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About The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1890)
- Lebanon Express. A. JACK AOAMS, OttK L. AI.KXANHKI ADAMS & ALEXANDER, Ptrm.snKim and riuipRiKToua. M'ATt'JL Whut sMgnifkunoe there is in that tvord nf five letter?. One-half the world st-indin gunrJ, while the other half flepps. Millions ofpmi Ofiliwl a ridier watching the in ter'ft? of state and nation. Crowned he-.ids wntehhig the actions rf some wily pretender. The wall street broker watehin the r'e find fall of llttctiwtinsc stock?. The clergyman watching hia floek, nd the sheep keeping strict vigil over the minister lest he overstep the Ijoundaries of his profession. The lva?h:indman WHtehing the growth of fctem and lenf in his farm pro lnets that he may pauge his ex penditure accordingly. The wmht stnd the wooed in mutnl watch for a glance or tone, that can d tnore than all syntax toward expressing vhat is uppermost in tie heart. iwaeyesnpon the pwitcn l; see that no harm befall the pleeping. I't'crc? in Pullman car?. It takes the steady, determined gaze of half the world's population to guide the helm of church md state, to guard its educational interests and to ma nipulate its merchandise. To close your eyes, is to sleep at our own peril. To unbuckle the armor is invite invasion. To falter is to feel the tread of the ruthless op pressor. To fold vour arms is but to advertise your folly. To know that you have been placed nt a )xst of honor is the first step toward n realization of the purpose f vour creation. To guard with jealous care the interests com mitted to your rare, is the highest ty you owe to Church "ml state. To the man fully awake to the re sponsibilities implied in these five letters, the word watch is pregnant vuh meaning:. uHOJH JARJCXf!.SS TO J.TG11T. The pranks of religious conjurors nnd fire-eaters, havt comparatively lied before the piercings of the in tellectual ray. Witches no longer Vntie the winds to capsize church steeples. Beelzebub himself, is reldom seen above the bottom of the bottomless pit. Ghosts and apparitions never materialize, and swim only in the etheral regions of a distorted imagination; demons of tpvery caste and color are hopelessly spellbound, and legends are con- igned to the chimney corner of long winter nights. The pretended miracles of the nimble-fingered con juror are discredited, and holy relics hav been banished to the rosary of the bigot. Amulets and charms have lost their influence; saints have been uncanonized and are found to be lleeh and blood laith ourselves; the hermit re turns unsolicited from the solitude of Ms hiding-place; and the pilgrim "tsys oide his stall', and leaves the Holy Land to its legitimate pos sessor. Quacks and mountebanks begin to cuper within a narrower sphere, and worldly occupations kave superseded ultramundane speculations. Astrologers them fives, who once rulcil the phys ical world, harc long ince felt the reins slip through their fingers. Floods and storms are found to bo henomena jerfectly consist n with the natural world. We a"i.K know that the sun does not reolve around nr little world, and that the moou i not made of green cheese. Certainly the "world do more." I ARIZ LAXlKKSrS. Yc'IV.,? J'c-op f Lttcere )-.cop!e. imp. H'v- ptopltj aofl iiretkVfct!v peo.I't. liaceali a common ct.tngor that of being led astray by false lights. Of these false lights there are many kinds some bewildering the intellect, others entangling the aiSbctions in hotieless morasses, rttK- r; milMmir th paithiess the imagination, the beliet Jiut they ail end in the same '"'""thing mischief, mistake and a lost way. To the young and the sin--w cere and the young are generally sineereupta certain point or ganized craft and falsehood are arts of which they do not know the for mula, foreign language of which they do not understand the alpha bet. The influence which a knowl edge of the world has over the young is- all but supreme. They are eonecious of a wide field of learning of which they are at present ignorant; and they ere lit the experienced with almost supcr- natural powers of discernment. We are often led astray by these conditions; eople, influence and circumstances; but there are fals : lights, too, which are false opinions and fake philosophies, mainly lxm of discontent and egotism. When we see voune men of over weening vanity, more ambition tuan xwer, and ot supreme con- tempt for their superiors in every respect when we hear them rail ing at progress, change, public taste, public feeling, and all that makes the pent moment, finding all bad and barren, distorted and worthless, then we have a ri,;ht to resent and denv. These shining characters, proud of