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About The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1890)
THE DANGEROUS TEA-CUP-, beaaelva I'm J",, to Cariaa rnMtratloa ami Otlmr EvU. ' r,- It I a fpt'ttt tiiiifortwie that the fx ipii r name for a iwrson who alwlulns from all alcoholic liquors U a twtoUltir; the torra hus .ftvtawd theJLd that tea Id a harnilHa bt vprapo; and it t no doubt true that thu nSfctteriittVUM of wHl mud and not.wry.atwng ,1 -lefts bnnti4 than' thV baBitual rfltiort to mjr other stimulant.''' "; " "J V " ' ' Wlum, however, tea drinking ceases to be the aniuuement of the loinure moments of a busy afternoon and is we sortd to l.lai3fquBtWie8 fiid strong Infutuonii adfa qioatna ot stlmulutjr the' naifRJaiR'.enwvifa UraoconniliHb tbo al loU'(f Wk, ' then fiigtinot danger ooin monavsv A breakdown may iMttaue In more than one way; not Infrequently the stimulus which Ua in time fails to give is sought' in alcohol, and tbo atonic flatulent dspVpHia.wbioh the aHtrlngont decoction niado by long drawing- induoes hufys to drive the; Tlctira to nook tem porary relief in spirits, sal-volutile, or een eau do Cologne, whichr is. at Drat dropped on sugar and finally drunk out of a wihe glass. 1 1 ''"',' In other cases, by ladles especially, relief is Nought from morphine aud in a predmpoKcd person the morpbino habit la established with extraordinary rapid ity. It has been said that as long as a person takes Stimulants simply for their taste-lie is cmftparfttiveiy 'sat, but as soon as be bepiiw to drinifor the cRuet then be is running into dunger. This is perhaps to state the cane for stimu lants rqtliir too favorably, but if the rulif were adhered to we should have fewer cases of educated people sliding into habits of secret intemperance or into morphlnoniania. llrltish Medical Journal. IN PURSUIT OF SNAKES. A t'ollentor'e Hunt Afirr Rather t'tly I.ixiktna; ISptUi. There Is a jMmnlar prejudiue nrrainnt even the nnwt barnileMi snakes, and few j people would carry the collector's rape ; mo far aij oT tin1," uplr-jookiriy p-ptile with the barei hiiiiils. Jiut the born naturalUt, like j the born sportsman, does not mind any ; slight rink when his blood is up. In j Sherman V. Denton's "Incidents of a I amount of, ap.inctd.eur belonging to lis , lay In AnstmUat .. , ' , (Snakes were rather numerous, and one day, while walking jji the thick scrub, I came across a largo,' light brown one'i coiled upon the ground. lie was by far the largest specimen I had ever seen at large, and was prtrfiably ten. or twelve feet long, and as fufy-k as a muu's leut the knee. f ' I thought at first I would shoot him in the head with a light chartre of shot. T. T7 . r ,ur" '..r'gal knt-wlier gait, boweverindii. .boat sider.-d that, if taken alive, be would be j ? , , ,.,, ,;.: worth five times as much. Keeling uhoiit in my pis-ket and game bag, I at last found a leather strap with a buckle. I drewj.the strap through the buckle,, niakijig koooe, and thusunii'sl, Kisneu cnuuouHiy wwam nw snaKehu.pi , intending to put the noose over his j . ... , An aiiiin ay T fnnta nftnp V. A mfkrflv tin ; coill'fl,' opened Us moufK'verv wide, thert'by.disrloslrijf bis sharp teeth.' .and' bisHtsg spitefully, strwft at'me. I dodged behind a small tree, and, leaning out as lar as I dared, tried several times to noose him. He was very savage, and looked powerful enough to crush me In bis fylds. .,Atthis juncture my courage was at rather a low ebb. ' r After J hud'tcased him fofsome time; be suddenlv decided to leave my COin- panycand Sturtea B:C InH spe.