A DAY if .necwaarr. POSITIVELY PAINLESS EX TRACTING FREE when plate or brMee are or drad. WE REMOVE THE HOST SENSITIVE TEETH AND ROOTS WITHOUT THE LEAST, rAin. Hutiuui.Mii, no uneanainrr For ihs Next Fifteen Days We will itra nt a seed Stk poet ar paras- lain crown for 0.10 m brjdi-e teeth IM Molar crown .' LOO GotdoranaoNl SIHna..., 1 00 Sllvar HI linn Good nibbtr ptatas 1.00 Tb beat red rubber plataa. n 1.00 Pain leap extractions. M All WORK OUAJtANTTXD IS TEAM Dr. W. A. Wise President and Manaser The Wise Dental Co. OMO Talid and tanlnMi tB POUT LAND. OREGON eivtNaT Da Awir. "Kid, what docs jtr da. work St for S livla'r - "Ha doe't work at aothloY He'e a pUceoMa at one o tbe mllroed docpoa' -TQblaefo Tribune. DlartPBlMtlB0 Coaaaaaait. -."Does your representative in Con grra entertain muchT" "No," snawered tbe canatlc conatlto eat "Ho- doesn't, entertais. He only imiiees" Washington Star. VasTwalr bMweawtaS It. Bnnday Boaoal Teaphen Clarrnce, do yea know tha meaning ot tha "Word "aranV" hitt'n Clartnce Tet'm. It mean "ring of." Oae View el It. "Pa!" "WeUT" "What ta conscience?" "A thing that we always believe ought to bother the ether fellow." Cleveland Loader. Valaa Frvtaaiewa. Mrs. Hyup I was so disappointed la Dr."PuIlemt Mrs. Hyer la what raepectt airs. Hyup I understood ho was a great bridge whist expert, bat he was only a dentist: Piirk While a Btrlotjs decline Is ebowa m the International trade of last year, tha balance of trade Is grtatev tban ever as for In favor of the United States, SEE THE GREAT Alaska-Yukon-Paciftc Exposition Coma to tha Fair: you'll ilka It. FINE ALBUM OP PLATES OF THC BUILDINGS sent for 30c stone Order And aaotbtr of tha cit of SCATTLE. THC "CCM Of THE COAST 417 Very Fine, for !.. poatpaH Statrbutina- point IUTTU. sua. u lint - Spokane, Kalispel or . Missoula and Coeur d'Alene If roe intend foina" ta a epanina of tbrsa rasarvatkins. It will be te 7 oar advantapa to call or wrlie tha HOMESEEKERS CLUB 413 Central Building. Seaffifc fVesAfes-ron DAISY FLY KILLER lit .v rTJaTaTamBasa J pleeal bt- arra, attrafla aa kill all Slaa H.t clasa. un aiantaJ, oqnvaa-lant.-baap. eU all Natl. Mill of UlL aaaaot Pill or Sa en, "ill eat soil or Injure aariblBp. auaranload a(ta- na. fallavalare or atat prepaid for M aaaia HMOLS MtMCRS, Wt SMiaUi ate., trpehrrS, B. t. CRESCENT phosphate thai tha nit etl r n u No. O-0t ITXJBIBN writlwa; tesdrsi V snaaitlnsi this paper. ToiUeoaa plea a a bib priced baking Ocrs will do and docs cttar. It tiiiH tha doagb end aiakaahiht- er, wcfter and betut Hatn foods. Sold b era 25c pr poaad. ) voa will arid as yaer name ano aavna. wi wfll atwS fom a book oa health and bakinc powdar. CfCSCUNT MFO. CO. Ssattls, Wfl. BAKING POWDER IffEBM J I U 'ISMfl I a.1 i. '.w i if r-4- mi WSSTTBPJ Organizrra- Local Telephone System Just think what a Telephone) Sys tern would save you all your neighbor it your call your doctor your vKeTUnsjr poaoffice-depot merchant No matter , how far from tha nearest Telephone Company, your community caa hsv its own local service at s very low cost of maintenance . Wesferecfric Rural Telephones standard Bell Telephone ep serai as. "this1 meant moti ..reliable This rural wit ohont svvtem Is stctdcrats Is tost- .easily wlthia the reach of the average fsrevrr. i - W yew ewe Werawfeai ear? serf CM wafparftasnaaarf, pprsro WSMwvas epsaf aslafrsss m Ihm mm mmJ moW it la-ata tm Mawraef Awaam W appff aeW raw BmMmtim Ak 112 mm Aeap p aeasaf rssvwf lewspiMSM Jppps eaaaf f Aasr oeeA WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY fa YeaV Beakaax Pi.l.saajaav Phswia. Attaasa. cawnuL rArmrt ft. Lwaia, DaPHtr, Saa Praartxa. SaanaL aasOr rjaUaa, , LaaAaulaa, SsJtLal BOmXTHINQ tor evzeybodt A Bash la the engagement present of the Japanese rorer. The pedigree 6f some Arab horses may be traeed seek for 2,000 years. . For short spurts, the salmon is the fastest swimmer of the fish tribe, . 