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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1901)
2 . ti v "J Corner Grocery HjTomplete Ctock 5 ' Q"- C5 : ON HAND. : cy c ry .thi n g in jr h c.grqccry line.. :5 produce Taken In Exchange. : Mtttiorn Bros, Junction City, Oregon. 5 2 5? 5 2 f Corrcapontlcncc FOR OUt. WK WILL BULL 3 BOXES OF ORANGE WOOD TOOTHPICKS (or 10c. It will also pay you to examine our line of Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powders, Soap, Perfumes and Toilet proma tioon. H you have nny favorite recipes of your own, bring them in and get our lrl We will guarantee that you can do from toSOO per cent better on prices 'with ui than you ran tdsewhere. We believe in quick sale and email profit, Come and see. cmle Drag Company Corner Hotel, Junction City, Oregon services at the cristian Church next Sunday. 10 a. in., Sunday-school : 11 a. in., sormoii by F.lder L. D. Oicen;7p in.. 1 . i . r. u. I.. ; n p. in., sermon f. M. K Keeno, of Ha Kia brother for by Sotithworth, went fishing luft Saturday. They rciort catching 40 trout. W. J. Snodgracs hipjxd 200 sheep and -it liouh to rortlaml ruinluv morn Inc. lie Ih one of Junction City' most enterprising stockmen, and now that he HARRISBURO. Attorney Skipwortb, of Junction City, was in town Wednesday looking alter business. ' Lemon Lassell. of the 8. P. steam above! force, in hero for a abort visit with his father's family. Mr. Ashford. representing the Oregon Casket Co., waa looking over the field here Tuesday. Mr. L. Wright and Mm. McEwen, of Junction Citv, recreating on bike, nooned here on Tuesday. T. J. Rodgers will ship two car po tatoea the first of thin week to till an order from Oakland, Cal. The ;oneni)u of opinion at thin time among the farmers in that the wheat will U) a full crop. The Westfall Herbs of Health Com pany's street concert on Inst Satuiday evening waa a snap for the small boy. II. It. Sherrill has executed bis I which secures him in a start for another four years' service in the office. On short notice a dancing party col lectndatthe City Hall on last Friday evenina. ine anair was greauy en joyed. J. Ct. Senders end family, cousins, and l$arnev Ma v. nephew of Vrs. L. Senders, will attend her funeral today (Wednesday) at Albany Mr. D. B. 5eb. manager for the the A.O. U. W., spoke In a verv confi dent manner and declared that Monday night be was su','cen(ul in riding the goat. While talking about funny things, lie remarked : nay, old ny, you have heard about a goat going over a hill?" "es,"saya I. "Well," says be, laugh ing, "had you been with ine Monday evening you would have seen a Hill go over a goat." LANCASTER. Farmers are all busy ploughing and sowing. The sunshine has como at last and we all enjoy it John Templeton visited at River View Saturday. Miss Norris visited at Eugene Satur day and Sunday. The bunday-school will elect new officers next Sunday. Kev. John Handsaker preached here Sunday to full house. James Templeton, of Crown Point, was here visiting last week. John Templeton was appointed to lead the endeavor next Sunday. John Henderson is talking of build ing anew bonse on bis ranch below town. A oicnic is talked of in the neigh borhood soon for the young people of our Sunday-school. Jerry Hays, of Harrisburg, is trying to circulate a petition to change the road, with little success. Wm. Pitney waa here Sunday and gave a talk to the Sunday-school on the life of Christ. Many thanks.come again. The Bcllstix is a welcome visitor in our neighborhood. Some say that they ouuence Personal I! v oi. i.w,7,iAw'n v, our neighborhood. Some say ti eeno ami brother, George rifnZrwUh'V' I vtUM.' would rather read the corresp. item, who has beon visiting comparing notes with . L.V .right, fa fa orafewdays,aW:ompaniHl ftnt for the same company here, last nanany outrne Saturday. The fourteen Odd Fellows, who went from Imre on last Friday uight to visit their Junction City brethren, report a grand time and speak in warm terms of ihetr liospitatile treatment wnne mere