Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1946)
BEA V ER T O N EN T ER PRISE Friday, September 13, 1946 WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER I Eastern Visitor Fir G rove M em bers T ake H onors At C ounty P air Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gestring, of S. W. Canyon Road, will ha'A as their guest for an extended visit, Mrs. Elizabeth Coon, of Waunita. Nebraska. Mrs. Coon will be here severl months. W est Slope RADIO and Appliance Authorized PHNCO R A D I O Deal er S E R V I C E PHONE C anyon Road BE 6 6 2 4 at Howatt Ave. «KM AS TAKIN6 tOf til TO LAHA in I MEAU FOR SICK SEAMEN. , THERE K AN EXTRA HOURS nxv for . each sulh job , EVEN TU0U6H DONE IN recolar work period . r . MTV ’ CVECtifVE I) ALSO PAID PAC ELY EXCEED L40 PER W¿EK. The Fir Grove Garden Club members came home with nine ribbons from the Washington Co. Fair held at Hillsboro. The gar den club entry won a white tib- bon. It was a moss green rec tangular bowl with hybush cran berry, mountain ash and sumac arranged in it. Blue ribbon winners were: Mrs. M. C. Yeager, dinner table ar rangement division. She entered a boat shaped copper bowl with yellow gladioli. Mrs. Paul Mead, kitchen window arrangement di vision. H er entry was a cup and saucer with flash marigold, red maple leaves, and miniature drift- wood. Mrs. A. W. Graham, buffet division. H er container was a pil low vase with red geraniums and rabbits’ ears. Mrs. A W. Gra- ' ham, clear glass division. For this division M(;s. Graham used a i large brandy inhaler with a gar den scene arranged inside the container. Red ribbon winners were: fruit arrangement, Mrs. Dvr-ton T W al ton; mantle. Mrs F W. Ralston. Yellow ribbon winners were: mantle, Mrs. John B Taylor, seed pods, Mrs. Paul Mead. WEST SLOPE NEWS Get One of Our e TA MEN ACE FÇCVIDED EXCELLENT FCCD CLEAf BLANKETS, BE DPIN6,T0ilWLS HOT SHOWERS. RECENT WAC-E BOOSTS CM ABLE SEAMEN EASE PAY Of 4I6Z-TAKE HOME PAY Of WELL OVER *200 A MONTH - A l?7% INCREASE OVER 10» ' BASIC WA¿E NEW SEERSUCKER DRESSES To Start School Top it off with a red or navy EISENHAUER JACKET for Cool Mornings Elite Dress Shop 2 2 0 S. W . First St. Beaverton Oregon * 4 3 % OF THE TIME SEAMEN ACE IN PORT UNDER A 4 0-HOUR WEEK Where Parking Is Easy Classified quick sales. ads always bring Application Form Received By VA Visit In San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. Allen N. Armfield, of Laurelwood Drive, and daugh ter, Arden, have just returned from a ten day motor trip to San Francisco, Cal., where they visited Mr. Arm field’s sister and brother- j in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ba- | ker. • • • Attend Fair — Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mueller at tended the Oregon State Fair last week. V VALLEY V IE W CENTER Canyon Roa d ot W est Slope R IC H F IE L D A S E R V IC E N T I Q U E "G O N E W IT H T H E W I N D " S T A T IO N LAM PS and GIFT SHOP W e Specialize in . . . 1 M O T O R R E PA IR and N T L U B R IC A T IO N D E C O R A T IO N E R OPEN 7:30 a. m. to l0 :3 0 p. m. S U G G E S T IO N S 1 0 7 Days a W eek R 1 West Slope GROCERY & M ARKET Shafer and Neer We A rc P ro u d o f th e COMPLETENESS o f O ur L in es o f M erch an d ise You Can Buy ALL Y our Food Supplies* IN ONE PLACE — W E D ELIV E R — S.. W. Canyon Road BE 0733 BR 9998 W EST SLOPE LUMBER CO. Built In Cabinets - • j ‘ Step Ladder* * «• / , 4 Roof Coati lit: t e* Shingle Stain / Masonite ViaH (Viverinj: M e d in e Labinel* l*la*tie Clothe* Line* 6049 S. W . Canyon Road Portland 1 Phone BRoòdway 6122 How To Cast Your Own Horoscope First, write down the date of your birth, the time o f day you were born, what your *aTher said ■wVieft he saw you. what you said back at him. what the, neigWAn* said, and what the doctor said when he couldnl collect his bill. Now add to this your telephone number, the amount of your last month's gas bill, the number of false teeth in your mo$th, the number of wrinkles in your neck, and the amount you cheated the government out o f in your last incom tax return. Then subtract the square root o f six. I f it comes out undet a hun dred. you’ll live to a ripe old age, make friends and influence peo ple and vote a straight Republi can ticket. I f it comes out 'over a hundred you should see your nearest doc tor. Ladies . . . you wtrti't know YOUR KITCHEN \fter You Cover l k ‘ I^twer H all* H itli Pla*tie Enamel Otaled TYLL-HOARD S e v e ra l b i-an lifu l n d o rs to choose fro m . Metal Moulding*. Come in and see DOES YOUR MAYTAG WASHER NEED A FACE LIFTING? C O M P L E T E PA RT S SELEC TIO N and SE R V IC E N O W • 0 Water Softeners 0 0 H E A T I N G A V A IL A B L E New Modern Wringers For Older Machines Wringer Ralls Casters Q nauel & A ck erm an ■ffcrtpaint; us. KINGSLEY Beaverton Lumber Co. On Canyon Road if Telephone A IR C O N D IT IO N IN G H O M E A P P L IA N C E S Beaverton 2699 s ® The Fir Grove Garden Club held a very successful garden showr Saturday, September 7, from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the homes of Mrs. Paul Mead and Mrs. M. Hinds. Mrs. M Lawrence, of Port land, was the judge Mrs, D. Den ison poured at the tea, which was served from 2 to 6. There weie 146 entries made by the 13 mem- bers of the garden club. The Grand Sweepstakes winner was Mrs. Paul .Mead’s shadow box arrangement of a chartreuse su gar bowl with rudbeckia in it. It w:is very simple, but very pleas ing In line, form and color blend ing. Ribbons were awarded as fol lows: Cup and sandier, Mrs. Dale Viar, blue, with an arrangement of white stock in a black cup D orothy S a y re M arried and saucer. Red ribbon, Mrs. E. Friday In P o rtlan d C hurch Oberst; white ribbon, Mrs. Don Denison; honorable mention, Mrs. Miss Dorothy Sayre and Mr. M. Yeager. John Machie were married Fri Mantle, blue. Mrs. F. W. Ral day, September 6, at 8 p.m. at the ston, who entered a white con First Congregational Church. Port tainer with purple verbena and land with Reverend I. J. Walk snags; red, Mrs. F. Agassiz; white, er officiating. Mrs. A W. Graham. Mr. Clarence Jensen, Tacoma, Monotone: blue, Mrs. D. Deni Washington, gave the bride away. son, who had a white container Miss Edith Jensen was maid-of- with white funkia and its natural honor. foliage, and white tinted snags, The bride wore a white satin red, Mrs. H. Harvey; white, Mrs. wedding gown with a sequin Paul Mead; and honorable men- trimmed neckline and a long ! tion, Mrs. A. W. Graham. train and a short bridal veil Three inch miniatures: blue, trimmed with orange blossoms. Mrs. D. Denison, who entered The maid-of-honor and the dwarf shell pink sweet Williams bridesmaids. Miss Ruth Mackie in a shell pink urn; red, Mrs. A. and Miss Elsie Sohwalheim w’ore W. Graham; white, Mrs. M. Yea- gowns in pastel shades of blue, I ger. yellow and apricot. The flower Six inch miniatures: blue, Mrs. girl, Susan Peck, wore pink. D. Denison, whose arrangements The reception following the consisted of d ya rf cyclamen, pink wedding was held in the parlors oxalis, and fine pink