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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
run By Junction Pvnusmsa Companv. MISS ANSA CXiLESBY, ASSOCIATE KDITOR. One year, it paid in Advance tl.50 Six month, ..... . ' $ .75 Three months. .... . $ .50 Advertisim rat's made known on application. . fe.utered tite. inkstothee at Junction City' 9 secoinl chisa mail matter. THURSDAY, JUNKJS), 1901. Guard, Eugene, advertises meat for Pale at the ' Baptist" market. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to sell fish there, on account of the watei? Many of our homes here are embow ered, to tome extent, in flowers. This is as it should be. Passers-by have a broader respect for the iuuiates of a dwelling where the plat in front of the building, or ground surrounding, are adorned. It is evidence of culture and refinement. . "The Samoans are not permitted to hare whisky, but they do not like it, h iiT way. and there is nu trouble keeping l them sober," is part of a government rebort. They should all la brought to this country as missionaries to point a innral for the benefit of many of our own people who are greatly in need of fiuLii a good example. But the report doa't stale what variety of whisky they do hot like. It may be the kind sent them was so villainous it is no wonder they did not like it. If they ouly had a thsjice to try the Junction City brands they might not remain so abstemious. There is nothing new that can he said in favor of the M Rambler" bicycle. H has been on the market twenty-two vears and during lieen the favorite The new 1901 ial" is four or five anv Kambler ever all of that time has w ith bicycle riders. Kambler "Spec pounds lighter than before turncu out, and as true as steel and skill can make them. Cull at Wright's furniture store FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. To the Farmers of Lane County : It is the desiro of Lane countv to make a creditable exhibit of farm produeta at the coming State fair, and in order to secure one that will do justice to the productive resources of the county it is necessarv to secure the heart v co-opera tion of ail the farmers. Many farmers can, without any special labor, gather from their fields choice samples of the different varieties of grains and grasses which would add materially to the gen eral exhibit. As an enconrnpr jmenV to secure vour co-operation in collecting an exhibit and "to remunerate you for the extra trouble, the undeiwael will pay the sum of $5.00 cash to the party Becurimj and de- liveriiii in Eugene th beet clle:t!on of grain eud grasses in sample bu;isil-B nbout four inches in circumference and tie! with cord in fuur places iu order to ImM them intact. Fanners or others will not be limited to their own Ian is in nuking the collection but may i?;.tht-r them anywhere in Lane county. If jou have any choice samples of grain or erass-is collected and will send the undersigned word, we will gla lly drive out to your home for the same, if it is inconvenient for you to bring them to town. Appealing to every resident of l ane county for co-operation in making the collection for the Fair exhibit of the prod nets of the emnty, we are, very respectfully, F. M. WiUins. of Eugciie Board of Trade ; E. J. Frasier, Collecting Exhibit Ayent. THE HOME GOLD CUKE. In IsOS.VlOUS TilB-i.TMB.VT BY ntCH Dkcskakus An:'. I'.Kt.vo Chkeu DaIHT I.V SMTK jf fUEtt BZLVKB. No Noxiors Doses No Weakkmn'-j ok THE NliHVKS A l'LBASAN'T AND Positivk Cvuk koh the Lir;rou II aisit. It is now generally known ar.d under stood that drunkenness N a disease and not weakness. A body filled with p-i-Hon, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant ii-fi; id intoxicat ing liquors, requires an antidote capa "ble of neiuri'i.iiig and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. .Sufferers may n.w cure