A turn in the affairs of Mr Kalston. week before he can talk electric lighting to the iMionle of Junction and Harris burg. Mr. W. L. Tyler ia at the Good Sa maritan Hospital, in l'ortiand, wiierc he has had a aunrtcal operation per formed. He is getting better and hopes to be home by the last of next week, Mrs. L. Fenders, of Albany, a sister of Mr. Sam May. will be laid to rest to day (Wednesday), in the Jewinh Ceme- Hide school. A Ml Beuutlful weather. Ir. I.oe, ocnlo-otician, Kugeno. Ir Oghwby, phynicinn and surgeon. Bead B. H. llyland ft Co.'h ad. in this il(Uf. Wee kly Oregonian ami Bcllktis only 2 a year. Orders taken lor ladies' and gents' snilH at Houston's. Silk waists in all the new shades at S. II. Fiteudly's, Kugene. Arbor ilay was obnerved w ith nppri priatu exercines taut Friday. .Iu-t reccivfd,-ltniil tt.H. of nice coun try haiiH and ahoulders at .Milhorn j'.ros. N..I. Brvsi.t. of Franklin, is in town this week working for the Weatherlyj Creamery Company. Wood wanted at the Junction City Flour Mill. Inquire of (Koiioii IIanosakk.b, Manager. Yon can p:iis a pleasant hour when in Eugene at l.ittlelleld'a billiard parlor: vigar ktoru in connection. Fr sah? A large, well made and well arrange" lsdv's trunk. A bargain. In Muire at the IH'I.i.kti.s oflice. Take your laundry to 0. S. Keek's Burlier shop. Ho has the agency for the Troy Laundry, of l'oitland. 0. F. Hurlburt has the agency for Oliver Chilled Blows and all extras. A full supjdy always on hand. If you havoanv blckHinithingtobo done, or horses to bo Hhod, go to V. M. Tripp. His work is always satisfactory. For sale A brand new 1U01 Uambler "Special." Never I wen out of the store. A bargain. IiKjuiro at tho I dllktin odlce. It will nav vou when in Fucene to call at S. II. Friendly's and see tho lat est stvlcB in Tailor Made Suits Just re ceived. On Tuesday e veniiik the 23, J. II Lister, Ktatif evanee st. win lecmro in vno Christian Church on "Home Missions." All invited. Died Thai ttlo two month's old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Baktr, died this morninu after a brief illness. Funeral will occur tomorrow at 2 p. m. Mrs. Hettio Bond, wifo of William Bond, died Sunday. April 14, UH)l, from paralysis of the brain, at hor home near Irving, fclio was a wen Known piouoor lady an 1 was aged 00 years. A tietltinn is be! ni circulated for sig natures for froo rural delivery of mail from this post office to Franklin, past Maurice Alien a Place, mrougu rum Ridge and back to J unction. 'i'ou are cordially Invited to atlond tho loot follv rMUiverod from 11 orotmcted I of Portland, demunils his attention in illness, the buviiiff and hii.-Dins of live Eastern Oregon. Hence it will be next 1 -If .f -!lt. siock in , inis suction in receive tuiai tional imitus at Ins hands. This Is the season when housecleaning begins to receive consideration, A new carpet tor tho parlor, fitting room or bedroom, and new matting (or the kitchen and halls, add a thousand per cent to the appearance of a home. ou will find jtixt w hat vou want in this line at W. L. Wright's furniture store, and at prices thut are right. Postmaster A. U. Martin was rilled to the lMdside of a dying sister. Mrs. L. L Huiitler, in North Yamhill, last Friday She died Saturday, and ihe funeral took place Suuday. Mrs. Huntley was 24 years of age. Mr. Martin's mother was also (tick, but at the time he left for homo shu was improvinc One hundred and forty nine freight tars were on tin bide tracks in the H. I yards here Tuesday, besides some on the main track. Three fourths of these cars were loaded with lumber. The vard facilities were taxed to their uttermost lo hold the cus. And Oregon's lumber industry is only in its infancy. J. 11. Miller invites tho people of Junction and vicinity to call and seo the new UK) I Rambler bicycles. If vou are thinking about buying a wheel it will ii-iv vuti to look at the Rambler before you "make a purchase. Just notice the number of these wheels in use. That is the bent pdvertiseiuetit it can have .I'lilgo J. W, Hamilton has been at pointed hv (iov. ieeras a memberoftlie IWrd of Regents of the State Cniver sity. at F.ugeut?, to succeed his father, Or, S. Hamilton, whose second term of six years each has just expired. R. P. Neil, of Ashland, . I S. Orr, of Klamath Falls, and A. J. Sherwood, of Coquille City, have been apiwnnted as members of the Board of Kegents for the Ashland State Normal School. Rosebnrg Review. Mies lCvelvn Barton is on the sick lint. FERN RIDGE. A. C. Bates is teaclunz the Fern Ridge school. MM Jeans, of Eimira, attended church on the Ridge Sunday. 