Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1909)
The Main Chance D Mvrmdith Nicholson Coptitovt 103 Tn lomMMtiu Comfajtv CHAPTER V. (Continued.) A law days after Evelyn Porter earns torn, Wbeaton followed Raridan to hia room on evening after din Mr. Rartdat had Mt The Bachelors' en example of white flannels for tbe warm weather, and -Wheaton aim had abolished bin svenlng clothes. Rarldap'a rooms had not ye I toat their novelty for him. The pictures tha statuettes, the book, tb broad couch with ita heap of Vert-colored pillow, tbe tsbls-wlth Ita candelabra, by wnich Rarl dan. always mad certain of the poeta these still bad their mystery for Wbea ton. "Going out to-night?" a asked with a show of Indifference. "Hadn't thought of It," answered Rari dan, who wu cut t log the pagea of a mage sine. "Don't let me Interrupt ff you're read ing,"', aald Whet ton. "But I thought some of dropping In at Mr. Portera. Mia Porter' home now, 1 believe." "That's- a good-Ides." aald Karldan, who saw what waa wanted. He threw hie max sine at tha cat and got up and yawned. "Suppose we do go?" The, 'call had been successfully man aged. Miaa Porter wu very pretty, and not as yoong sa Whaaton aipected to And ber. Karl dan left him talking If her and went an roe to tha library, where Mr. Porter waa reading hla evening pa per. Rarfdan bad a way of wandering about In 'other people's houses, whlcb Wbeaton envied him. Miss Porter seemed to take hla. call aa a matter of coarse, and when her father rams out presently nd greeted him casually aa If ho were a familiar of tha house ha left relieved and grail lied, CHAPTER VI. Raridan waa .at tha station to afreet ndif guests ot Evelyn's, aa be had prom IseM. Me had established a claim upon their notice on the occasion of one ot hia vlaita to Bvelyn at college, and he greeted them with an air of possession which would have been intolerable la an other man. lie pressed Miaa Warren foi news of the Connecticut nutmeg crop, nd hoped that Miss Marshall bad not lost her accent In crossing the Missouri. Annls Warren waa aa reserved ami Quiet as Bvelyn could be In ber so bares! moments: Uelle Marshall waa as frank and friendly aa Evelyn become In her lightest moods. Evelyn bad been the beauty of her claas: ber two friends were what la called, by people tbat wish to fa kind, alee loosing. Annie Warren had been the beat scholar la ber class: Bella Marshall had been amongst the poorest ; and Bvelyn usd maintained a happy, medium between lb two. And no It fortunately happened tbat lbs trio It lg ed on another's Imperfect I on a. Bvelyn had discussed with her f ether ways and means of entertaining ber guests. He preferred large functions lie wished aelya to give a lawn party before lbs blight of fall came upon hia flowers snd shrubbery ; but she persuad ed him to wait until after a pending carnival. Tbs ball of the carnival was near at hand and she proposed tbat thay give a smalt dinner In the Interval. "I'll aab Worry an I Mr. Maiton. Peo ple were already coupling Saatoa'a name with Ra riding Oh. yea. that's all right." "1 don't want very many; I'd Ilka to ask the Whipple;" aha want oa. with tha anxious, far-away look that comas Into the eyes of a woman who Is weigh lag dinner guests or matching fabrics. "Can't you ask WbeatonT" ventured Mr. Porter cautiously, from behind bis paper. "If you soy so." Evelyn assented. "He Isn't exulting, but Bells Marshall can got oa with anybody. I'm Mt of practice and woa't try too avaay. rs. Whipple will help awe the bard places," finally, however, bar party Mmbersd too, bat It teemed to Wheats a large assemblage. He hsd nave taken lady m to dinner before, but he had studied a nook of ellawene, end the chapter alt "lHnlng Out" had given a hint at What waa expert ed. It bad ant, however, supplied him with a (and of talk, bat be was glad to And, when he reached the table, tbat the company was so saaall tbat talk could be general, and ho was thankful for the shelter made tor bias by the light banter whlcb followed the set tllng of chairs. Ha its went In with Kvelyn, who wished to axako amends foi his clumsy reception on tha occasion ( his Bret appearaBca la tha aowss. General Whlppla pamadsd alias Mar- shaH to tell negra story, which ana did delightfully, walls tbs taM listened 6otitbrrnra are, after all, tha nrast nat ural talkers ws has and the ssUy anoi who can tslh freely wf thisssslvss with at atsnna. Her snssch ws asoslcai. 