themselves at home, without publicity or loss of time from hmdnef-a by this wonder'r.l "Home (jnid Cure" which has hfien perfected aftr iiin:y years of clone Studv and treatment of inebriates Tins faithful us3 according to direc tions of this wonderful discovery is po sitively guaranteed t- cure the most -slinato cass, no matter how hard a drinker Our record show the mar velous transformation of thousands of drunkards into sober, industrious und upright men. Wives cure your husbands! , Children euro your fathers ! Tins remedy i in tlx seiiHrj a nostrum, hilt t. a specific for disease only, slid is so skillfully no vised ami prepared ttiat it. la thoroughly (online and piearant to the taste, so tnat it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the pefsort taking it. Thousands of drunkards .have cured themselves with this price Jhkh remedy, slid as many rrore liarij been cured and iriada teniiwrato hieh by liHving the "Cure" administered by lov ing friends and felafivfc withotit,heir hnoAvledge h coffee or tea, ftnd believe ioday thai thev disc.onHiitied drinking 4 toeif Utvu 'free will.' Do, not wait. I not h deluded by apparent and mis leading ''improvement. ' Piivu out the disease at onca and or ail time. Tht "Home Hold Cure" is sold nt tha ex tremely lov pric of one dollar, thus placing within trach of everybody a treatment more effectual than otliera totting f23 tdt50. Full dirt-ct ions ac company each package. Special advice by skilled physician when requested without extra charge. 8enl prepared to any part of tlie world on receipt of one dollar. Address Dept. E(C Edwin B. Giles & Company, 2330 and. 2332 .Market St., Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly. confiden tial. . . ' , ' - . ' Lodge Directory. Jt'scTiox City Camp, No. WodDMKM OP TKK Wokijp, meets every first and thin! Monday night iu the month. E. O. Samukls, . Consul Coin. II. M. Miu.ior?c. Clerk. Ll'tTLLtS I.OIK1K, No. 52, K. of 1., meets first and third mi 1 1 .-.-A j .1 1""1ua" "'g"'8 eacn moiun, H O . 111. J. D. Hamux, C. C. C. V. Hoi'stov. K. of U. AS., Oasis Iaimb. No. 41. I.O. isV; O. F meets every Saturday W. M.Twpp.N.Gc, B. F. Harvsy, Secretary. Ji'-wo" C'Tv LotxB,No.l23, A.O. U.W.. meet evury Tuaa pjOKaf dar night. 'Wt$ G. F. Skipworth, M. W. V. M. TtTxaY, Recorder. Professional. Physicians. V. W. IXiLESBY, Physician and Surgeon. Office in ilotel Block. Junction. Or ElliLNK STEAM DYEING CLEANING WORKS West Eighth Street Near Steam Laundry Chris Marx, Jr., Proprietor Chthing Cleaned, Colored end Re paired. Faded C'othing Restored tc Its Original Color to Lock Like Item - - 6ATierAGTIOfS OUrtRAMTpCD. Tmlephonm Red 49-4.' CORNER Corner Oth and Wlllamott Street Eugene, Oresun VINCENT & CO. DRUGs, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, etc. 9"TEP.MS CASH. Thirsty? Well, If you arc going to r.ngene, stop ai ii The Oregon on Willamette street, four doors south of the lintel Eugene, where you w iil find the finest line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the Willamette Valley. W. WADDLE, prop.' Farm for Sale, Lasg for Halk 180 acres with barn aud'iut huildit yf, minima water.twixtr chards, H5 neres in farming land, within nine miles of Junction City, for )(l(i00. Inquire of S. Templeton, miles southeast, of Junction City . o nent. Do Ycu Know THAT THE Seattle Fruit & Produce , COMPANY, OF EUGENE, pajB the highest ciish price for pcultrv ews, veal and all kind" of farm produce. Prices this week : Chiekens,7c per po ind veal, 7c; jjeose, (icj ducks, 7c. Don't forzrtt the place Uth Street, next Ldoor to Soap factory, MRS. J. A. SIBPKTT MtLLtNcRY PAKL01M. - LatojBt Style Spring Hats Call, and see thetn. Prices riiBBonable, A, full li.iio of '. " . . " HLLl-VriHY ami teCY.HOOtlSi V V TUK NKW LAW. ; Sheriff Withers adverttset: "Monday, July 8, 1901, all hinds uprJu which Lane county