themp-! .? nd dirfeontented with all elsi, not see and will not understand. Hence thev ticker their false lights ' in the eyes of the world; and a few of the younger and less experienced believe in them and follow after the -.'"""""sihine which. leads to eventual shipwreck. " You would better learn to detect the many false lights that glimmer by the way. Brother Jonathan and John Bull re enjoying' a fishing match in Beh rinv ea; Uncle Bam furnishes the Wit and Her Majesty striiifrs the f'sh. V fail to see anything knotty about this problem. The penston rienditures for year ending June 31) amounted to f 109,35",- vii. SOBEtT THOUGHTS FOR SOLEMN PtOFWE WHY THE UlrKKltRSCRr A more lliotwigh - uiuleralnmlinp: oT Mm io'incoce of ihe body on thoiniixl would i-mi'ify tlu tearfulness of many honest spin s, umt create a tenderer charity in all eocial jmltnents. He liijon in ..ttfln::etl by '.eiiiiveniment. It i not etinallv eiisy for all men to pray; nor is it equally easy for nil hit u to live, l ife i one thiiiR to the jr.ti.ti v. ho never had an hour's pain, ami another tliinj? to the man who; never knew the joy of health. The sanguine ten!tcrauient ami the bil ious temperament will express relig ions convictions m two almost totally dittercut lanuaifes. The one will have lonif sunny days of gladness, ami the other will wsilk through life overeij with clouds ami oppressed with bimUns, and jxtnihly the one might be to the other a timptation and an wilt-urn because of the. want of a common lanRiiiiue of interpretation and sympatl--. Bummer must be a great mystery tottin'cr; anil the fern, thriving in the moisture and shadow of its cool grot, must wonder how the rose can bear the, but sun on its face alt thw day long. It should be pointed out that the dillrrenee which is seen so conspicuously under the ati'n of religious sentiment is after all not a religious but a natural character istie; th;it is to say, relignn tloea not cnangn i'mieraments. tut works through them, and takes its tone and color from their distuic'ivr nes. The mn whose siiitual life is gloomy, will he humd to le gloomy also in business. Hmh relteeiioits it these arising out of the most obvious facts, should lead to the exercise of a nobler judgment of lite. We may ivc the loud songster credit for religion w hich ought to he given id i o small degree to the healthiness of his lungs ami the redness of his blood. CTIMST THK t.UAOK OF Tltfi INVISIBLE oon. Pt. Vaul atlirms that Christ is the image of the in visible It seems to us that the sense in which Ch it is tli image is akin to that in which he is the word of the Almighty. What speech is to thought, that is the incarnate Son to the invisible Father. Thought is a viewless thing. It can traverse space, ami run to nnd fr through creation, and pass instan taneously from one extreme of the scale ot ocir.g to the otlier; and all the while, there is no power in man to disc rn the canvring of this mys terioua ag'Mit. 15ut speech i mani fested thought. It it thought em tHKliel; made censible, and palpable t those who could not apprehend it in its secret and silent expat iati ns. And precisely what spetndi thuseH'e., in regard to thought, the incarnate Son etlected in regard to the inii -i-ble Father. The Son is the mani fested Father aad, therefore, fitlv ternieil "the Word." The relation between the incarnate" Sou and the Father being accurately that between speech and thought ; the one exhihi ting and setting forth the other. WHAT SAT YOfT Can anyone inform us w hat would have Wen the condition of mankitxl if Jesus Christ ha.l never appeare.l on the earth? Has Christianity done nothing to promote the intellectual culture of maukind? Has the voice of Chrigtijnily never leen heard, pleading for liberty, defending weak ness, ami assauinp; tlesjiotisnij Is Christ isnity altogether dumb mor ality? Is it mere deelan.ation that has represented, that her tnnnjiet rang the clearest nnd loudest blast in every call to war for truth and virtue; that her hand was the strongest and Steadiest in all conflicts; and that white banner was never borne oil the field in shame? Is there any truth m ail tins, or is it out a Irenzuxl nii-j alining on the part of Christ a uui-esr Kev. H. Ij. Chnpman p:istr of the M. K. Church Johnstown, Pa., says: "Soon nltes the greet flcMHl, ut a tiint when diarrhoea was quit prevalent, 1 received a box of six di?.cn Chamler lain's Cholie, Cholera and Diarrhoe KemtHty. Aaaoon as it hceutue know n that I had the medicine for Tree distri bution, there bejmn a preat run on it, which eontlnued until il was about all gone. Every otto, so fur ns I heard from tluni, testified to its virtues de claring 1. the liest tnedieiite for the pur-l--se they had ever ued Those w ho ;i4 it sliaivtl H around with the:r .:i?'iiiji.s: ,o tii: t I sin eonfldent it v...