2nd sho toM hot story with sics set f Ita draasatlc anallty. - Thsw had their eofss oa tht voranda. whsrn the lights from within Mds s pleasant dash nhowt thssa. Prtort heart was warm with the toy af asjlya's. ha had hsssj away ttess the first time Aa eommoa experience of fathers, who And that their dangbters bees escaped suddenly and Inexplicably from girlhood Into womanhood; and yet the girl heart In bsr bad not last Its freshness nor Its thirst for pleasure. She had carried 08 her little company charm ingly : Porter hsd enjoyed It himself, and he felt young again in the presence of youth. General Whipple bad attached himself to 00s of the couples of young people that were strolling here and there in 'the grounds. Porter and Mrs. Whipple held tha veranda alone; both were Uncon sciously watching Evelyn and Sax ton aa they walked back and forth la front ot the bouse, talking gaily; and Porter smiled st the sagerness and quickness ot her movements. Haiton's deliberates oodt rested oddly with the girl's light step. Such a girl must marry a man worthy of her; there could be no question of that ; and for the Brat time tha thought of losing her ross rn his heart and numb ed it. Bvelyn and Sexton bad mot tbs oth ers, who were coming up from the walks, and there was a redistribution at the house; It was too beautiful to go In. tbey said, and the strolling abroad continued. A great flood ot moonlight poured over the grounds. A breeae stois op from the valley sjid made a soothing rustle in the tree Evelyn and IV hen ton heard the so it 11 d of the piano through the open windows, and a girl's voice broke gaily Into song. "It's llelle. She doss slog those coon songs wonderfully. lt us wait here un til eh finishes this one." The sun-porch opened from the dining room. They could see beyond It, into the drawing room;. the slncrr was In plain view, alt ting at the piano; Raridan stood facing her, keeping tlma with an imaginary baton. A man cama unobserved to the glass door of the porch and stood unsteadily peering In. He was very dirty and bal anced himself in thnt abandon with which intoxicated men belle Xewton's discov ery. He bad gained the top step with difficulty ; the light from tbs window blinded him and for a moment he stood within the Inclosure blinking. An ugly grin spread over his fsca as he made out the two figures by the window, and he began a laborious Journey toward them. ,"m pi wi ii'iis "pu If;. ft iu. , V V " ,r- . -ft' SBStaSK lABiuaN stood racifte HO, Manna TIMS. He tried to tiptoe, and this sdded far ther to his embarrassment ; bat the fig ures by the window were Intent on the song and did not bear blm. He drew slowly nearer; one snore step and he would have concluded hie journey. He poised oa hla toss before taking It, bdt the law of gravitation bow asserted It self, He lunged forward heavily, casting himself spoil Wbeaton, and nearly knock ing him from his feet. "J I mmy," ho blurted voice. "Jimmy;" ' Bvelya turned quickly and shrank hack with a cry. Wheaton waa slowly rallying from the shock of his surprise. He grab bed the nana by tbe arms and began push ing blm toward tbs door. "Don't be alarmed," he said aver hi shoulder' to Evelyn, who had shrunk hack agalast the wall. "I'll manage him.' This, however, was not so easily done. The tramp, as Bvelyn1 supposed him to be. had been sobered by Wbeaton'a attack. He clasped hie ingere about Wbeaton'" threat and planted bis -feet irmly. He clearly Intended to stand h ground, and be eig hie Angora Into Wheaton s neck with the Intention of hurting. "Father !" cried Evelyn one, but the song was growing noisier toward Ita end and the circle about the piano did not hear. She was4 about to coll again when n beery, step sounded witvldc oa tbe walk snd Bishop Ivla field came swiftly Into the porch. He had entered the ground from the rear and was walking areunl the hones to the front door. "Quick! that awn there 'I'M call the ethers!" cried Evelyn, still ehrinhtng against the wall. Wheaton had beer farced to his knee and hie assailant waa choking haw. But there waa so need of ether help. The Ma hop bad already seised the tramp ahoat the body with his great hande, toftrtog him from Wheaton a neck He sirsdev with the squirming Agere In his green, toward aa amen window at the hnch 4 the flees tortsswrs. and pwshsd the man ent. There was a great snort tog and threshbag betow. The bill dipped abruptly sway from the elds ef the and the man had fnltoa asveral feet, lata s lower bed. a awe frees here," the htohso