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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1901)
I ; A. A. W I Aw i 101. 3 JUNCTION CITY, OREGON, pTHURSDAY. JUNE 13, 1801 HQ. 16' j i 11 tj . r. , J''V OSEMJT! $8' 0DO 111 OF. ens & Boys' y Clothiini BY JULY 5, 1001. Must be sold by iat-date We are goins to remodel our store this summer. Call at once for bargains. Hampton Bros. EUGENE OllEGON. If JJL ile GORDON, The House Furnisher. Furniture; Stoves, Tinware ill Crockery In fact, everything to furnish a house. WILL DELIVER GOODS IN JUNCTION FREE OF CHARGE. THE BULLETIN 81ECIAL EDITION J WlfAT CCH COSTBMPObWr-ll HAVE TO SAT AHOCT IT, OK "AS fTHXKS SIS VI. Im wm tfctr thr foandhim. ht hi 991 tut ,, Stu ton. regon Timberman 'our illustrated edi- -etter, Jane (J. Igpatcb Rullotin lias issued A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Sombthixo New Uscea the S&s." All Doctors have tried to cure catarrh by the use of powders, arid gases, in hale ra and drop in paste form Their powder dry up the mucnous mem branes, causing them to crack open ami bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes ' that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointment cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who hai for many yeara made a cloe ttudy and specialty of the treatment of catarrh, has at last perfected a treat ment which when faithfully used, not only relieve at once, but permanently cures catarrh, by removing the cause, stopping the discharges, and curing all inflammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. Thin wonderful remedy is known as ,'8nufflea the Guar anteed Catarrh Cure" and is sold at the extremely low price of one dollar, each package containing internal and exter nal medicine sufficient for a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. "Hnuflles" it the only pei feet catarrh cure ever made and i now recoenized as the only safe and positive core for that annoyitiir and disgustinz disease. It corps all inflammation quickly and per manently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve hay fever or cold in the head. ; Catarah w hen neglected oiten lead to consumption--"Fnuffles" will save you if you use it at once. It is do ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure catarrh in any form or stage if used ac cording to the directions which accom- Ninth St. t EUGENE LUMBER! All Kinds of Lumber on Hand Rough and Dressed. Long Timbers a Specialty; A level roaii. No hills. FOUR MILES WEST OF FERGUESON TLACE. HORTON BROS., estrup, or. A GOOD THING. German Kyrup in the apocinl prescrip tion of Dr. A. SoHchee, a celebrated Ger man Physician, and is acknowledged to bo 0110 of the most fortunate discoveries In niodicino. It quickly cures Coughs, Coldx and all Lung troubles of the no voretjt nature, removing, as it does, the cntifio of the affection and leaving tho parts in a Rtrong and healthy condition. It is not an experimental incdicino, but ham Ht(il the tent of years, giving sntiH fiictiou iii every case, which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Jlo scheo'a Gorman Hyrup was introduced in the Unltod States in 1808, and is now sold in every town and village in tho civilized world. , Three doses will re lievo any ordinary couizh. Prixe 75 eta. For Hale by Mueller & Hill. Get Green's Prize Almanac. Goo. Iiosquett, 8 miles west of June tion. is Koiug to build h mrn with lucr. ber from tl:e Estrup mill. "THE MILWAUKEE" A familiar name for tho Chicnso. Mil waukee & ft. Paul Railway, known all over tho Union ns the Great Railway running ine-noneer Umited" trains every day and night bet ween St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicatro, "The enly perfect trains in tho world." Understand: Connections aro made with All Transcontinental Lines, assur ing to passengers the best servico known. Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. Seo that your tiekot reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in tho United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For full rates, pamphlets or other in foi mation, address, J. W.Casby, C.J. Enny, f ' Trav. Pass.' Agt.,' General Agont, Portland, Or. Portland, Or. b Dime buys Bulletin Special Edition. Th psnpU W9d "b ta th wi 4 fftwa Im bra "hty built to' (Colombia River a Have looked over tion with interett.- (rortland Tlio Junction Cit' a irood edition desciiptive of the place 1 - . ma. a. and surroumiinu cowitry. uwui pear good fruit." I f Euzene Register J The Junction Pultin has just issued a nandsomely liliinnea lo-pagewnuon containing a epltfndtf write-up of Junc tion and the Eonntvi The edition is cer tainly a credit to th town and a benefit to the county. I Letter, recei vil last Sunday ) Elizabeth, Colo.. June.190L Editor Bulletin: Kindly sid roe one of your descriptive numherf of Junction City. I wtsli a western coaii locauon anu ex- poet to be in yourcoantry about the 18th oi July. lours trulf, ueo. a. ernow. Lincoln County Times, Washington J LAHOB laorHTT We are in receiot tf a ceneral descrip tive number of theiJunction City, Or., Bulletin, from wbici we copy the fol lowuiii extract from r-.n extended men tion oIC. W. Washburne, wlo has s lot of farm interesU in Lincoln county, and F ho waa a visitor here only last week. Speaking of bia worth in the community, The Rullctin saya quotation followej. . Cottage Gkve leader j k fine descriptive edition advertising A Dp V OI I Wr A I lY Junction City and the north end of Lane V-' rVL'rv county. The number is a valuable one and profusely illustra,ted by good half tme cuts of the principal business houses, churches and fine residences, and shows throughout' an enterprisiug spirit in the part of the editor of that jitwsy paper that should win in country journalism. 