-.- ev;;;otive cf rftxat jrood. We t-nc-d .-one f it ourx:-!v s and found it not 011,'v sn cxi ! cit n.dieilif fm diarrhoon, but f.r a'l kiinit. of r.ain and I uneasiness in the stomach and tmwels. It has been regarded ns Ihe Iest medicine known here fir the seases it i reeotutuenUed. or stile hv II. A. Milk. A Cut for Selt Ifotutnch. Tliisdistrvpsliigcimitdaint fcduetoan inactive or slupgih liver with consti pated liowels, whieh deranges tbeBtnm aeh and isturl the nervoua system, c-auijes dizziness atnl an oppressive dull j :tin in the head, often an severe as to j revet. i. a. I re.t or sleep. One of Dr. tjtiiiu's lniprovetl Liver Pills will relieve you of all the pain and misery and a few more doses will correct th liver and stotnach and regulate the ttowlew. While these pilla are Kinall. F-iy taken, and mild and pontic in I their actiofi, ttire in no meilicine mailt that rill so t-ifcetuaf Jy cure sick head ache. S3 cents a box. .Sold by M. A. Miller. Tk Experience ef Conrlnttoa Va mtn. Chicago, Nov. 13. Mr. Wisdom Dear .Sir: I tiej? to ttiank you for the delightful anl re-fr-shiug " liobertinei" yoi eo kindly sent mc. I have used the toilet prepa rations of the most ce:fhi'a!ed insNti f;t"ttirers of London ami Par!, out cti tit'.er your " Itolx-rtina'' their sttp.-ri . in Mint of runty r id i'xor".v.;v. V ishni voit ihe i.UiUeVl s . M v AV...' lttu oeeerve, i iei . To ri.?:.iur"-Se?k.ei-. llarinjr pabaseil the Findley projr erty s4 Ijower Soda ppringa, we will o iijpriv it as to make it a tuo de-sin-.Me place to be visited . by thof-e tciXi.-)!! he?!'h or pK;-sure. Will di cui best to make it pleasant for thcjse visiting this well-known resort. Wm. Elpkkp, A. Ut. KITSCH. A Sir Cnr for nien. ! Itchinjr Piles are known bv moisture like pprpiration causing inteoe itch ing when warm. This form, an well blind, bh?elii) and protmdinjr, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absotbs tmnors, allaxs itching and effects a permanent c.ure. 50c. Druggists or mail; treatise free. Dr. Bosanko, Piqua, O. Sold by M. A. Miller. Families not already supplied should lose no time in procuring a bottle of Chamberlain's Cholie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is the only remedy that can alwavs be depended upon for bowel complaint in all its forms. 35 and 50 cent bottjes for sale tly M. A.. MUltx Moi:i or TIM i tu t:i 11 Ttu.i-ui.i . flIY lit l.lf.lMIN -UK: ' 111 ymiv : r i. 4 I . ' .m iiriii to .nun Mi. Uim. Kt'.' mi I'.ir i-.leiirvlii'iil i lm.i'li irnut't , W Slcll to Jour ivili 't nil;) Hit tnt fl" niiiti i wltli tin-ilitlnilly i mi.-h'tIUi:t; Hin-i I., e Mntitt mo a ftw llmv nf c.tilitimt:i'.. ?'r. I'n y rys "both vvnlcrs. Mr-. .VcKlmj' nth s, K. .NuililiiKer, Ktiui.l In for Jtr-il! !i.i lu-nmin. ! &., ' mi l ttmt "ltt-.tiup llmvnm li mi liu1 In-t if t'-rm with the lu';i"nUAi'ti r of nvir i-'.u to &r." I l Inie MtT". Mrrtliity Hint f,. i. N.-i OImk' hUiihI Iti ItW Itoivmiin, Iii-:iiiq theywl h Hl-hnp lUiwmnii kikI tho Kn tt miijorlty of tlu mtiilstry Hint mi'inlx-i-Hlilp of our hmm Imton av loyiil to lUo clnm-li, nml rtuiul lu lirr itfm e snlllt It wll ktnt Mh HIiiii In llm I'lmrrti. I. t me ntve a few fart. Tlic K.-imsi'th-ul A-ooiiulu. tnl-hof2l nnmiitl ronA-ivar-s nvirliliisf iron tho Atlmitli! to llH' ISniili- fhim m.j Norilu-r: Uikrf to the Unlf, tout nto tulo thw lmhiltn o t?AiiAti nittl Sultn.Hiiul niitl Ot'rnmiiy, nlili t MtN! nii nii.Moii n Juaii. Tin miuiil tu fervin': M ini dtli-Riilen to thu hviii'MI t'oiiivii'm -which hhtIs t-Very four ycur, S.ilil Rt tnTul run fTom In this htyhu-it court of our chili uh, n'it ill U ilix lvloii t tinnt. TIks HI. liu;., itiiil nt) xitilWIiins hoiw tticcru Im lmlln the crtitorn o our chun-li isr, am vvkv !' th mmri(' cioiYtvtifs noil hfitce ;tif uij uuu to tlit Kviieral ronft ri'iii-e nml mv In li.ty ImhiikI lo enrry int the itiii cti niof the muhp, nml t n ly bT.ui; the iri in ri'l confen lice nl l w.on. h'-ii il" Iiijs iiHin tin' iiu s'lo.i hirh In IW cu ' Oil V-4Mt thlllclllty, lU'cMct HL-Ai'lH "nll:iorll f he oolitu-t ,v tinutliiiiK li im sovcoica ly r-tn It-! hi;hIiim itw ifrn erl conicri'iicc inul .lutcMl .til Ht'lt' iT, flC. IS Mtl ol lllC il nillllllll CiMll'iMVIHV. Ktilllll h lh lii'lion of the rcti'Tiil couti-rciire. ail t "Mnuu In ' Willi Kihho Kl r n'l liovtitian, nml nl-o hh Uw -ilnom nii-l all oth-r e'lhlMliinu lni-t otlitvrs. Vtur a rihkI hioiii.v, ai it noif 1 ims-1 I thiMHlirr eoiiii!rfvn' liitvc I e -u livltil ti lunoonl of llil. clilUcnlty, llii' nn-Koii conti-ic e Iwtiii oat-of I tint ilimv ni-r ihu liu lu Itic tnifi-nMitv lliat divuh-il w ho MiiikI hy ill ih'dsioo of loo t-iifml otihin-iMt lli IUlnp K-hcr nml lo man, rv r ii;iil-il ly ihe clain I an. I l-j tin- p"ii'rul riHifrreiico oilavrt. Il I. the rtiaVlvtirr at n hleh lll-him limvnik pnhltit III Attrnny. Orvoii, May i-t lul. Unit I r fR liwl hy the clmivh. Il !