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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
',l'llf( t ? " Corner Grocery Complete ON ,S every Thing in t -aa AS.. 4 JJ I UUULC Taken In Exchange. IWHtforn Broo 5 : Junction "OPEN ALL. NIGHT" in practically, but not literally the oas- t our store. Our telephone will always summon prompt and witling service when there in w'rions illness and tcceity fur prompt relief. X5"Um Hotel telephone for night or Sunday cull. NO EXTRA CHARGE . roit night call. ' Wo dimply ask for that kindly feel ing on your part tlmt given us your day patronage, ' ( Gsodo 1 ' ; Drug Company1 Corner Hotel, Junction City, Oregon Milk nnd water are two great factors at Roeeburg Just now. If they don't get mixed it nil right. Milliorn Bros, have JuhI got In fine lot of Wilt-on strawberries, in boxes. They am from Albnnv and are vary choice. Supreme Master's report, A. O. of V. W shows a membership of 230,000 In i-onnectlon with the supremo lodge. Mon's and hov's suits, latest stylos, jtiMt'rttftdvoa, nt B. It. Friendly's, Eu geilo. . . ". .. - ;' Religion won practiced and base bull , wad plnyed in Kugeno hint Sunday. The jmniij was well reureKcnted ftt the latter. Fresh oranges and lemons for sale at Cascade drug: store. (foata nro butlur. but the butter-milk fold nt the crcaniory dots not come front Route, Only o cent n gallon. Freuh wvery day. Order taken t tor Judies and gents, culti-atHouiton's. ' ' V. S. lA'tfit p'Hiit.0 patch looks fine. Thu eve- cf the public nr upon It. The yon of tint potatoes will soon Ikj visible to tha public Dr. r,oo. neulo-optii ian, En-tone. , Heal e.-ttate transfer -A ndiltiaM Smith otnl to tlnnnali IVnntt, til. 82 acres in township 10 south, mngtf 3 weat. Uou Kidonvtion, f.VJO., . Ice for aale at Cascade drug store. Meandering cowd are the midnight pntfol. It i nit umwrtainty to the nerv ous whether it is th.4 marshal or a cow that is heard toovinalonz on the side Wslk. ' . . '.. We have Wcstfftirs Heft8 ot Health and Wonder Oil. MtJKM.BR 5t Hill. , Owners of chi-rrirB worn iibdnt town last Saturday trying t j purnUado boj 8 lo do their picking f ir pay. Some wefd "almost piirsuadod.". Othdrs engagtid.' Shorwiii-WilHiima rftinl-Qualit) ro mem bored long after pried Is forgottey. Mailer A Hill. ' , . ; The titnrty rriitn ot tho Orogohiart sa.Vs ho piano trint will bo nut upon a sound tasifi, We dgreo ivith him it will strike chord in the mind ot every one who Wants to hit Ihoo-r1 ; .tlott IoM piaho on trufit. : , 1 'i kar I inii ill i 41 t. XX I I liliifci'J III! Qtock HAND. the grocery line City, Oregon. S The bwIooIchI formation nndr Mil Horns' grr'ery store is not vxav'tly the same a In thoi-e reelons where oil has Immmi struck abundantly but you can strive oil on the first floor of tfiat estab lishment if vou a,nt Hat retail for spot castt. Take your l.mndry to O. R. Keek's barber shop. le has the agency for the Troy Laundry, of rurtlaml. 23,000 horse are to 1ms slaughtered for exiwrt, at abattoir, 1'ortiana. The introduction of this "U-ef" there and tti c-ii8UOH)tlun by the writers t the press Is probably what makes many of the editors kick as vigorously as they do (ii their editorials. Ladies' shirt waists In all shades and te stores latest styles at Friendly' Lujrene. Tho Portland Fish and Game Associa lion advertise '"Duties Varden. rain h)w. and ciiitlinnit trout". . from all puns of the statfl, for the Oreiron exhibit . t. L t . ,V - 1 . I. ...1 1 1 Wd Mn VU. BV n l.Uiiaio tAii'minuii . "out IK'ctable; there are no cutthrt-atsin thi iN'tion. Hut it is very likely they can get many from around thj lare cifes (!o to K. 11. Fiieudly's -shen in f'u gene for the leUst novelties in summer dress goods. With tha return of warm, sunshiny .weather the ubiquitous, iiiterriewing rlv is naaln laruelr in evidence. Jolio L. Kullivan fonaht 1WJ rounds witli one, once, while inebriated, and says,' after nearly breaking both arms with undnr cuts