holds tax sale certificate! of mora than two years standing- will he offered for sale at auction." . Lebanon Express Advance: Else where in this issue is the announcement of a sheriff'a sale of all property bid in by the county at tax sales. . . . The niw law provides that owners of such property may redeem ano before July 1st nv nnvlitn lla uiiiniir.t ot tavna and coeta, . After that time a penalty of 30 . . . a ... per rem on the amount 01 tax ami costs ia added. Notwithstanding auy ludctl hit or Imperfect description of audi land on the assessment roll, or other de fects, Hcitled in the law pertaining to the original sale, the purchaser from the county at the July sale acquires a good title. If, therefore, any owners of prop erty heretofore purchased by the counts at tax sulet, are relying on such defects to hold their real estate. It would be well for them to Inspect the new law by the 1st of July. ,. m .... .i 1 ' J. II. Miller Invites the eop1o of Junction and vicinity to call and see the new 1001 Rambler bicycles. If you are thinking1 about buying awheel, It will py you to look at the Rambler lefore you make a purchase. Just notice the number of these wheels in use. That it the best advertisement It cau have. SGR0SIS THE BEST Woman's 2.CO SHOE IN THE WOIiLD. 14 Different Styles T. A. GILBERT, SOLE AGENT, Eugene, Oregon THE "DOCTOR." m We had a foot-doctor hero Inst V weeK who looked ns though h may bo at tlio head ol his pro JJfeefion, as far as an elegant iti and a natty enno are con cerned. Our regular prartiti'm ers In suruerv and materia med ica were not in it with the corn doctor when it came to brilliants on a pink shirt and swell clothes k'W ally. Iho "doctor" had the hiippy fat uity of ingratiating himself into the " convernaaiones " of everybody who would ( hin with him. And hi; could place that cane exactly in the center of where tho seat of his trousers is, lean back on it and rival n theodolite. Tho "docior" says more of our ioiIo have corns than we aro aware of. This wi'.l make on very careful in our epistles to the public hereafter because we would not like "to tread on anybody's corns." The "doetoi" charged fifty cents to re move a callousness, and carried off the cmp, of which he had a fine, display in a reticule. He departed in the direction of Suckton, California, whero he said hs home is. Camera Bargains FOLDING' CAMERA, with Carrying Case and Double Plate-Holder, f , $7.50. POX CAMERA, w ith Double Lent-e 4x5, $3,00. NEW MODELS POCO axo PRE MO CAMERAS and EASTMAN KODACKS. E. Schwarzschild, ueiic, Oregon. m IfV M . TRiPP, General Blacksmlthin? tN ALL tTS PRAKCll Ef. tSBT II)itflaHosPtd A Sir.dA-tif jjjjSf Corner Fifth iini tiwftnwood ts; ., , function Cltyi ; ' 4 , ; Orfon. . ' i'-Vi 1 ' iV South anii East 1K Southern Pacific COMPANY.. Shaoia Route! Trains leave Junction City for Portland ami way stations at 9 :3J a, m. ana 2:35 p. in. v I'ortland.. .... a;;W m hiauiuii Lv Junction City. liliHpiu Pi:4()niii Ar Ashland 12 :Mni ll:Mm " Sacramento .. ft l0im a:W)am " San Francisco. 7:43 pm M :4ft am Ar Otfdon ,,. 4:M ant 7:lWnm lH'i.ver........ :3Qam :l5am u Kansas CHy... 7 rSAatn 7:25am " Chicago .. ..... 7 'A'l am 8 :JW am Ar Ia Angeles,. . 2 Mi pin H M am " K! raso. . . , , . . RKWptn 0:00 pin " Fort Worth... :a0am 0:30 am City of Mexlcoll :.M) am 11 -.30 am "Houston 7:00 am 7:00 ant M New Orleans. . 0 :30 pm (l :30 pm Washlujrvoii... 0:42 am 6:42 am ' N'gwYork 12:10 pm t 12:10pm Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ok den and El Pas. and Tourist' cars to Chicago, St. lxnu, New Orleans and vtasiiinKton. Ct.nnectlnn at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Ja pan. China, Philippines, Central and Smith America. . See agent at Junction Ciiv station, or address C. H.MAKKHAM.G.P. A., Puttl.