- iliU eotiiV'Tvue thill I iin-.vluij 1 ml Moo iry tuoiicy un. ih vetirra! hiIkmimi iry Inn.nrii . i rhw ulo i-otm from hi'luii;rter.f It win- tlnil hcnihimrtT mI a "Mim ill" w ith tlil wi-loivsr ni conii rt'iiiv itl lwn-r aluo with Ikui her iil sUti r McKlm,. mid 8. H. X. at w iloiiii-. Muce lS oiiu r Mr Klroy ntvlvr m JHiri o the lov-.miiitd iui FioiiHry nioiicy, or tnther liu- cliort h nt S.- H..nir lo a-Wt llo'iii In (.hviiik Uitf mlnry o Ihrlr rwMor, Mr. Mrhiroy, lil ikS n liutt xtraniri (hat ilxr rhon-li al Sut-ct II.Hilv i.IhmiI.1 ignore ih mull whom th rve;tili oiitcrt'iiro tin no aililtNl o t hem alter l cnli n ln - ha-, im.lei Ihe illtvcttou ol the i-luin II tliM'itnu aixl tin hoant of tutoitttiN, a;inrirtirl a ci-rtnlii niiiinm of mllonnry monry lo nwlxt (arm la omtic ilicir tui-tor, and follow mtu vi ho l.uvc ivl vlli-l asitit Hie emm-h: isow Mr, r ri-y ennor ipnomioiy r-r n uioiny tvrv'iii mnttt'r. rtoeniinjf ihr itWIntji li.m' ni:iii an I K-her. Ikh he not know Hint all liu -ili.irtcnnii' m-cti.u lona inn U' t ttie-4- M-li- oiw rame irom Ihe rerv men ln were UU'lrhit 1 -r vnemie? And doc he not know id ; nun t;n ecu;iUoin cauio Ijom nt h a soiinv, Uin v rider In fill natnliu.diiiier--l'd ymnio, imm l r o 'mil n-iri u itire dlttcnm tm K encct. and nil tlitee o: Uivni ntMit merle! w t llie .o. ItiweMrni Otllecenl Numivillc. II'.. Itm e-iy exiimhteil t!ie tw.i named Li-hoi ntiinliii,- '.o i le 'ine oi me r.vainwuem .irimiii: .mo h.iln ! ne ?o. tu:iy exi.n.-r.iu-tl iht-io.' Ann lit v lie iit know tm t af ter mi-l exti:n ra'imi ii- i enviniv of Mini hihojv iiu-ti w !io had 1 v.e.l Hit ""..nority" ':i:ty ii our church- nutUr.o.k l h ill an ' ll ImfMiuulion. In.-ti'.n'nl n ( n ctiM- ti trial i'tn:i'ieiii-' and ".eiiiird 1 P.oo. jt "-! .il't lt::d K!H i ." -lld d-H K he . l k'.l.oi tti. l n!' r B H:i; !!.!- i jtn.t I n Ihua tried a id i y 'hj. j n'.-U'tt-'l Ii .hI coi';i Tei iv "MI- eTldt d" .V -' ! ';!i: ;y ti.-oo i rs-i d ! 1 lie cHun h lliion. li V ' -tmm.. .'I -::: t. o ii-'.iii o -nsi ol Ihe eil'o, !i. 1 t;a: il . '.ee a;iiiel th-hoo tiiiw itle-d nti 1 i:t of onlrr. IvH. tu no limn ierc rliinee witii t It- I'.Lrelit.iiie tiv ohmvh. an Ifinr noil nml !"' e. thi- did I'e do hy ! 'itiio-riry tivrn iiiin i n i.!-1no, ewn K-'otv .hu "mnu-riiy" fneiii.ti loot :lien t-ti. nyiiti! rial n. I'icy hrt'l ill llie e.i-e oi Iti-ho; 1U man ai. 1 ntlerwartU at o with l'.l-l;j K h.-rf lvt Fivy not know llie1 tiiinjr' Aiid he, Mr. I' rev, not k:iov ttint cHliltn n riniunl rtmferetiri' out of tin I ictity four d mi : B these two 1 l-tioiw, nil I k ive hyunain hiiioejt iieelin-tt the m--elln::3 im ihe -atl oi ihe 'inliitKHiv njrun-l Uiem ill' Rid and inn 1 1 onier, and die he not know that in the time coiKerciH'c that havi livhlel, enly ih; rial- o the riaid three eonti-renei- that reiiiaini.d v If th " church and were trollel over l-y thiM o ra'-led) "VKOcitded" l.Hioji. are Ix-tns n' hvthe other eighteen an.l nlo "Mniid In n It b "he .hiwirtcTs," an I the v t irve e:wifercni'C hr.-- imi ntwisr i'-dii' hn In favor o lh"ho How nian and K-h.T-. hencv there are -out ol the 21 eon eivie that Metain the I I h n . Ami now let me b; jr.-al to the vnii-rol tie I Xfl:t.-. In the fai-e of thi-w fad's mvl Ihe fact Unit the next krnenil ronfrrenrv In l l'l w 111 nm-st-t of teti-a.i- ete :crl irotn tile Stih aunnnl. it of e h eh ).n-iaiii Ihe hr-hot and r loyal lo j me rniven. wii:i in vonr jiMimen', oenr r-a'i r. i i-i;e r-iiir; xton or the m xt K-netii eon icreiitf t an there 1 any iloni hot that the action of fi.hop ltomna 1 and K-h-r in thi matter will be MMaiiud. and that, ton, lr an ovcrn heticime' mnjority The matter IIkii l vir tually seltled, meo these conft'P'niH- J'nve alreatly ken in philn teim in tlw matter. Whe, then. fc the lecal .1.r f llie Sueet lhn,t church Mr. MeKlrov or lr. Yo-t? la It not 1 Uio Mr. Metrirtty i the man? t'ii!ortiina'.ety, Ir. Yi wontutT with tho mi nority" faction, and ten ihedrcon c.e.h-0 tie , Mtitl t, nor.. iiil,l lie I It. "!',,.. fnj ivhH-U hn an 'aodini in llie I vinpi li.nd A fe aiioit. A-a n-Mill oi i l hoUiine ttiih the 1, J nwity faeim and e'-nlni" from tlieoijrii con Vrence. !r. V.t hn 1-t n iMa'iit-tl bv iheio i-f-reiret an i no.v ueiier wi-tten-ion' heotx I-' not av Ka'nn-Iic,il pixni her. lvr-oir.y, I i m "crry ror Mr. a ne liate lct"i n,inn irieo-t-. t'vl I tni- hetvill io n have lo Im tlnvn in the lo Moim-s cotifi t-'ni-e who had 'rt eon oil lth Ihe iiiinitrin anv In that eonfVrcmv. Imt have hot tnhliffv. thriMiyh 10 chno 11 (wocr. a-kiMl to be tt-iiKtiited afor hatii-; rtim-iJu-nwlve in ol i:n i.hiioi..