and tinner elint. he had toariseam go out while the fly stood on . the ImhI ixiHt. smiliu'i. and ready to continue the battle. t-.hct win-Williams Taint Testsas higl aa any tutnt ou too market. MolierAHill. TriiKti ere formins every when'. How ever, the simliuht, the iiiov'tilmht and the slars hitve eacapnl so far; although it must lie admitted that recently we have not had an over ahiindauce of sun linht In tlie U'ilamctto Volley. Provl deuce seems to hnvo been limiting the out-diiue and ivinn us showers instead Tho reitrn of lte rain-1 not the rein we moet like to bo driven with. Ron AMgh t ful 5c. jKaskadedrugstore The fine herd of sociable milch cows that avail themselves of an opening in tho fence and come in and grazo on the luxuriant pnuture land in tho rear and at the side of the Corner Grocery Store sho that Milliorn Bros, have become extensive stock raisers, supposedly. We knew thev keep the condensed milk cow Inside, that never goes dry, but we were not aware, before, that they were ueul Ing In tho 'live variety. The Weekly Oregonlan and tho But tKTiN for fa a year. Do you know That wo carry tho-best obtainable White Lead and Linaeud Oil? . ( , ' ' The Pioneer While Lead Pure Boiled Linseed Oil " Raw " v .. . . V ecan today quote yon a bettor price ou the ntwve than you can purchase them in Tortland and pay freight. , Ask us for pYlcos, We ao ever roady,tf talk with you on Mixed Paints, Lead aud Oil ' Mitellef &HH1 CREAMERY CREAM. Tom Dalley and Frank Williams have bought separators. The former substi tuted one style for another. Creamery iays ia cents a poena tor muter ut, and skimmed; 17c for separator cream. M. Kaber. eznert. Zl years resiaent of Junction, has taken charge of the the books Hopt. II. Wegner has been n arouo'i I lie world traveler, lie says to the farmers: "You will find it mors nrofltable to shin yonr cream ' to the creamery than make the butter at home yourselves Mr. liaber says: "This creamery has pnt in circulation, In the cjuntry, among fanners, at leat 10uu more tliau whs received iromiuai source u former years." . ( HOMETHIXO NEW I uit published by the Bouthern fa cifl: Co. Is a- pamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which in cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing Industries t na their capabilities. ? ' Attention is also mrectei to such new fields for energy or capital as promise air return. 5 This r-nbllt'ation Alls a need long ex- r-erienced bv Oregohians, in replying to iiinulrles ot hastem (riemis. Conies tnay he had of local agent S. P. U).,.oriroiu v. it. waHAt . o. i. A , rortianu, ur. DELINQUENT TAXES. Engene Register, Kith: YMterday was the last day lor the payment oi Lanecounty taxes Udore they became delinquent. Considerable money came in. but thre Is nuite a delinquent lir. asiliown by the.fuowtng: Assessment roll..... H 1,029 A4 Amount collected... 102.4-.O M Delinquent .'. . .7 .M1.530 03 OOOD ADVICE. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dysix-p- sU and Liver Complaint. More than 75 per cent, of the people in the United Mates are atfixted with these two dis eases and their effects: such as Sour Stomach, Rick Headache, Habitual Cos tiveness, ralpitatton .of the Heart, Heartburn, Water brash. Gnawing and Iturning Pains at the Pit of the Stom ach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Oisagreeal'le Taste in the Mouth. Urn- ing up ot Food aft,er Eatisg, etc. Go to Mueller V Hill's and get a bottle ot A ugust Flower for 75 vents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Get Creeu's Prize Almanac. LIVE NOTES UY THE WAY. Women play base ball next Monday at Eugene. (iradusting exercises, University, Eo- IPn', U day.-" -i, t j ' Ths U'eeklv Oregonlan and Bottmxi one year for f2. 