-U. .v caught up with my gun and went afioj-..l,tnat!j,uN..yrRun ,. him. and, by hard running through the j .!.. ' wrrnb, managed to bead him off. . Jle J . A-SPUT COLD COIN. stopped, coiled up again, and again I i ''. . i tried the nmse. He w eijual to tho! Ons f th rnninrt of 1n Mint That occasion, nuttinir bis head under bis I : Karrly irla Into arrulatl colls in a verv sulkv manner: but.' as ' soon as I reached out, and -caught him bvthe tail he pullod 'away wilb jrea't? force and started off ohce more. ' This time he took refuge under a fallen tree; and before. I could bead him off, he was gliding down the' liole of. some wild beast, which 'was partly con-' eealed by the dead brandies. 1 reirched the sjait just as the last twoor tbr- feet were going down; and seizing.' bis tall with both bauds; jlvhnitg pn.dv.apcrt ately. t .. . ' . ,.-,,('. ,-, , With my feet braced, against a limb of a tree, I pulled till ;tbe tall cracked and snapped, as if it would 'bn-kk asunder. Kometimes be pultad me within a few inches of- the hole and t! en I would brace up on the limb, and drug him half way out. i-'.. , At last I grew so tired that I had to let go my hold. and. with many regrets, I saw the last few incbes.of tho tuil dis- ppear beneath the itroutbl ,, , . i ... j- ph . ; Klentrls I.lclit KelleAtur. , ) A very valuable reflector for the light j of the incandcce.nt, now being used. It consist of a conical globe of fine flint glass, rounded and frosted at the base, the upper sides Is-ing of Clear glass, covered by .hand vfith burnifibtid silver i sue.b a way that it will-never. , tarnish or oiytli.e, 'Ths.cwi'ex' base i j. of frosted' glass, which so breaks up'ttie rays that, although the mass of lijjht proceeding frura it is considerably more than twice as powerful aiul.bright as that cwmiiig feoip the'hj, ordinarily, it fily, 4.Ax, luit m a solutely soft and pleasant to the eyes. Jt is stated that by banging the reflector over office desks, and using eight or ton-candlft-ower lamps, a farsuporior light is obtained than by using a sixteen-candle-power lamp with ordinary fit tings. Chicago Inter Ocean. ' AN OLD MAID'S QUEST. Raw fthafttartaAOntto Hunt a Huahaart, snd Surct-eilf it. ( 'fiom years ago, after 1 bad worked up a Case in a town in Ohio, a woman called at the hotel one day and asked to see mo. I found her to bo a Nplnster, about fifty yer old; wearing the traditional rinjfleU and vor:laiues, and as 'stiff as a crow bar in lier demeanor. Hbb, too, had an briglttal way of arriving at the polnt:ji;Aftor;j introducing herself jalie suld:;: , '( ii'i, --.v., w- ' v'WJf ' "I am rich. Some folks call me eccen tric, but I am simply sensible. 1 wish to travel, and I wMi to biro 0Ui ajj 'my OHoort. You will be my employe, "aba 1 shall exact the moxt format rospoct of you. -I may noeilyou for a yeas, oKmay not, but I wllllilre you for that length of time." After a little talk we arrived at figures satift(iMtry to 1th.' Klr lived An a owj Ijventy ijiil'S, away, and" Bhe gave her self a w'ee kio get ready in.