said. In bin deep vesce, -and he emjch ahewt K." The man res and ran ewtfU 1 ..?V -rV- T- ' '.mnii'' : '" A a 1 -1 Tha bUhoo walkesl sirh to the wlndo. Th others had sow hurried out In rs spoBBM to Evelya'p peiemptory calls, and abe waa tolling of the tramp's vialt while Wheaton received their condolences, and readjusted his tie. lib collar and short front showed sign of contact with dirt "It was a tramp." slid Evelyn, as the Others plied her with questions., "sad ha attacked Mr. Wheaton." "Where's hs gone?" demanded Port sr. excitedly. "There he goes." ssU the bishop, point ing toward tha window. "I dropped blm gently out of tbs window. The shock seems to have Inspired hla legs." "I'll save tbs polte " Por" tor. "Oh, he's goa now. Mr. Porter," said Wbeaton, coolly, ss he restored his tie. "Bishop PalaSetd disposed of him so vig orously that ho'll hardly come bach." -Yea, let him go." said tbs bishop, wip ing his hands on his handkerchief. "I'm only afraid. Porter, that I've spolW T' best csutoa bod." 'chapter VII. Tha following Sunday morning aftet church, ss Wheaton reached his room be fouqd an envelope lying on his table, muck soiled, and addressed. In sn un formed hand, to himself, it contained a dirty scrap of paper bearing these words : "Jim: I'll beat the Occidental Hotel to-night at 8 o'clock. Don't fail to come, "BILLY." Wbeaton ton up the note with Irrita tion and thrsw It Into the waste paper basket. Hs called the Chinese servant, who explained that a boy had left It In tha course of the morning and had said nothing about an answer. The Bachelors' did not usually muster a full table at Sunday dinner. All Clark- son dined at 000a on Hnnday, and most of tha bachelors were fortunate enough to be naked oat. Wheaton was not fre quently a diner ant by reason of hb mors .WHr' uaintanc : snd to-day all sender acquaintance:, ana io-uj "' re present. Including Raridan, tbe most C, o? Til iV hi. attendance. It had nlessed Wbeaton to find that the others bad been setting him apart more snd more with Raridan for tbe daily died- pline they dsalt on another. Thsy liksd to poke fan at Raridan on the score o( what tbey called bis mad social whirl : 1 there wss ne resentment about It ;. they were inomsnvn --- no patience with Rr Man's frivolities; and they were within the fact when they assumed that, If they wished, they coo Id so anywhere that he did. It touched Wheaton's vanity to find himself a Joint target with Raridan for the arrows which tbe other bachelors fired at folly. Wheaton after dinner went to his room and made himself comfortsble. He re read the. Sunday paper through all tbeli supplements, dwellinr. again on tbe events of the carnival. 11 hsd saved all tbs other papers that contained society news, and now brought tbrm out and cut from them all reference 10 himself. He re solved to open a kind of social scrap book In which io preserve a record ol his Social doings. He remembered a com plaint often heard In Olarfcaon that then were no eligible )! there; he was not sure just whst constituted eligibility, but as be reviewed the men that went about he Coo Id not see that they possessed any advantages ever himself. It occurred to him for the first time thnt he waa the only nnmarried benk chier in town; and this in ltelf conferred a distinction. He was not so secure in his pi see as he shonM like to be: If Thompson died there would undoubtedly be a reorganisation of the bonk and the few shares that Por ter had sold to him would not bold the caahlershlp for hits. It might be that Porter's plan was to keep him In the place until (irsnt grew up. Again, he reflected, the man who married Evelyn Porter would become an element to reck on with; and jrt if he were to be that man He slept and dreamed that he waa king of a greant realm and that Evelyn Porter reigned with him as eaeen; then he awoke with a atari to And tbat it waa late. He Mt up en the couch and gath ered together the newspaper rotting which had fallen about him. He remem bered the imperative summons which bad been left for him do ring the morning; tt he'caatlgrd his clothes to a rough busi ness suit snd look s ear that bore blm rapidly throtich tbe business district and beyond. Into the elder part of Clarkson. The locality was very shabby, and when hs left tbe cr presently ll was to con tinue his Journey In an Ill-lighted street ever hoard walks "Which yielded a pre carious footing. The Occidental Hotel was la the old part el town, and bad long ago ceased te