1 Report current S. P. eomg into- a icigfitic railway combinatiou"to bqltftpi- laiixea ai-',ujj,Uviu,t"uu. , 23ih jommencoaient, U. 0 Eugene, ben a lat Sunday, fii depress , will be conforred ; 45 men li aomefi. Mies Belle Banner, Mae Erickeon, Stella Dorris and Sina Orrell are candt- d.iten for G'-ddess of Liberty, Eugene, Fourth of July. , . , Travel on the dirt rands set la brink the early part of the week . Th'-re were many teams and sUauuersin town Mon day and liauling of lumber going on. ' For sale A brand new 1901 Rambler "Special." Never boon ont of the store. It is a f 40 wheel for i'lO. Ladies' or fcontV. Inquire at the I cllctis office. Tomorrow and Saturday, longest days in the year 1mm sunrise to sunset. The other sous will remain in repose us usual until the derrick is applied to get them up for breakfast. REDUCED RATES TO THE EAST. Account Buffalo Exposition, the Bur- linstun Route is making a low rate of fare wbich enablea passengers td visit the Exposition and other Eusru points at greatly reduced . rates." Uetore mak' ins other arrangements, call nt our ottlco or write for full particulars. T . It Ticket Agent Rurliugton Route, corner Third aud Stark SU., Portland, Ogn.f June term of court, convenes in Eugene next Monday. ' The 31 jurors drawn recently are required to be present. These include James Sn:ith and H. D. Dickey, farmers, J unction j At the Christian church, last Sunday uiuht. there was a paterfamnliaa ent.reo that was suuiieetive. While Mrs. Ureeu was nreachimt Rev. Green sat on a front seat taking care of tho baby. The Cottage Grove Leader says the libel suit of li. F. Harvey of junction Citv '-arisnsovor an article in the Ore ironiaii. headed: A Sickening Travesty Upon Justice.' " and states the amount of judgment asked to bo J5,iHK) instead cf 160,000. F. It. Milliorn and J. S. Fnrguson re turned this weok from Crook county, Eastern Oreiroii. tvkh a bunch of horses Anybody wanting nice, voting horses is invited to call on. or address, Milliorn Bros. , Corner Grocery, Junction, wtieru further information in regard to mem will be given. Wk L. Wright has a new stock of wall natter of the latest and prettiest designs. Now is the time to vepaper yotir" house. J. II. Miller will be ulad to have Vou call and see these now nutU-rns. No matter What vonr taste, volt should bo able to ehoose something io sun irwm muung eu many beautiful patterns. The Burlinsion Route tot Buffalo,' "A . ' Porsonai Wm. Woods and daught4fr, of Astoria, are visiting in the city. J. S. War-rick, of 5cio, Ore., was vis iting the tiibbs family this week during the sickness ol Mrs, uidds. Miss I)ttie 1. Tillotson, of Ft. Paul, Minn., is placarded here to give an elo cutionary entertainment Friday, June 21, A. O. U. W. hall, tinder a spices of the Woodmen Circle. Ice cream served. Frank S. Harding is now president of the Oregon Press Association. He is editor of the Telephone-Register, demo cratic, established 1881. It is a good sppuiutment. He is a clever gentleman, lie learned the winter's trade nnder I. L. Campbell of the Eugene Guard. - Ry. Itobert Booth went down to Junction City today. Eugene Guard; j 13th . He is a resident of. Grant Tass ; fattier of Robert Booth of the great ; liooth-Kelley Lumber Company that has its headquarters at Eugene ; and he came to Junction City and took the stage to Simpsons chapel, which is near Monroe, to his daughter's, Ida Belknap. Lebanon Express - Advance, 14th : Miss Frances Gibrgs has been re-elected a teacher in the Junction City public sdiool. Miss Grigs, who. has been spending a week in this place, returned to Albany this morning. She will go to Monmouth tomorrow to attend the com mencement exercises at the State Nor mal School. E. J. Frasier, from Eugene, waa in Junction Sunday audarranged with The Bulletin to publish "Five I hilars R- ward. Tt1 Farmers f Lane County," which may be found in another part of this issue Ha called attention to the fact that the products of Lane county had been awarded many premiums iu the past at treat exhibitions of a nation al character, and where there were in ternational exhibits alfo. , The tcrsonelle of the company from 1 