- At the end of thrft' tlmn I reported for duty, and' ' found Jtnr ready to start She had two fulr-sixed trunks for bnggage, and s'bo -dlweted- me to buy tickets to New York. fr didn't say how much money e bad, bow long sbo was going te-Htay, or give mo any other particulars.;; I oheyed directions, and In due time we arrived in Gotham and put up at a first cjas hotel. I acted us her guide and c'xcort, fmt such was our, demeanot to; iaVd iach other that no on 9 could )ive mHl? i(i,l he relationship 8h seem' d to arjrue that if she dropped formality for a moment 1 might propone marriage, and it was "sir" on every possible occa sion." ' ' - i ' " ' t . . t "J She settled the hotel bill herself,, but gave me money t'j buy tickets' to Boston after a stay of twenty days. We were in Boston a fortnight and then went to Hartford, and there got the first Inkling of her idea In making the trip. She. sent Jor me to come to the ladies' pur ler; and when I arrived she began. , '',Mr. Jewett, you have noticed the port I v until seuted on my right at the" -, ,';Y'Vni." . .-. , ' l;l fie eyes and bild;b"adcd, and looks verv .'fa'Aieriy?' Yt's'm." '1 wUh you to aswrtain whether 4i is niarried or a widower." . That evening I reported to her that J. ter1r town. tfian was' a widovrer htate -business in an in j "Very well, sir," she stiffly replied, j "ynu.may now jetlre andJ' will send for j you wliim I want you." " , After that I watched her at meal time, j an J I soon Uht on toitho tact that she I bada"j he,rpi'',Jor',ihv widower. It 1 wan httfguableto see hi" try to afw the j girl of twenty, and in three days every I body in the dining-room had caugh t on Uj the jmrlor. . ".Mr. Jewott," she said, as I stood .-be fore her, "I-1 think that Mr. Sampson j . , .l..",f, ' .. ' rain minor ukcs inc. . .. . m ,.you m , to him tnat , am wortli m ,n 8nd ,.,. huve ln'cn married;; aud that. his anpearanue , managed after a (lav or two to get in with-Mr. Sunip.son fiiid convey .this in formation, and I saw that it'hi't him right lietween the eyes. Two hours liiK'Bhe called .on, her, and throe days after bis Call she sent for me to say: . "Mr. .lewett, you will accompany mn honie, where I wlU pay you yttsr salary ifpr the ytmr.'Mr. Sampson .and,' X are entraVedf." " An i ,t.n -, latF thi minm ttrrl! Snd'-Vt t.rnHd nut. tn ) L titnnv ''"'Two tens for a-twenty, please," saidr' ) a gentleman t6 the cashierin.Uiewfluity treasurer's -office.- :' ' e? !.,' The. cashier'-took the- "twenfy" and rang it on thecounter. It had that sv culiar dull ring that characterize court. ierfol't coin's. ..lie rung it a second, timaj r'and then Inspected 'it critically. , j,:'. "Is it Ijogus?" asRed the owner of tbo "Oh, nts" answered .the. ch4eir. ' ''It's as good as wheat, but.splrt.' . ' , .C'ontinuipg,:lie said;. 'That Is the first split 'twenty I ever ran across. The staniping-'mucii'ne'"at the, -mint some times comes down too bard on the coins and split them; but it Is seldom the larger coins split It's mostly "fives' that suffer. Hut they are very careful at the tiling and stop every. split coin they detect Now, in the thousands of dollars bundled here every year I rarely find a split .coin. I don't think I've found more than four, or five in a year, and, as Isuy, the voins were mostly S3 pieces." . - " The split 'J0 piece looked perfect, and, so far as the eve could dety-ct, bore no flaw of uny kind. The only fault with it was in the "ring," and the Hplit made it sound "dead" when thrown on. the countef--.Surt Francisco Examiner. ,. ., ,i . , . "' K Hartford, . Van J5uren' County, (Mich.) man, who went est some years ago, otvinto trouble and- the California penitentiary