he what tt had once been, the firal hostelry of Ctarksen.1 ll had descended to the level ef a cheap bearding house, let He patronised except by the mngher element of cattlemen and by railroad crews that It conveni ent te tbe yard.. Over the door a dim light blinked, and this, it was understood la the neighonrboneV sseent net nvewly an Invitation w bed and booed, bat also U the Occidental bar, whit was accessible at all boors of tbe day snd night, and waa open through all I he spnme of vir tue with which the etty admlnistratton wss seised from time to ttaee. Tbs doe stood open and Wheaton stepped np to the counter oa whkh boy sat piaylug wdk ol 'Is William Border stopping barer he sahed. The hey looked tip lastly trom his play -Are yM tbe geM he's expecting T "Very likely. la he tor "Yes. he's number eighteen. He drop mJ tha mi uui wi Wheaton dowa a dark hall which waa suss with the ednra et reeked veects Wl nn steep light at stairs to a landing frees which he peiaf sd to sa ehktsst at nvht above a deer. -There tea are." said ithe hey. Ht kicked the deer and retreated aVwn the stairs, leaving Wheaton eawy the awns n eater which was bawled within. William snavwev asrfaidsd knag Igure and rase to greet , (Te he ssnwtossss ' Portable Hoaj Howo. A smalt bouss wbicb can be occupied by a brood sow and bsr Utter U tht best for raising strong, healthy bos. It to tbs most cleanly and sanitary, and with well-arranged yards the pigs can be eared for with practically no more labor than tn n long house. A Very economical and useful bonee la shown In the accompanying cuts. It Is set on 2x6-ln. runners and the house If 9 ft. 4 In. long and T ft. 8 in. wide. a tight, smooth floor, with no crack or koot holes. Is essential. The frame wll) ,j0W jc ft. boards and battens to be sawed In two. At each end of the house Is a door 1 - ft a In hls-h which wld nd ,n- n'n' wmcn HIP" P d down between grooves or cleats, and la held up by a rope passing through a small pulley at the ridge, it In quite desirable to have doors nt (rath ends, " ' A necessary adjunct to h sanitary p,n u the ventilator in tha roof. Two of n minA a few Inches from the ridge. Strips S In. thick are nailed above the battens, which will , raise tbe ventilator S. In. above tbe roof boards and fr ample ventilation while preventing direct IrafU. Farm and Home. Milk aw MIlklBBT. Many people believe that milk is ready-made and stored In tbe udder of the cow simply awaiting the milker. This Impression Is corrected by tbe statement of the well-known scientist. John Burroughs, who says; "Most persons think that giving down or holding up the milk by tbs cow Is voluntary act In fact, .they fancy that tbe udder la a vessel filled with milk, and tbat the cow releases withholds It just as she chooses. But the udder Is a manufactory;- It la filled with blood from which the milk Is manufactured while you milk. This process Is controlled by the cow's nervous system; when she Is excited or in any way disturbed, aa by a stranger, or by taking away her calf. or any other cause, tbe process Is ar rested and tne milk will not How, Tbe una energy goes eleewhere. H whole process Is aa lnvoluntory as Is digestion In man and Is disturbed or arrested in about tbs same way, In dians Farmer, tameware mt Milk View. A very common trouble in every dairy Is to find an animal with the point of the teat doeed. either due to brute of toej Itself or to Infection of the milk duct which canoes s lit tle scab to form, and unless this la properly handled with ear and clean llnsss the Infection la apt to cause s loss of the entire quarter. Thoroughly wash the part Is an antiseptic solu tion; then dip n teat plug into a heal ing ointment and insert it, allowing same to remain from on milking to another. In this manner closure can be overcome In m very simple and est Isfactory way A milking tube should not be used If It can possibly hs avoid ed, aa there to much danger of Infect ing th entire quarter by Its nne. Denver Field and Farm. Ttwe tn th rlmr. . Tht -period of wsefelneva of sheep ysrles much with tbs breed as well as with Individuals of the snsw breed. Atones bscprne anproft table at three r four years of eg, ethers st ton tr twelve or even elder. Wheawrer s aheep begins to show signs of wsak- Iness. evidence ef disease or lack ef thrift and vigor It should hs removed from th flock. -All Is last that is peered tat a tracked dish;- an hi lest that Is pert Into aa nathrtfty sheen worse than to) lea th Sec