'Kali tor ine uuiieuai j' I t Bohemia Nugget J :A. P. Betters worth, editor of the Junction City Bulletin, has Inst lssmd a-i sulendid 8-caaa auitplenient to his rltaper, printed on gopl book paper, and vWf .TOJlMJjaw,!n?, hcumw and resiliences of the picturesque little city, and a well written descriptive article 01 the aiirrounding country. It is an able effort on the part of the editor of The Bulletin and proves bis worth to the community in which he lives. The edition will be instrumental in turning the eyea of many homoseekers toward Lane county and Junction in particular Portland Evening Telegram. June 7 Tira.uprEB Willamette valucy The Junction City- Bulletin published this week a Special Edition: containing nuite a comprehensive ami creditable Mffrilii ttt." Vkf . iKa 1 T r rvo r tVll1niriiltA Valley, Lane County and Junction City, and its surroundings. All such publi cations, if the truth be told In thorn if they do not indulge in gross exaggera tionsare useful, and tiie local papers that issue these special editions, at con siderable cost and much labor, are de serving of the cordial good will, in every legitimate way and sense, of their neigh bors. The Bulletin finds a quite sufficient excuse for tins special number in trie fact stated in its introductory remarks, that and then it quotes quite exteu sivelyl. Passing over the hint that the larger towns and county seats meaning, local ly Eugene have largely conlrolled im migration, the Junction City paper pro ceeds to show up trie value ana aivan tnges of the scope of country of which it is tho center, and a few of its remarks aro quoted as illustrative of what might bo said, with slight changes, by local papers in a dozen towns between Oregon City and Rosebnrg. Long quotation follows.! These, and other details, are an old story to those familiar with the facts, but in coneeouenceof large immigration, or for the very reason that Oregon needs and desires immigration, these facts should bo frequently restated bv the in torior press : and the papers that thus present them, carefully and truthfully, tor the information and enlightenment ot J'.astern people wno nave come, or may think of coming, to this state, aro rendering not only their home and town and community, but the state at large a useful service. In fifty years the Willamette Vallev ought to bo populatod by four or five timoa ns many people as are now in tho wholo state, "it is rich enough to "sup port'', in tho.Bonse in which that term is generally used in this connection, even a far larger population than that juat iudicated some two millions. The children growing up will see what they shall see. pany each package. Don't dlay, but send for it at once, and write full partic ulars as to you: condition, and you will receive special advice from the discov erer of this wonderful remedy regarding . your case without cost to you beyond the regular price of "Snuffles ' the Guaranteed Catarrh Cure." front prepaid to any address In the United Bta ten or Canada on receipt of one dollar. Address Dept. E622, Edwin B. Giles A Company, 2330 and 2332 Market St., Philadelphia. TO DOGS. Too are hereby notified that Marshal J. . J. Darneille is about collecting tax for your existence in this community. Gentlemen dog, f 1 ; lady dog $2. Failure to par entails 3 days incarceration, followed by assassination. The total number is about 60; pugs. Nearly all 'have homes. Some are petted to lovingly by the gentler aexthat it makes bipeda enviable. SOMETHING NEW! Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. is a pamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, wliich in clude an excellent map of the state, and contains information on climate, lands, education, etc, existing industries and their capabilities. , ? Attention ia also directed to such new fields for energy or capital aa promise lair return. This publication fills t need long ex perienced Dy Oregonians, in replying to inquiries of Eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent 8. P. Co., or from C. U. Mabkbav, G. P. A., Portland, Or. Ifn Separator?, If so, investigate the BEFORE PURCHASING. Everything Reid makes is the best of its kind that can be made. Neither second quality mate rials oor second-rate workmen allowed in the Ileid shops. And back of best materials and best workmanship are ability, knowledge and experience gained through years of inventing, designing, ex perimeuting. Weatherly Creamery Co., Junction City and Portland, Sole Agents for Oregon XJTWrite to Weatherly Creamery Co., Portland, for complete catalogue. Farmers Wo carry a Full bin of ' Stoughton l 0.15, John Tre Plows AND HARROWS. ; ' Lggers W e are Headquarters for . . . . SIM0NDS SAWS and alt kind, of Logging supplies GRIFFIN HARDWARE COHP'Y, EUGENE, OREGON. ' ' , LUMBER GEORGE W. WRIGHT, OF GOLDSON, HAS ON HAND . . . 500,000 Feet of Dry Lumber which he will dispose of at reasonable price. Long timbers a specialty. Best lumber on tho market. Good Road. ISTWill be delivered promptly al any ! pait of the county. - The Burlington Rout for Buffalo. W. L. Wrght haa a new stock of wall paper of the latest and prettiest designs. Now is the time to repaper your house. J. II. Miller will be glad to Lave you call aud see these new patterns. So matt X what your tarte, you should be able to choose something to suit from among sj many beantiful patterns. - The Burlington Route for. Buffalo. J. H. Maw invites the people- Junction and vicinity to call and nee iho new 1001 Rambler bicycles, lfyouj'ra thinking abo-ut buying a wbet-1, it w ill piy you to look at the Rambl t lx frra you iiiako a purchase. Just tiotiev thi number of thest wheels in nse. III:.; 14 tho best edvertisetae'ut it can have v I 1 1 I 4 '1 f ' : h . 1l ... . .V