0. Thurman and David Fisher went to the Long Tom fishing Wednesday. 3. W. Weatherly was on the Ridge lat t week in the interest of the creamery. -Oeo. Gross sold hia farm of ISO acres to Messrs. Mcuolden and Brigham, of Kansas. Elmer Jordan preached an Interest ing sermon in me unrisuan inarcn Sunday. Miss Daisy Summers, of Eugene, is teaching the ashinzton or Upper fern H. L. Rann went to Eugene Friday. Miss Lulu Norris went to Eugene Sat urday. . Miss Edna Hadley, of Eugene, is vis iting in this city. Miss Emma Baber U visiting friend-! in Eugene this week. , Dr. Oglesby made a trip to Albany Wednesday, returning Thursday Mrs. Archartand daughter, Mrs, A. J. Kaiser, went to Albany on a visit yes terday. ' Miss Opal Williams, of Junction, i the guest of Prof, and Mrs. E. E. Orton. Register. C. D, Minton, of Salem, renresentin'.' the Oregon Poultry Journal, was in the city Friday. Luke Knowlton returned Friday from Portland, where he had been spending his vacation. Geo. Keene, of Portland, was the iftiest of his brother, Wm. Keene and family this week. E. O. Samuels received a brand new go-cart frpni Albany Suuday morning for his brand new baby. Dr. Albert Lainherson, of Lebanon, was in this city Sunday to visit A. A. Foster in cot.sultation aith Dr. Ogleby. Harvey Winn returned from Cosmop olis, Wash., Saturday, where he has been working in a box factory and plain ing mill since last fall. Wm. Wolf, proprietor of the shingle mills atBlachley, was in town Wednes day and secured a load of the Eastern Oreion barley from Joe Nichols. Mr. Wolf ays is scarce at Lake Creek, but shingles are in abundance. The Junction City Creamery Com pany made iyi pounds ot Dutter at one churning Tuesday. It waa all made from cream brought in Monday. This company nas now tnree wagons em ployed in gathering up toe batter fat. They are making trips out as far as Ei mira, and -Mondav went nve miles west of Monroe. Emerv Herron, who attends to the outside affairs of this concern says the business is increasing right along. Monday he bought 17 Teal for shipment to Portland. Clvdo Cook, of Junction was in our neighborhood Wednesday buying hogs forG.C. Millet. Tuesday II. C. Mahon was in the neighborhood canvassing for the daily rural free mail delivery. -Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Harris and Rrbt. Copple, of Eugene, visited at Mrs. Mulkey's, Last Friday while Misses Or Che shire and Nora Tburmau were going to Eugene, their horse became frightened at the train and overturned the buugy, but ao damage waa done except a bro ken harness. The Weekly Oregonlau 2 for a year. and IkatRTi! t vvnat vou ask for . . , Is what you always get here. You aro never urged to buy something "jiut as good." We have everything a good drug storo should have, herce are pretty sure to havo just what you want. Our advice if you want it coHts you nothing; and iit isn't forced on ou if you don't want it. We are here to servo you not to dictate. We aim to give periect service at fair prices. We do not care to be known as "cheap druggists," but we do want to bo known as "money's worth" druggists. Muller & Hill lwVww1 tery near thafcity. Deceased will be lonir remembered for her lovely and charitable disposition. , RIVER VIEW. Mr. Nels Fenne. a fireman on the S. P., made us a short visit Sunday. Mr. Eric Johnston, of Eugene, spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr. tenne s Mrs. Hettio Cox was the guest of the Misses MoHitt Saturday and