rownsvjle, that appeared in the Opera . . ii r i . :-. J : ..... llose last rriaav iukdi, ih: ones Hunter f'Mrs. Thop. ton'M is th prom- nent milliner of lircwnsrillr andf haa store there. - fliss" Merle Uosno is a lauxhter of Hon. O. P. Coshow. Miss Gladys Swank figures prominoutlr in 60td-ty ttiere. Miss Norine' Averill is another prominent society youna ady. Miss Montgomery, alter periurnnng hr part left for Gaiiforuia to visit Gertie Wilsn, about 10 years old, the little girl in the' play, is the bright daughter of C. H. Wilon. interested, iti the woolen mill there. - He is noted, we are Informed, for his"staife work." Geh (Managor) O. V. Averill is a printer, Dy "dispensation ' of providence. He is a erandaon (and a irrand son he is) of II J. C. Averill. first County Snrvevor of Linn County. Glenn Hunter was until recently enuneed in business in Browns ville. Bert Powell is interested in the creamerv. lieorge Jvans is the hard ware mau who sells everything at soft nrices. Johnny -Edwards is a school teacher. Charles Williams s a first class musician. WnYne Stanard is son of C. E. Stanard. ex-mavor of Brownsville. He is of the mercantile firm. of Stanard & Cable. The company wat organized about two months ago. for intellectual improvement, recreation and travel. ( Continued on 1st page Ask your dealer for ; SS3 . :.. 7 -'''7 3 1 Cream of all Laundry Soaps Manufactured byvaaB. , The Eugene Soap Com pany l.'"' '';.7 - Eugene, Oregon HOUSEWIVES: STEEL AND CAST BJINGES, COOK STOVES, TINWARE and CUTLERY . . ALSO Celebrated Petaluma a n-iJa-i HnrIvfirt fn Hitsene, Ores:rr4 i. A LOCAL NEWS'iiTTES. ' " ' Ond of the City CoiinHl says: "H anvbodv iz any complaint to make about sewers or anythirg else let him come before thJ council," A dti7;n says: f "That sewer lHw:it o( the livery,' smells wote at, mldnhhi than at any other time." Next regular meeting of eonncil is Monday, July 7. All ont; everybody Invited. No ice cream will be served, however. Circuit Court" Pocket J tine term. Civil, over 40 caj-ee. Among them:0. V. Watts vs. H, rt. Wallace et al. ; fore closure (old sawmill cafe). G. F. SHp worth is one of the counsel for defend, snt. B. F. I.'srrey vs. Oregonian Pub lishing Co. 25,O00 damigcs neled for alleged libel. Criminal 1 Slate vs. Wm. Smith ; aimanlt with a deadly weapon, G. FSkipworth for defendant. Copies of our lIustratel Special Edi tion for sale at 5c each ; less per 100. THE FINEST SERVICE , TO THE EAST AND SOUTH. The O. R. & N, Co., in connection with the Oregon Short line and Union Pacific, offers the finest service and fast est time to Salt Lake, Denver. Kansaa City, Omaha, St. Paul, St Louis, Chi cago and all points east. Three trains daily from Portland, with choice of many different routes. Palace and touriat sleepers, library, din'tng and chair cars on all trains. Write A. L. Craig, G. P. A. O. R. & N. Co, Portland, Oregon, for particu lars. , . .-. - ' Immense quantities of chit tern bark have been peeled and are drying pre-'artery to shipment. The recent continu ous tain have gh'en the busines a set back because the bark could not b-4 dried. : The-hizhest market rate is paid or it hen. . spot cash, for shipment to great medicine manufacturing concerns. It is used in caseara sagrsda. It is it cathartic. PAN AMERICAN EXPOSITION. BCfTAIO, V. y. MAT TO NOVEMBER. ASZ CHICAOO, UILWACKXE ST. PACL. BAIJb WAT A BOOT EKlrCEf) RATES. C. J. Eddy, General Aokxt, Poetland, Okeoos. WANTED. Any one having old horses for sal, communicate with P. E; Peterson, Es trup.Or. ' Centrallv Located. Free Sample Rooms. Electric Lights and Bells. FIRST-CLASS. Hotel Euene IIollexbecic Baos , Proprielo-s. ' Rates, 1 1 to f2 per Day. Headquarters for Commercial Travelert and Mimng Men. Enpene,'7 ' - , Oregon.. HARDWARE Buggies . Wagons Binders Mowers Hay Hakes Binder Twine Bicycles Machine Oils Repairs of All Kinds FUGENE. OREGON. avori YOU WiU. FIND A FULL LINE OF THE . .. v Incubator & Brooded t I 1 4 ' .-If