'The beat piece of for in the world Is In tbe eloak of the Empress of Rus sia. It la worth l&MOv. Phonogranhio records of eminent actors are used la the Viennese schools la teaching declamation. With accommodations for BOO per eons, a huge ale store at Burton-on-TYtr&l, England, la being- made Into a ahaUlnarlnlL Cimarron la the latest town ta eoa traet tbe slogan habit. The one chos en Is: "Simmer on, Cimarron. " Kanaaa City Star. Felled at Amersham, near Harrow, England, a walnut tree measured twen ty-four feet round, weighed ten tons and tha trunk realised 1245. The United States annually exports more wheat. Including wheat flour, than any other country in the world 14t.000.000 out of 4.000,000 bushels. The Mexican government has com pleted arrangements with the Kruppa to establish a plant for the manufac ture of Mauser bullets, smokeless pow der and gun cotton. As a laborer the Japanese has ceased to figure In the future of Mexican In dustry. It is believed the policy of tbe Japanese government, announced some time ago, of forbidding the emigration of the laborer of. that country to Mex ico will be continued for many years to come and that the administration ot tbe policy will be such as to render the embargo absolutely effective. Msxlcan Herald. An Atchison man thinks he Is enti tled to the Carnegie hero medal. His daughter, a prlncesa, had company In the parlor; the young man was her heart's desire, worked la a bank and always wore good clothes. But tbe father walked boldly into the room and sat down, and be bad on bis barn clothes, too. His daughter gave him such a look of scorn It stopped his watch, but be stayed anyway. Atohl son (Kan.) Globe. The Times enters a protest against the present method Orotoa take with tramps. At present they are given e loaf of bread and can of salmon or piece ot eheess and directed to the lockup, where they find tbe door open ta receive them. They build a Are, make themselves at home and go whenever they like. If this continues Oroton will be tbe tramps' headquar ters and tbe village at their mercy. Oroton (Vt) Times. The great controversy which ow agitates South Norwalk, Conn ovsr the question whether a lobster swims forward or backward recalls the fa mous definition of a lobster In a cer tain French dictionary "a red fish which swims backward." Six words. containing three gross errors. It Is to be hoped that the contestants of South Norwalk will not refer to that dic tionary as an authority for settlement of their dispute. New York Tribune. When Andrew Carnegie offered ta build seventy-eight libraries for New York City on condition that the city would provide the ettes and books. It waa estimated that the municipality would not have to spend more than 12.000,000 to carry ont Its part of tbe contract. Controller Mats recently re ported that tbe city baa aa yet only secured fifty-five sites and In purchas ing these has overrun the original esti mate. He figures that by the time the city gets tbe remaining nttae the cost will be SST3. , It has recently been discovered that the leaves of the fern plant, which grows almost anywhere, is aa excel lent preservative for packing art ft lee of food, fruit and even meat. It Is said that on tbe Isle ef Man fresh her rings are packed in ferns and arrive oa tha market in as fresh a condition as when they were shipped. A aunv ber of experiments have demonetrated that potatoes packed la ferns keep many anoaths longer than those packed-Tar straw. In fact potatoes packed la fern leaves are aa fresh la the spHngtlme ss when they were first dug la tha fall. Eternal Progress. Famous poets make Interesting wills. Browning's was written In his own beaetifsl hand, with tha Initials of all the Bouas substantive la capitals, after the olden use, and tbe attesting. Witnesses were "A. Tennysoa" and "T. t. Pal grave' Matthew Arnold's, slao referred to, was reuarkabie for Its brevity. A baker's dozen of words were deemed enough: i leave every thing of which J die p ii t to my wife, Frances Lacy." This, however, boeaass aa executor wae appointed, mlalstratloo; but tbe result waa the . These two famous wlOs fern. with hakoepeare's, the most notable trie perhaps aver hand led by probata IIS u, ., a r 1 1 tKjx n . i CASTORA ALCOHOL J FEB CENT AabtPrrsMbnlrAs slmilaiiiH