-rv f,.r il.e r action. The chiirc"! will ileal Ifindiy uilh lii-n il ! v v it it Im -t, retenf, and a.k foiveiies;. Aott to Mr. F,vy I woni.l any. if ite wl.-h! : o s it It li tin "tnlnon'ttr" pirtv a id n i-t th-.m in or eanixinz tlie new tt- noniiimtion," that i. hi-, nnd .every niAn't rivi',tixe. W liace to ol.i.-etiou Tl e KvaiiKtlioil A-oeiatl n will Kve mid t-ro :c Itetferfhrtii -he ha ia- year, tmee tve are rid . f lhi "imooHty'' faeii.n. w Im h.iveheen ili-mrt-a Ih? tiert'-e in tair chnteh for a imm!er of vear I am a tt .4V.-a li.-r of ll.ccbuae',. V,.itr. r. 11 Iro'li and risk. t. It. t't-liiit. raptor nva!ie!tMl v'.tntt h. A9.-.uv. ntr eville ricKi ai From thf Oehoco '!cv' w.' ITarvtt is'' full hlast, and numers are penerallv jiidilant over the returns ; they are getting fr their ycar'9 w rk. i Flour in Prim-viHe is w. rtii 7 rr iwirrt-i: iiar-on, Jtets inr x unit; n-w Mit;ttHfi, il.'J.'t j,e- l-n-licl; vwiP. -5 ets nrr du-.ieii, and I utter i.0 ct jht m:uikI. Ahiwt I i.Vtx'U hi t M inday af er n ion thn-e stacks of hay. eoiitainiii aUmt fifty t'tn, wt-r- ditltrtvHl 01 8 R. hsIayton'B plaei', three iniktj aliove town. The reex nt eounl made hy the eenntis numerator tlmud tln H)piil.-itioii of Prineville to lie .fill, and Hint of the pre cinct to le H'23. I'riin villo has no kick to make, as her pcnuhition ia fully ai xtx'ut as anybedy h :.d otlnitiled it to be. Wood: Woofll I have a lnrjre qtialitity of wood on hand which will lo li-livoriMl In any part of town at llie following pric-: fir womI, pT eord, $2; maple wooil. jxr cord lit'iive orders at Kx- rKEssoiliee. J. It. Kikkpathkk. We wt.h to say lo our old customers, ami also ika om, that we are prepai el to furnish well onnod luiiiWr, made from tnitt utountaiil llr, at the following prices: Ke'ornl eler.... f lenr lorlx4 f.-iictns. K.:'. At :r.: 14 0(1 . :.m I r .cut tot: r-r . 7.00 I :;i V,r:',l.iirnr, TJnn Co., jxus & Co. .'-r r:;; -'due oils to r - -. - vl tor fish oils; Mbxzies. O. E. HARDY II.i on luiul lure tfUK-k of JEWELRY JUST KFCEIVED Call And Secure Prices. CRY Or MILLION 5 1 OHt. 7VTV BCKt STOP IT NOW, COON IT WIILJDE TOO LTt. I hrvr t)rrn tr.intlrd manv yenmwlih dlnaxr -f the ki.lnrya and have tried mnnv duieiciil temedira and hav '.nirnt ri.l from dlllerent phyaician without relief. Atioiil the 15th of April I ten iilterlnt from a very violent itttnck that alinnut inoHtrated me in am li a tnnnner tnni 1 wa oent over. When I nt itown it atmoat innalhle for me to pet lp alone, or to pet on my clothra, when kind lrovidrni-e aent Ih. Ileuler, with the OKKOON KlUNKY THA, to tny hotel, I Itnmcilintcty commenced ustinff the ten. It had an almoat miinciitnua etl'ect, and to the aUm lahir.rnt of all the Kneat at the hotel, in a few ilny, I am happy lo Mate, that I mil n new man. I tvilt' reeommend the tea tu alt allliclctl a I have been. O. A. THI'PER, rrtiirietor Oerldentnt Hotel, buul Hoaa, Cat. oOining ft T' Bo said rtuh socceoas wer, that Rrentest of Novelists, n :" -Ss LiRB SUGG8SS nevef stKikc truly, ami he? tnit-Ii have Bildtnl with cittnl force, that merit is the esseitre vf success. Witnlom't Robert ine is the synonvm of merit, and its history is success. The magical ef. fifts of this prvparntion have len attcst ed lv thousamls of the lending ladies of society nnd the stae. It is the only arti cle ever licovrrel which (fives a ffatur al mid lit-autiul tint to the complexion. ai me wuiie lime rvmovinjj ait iun)tiinrn of the face and arms ami leaving the rkin soft, smooth and velvety. It has long hex n the study of chrattnts to pro riuce an srticle that "while it would beau tify the complexion would also have the merit ot ik-ihk Harmless, out tnese two important tnialities were never brought together until combined in WISDOM'S W. 0. PtTERSOM. 8. O WALLACE PETERSON & WALLACE, Real Estate Brokers DO A GENERAL IGSKCT BUSIKESS, liii ln.liiiK Fine and Ufe InHnmnee. II AVE ON HAX1 POMK Choice Bargains In Both City Property and Farm Lands. Collections Attended to Promptly. AOn.NTS Foil LONDON ANt'K 0: UVEK'.-OOL OI.OUE IXSVI OfAItOIAN ASStrtASCK IfX.i.r Um.tou OAKI.AM HOME INSCKACR CO., irOVin', t:;i.'orrti; STATE IN-rRASCK CO.. or SaV.a. O c". FARMt' UV MHWilANTS INSfKAXCE CO.. of Snlvm. DONT SHIP YOU II OLD STOVE. You can buy any of the L.VTKHT PATTK11NH Cheap, of SWAN BROTHERS. THEY CAUItY A FULL LINK OF Tin, Copper. Ulanden and Stone Liare, also rr PUMrS AND PUMP FIXTUliKS. 8? Job Work done oh Short Xoficc. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofkick at Orcgun rit v, Orcctm, I July s, l'.n). J Notice Ik lierpbvpivcn Hint t!ie l .1 1 tnjj ninm il sett Icr hs tlUil notice of IiIk Intonii.m in make UiihI prif in Mirinoi'l if Ills claim, ami tlmt Mii.l prw.1 will tie niiwle liefore tlio cmiiilv JihIkv or in his utiM'iice iH-fort! the comiiy clerk of l.iim cniiii ly al Atluuiy, Oresrou, oil TucmIuv, Augut -.Hi, lM'.H). vie: ELIJAH 11. VUOOM. lIometcii.l Entry No. bl2&, fr the 8. W. U of Sec. 2, T. 12 It. 1 K. He immeH the fotlmvlai; itneHn to prove hi ctMiiinuoni reNi.leiiee um)ii anil cult irat ion of. wilii laml. vln: Allien KVRire. James K. harltoii. John Siniona anal Alol).h l.iii.llev. att of LeLnlioii. 1 Jnu canity, Oreirmi. J. T. A I'l'ElSOX, Uct;biter. J. C. McFERSON, HouserSign & Carriage Painter, PAPER HANGER & GLAZIER. Contract Taken for Any Kind of Houe Work, such as Plain : on Fancy : Painting, GRAINING., PAPER HANGING. .1 Frescoing and House Decoration Kvery Description., . ot Orders Wft 'at the Express office will Tt'ctivc prompt attention, ' THE 1 I ft 11 T" llll I IMWI 1 ni1'tAril - ,,i nii"rT"ir" .si'.- - mm Ppw"f- tlM . 1 1 "'""SM 2 w MUiLi: ll;il I'Ui.UCATIO.V. fnlle.l flftien Ijiti.l oir.ce. Orenou t'lly, lririi, Way Ift. Xolk-c l lierel.y jjlvell ttnif In iiii!illim' with llie irn li-nii. ol Hit? aet of t'liiinrcm of June 8, l;, t ntltlf.l "An net lor the Milci.f tlmta-r IbihI In die H'litmuf t'liliT'iriilu. On oii. NcvatlH, ami Terriloiy." John lln-lilinll, of Ta eoiiia. enmity of 1'lcrce. Hlnte of Waulf I:::. !. lot tlilit liny filett hi I lit ottti-c ln Mirn KtutciiiPiit No. '.ti-7. fur llm irclme of the K. K. ' of I-. So. .. In Tji. No. 1 1 (v. It. Nit. 1 nii't Hill "Her priMif to kImiw tlmt llie Inml miiikIiI l itiiire tar it llintier or rliinc thitii loriiiti iiiiIIihhI irrm-nn-1 to ckIiiIiIKIi hi claim liiMii.l liuiit K'tiirc Ihe rcllcr on. I n cctnr of IIiih ottlce nt t(rt'K"ii t tiy, Oiecon, on i'l-iluy, the :M ilnv l Oelolu-r, lie iijtni. n wlliicM-o: 1". K. Van i, I', il. Piwtn.ail, K. l o.tiiinn, I.. A. Heiuirtl. all nf cotiia, Wiiwhliitim. 1 Any nml nil croiii clulinliiK ailcrnciy I In i ivrJcwrilicit !ill;ilf H'i' rnjuc . ti il tu lile I h-'r, fiiilni" In lhi ot'icc on or l"fi.rc i;i'l S.1 ilay of IH'- K.lK'i. I. Oil. J T. AflKK.-iON, IU-Kltr. l-t)It PUBLICATION. I iilled S:nttni I.aii-1 olllce, I rc"ii t lly. Oregon, June i. Notice l In retir given tlmt tn eotnplliiiice uilh the liroi-W.iim ol 'the act of fouirre of June 3 l-T.H, .lilltl.'.l "An act fur the mli; of lluiU-r lmt in t tu- iiiiiei of 4'nliforuln. rtt;oii, Nevniln, mut V it-hlntf Territory," t'hnrle it. liorene. of Ta coiiin. ciiinty of rierce. Mine of WaMiliiplim. hn thin iliry lil.-il In Ihli ultlee IiIr -.vorn rtatcinetit N. for llie pun ln of llie 8. W. i of hcc. No. :o. In l i. So. II It. N. 1 K.. niil III ottct jiruot t.i li.i.v that Ihe laml MHigtit In more vatu al.le tor iu flintier tr stone than for agricultural lurnw. an. I loetiililt-li lil claim lo Mhl laud In t. ire the rcclHer an.t rii-eiver of thl illlee al tin-Jim i itv, oiecou, on t rl.lay, the l "lay of Oe tol.i r. li'.m. He iiiiiii.M nil witncsKc": J. L. Macartner. J. Un Mimii. a. t 'liiliiilui ami T. tiilu'iiie, all of Ta coma. inlilntrtuti. Any nul all icrm -liilminir ailverm-ty the nleivc-ile j-rilieil (amis arc n .iu -t. .l ! tile tlicli r .iim I i Ihi u!:ice on or before ai.l Sil ilay tti iK L.U-r. ls;i. J. f. .'l'KU8iN. Kctcr. NOTIOK Ft) It' PUHLICATIOX. t'iiiteit Htntea IjiiiJ IllHif, Onrii!i City, OreKim. June 2, ltW. Niilice I lierel.y flvetl that III e..lii.l!nnr-c ulth Ihe ir'iv'.i.totiN til in- acf .( I 'oiien-n if iuiir S ft'", ciil'th .1 '-Aii n l in the Kale iH llutt-r himh n 11m Male of I 'uliti.riiia. in-ffiai. Nevuita. ntel tVil.'.i.etoii Tenltory." J.ilm I.. MiteartiM- .( Ti -rouia. I-..UHIC of !i-ff-, Siate of M avhiiivl'in. hi l!il ilnv lilfl lu toil oHJ'-r w vworu T-lu!erieit No. '.ii'.m, for .the itrticee if the E. 14 tif I.--. No. "I in 'In. No. II H.. It. Nit. I K , ate! will ntf-i t.rM.f 1.1 how that the html mht hi monr va-.i . nl.le lor In llmli'-r or :, than lor arlei!!tiiral imrtMiM-i.. ami loctttth Ha hi1 clittm lo .aet laii'l iw-t.e the reirii.ier ami n-ecirer of Ihis ollii-.- al 1 in-eiHi -It jr. iremm. tm Frl'lay, the 31 tiny f Oe- tolM-r, li. He name a w1lnewii: C. ft. IWirene. i. Isren- itnu. A. I hl-hulm and J. (illleie, all of l acuna, Wa-hlnetoti. Any awl nil l-r-!in rUimlug alvcr--lr the iMnr ni'M iiwi iiin.i arv rei.n-r.t. ti i.itiiv inru cIhIiiim in thin olltce on or la-i'ore mhI'I ".1.1 ility of UiU-r, Ik'.hJ. J. T. At'l'CltrtoN, Itegbtcr. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. fulled States Land Office. On-ifou City. Wesii, June 4, 10. Kotlee hrnitr Riven that In rompllatice with the m-Motm of the act of '"oiiire of June 8. I a; a, entlilc'l "An ad for the wilt of timber lamb In the Mutes of t'tiltfoniia. Ort-Kini. Nevaila. ami W ii-lilnt!toti Territorv." Willinni J. Hneel-ii. l Ta.