at the same time, and to savo . hie;. family the disgrace caused Sjiiiirubody to. writ, to Michigan that he had ben sliot and sculped by Indians. This would have mude it all right if he hud stayed dead, but a short time ago, wtile his widow was getting her trous seau ready to marry a decent man, the villain spoiled every thing by getting out of prison and writing home to ask for his family. ' k f (-! I'roiil Termliml or inwrlor Pdfiits' the' h the Hue to taku.. To All Points East It Is- the DININQ CAR ROUTE. Itmn. ThroiiRh VESTIBULEO TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE y EAR to ST.! P A U L i -AJSO'- C H I C AGO (No Change Cftis. " .' ' " .. i f- ",. "" , ;: S ''- 'roeiiHHuwl of DINING fAWS uiiHiinmiMcd, t'l'lal. MAN DUAWI.N'U VOQM W.KWfc'IW of lattut eQuli)im,iit, . , -- ' T URIST SLEEPING CARS, BiKt tliai uaii bs ooiiHtnietwd, snit in wiiioh im- oouiiiuiduU'iirii re ImiiIi Iri-e and (unilnlird fi,r ( at Hrxi or Mecoud Cluai Ticketa, aud i ELEGANT DAYOACHES. ' 1 ' i ' , .. . , 5 J.rt " ' : ' A (MWTINl'OfS LINK cnniintliir with AM. MM-X'slnirilnic IMHECl' ani L'XN TKKItt.'lTKfi btcnVlCK. , 1'iiIIiiimii Sleeiwr ri'Hiu vutiimii van tie secured III ailvaiien throiiKh iir nifi'Ht of the rmttl. Tllltdllill IK KKIS to and from all wihiti In Ainirli-a. KiiulaiulaiMl Kiipi'ixi uannlia''iur vlmafd at any i'lrknl ofllue uf Ihla l'imi)ii . Full Information eoiuwriiiiiK rHtrnt, lime of tratiiM. roiii. and otlir (lutnils f urulsliud on apphuaUoit'to any Hi;niit. or ' A. D. CHARLETON, AMlxtant (ioimral Paweiiyrrr A limit. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washlncton, l0tTI.AM. UitKOdN. f r, Orcgonian Railwaf-COv tLimiteQ Line. , C. M. BCOTT, Receiver. 'Wm Take t'.IIVr. Jam 3. IHHV. 1 O'Clwek. t. as. Ber eD SUmlund and Cobnrg 328Mlhi.' K W ni 12:1" p.m h 01 p.ii) ti.M ji.lll It .J'orUieirt tpo. 1'ao.Coj. sr i . 4h i(m- Hilvort.m,. ... 12:10 a.m Went w'io IWilWa.Bi . . , Hili',T , rlr'miWlHe.;. Wt .,") 7'4'i'ajn tIKTK KI.S PmiTI.ANI A Nil AIKI.1K.S0 MII.KK. . j ' -Y T "KZ t 3.' 7:!i4iif It I'arUandiP.X W. V.) r s atpm I, l'i in p in I . . .ShiTlilmt., , 4 2 IK L i 11 ..m Inillan 1 12 -iff p.m SiKiyi.nii . . . jiiuiiiiiiiiiu ... i i..i a. in 3f0.m I ar. . Atrlir.. . . Iv 1 .10:26 a.m ('iiifiii'mtrttli)i'tlckfli'iiHi..'ri'iftii pur uiilvMinr hi al tMliiimi ImvliK hcimiIii. OoiiihmmIiiii hi Mt. Aiiki-I with Ihi tor aud Ironi W lllioll MIihtbI h.riiir, fl. Im.jiii. .M.illl... ti.l. tlalA.. mmlm 1 "t llitt Hil"l. 'nrrlsKO aud J)ajKapi--Trail;f 'Uninpsnv iitUi-, nC-tinl and i'lue trts!t, and r i.V. I!j. ' . ,.... ... . CHAS. N. aroTf. tlobotref ifi: f?y,f"o, M. Une, I'ortliOUt. i'iim. - r HkNKY noUDAttO. H4lpt,0.1tjvpo. tlxW.i fimwral Offlue. W. W. JtHiriiwIMmfaDfl I'luol oreoov' fACiriC RAILROAD. firsgiu DsTeltmxedt ikWt Stejin Liu. jtS NUortrr. t llara t-m ' ! i ' i'lu bj,; ujffl(t Huute. Tlair . i - Flrnt-aiftfls . Through jpBHiMii)Kr and ..""freight X4pe ; :' ;:r tnm porrliind kilif !1 lut lu llu- Wllaim ll ' , IVulW iiil lrom Hair Krulifinou, ChI. ' ! ; '. " , .''f-. . OREGON PA CiriC RAILROAD. ;1 TIME ML'HKIX'iiK, (KxRft-t Hnnrty. ' lV S'ftqu1n 6 i a. iu. Lv .Ciirvallla 0:u.ri a m. Ar Albany ll:lv a.m. tf Afliany l:(Xl p.m. hi Crvli 1 4U i.iu. Ar Ynwlim B::w i.m. 0.4 C. train conneut at Altaiiy autCoca!U.' ' The atxv traiiM onunwt at Yaiiniha with Ui Ofkkou Uwvelottmcat (Jompauy'i line of Htcam ilupi btwu Vulii aud bu Frauuiacu. KAIUNU DATK8: rnoHi.r. rm vyi'ini. Wtllami-rte Vnlli'y Wlliaint-tt Vnlli-v Wlllaiiii'Uv Valley Mnrch VI. Mnrc-ti . March March a. March Iti. March tf. Thin company n-ntrv.