-Mid, Oieiion. GO EAST VIA Shortest & Quickest Lino TO St. Paul, Duluth, Min j neapolis, Chicago i 1' And All ivluts East. , Thrwgh and Tcarist Sleepers, Dicing & Baflet Smoking uibrairy Cars DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIM M: SIXVICE A SCENERY CNJ'yC ALF.D Tickets to jKiints Knsi vhi Portland and the (jurat NoiiiiiKits Uy. on sale id Sotithern Pacific Depot Ticket otllce, or GiutAT Noutiikrm Ti ket oflieu, 123 TIIIKI) ST., PUR 1 1. AND. For Rates, Folders and full informa tion regarding Kastern trip, call mi or address A. P. C. DENNIS'lON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland fif r-' fill rt.n4t 1 rlnr di.iimIi A Bureau ii MU......!. .)....: li I- III .1 Mill M . ThoDurlingtonticketofricelnrortlandisaverltabla Dureau of Information fur travelers a place where they can karn what it will cost to reach ANY point In America Or Europe; hew long the nip will take, and what there is to see on tho way. If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and gel full information, or, jf you prefer, wriio mo about It. ' Omaha, Chicago, Kansas Ciiy, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. Cor. mrf--- '.' .Vni- 1 .tWw f43 TO BUFFALO. 'Aro vou uoiiii7 The lowest regular rate heretofore has been f37 and tho same returning, making thn lowest round trip 115.40, but tho (hirliiigton Ron to. will now sell you round tri; tickets for fS(i, which is tho samnus $13 chcIi way, and you Can have choice of routes und seven trains on d.ttes of salo,. 00 over ono fond and return another. 1 n this low nitt! you can also roach other Essleni points. Tickets are 11M jiiluss and etopoVei's permitted, ()niclt nst time ami best survlcd 'Write itsfof full pahiclilars before making other ur rtingtinelits.,. W,, Fosle"! Ticket Agoht, nnrllntdh Ltr.iitf- No. 100 third Street, CchitrHtitrk, Purtluitd.Or. InW V r ! t. VoiiiSra i lib -OREGON ' Shout Line fiMo Union Pacific lime 5chdulea I liny PORTLAND tlKHART rxa Cfilcago Portland Sin'ilul AKIOVX rnoM Salt I-ake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Oma ha, Kansas Cltv, Ft. Louis, CM 1HR0 and East. ' 4:30 V, M. I) A.M. via Hunt lmrton. "AtlanFie ,ake, Denver. Kpr's V v M. Ft. Worth, Oma ha, Kansas City, St. Ixmls, Chi- ' esao and East. Walla Walla, Iw islon, SiKikane, Wallace. Pull man, Minnen po lls. St. Paul.Du loth. Milwaukee Chicago & Fast. 8:40 A.M via Hunt ingtuit. f5f. Paul Fast Mall 0 P. M. via Hpoksno 7 A. M. Portland to'Chicago in 72 Hours. No Chancro of Cars. Ocean & River Sehedulo ruoM pouilau All Sailing Dales subject to tLnge. For San Francisco. Sail every 6 days. sr.M. 4 r.-M. "'"Dullv " Except Snmhiy 8 P. M. Saturd'r, 10 P. M. OtlmmblM Rtvmr To Atirl and Wgy-Ijindlnga., 4 P. M. y.x. Sun. i( EA5T THHOUtill I'ORTLAD. TICKETS VIA THIS UOUTK ON SALE AT S. P. DEPOT. E. F. THAYER, Agent. Salem, On. gap closed The- operation of thronch trains bet w sen San Francisco ind Ia Angeles, via Surf nnd Ssnt IW bitra, will begin on .SUNDAY, MARCH SI, mi, ' on the new ; COAST UNI: Two through trains daily. The ."Cflft Line Limited." ievin emit teriniutil in the morning, equipped with tlegnnt cam and parlor cars, will mnk) dnyliiht trips through the nmst pietur esipie, varied and entertaining Kenes 011 the continent. Inquire of utrents of th Southern Pacific Co. Informafa. A. C. nnt.t0!. Cenf ral Agent, Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. This is tho aeiiHon when hotiHeclonnln8 begins to reeeivofioniidorsti'm, .Ano'l1 carpet for , the parlor, sif lin,' room or bedroom, hud new matting 'for the kitchen' and hulls, odd a thousand per cent to the appearance of a honie. You will find Just what ynt want Li this lint! tit W. L; Wright's furniture: istore, and nt prices that life, right. NOTICU TO TAPAYMis.' ('Iln 1000 nUNRSfiinent roll;! 'will be closed June i5th. ,' W. V. WlTlllSRS...'; Shehff and Th"J Colloctof. - , . ' ( gttbBJribu for TUa BciLftTi - 1'. i