Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1909)
J, I Lone Proclaimer u B. WABD,4iteria4 Proprietor. Published every Friday at lone, v Marrow County, Oregon. , By the Proclaimer Publishing Co. VUMPWTIONS SI .BO m VBM Entered t the'lonc postoffice as ivl elaas matter.'' , . TRAIN SCHEDULE .Mrn Heppnar 7:45 ft. m. Kmvs 1mm ' B: m- Arrive ut Junction 10 :25 a. m. 1MVM JttllCtiuO .-!(.- lilpp. haar-f lima ... - 3 p. m. Irrivlsat lleppner 4:15 p. m. t Ai.wr ' iVi-nt-lWHinilltH vn. I miction 10:45 a. m. Oit-bimnl IMtiM Junction li!5 p. m. Q. J, l'ennington, Agent. 'fleers of Borrow County, Oregon uiri-oit jimim J-.";,'" Joint iiiiiiir . ' it.ii.i ;,-.ri"'nillre T. J. MaliQnejr tiiiiir Jti'W v. ,l . U- T I'.MblHl ,.ib W. O. IH11 7"Z.V, K.M.Hhutt ' i-,.t U.K. N..I.U1 Oinr.'ii CitfiMKU..,, . J.L. Y.M' Omrfif Vmifl intvti Hi Brut Mond"T In JuPinnfC hii.I ilPi-imnii"niilli: Hreiiit rixirt PlM'txili tli'fI Mi'tJf ' " lUlrJ ttur In MimmImj. ::::::::::: .v. . ....k.m. inclinliltM Kiireti i. Noble Sit mZnm . .. V. I. A Subscribe for the Proclaimer, TJiff rtorittlp. fiiii: p drawing mul-itniW-a mill nil' return to their lmifs dulighti'd with what they Ipvq seen. Ti Elks, in National asarmbly in Portland, urn bringing ninny hundred of visitors to tliwt city. A epuoiiil triiin from the southern h tale hml many men, nccompani inl by thnirwivo?,ttinlji:l pronounc ed the climate here of the (i nest on eiirlh. rtalurduy the 17th, J T Knappen berjr, who has what in known a the Woolery Home Itaiu-h, rented, brought into lone the. first wheat of tliirt year' yield. The grain plump and good, ami considering the year, the (jiiatility lt large but just Imw heavy, on the average, ii id not possible yet lo ray. Sng man. Wretu labor in Held While men are to blame lor much of the present condition, alto Are the woman, T,1" artificial lite of the iity appeal to the vanity of Qioeiikinr and all the natural y iiy s of lid- become absorbed and killed by wrong condition. Not one day but we read of tlte leaving of country hitmen lor the hotbed of "arauaement" ue offered by city life and the falling by the wayaidt of iliee poor deluded mortala who .iave left bappiuee and true home a-to "hunt" lor. pleasure. The March i itmny time ended hi the fivorce court, leaving men and little ebitdron Ktronded without a i nm. and the wife and mother de- rahird and lout to all that ti good. S-a no t-iun ago but we renien -rwi'll. divHico -wai a dii-grace; the detail) f mtinlur, Htticide and tir'pv hiitiio cotiditinna werf rtpoken of with l-tited breath; while In--every paper in Hie rairly recking with the reiulU of iTiniu Hviiif, o giving tbo"law oi suggeetion" chance to make more mum of a liko kind. And ,youii( irli and boye read theno thing! villi avidity and take in it pontoir ml. can imvcr be overcome. U i in bo boned that J J Hill. it;i hi.- i;u:fiicteriiitic jxiwerof hci- ing into tin) future, has told a truth lint he puvh, that people will Utarvo to a condition of returning to earth production for bread, for theji will come a return of happi ness and health of mind that will upbuild it people who are fast at taining a place at the ladder of life that is not one to be envied President Taft in making friend? pf many thinking people, by hi- Action in regard to the luitr-elec-tion pledges of the Republican mrty. If he remain true -to th stand he has tnkcn andinsiststhat the tariff lo lowered to a place where the massim of the people are benefitted, his glory will remain thrnout nil tune and' he will be hunortd hv all comiirb aces of Ajucricau )eople. The wo:nen ituff r:gette of Tendon it r i ut't I with nicgnpliones, demoral