-a the riglit Ui ilianK allluKiUtua witliuu' innio-. frtMiniKi-m from I'ortlaud aud all Willamette Taller (mint!! chii iimkti nlim coiiinuliiiii with the tralui uf Hi'' Yaiiiiua routwat AUianyor, Corvallia, and It iliiitiut-d to Hhu hruiu-m:o hmilil arraiiKe to arrive at Yaqiilna the eva nlng lioliM-u the (Icile uf natliuK. rwnrairr and ' Freight Kate !' , Alwaya the Lowwat For Information apply to C. H. HAHWKliU, Oon'l Kr't I'aaa. A(?t. Orwon iJeviii'inn'iit (Jo tut MoutKomeryMt., ban h taiicincu, Cal. C.C. HOOVE, At K Ocn. f. A V. Agt. U. V. K. K, R. Co., ' CurvalllH, , . . , . ,ltejou. ' " '.' lonTit uui'.s-D - ': Ctralll Monday, Weduoaday, Friday, 6a, m.i l-av Albany VM a. m. Arrive rittloin, Mouilay, Weduuartay, Friday, i p.m.; leavtt oaltuu, 'iuwaday, 'i'hutaday, balur uay.Ha. ui. - -- ' Arrive Frmlaml.'Tnenday; Tliurwlay, Batur tt,vp. in, . .. , ... . . , -' .aotJTrJ rioijum-';' - " ' "" rale'urUauii, Monday, WoilHexlay, Friday, Ia.DI' V-'"' i J 1 ' '' " ?' - ',. Atrlve Hal em, Monday, -WeduMiday,' Friday, f T:16 p. m.; leave Balw, I uvaday, Tuuriday, toat nlay, Ifavflhajiy i:M p. m. Arrive Cttrvalllf Taeadajr, Thumlay, Batardaf l:8p.m. t. . ! '" !'( Pacific HUGH THE NE WE Nobbiest- and 1 . ud In the County,' is now to E. . ... i ' Of Albany Oregon. When y ou want to "dress Mercliaiit Tailoring it. specialty. Mr. K. 'XScjiefjileii is an expert, and : -has 'charge' of :thla departmont ,We guaraulee Patisfaction,; MY SPRING STOCK -OF Dry ;!rNotions, Stockinet Jackets, Beaded : Caps, Lad i es' : a n d C h i I d re n 's Shoes 4 f Has arrived. 1 have alno ld$ Youths", and 6ojV Clothiij, Furnisliing Goods, Boots, Shoes, ' ',, - '.' , i Etc. of. which' woVni h- a full and cuuiph'e 1inet ami will not be und-r-uoltt , Co'iHsand il, and we will treat you well. . -i . . - - . : .G. W. SIMPSON, t-rr ALBA MY,1 : LEBANON Meat Market, ; Ed Kellenbergcr, Propp. . Fresh and Salted ' Beef and'Pork MUTTON, , , BOLOGNA Bacon and Lard Always on Hand " Main Street, Lebanon, Or. -.j- J i ;.'? ' .... . : . -. . . T. K. JJ LIHIJUV, ' -trXr I I IFj ha T ' I v - ' 1 d fl . 1.. .i." i" .IKWI3LUV,' ....... r- '.--- Largest Stock' of " ' , ' .! ''' ; . ' . .' - .. be Seen on the Counters of mm, up," we would be glad to nhow you through Arid, 'make., the riglit price. ' ; : , ' Dress Goods rcccivwl nvv "'SnrinK utoi k of OREGON. c.T.coTToiy:t - " "; -jr DKAI.KH IN Groceries and Provisions, TOBACCO & CICARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES,. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CON F E C T I ONE RY Itneraiawai-f kh1 4lamivtar, l.ampx mn l.nni p l litrr. , )laln t lrlaHu. Orr(a. lfan-aJr aaya b kaa the W. X.. nooria Miwi wubout um aud prioa atainiMMl tiie bottom, put biiu down aa frauo. V7. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CINTLEMEN. I'.i-dt, III tb world. KxainliiP lila K.4NM.I-:M INK, lUNIIM-HMI MI OK. -4.UII if AH li-sp.W l'-,J Wr I T MIOK. :U0 l-OI.M'K AM FARMKKS' SHOE, :.f.O KM It A VAI.HK 1'AIK MaOi.. til', IaK uiihuiviiuiuiii kUIIV . H.OObiiU WI.7A til I S' M IIWII. SHOK8, ; All made iu Vuuirreaii, Uuttvu and Laea, VV. L. DOUGLAS r S3' SHOE l a d6ns s:' Kat Material. Boat Style. Bret Flttin(. l( uut iiild by your dealer, write VV. L. 1MHULAM, BKUCKTON, MASS, "Kxamlaif tV. I.. IoukIhm Hh for (ti-HtlriMcu Mud ladlon."