-oiita. fainiyirf" li.-ree. Htate if 1ft ahlm;lim, has Hit" 'lavl'l-il tu ihtiotliee tilorn 1atciiiein So. 2n!. lir the .iirctia uf Ihe N. W. j of Fee. N . 31. lu Tp. No. li S., It. No. 2 K.. ami will utter (.root to utioii tlmt Ihe bum nougu la more ram ll tlmN r or .ti.iie than for arrtcultura! IHiri-M-, aii'l tt eitatill.h hli rlaltii to aai'l laml -f..rv lle rrjtlnler ami rei-civi r of Ihia othee at Orecm Itv, Orvsf'Ui. H Tucthlay. the lh (lay uf O.-t.a-r. tvjo. He iiniiii". a-i wltneie: C. I. 1. Rrnrland, I.'. M. I'lHnnu. F. Van t in? ami John U'e--4, all of To e ana. IM.-n-e e-Kinrr. Wahin'jt.m. Any ami all r.ixiu claiming adversely the alMi, lamia are- rv.iu.-led to tile their rlninin In Ihin oltlee on or beliai .d 7lh day ol ietolx-r. Ij. J. T. Al'l'I.KPOJii, lteyter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l'nlhl Sutea IjurH Office. Orcffim City. Oregtai, June t. lfWO. Nillee l hcn.-tiv (riven that In mmpllanee with the inivl-iotM of the iw-t irf OMnrrrea of June 8, viitnled "An act Fa- llie wle of timber laml in the si nle t-f t aiiiiH-tiia. Ortirun. Nevada, ami Wa-liiiiition Territory.' Charb-nl.fS. Rowland, of Taeoma. etanitv of I'ieree, Wale w a.liinirli haa tin- dav lid in tliU.alice hia pwurn Watt melit No. Jir;. fur Hie loircluLne taT the . K. of Set- No. .".1. In Tv No. i.' H.. It. Sti. ami wil JiiIR i pro. i 10 iuw 1 nai itie larni nnngni more vaiu able f.a It timber "V Mone tliau for airrieulliira i.uriNe. and to hu claim lu wild laud before Ihe n iri-tcr and r -eclver of lhia olliee a: on fin rtr.Orejc.MS cni 1 uesdar, the lh day of tN-toucr. 1S51 He nami-a a wltneMi: W.J. Hajrelorn. C. M fu-tmtin, K. Vaatte ami JiJin West, all af Ta exHua. I'ieree colllitv. Waallineton. Ativ ami all neri-m riamiliia iKlvervetT tm aive-le-rilHt lamia are re.iM-tel to hie iheh claim- lu tt.n uolce on or ix-:ia-e mm iin uairo Oct iK-r, 1 -.i. J. T. Ari'Klt.aX.-X. Kciihter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rnltct Rate Ijitvl flffir. ' Orepoii city, Oreeou, Way -ja. 100- Notlce l heretic plrew (bat in emnplianre with he r.rt i-ion of ihe act if t'iniin-.itif June 3. l7a. eiilltletl "An act for the -ilef fliolx-r land.. lu th? state? o I'aiJforuia. fir-5nn. Nevada, and Wafhiucton lerrliorv. ree.1 I liner, of Taeoma ciaintr of ll.-rce. ji a'e ff Vi a.-hiiu;ton. Iia thi ilnv iiUh! in ihW olftee hU ewurn uttement No li ihe iMtrc!wc f tiie 1. W. i of No. 4 In "I p. No. II I;. No. 1 K.a'id w ill inter proof ! now Dial ine lan-i faaiant 1 more vaiiiai.- n- ii timber or atone than for aBrk-tiltnral irio, and lo e-tatill.h hi claim to Ntid laml la-fore the reenter and ret-eivernf till olliee al tnvewn fit v. Oregon, tm Kriilay. t a? ifitliday of S-rtemla-r. l-i. He name aa w lineage: tl. Jlclwcr. J. j. late. J. Itreiiiiaii and J. Sipiirea, all ot Taeoma. Wash. Any ami all pen-ou claimiiiK wlreraely the lands are rejiH-teil lo rile their cllni in llil-oillet; tm or aald .tli day ol M jilcniher, l0. J. T. APt'EKS -lN. tlegisler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rihl twtes Ijiml fffiee, Oreirou f try. Oreuu. Nay 2K, IKK). Notice l hon lie lven that in compliance with Ihe pmvlio!ia 01 Hie act of fonirres f June 3, ia;a. ciitithil "An aet f.aj- ihe sak- ol tlmlwr land In Ihe Slale.a of fnlifoniln. Orcpou. Nevada, and Vii..hinton Territory," Henry Metievr, of Taeo 11m. eoutiiy of I'ieree, " State of Waahiaelim. has Jiib. dav lihl in this olliee his wwti i-tiileiiieiil No. -Jusl. ..r the latrchaia? of the . K. 't of No. 1. ill T. No. 11 S.. It. No. I K , ami a illotlt r ppaif to how that the laml eonght rBHre vain utile lor ita timlwrr anaie tliau tr aumiHnral .ir. i--. ami t etab!t.h hia claim to nil laml lieturM the repMer ami receiver f thia othce at tire:-i.ii 1 ily. iirigou, on r rtday, Ihe :tb day ol &ej.ienilr, lirJ. lie iiamca aa wltneea: F. rimer. J. Vi lake, J. lircmiuii antl J. HUiieA, all of Tacomn. Wah. Any and all la-raotis claimiiiK advervly the BKive-lenTild Iniuls are rcpKteil to rile llieir elaiina in thia ntllcc en or 1-ef.ire Maid 2ali day of Beptemla-r, law). J. t. AITE1WJX, ReirLUcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rutted Slate I .and Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Juue It, 1890. Notice l hcrehv civen lhat in compliance with Ihe provMoiis ol the act of Coniirta ot June ft. ls"s. entitled "An net lor the sale of ilinlr laml in the (Hatea of f aliloniia, Oreunn, Nevada, and Walilin(ion TerriUiry," Willy Hii. of Summ r, eotintv ol l'ltrce, 8tute of Wa.hiiirtr n, haa thin rinv tiled in thia ofliee hia