iurdiuittters the other day and put Premier Asiiuith to rout. It would be intt-rpbting tovinit the li'oinfH of tliisuiiiHH of women and see if their - iiihm it re f leH, children properly Cared for, nnd It would be a ques tion of intcrrrt to know If the took i n gn worn by t heiesame women ure not full of holes. The question "of women stiffevage ia disausting; as th' the women bavn't all the rights now that comes to human,1 ft thoy would properly us them. Where would the men bo without the women; that Is, in thebr proper -place; and the in Hue nee that could lie wielded it greater than Individ ual effort could ever attain. J J Hill iaya that t ho reason wheat Is 11.25 it not owing to Pat ten but to the fact that peopla ara huddled in the cities and that 66 per ewiit of tlie pvopl of Amtrter are expecting the other 35 par ocnt ta provide tor them; that hangar will change thle after a time, fore- ' ortlui d is all sgog over tin iLUMiipt iiiniuriier me otnrr cven- ug when Itae Ilincket was shot. I'he particulars as given, are such at to make a person think t would have been well if the at tempt had been successful. If this affair had taken place some fifty v far n ago, the woman Brown n tvell as Bracket and the other neu who have been running after ler like the lower brutes of th annual kingdom after the female of their class, would have all bet-i trung to posts at examples .! f the indignation of the pcopir. Hut the wive will furpivi society embrace tbo men: white the woman will ho alowed to run at large to still enjoy herbusineBt of breaking np families. Bah, the thing it disgraceful. - Our Usually quiet little city was to some extent, livened upohSatur day last when a special pulled in with a goo.l amount of material to he used on the Deschutes rail- rode. There was one coach londeci ivith laborers and eleven box arr with all kinds of construct ioi material, and a car load of mules Twohy Bros; the contractors, havt muled the I'eoifie Coast Klevsloi res SQuisatt m- 1. F. Miner wbose pottoffica ad- dreta s Chweyij wash comes 19 tbaT,wicaWeekSpoketinan e- view.'t office with tho "poor Mau remedy Jor the squirrel .pest, tfe waa -interested in feeding Paul CUeetone's article- on killing aquirnla, Mil says a remedy milch mare efteotive may be applied by any farmer at much lest, expanse ia called f" " tl0 recilie iven by Ha,. 01"toiie. Mr. Midi's formula Is t follows: Oseewceotcryatelllieattrycli In. - Tweoecetoleyealdeolae tasalum. Ofte-half f sites tyrap . OMdoitaegga. One ctoafiow. Dlseelvt the strychnine la ooe aatt gallM e( tWIinn water. Great care needs to lie taken in iKiMilvirtg the cyanide ol pot as inm, atJby careless bandling the fumes of the .cyanide of potassium may spurt into the fuce and put out the eyes. Mr. Miner's .method is as follows: Put into a gallon kettle one half gallon of vinegar. Urne wi one-half. the required amount of cyahidaof potassium, or one ounce, loil it in the vinegar until it is all dissolved, tliVn dissolve the other uuee of cyanide of potaesiutu in 1 similar manner. Then mix the solution of Btrych nine and the solution of cyanide f potnssttini together. , put a bushel of wheat in a barrel or other water-tight tank and pour tne solution over it. mixing it thoroughly. Iave the wheat -to s-tak in the solution for couple of dayo, then add one-half gallon of syrup and one dozen of eggs, mixing all together and stirring well. Then add a gallon of flour to the wheat, stirring thoroughly. This poisoned wheat should be thoroughly dried, either in an oven or out in the sun. The grain will dry more or less in chunks. These chunks peed lo he broken up into