and wheat esse tones thrift nAUEWOIK AMP PIMKSaiQWlL COMPLETED HOC HOUSE. p lose Its natural power to resist fle ansa. Nature has marked such a one for destruction, and tbs shepherd should forestall nature by disposing of It. Orange Jndd Fanner. r The rara Creasn Mnwewtew. " Butter making In tha home dairy and creamery baa been almost revo lutionised by the Introduction of tha farm - separator, whlcb separates cream from milk by ft ' centrifugal process, rue snaiiow pan w osw system and tne aeep-seumg sysmio have been largely eliminated, nd with tbelr exit a considerable part ol the drudgery of the household .disap peared. The farmer la now no longer required to make the dally trip to tha creamery; be can retain, tha skim milk to feed hla calves and pigs and de liver the cream, sweet, every other. day, when properly oared for, and this substitution of cream delivery for milk delivery by creamery patrons saves them labor and millions of dol lars yearly In expense Rsport Secre tary United States Department of Agriculture. The Los Cnal. "I wish." laid aq experienced veteri nary, that 1 naa an toe ciou woicn baa been wasted in manufacturing cuds to replace those "lost." Thin la one of the dregs of superstition which till clings In some places. The cud la returned to the mouth after enter ing the first stomach, snd Its loss la generally an indication of Indigestion. This Is most -prevalent In winter. when cows are heavily grained. Should It appear In summer when they are on pasture, but receiving some grain. It is, well to remove 4he latter ratios for days. After a day or two give 1 pound of Epsom salts snd I ounces ground ginger root mixed In two quarto of warm water. After she re sumes her end feed for a time on green grass and good hay, gradually workliyr back to the grain ration. DrnasBire Cow Tvee milsi. Holes for tree planting, according to the Engineering Record, have been excavated by the Long Island Rail way by blasting with dynamite. A holt about two feet deep waa first dug with n posthola augur at an angle of about J6 degrees with the surface and loaded with half a stick of 40 per cent dynamite. This shot makes a hole about two feet deep and three feet la diameter,, leaving tbs earth la the bottom pulverised suitably for plant ing. It Is stated that two men can thus excavate 260 holes per ten-hour day at a cost of about 1 cents per hole. An Interesting development of the nse of flowers for food la recorded In the dally papers, says tht London Globe. The use of candled petals of tht violet aa a sweetmeat bus long been known, but the practice Is now arising of preserving flowers whole. Ton may now buy a bunch, say of vio lets, for your buttonhole, and after ward eat them. Aa a matter of fact, a number of flowers ar habitually eaten. Cloves, capers, cauliflowers snd artichoke art all flowers, or parts of flowers, before the blossoms have ss pandnd.' tlak Haraea IstekfasT. ' Three ounces of turpentine and tww ounces of whit wu art dissolved to gether over a slow fir. Then add one ounce of Ivory black snd on drum of Indigo well pulverised and mix to gether. When tha wax and turpen tine are dissolved, add the Ivory black snd Indigo and stir until cold. Ap ply thin. Wash afterward, sad yon will have a beautiful polish. Thto blacking keeps the leather oft snd Is excellent for baxnes and buggy tops. ; Wawto tn Masjatsw, Piling manure In the open Inrare, a big waste. Tht Cornell experiment Station oiled two tens of freei horse manure In aa exposed pises. In flv months It lost I per cent In gross weight, to per tent of'lta nitrogen, 4T per cent of Its phosphor! acid and 7f per cent of Its potash. Her waa sn nvsrsg loss of Cl per cent tn plant food mors than th weight lees. In other words, the rotted, concentrated manure, ton for ton. was worth less than th fresh manure. CssrNsitossI IsrSs. 'Tht National .Government Is Ing more liberal to tht agricultural Interests each year. The spproprhv tton bill has reported, covering all appropriations mads for th Agrkml tnml Depart moot, amounts thto year to I1S.T7S.17C. which Is, an Uicreas of tSSs.e&Q over that ot last ssaurnx, Th forestry nervlet has secured aa tloa. Last year's forest tree were aa ewjecx Tha San Joe seals Is th that should be sought est and fought at all asasoan at th year. It to a eeft-bodted Insect protected by a waxy severing which eaa be penetrated only by very OsTToetv cheat kala. Owing; to tajnry to Mlag. the anwst hs need ta wlator e trsts art sVvtmaat,