aworn amtement No. illtki. for Ihe purchase of the W". i of See. No. :M. in Tp. No. i'2 M., K. No. 2 .. and will c.fler priMif lo nhuw that tiie land nought ia more valu able for ll tuler ttr kIimic than for atrriculltirn! jHtnawes. aiel Ut eMablih hia claim tn Raid land before tiie eifiaT juxI receiver of thia office at Orciron It v. otvpun, ai Thsrwlay, the Mil alay of Uelola-r. IWA). He iinriies wllnewes! Jnhn Weat, F. Llveaej', A. W. lin hcy nntl K. IJsconib, all of Taooma, I'ieree rouiity, Vliini;toii. Any nnd all persona clatminfr adversely the abuve-deHcrtlied lands arc reiieted to lile their tl.ilinsln this oftice tin or la-fore fuiid tab day of October, 1M. J. T. API'EUSON", UctrUUT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nltod Platoa Iaih! Oftlce, 0-i'Kni City, Orugon. June 11, 1SV0. Notice Is 1'ercby fri"i that In nplhuice with the pniviiona of the .'et of Cmiirreaa of June a, IM, entitled "An act for the Nte of timber bind in Ihe Hlateaof f nlifornia, (:- nai. Nevada, and WaihliiKlon Territory," Kra "! -" b.c- ort IkwIL -11 lit v of Miilla.imutl. b.f..j e. . vt -, lias llUs flirt tiled In thia wince Ma imura atutcment No. a Ml, fur Hie purchase or the 8. K. H f c'f. No. !M, tn Tp. No. i'2 S., It. No. 3 E.. and will offer pnHif tuahow that the land anuht la morw valu able for ila timla-r or vtone than for agricultural pnr)aiea. ami to establish hia claim to aald land tH'lore the reiriater and receiver of thia office at Onvon C'Hv, Oregon, on Thur-aday, the 9th4ay of OCtolMT. 1WHI. He namnaa w ltneasea: John Wert. F. Ltveaey, M. lllrKe and A. W. Kiehey, all of Tarawa, Fierce county, War.hiuejwn. Any and all person clalmln wdveraely the alMive-deacrihed landa are requested to tile their cliilma in this oftice on 01 before aid Wh tJay f OctoU-r, J. T. AJ'l'KKSOX, Regi.ater. E. C. SEARLS, OKALER IX BOOTS & SHOES, DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Gents' Furnish ings. Sole Agency Tor I-udlow's Fine Shoe. Prices Always the' Lowest. Alliauy, Oregon, ; ; Blumbergs r.Juck. . Headquarters IX DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Men's, Youth's and rurnishing Goods, Etc. Alo Keep on Second lltxir a full line of ' Boots & Shoes, In which I will not he undersell!. Come and see me and I will treat G. W. SIMPSON, ALU ANY, ,r -:o:- Knapp, Iiurrell & Company, Agricultural most complete line of Farm Implements in the Willamette Valley, coiuisling of Buggies and Phaetons of all kinds, Bain Wagons, Monitor Seeders and Drills, Deering and McConnick Binders and Mowers, the Celehrated Oliver Steel and Chilled Plows, the only Chilled Plow3 ever sold in Ore gon that give entire satisfaction in all kinds of ground. We keep a full lino of extras of all goods sold. Call and examine our goods before you buy; and do not forget to buy the Lightning Full-Circle Hay Press. F. H. ROSCOE, Manager. S. l- BACH'S New Corner Store - IS IN THE BUSINESS CENTER STILL. The public school house on th south, The paper mill on the north, The big planer on the eapt, And the depot on the west, . Makes the Corner Store the Hub Oil CKNTEIl IT IS A NEW STORE I CARRYING NEW GOODS. GIYES TO ALL ITS PATRONS HEW DEALS. Keep a full line of Men's and Boys' Clothing 67 Browns ville manufacture, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and Provisions; in fact everything necessary to keep soul and Itody together. " Nobody complains of Bach's goods or quarrels with his prices. THE BIG PLANER IIS AREIVED, ' And I Am Now Prepared to FuirnislTi and Keep in Stocl RUSTIC, FLOORING, MOULDING ANI I'lN I W 1 1 Sl.'ngles, Boards, Pickets, Doors, Windows, Blinds, and Builders' Hardware All First-Class, at Lowest Prices. Cull and See 3Xc. BRICKI BRICK! 125,000 Briclc At my yard in the suburbs ot Lebanon For Sale at Reasonable Bates. . AU Kinds of , MASON WORK DONE With Keatnessandi Despatch.- ' ' D. W. H ARDIN. for Bargains Boy's Clothing' you well. - OIIEGOX. Depot. of Alhany, Oregon, carry the OF GItAVITA' IIS' ITJMUEll, E. GOAN. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oftick at Ocaeox Crrr, Okbgok, I July 8. lwa I Notiee b hereby given that the iuIlowinMiained stttW has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in napnort of hiK riaim, and that aid proof will be made before the cotintr ptuge or i his absence before the eonnty efcrk of Linn comi ty, at Albany, Oregon, on Wednesday. Aukus 27. IsaO, viz: A. Jt. FITZWATER, Homestead Kntrv No. 53S7, -ftir the N. w.Vcf Sec. 11 Swth, Range 1 West. . " He names the followins witnesses to prove his cominnwis residence upon and eulrlration of, said laml, viz: John O. Boyd. James T. Downing, John Cox d torge V. Clark, all of Lebanon. Linn eonnty,Tregon. J. T. APPEKSOX. Renter. a ..'" ) (