pieces, take a pair of gloves nud rub tho cliunks.of wheat between 1 be hands until the chunks of wheat are aeparatruV Then it Is reapy for lie. , " Three buibels of poisoned wheat prepared in this manner, will kill all squirrels on an quarternec tion, even if there are a hundred thouttudof the little pestsSpokes man Review. - HOTEL IONE BlrsVLY GANGER Proprietor 9 QnqioyUt Trade Espedalfy SoHdtkd : : Fates $U00 dnd $200 th Day : Special Kates for Room and fioanl by Week Clarence M. White , LA WYE ft Heppiier , - Oregon Co. warehouse, and now have pretty much everything imaginable, hay oats aeveral large ranges and a kindt of cooking utensils, canned goods, potatoes, cabbage, flour, tea, coffee, spicee and in fact a bout- everything one can find in gro cery store, and lots of Itrv There are a certain data of people whe will tay tli?aisa"Harriman bluff", and If It ia so. It it a bluff of the very expensive kind. The Editor ol tho Journal la of the opinion that the road will be built Gran Vajley Journal. - The oombine belonging to R 8 Wilcox has just completed the cut Of 400 acres on the Hatnblet place south ot lone. ' The machine aver aged 40 acres per day and the yield wail light, averageing a little more than 9 boabel. Mr Wilcox will now go ante the Bill Walton plaoe. P. 0. Balsigeik DEALER IN CHAMPION Mowers & Headers Miners CftMpMT use nm Case steel Hits and MitcheW Vehicles" CeatrH WeMWerlM lone - Oregon h M. Christenson Dealer Hi Wheat Lands and Town Property. I also handk Thoroughbred Poultry P. n. Christenson, Propri etor Swede "Canyon Poul try Ranch, Lexington, Or. A. W. lundcll Marie Batehelor. TEACHER OP Voiqe Culture, Singing t AND - Stent Reading ONE, OREGON. Re We Hickok Grain Buying a Specialty, Lands Bought and Sold v Life Insurance Collections made. HgpPfVg?, OREGON, DR. C. C. CHICK Physician and Surftcea SIGHT .CALLS PROMPtLT AT TENDED Office In the lone fchsrmicy, lone. Otegon. The Proclaimer for 1.50 a year. Will buy In any amount fi Fat Chickens, Turkeys Dnckq CJ Veals tad Hides. 0H tM$tm Ml Westcl- ' at the IONE MEAT MARKET IV. ?. COCHRAN, ro, NOTICE Vill all persont who are endeht eu to the J 0 Kincaid estate ptcase call at that store building and settle with out delay as we are anxious to wind up the whole matter at soon bb possible. 4 ' EL Padherg, Trustee. ' ' MiddleForL Mr and Mrs F A LuuUell enme ui) from then home at Arleln. last week to vinit the boys to hcl them some during harvest. Mr and Mrs A Peterson made a trip to tone Tuesday -for harvest supplies. Mrs A Anderson and soli August rwade a fanrtnenr trip to lone Monday. Suits cleaned and pressed for tl eatra nnnta 40e and Indies' skirts 1.50 at the barlwr shop. Ralph Hymer Prop. Alto get your shoes shined. Fred Criffin bronrlit hit ball -nd glove doWn to Voaa' Bmtday nd he and Hernan played a little .itch. MhwFratisatister of Frank ind Who is visiting here from Cali Fridav with Mrs A Prison. Rd M Tobia was entertained at .e C K Carlton home, Sunday. "Theilotel It putting up as fine f.Kl at can be found out aide of P irtland. If too want a good dinner, go there ayd get it. will be pleaaed. ' THE L. P. D. -PASTIME- Where Every one goes,to have a good time. lone HARRY . REED Mgr. $ Oregon v Look Mere! A nice fresh line of all the leading brands of tobaccos both o smoking and chewing; also a 5 fine line of LUNGHjoods just arnvedAnV thing from Sardines to Limberger cheese. HOT g COLD son Drinks a specially. ' " . AT 5 SHAMROCK. FBANK ENGCLMAN, PROP. . Ill r- be 0) z V s 3J o o CM. WARD. L. C. WARD. Ward & Vard Wheat lands You AND town Property. lone, , Oregon. The Portland Journal anci Proclaimer $2.oo 0 wa ss-