tie ftedailFfrifti ling the Saaesjijto&tf Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have . Always Bought It)mon?8Diesfflaffa ness and ftfslXonUins nettr 0nuTuJ4rpJune Wrta!!! Not Narcotic JamWaaVAusMsOmB dfi fc r JkBeTr'a- . fMo 1 Anerfrrt tatwttv forCllrtfta- ttoh Sour StDnoth-Ularrtm VVorpuX'otTvuiswosJtnTsa ncgawdLossoFSUEP. feSnaaT SifBalWfaf - - NEW YORK. Bears the A A Sigpatnie ataaa Copy of Wrapper. Use Over Thirty Years CASTOIilA Betvtnsj tbe Mllhi PwHeea. "We're thlokins of keeplnc s cew. said Mrs. La paling. "A neighbor of sure baa s blf vacant let where we can pas- ssarlss her." DiSat Leo It. tTpgsrdBon (st the party) Who hi that eloomy looking fellow talking to tbe hostess? Atom Thsfs the leader ef the famous Toyvllls Ciee Club. I thought you knew Bisa. . Thai atopthajwehte, "0. George I" exclaimed Mrs. Fere- soa, wildly, "do you think It disturbed tbe foundations of the house?" "I'm euro of It, Laura, yawned Oeorjre. only halt awka, "I could feel the bed rock." First Thetplsn (sa they trudged wear ily akng)-Trve bad neb share of hard luck, but. by Jupltsr, I've never yet been la the poor bo use 1 Second Thee plan Well j 1 have. Coundsl I'vs played to man; my a. ess l" Laeklsg Where He Waa eatag, Bo the mule kicked you. Samf "Yas, sab; good an' bsrd, sab." "But why did you turn your back ta the animal, 8am? "I wanted f see where he was send ing me, boss'" Yonkers Statesman. MarSeaea. "Doesn't K seem strange that Mr. Roosevelt suffers from none ef tbe pesti lential Influences that so r round bias la equatorial Africa?" "Not at all. For seres or eight yean before he went there be wss thrown Is le almost eon slant sssoclstiaa with npli ticisas, and hii avetem became Immune." Cheap HlSlaaT. Uncle Eeke (back from tbe city) Ton talk about cbeap ridla'I I rode twenty miles oa a street k'yar, aa' sll fet cost me was a nickeL Uncle Jed Oosbt That ain't not in'. When I was tbsr last year I rode to the top of tbe tallest bolldle m town aa' It didn't cost ma a Named cent t Chicago Tribe no --' A Pleaaaat larwriee. "She married the old fellow for hit money and he hasnt got any." , "Wasn't she dreadfully dlssppolab ear "Not a bit She's got It" Bait. uwiw oinai itwi. Mothers will And Mrs. Wlnetowi Boothtna Syrup ibf b- st rrtnedr to use for thalr chUdres A urlng iha tea UUug period. little ewarw ef Daplieltr. "Tommy, do you know where boys go that tell lies?" "You bet I do! That's the wsy ssest ef 'nt, get to go to the ball games. wii m anon ll.wa. Wiley I do really need a spring bonnet Hubby How muchT Wtfey Well, 1 could get one fof from $10 up. Hubby I'd rather know from now much "down," II Cares WnNs f ee W.-ea, Allen! Foot-Kane is arertalo cute tot hot. esing,eallu.,iidnlln,arlilngleet. aVild by all Ifruaaltli. Print 2Vt su Intitule Trial park age FKJX AllenB.01sMied.U7toi,l! V. Doii'l arcent anr Aaareei Mia atsaapepatlaaT Way. Mrs. Kawler Yonr husband has snob S calm, even temper, Mrs. Croseway Tesj but when we have a alight difference ef opinion a boat eo nothing or ether be can say : "WsU, dear, we won't euarreJ over s little thing like that," in such a eela, evea, superior, maddening eort ef way that I Just waal to fight him? It la a mother's duty ta keep con stantly en band some retlable remedy for use In ease of eudden aceident as mishap to tbe children. Hamlins W le ant Oil can be depended upon for Juef such emergencies. lees BJeet When level woman buys e bonnet Constructed of some shredded has She piles a lot ef fruit upon it And walk along the Oay Whits Warn New lore Evenfoff Malt; " Oswrewteeal bmU all Fore Foaet V Lawn More Friends Every Year We'll soon count vou am one them. It's just a matter of time. More and more housewives are srivine up tbe old- style, high-priced. Trust-made Baking: Powders. Thousands are tumlnir to rnVjaOWtOli w ,wj. BAKING POWDER One trial does It You'll nerer ro back. ej Speak to jour grocer. Lighter, tweeter DeVaUOBj or ssowep wwTwnmtw, rir pcc) ter. Costs much less. Yota wont beUers it till jou try for your- fMlt IS Oemiit pas? la) Ceasta aBae Hff. Ce ta ihla eeuatry-Lead OsresUcie,