bun day. Miss Fannr Moffitt left Sunday to reopen ber school, wfefch is near Smith- Geld. Tho eood roads were the means of bringing many bicyclists out to Sunday school. Mt. C. C. Hayes is' nutting hia hop yard in flrst-claas condition, and expects a good yield. Miss Josm tenne will lead prayer meeting Wednesday. Everybody in vited to attend. A number of our young twnple at tended the farewell sermon of Rev. Si- bert Sunday eve. Albert Bristow in putting the ground of Henry Bushnell's prune orchard in tirst-class condition. Rachel Skaggw and Will Houston passed through on their wheels Tuesday en route for Eugene. Mrs. Foster and children returned to their place the first of the week, and will now commence making garden. Mr. Joo Edwards, Miss Lettie Ed wards and Mrs. Benham were the guests of Mr. I. N. Edwards Saturday and Sunday. Mr. McKeo received a consignmei t of strawberry plants, ami m tbo near , future will bo ready to supply all the ASK VOUl dealer IQX iu uuinus. Misses Ella and I anny Mollit re- turned from Eugene Friday, where they have been attending the teachers' ex animation. Miss Maude Haves aceoin paniod Mr Joe Edwards and Miss Lettie to their home in Benton county, where she will visit for a short visit The Junction photographer, Mr Tavlor. took a picture of our school- house Monday: also one 01 Mr. cm mons1 dwelling house. Mr. W. B. Wetzlor takes to farming like a duck to water. He is making lots of improvements upon his place, and will soon be able to furnish youanythiug in his line. A number o. the young people spent a pleasant evening Saturday at the home of Mrs. Moffitt. All report a nice timo and pronounced their boat a capital entertainer. Evorv farmer is busy and all the Available horses are in use. Loren Ed wards is running three gang plows, and from all sides you can hear the merry hum of the tillers Prof. Hunter made a business trip to Eimira Saturday. He reports the roads in very good condition, with the exception of three or four places, which, from all indications, nau. no uouom. -James Haves, when interviewed Tuesday morning about his initiation in from Mr FLAT CREEK ITEMS. J. S. Wooley has returned Sius-law. Frank' Taylor is visiting at Chris Tracer's. Born, to the wife of Wiley Ingram April 11, 1001, a girl." John Wiltse and T. Fawver were in Corvallison business Tuesday, Next Sabbath is Rev. Sibert's ap pointment at the school house at 11 Miss Clara Hugging is staying for a few weeks with Mis. fehipley, near Mar mony. Mrs. Mary Rickard is staying with her daughter, Mrs. James Trafzer, who is sick r.ear Ilalsev- Dave Lasky is cutting wood for John Wiltse, who has a contract to furnish wood lor parties iu Junction. John Handsaker filled Ins appoiut ment promptly at 11 o clock a m. last Sabbath. The house was well filled and the discourse on well appreciated. 'True Manliness" wa FRANKLIN. -Farmers busy seeding. to her sthnia. is progressing nneiy nnder Mrs. I. X. Dennis ia confined . r room who as -School the management of Mrs. Mattie Ionian. Rev. Green, of Eugene, oe.cop'ed the pulpit at the Christiau Church Sunday. N. J. Bryant is out with his wagon gathering cream for the Weatherly Creamery. , Geo. Weatherly, of the Weatherly Creamery Company, was in our vicinity one day last week in the interest of the creamery business. Grandma Dennis returned home Sunday from Junction City, where she was called to the bedside ot her granddaughter,-Miss Ruby Stricklin. Clyde Mahon, of Junction, was i n this vicinity last week circulating a pe tition for a rural mail route through this neighborhood. Pkck MRS. J. A. MILLINERY PARLORS. Latest Style Spring Hats Call and see them. Prices reasonable. A full line of . . . , MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS. ti Ltl von Cream of all Laundry Soaps Manufactured bysffi The Eugene Soap Company Eugene, Oregon YOU WILL FIND A FULL LINE OF HOUSEWIVES: STEEL AND CAST RANGES, COOK STOVES, TINWARE and CUTLERY . ... ALSO THE . ... i Celebrated Petaluma Incubator & Brooder ? Griffin Hardware Co., fe, own. j