foliage; red, of the church. Mrs. Edna Sapola 1 Mrs. Paul Mead; white, Mrs. H. and Miss Emily Sayre, sisters of I Harvey. of the bride, served. Dinner table: blue, Mrs. M. Yea- Mr. and Mrs. Mackie left on ¡ ger’s arrangement of a large low their honeymoon which they plan I copper bowl, copper colored dah to spend at Crater T-ase and Cres lias and pears on a Chinese mat; cent City. They plan to be home red. Mrs. F. Agassiz; white, Mis. about September 20. Paul Mead. Special arrangement, glass con who live in San Jose, Cal. Mrs. tainer: Mrs. A. W. Grahnm. Her Martin was formerly tse w y Brock j entry was a crystal basket con man. taining mauve autumn crocus, pink snapdragons and orchid • • • Loses Mother i larkspur. Weeds: blue, Mrs. D. Denison, Mrs. B. L. Eddy, mother of Mr. Ben Eddy, of Cashmur Lane, who caught everyone’s interest passed away Friday, September with tansy placed In a blue plt- 6, after suffering a stroke ear | cher; red, Mrs. A. W. Graham; lier in the W’eek. Mr. and Mrs. ; white, Mrs. M. Yeager. Novelty Container: blue, Mrs Ben Eddy attended the funeral M. Yeager; red, Mrs. F. W. Ral which was held in Roseburg. * • • ston; and white, Mrs. Paul Mead. Felicitations In Order Sradow Box: blue, Mrs. A. W. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Keller, Graham, whose red dahlias ar Crestdale Court, are being felici ranged in a white bowl were the tated on the birth of their sec | exact red of the velvet edging the ond child, Elizabeth, who was born j old fashioned gilded frame; red, Monday, Sept. 9 at 4:15 p.m. Mrs. M. Yeager; white, Mrs. H. at the Wilcox Memorial Hospital, Harvey. Not only are the members of Portland. Mrs. Keller was formerly Janet Sooysmith, one of Portland’s the garden club interested in ar ranging flowers, but they are in Rose Festival queens. terested in the future gardeners • • • trying their hand at it, so they Going To Grund Canyon had four entries in the little gard- Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Killion are ners’ division. Jayanne Harvey driving to Montana to visit rel walked off with honors with her atives. They plan to return by way arrangement of yellow pom pom of the Grand Canyon in Colorado. dahlias in a little cream pitcher. They will be gone about two In the horticultural division the weeks. following ribbons were nwarded: • • • Roses, white: blue ribbon, Mrs. Visit San Francisco M. Hinds; copper roses, blue rib Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Falk left for bon, Mrs. M. Yeager; crimson San Francisco by plane Wednes glory (the rose selected by the day, September 11. They expect club as its official rose) blue rib to return Sunday. bon, Mrs. M. Hinds; single hybrid, blue ribbon, Mrs. M. Hinds; red II e std ale M others (.Inh ribbon, Mr. M. Yeager; polyan- thia roses, blue ribbon, Mrs. Paul E n tertain ed Ity P resid en t Mead. Delphinium: blue ribbon, Mrs. On the night of September 4 the members of the Westdale Mo M. Yeager; red ribbon, Mrs. A. W. thers’ Club were entertained by Graham. Fuschia: blue ribbon, Mrs. D. their president of the past year, Denison; red ribbon, Mrs. Byron Florence Lusk. Every mother was present Jo T. Walton. Bulbs, Gladioli: blue ribbon, Mrs. hear a timely article on poliomely- tis read by Evelyn Lauridfcen, dis M. Hinds, Mrs. Paul Mead. Bulbs, Montbretia: blue ribbon, cuss the packages being sent to the family adopted by the club in Mrs. F. Agassiz. Flowering shrubs: blue ribbon. France, and to enjoy the delicious refreshments served by the host ess. * * * ——- A sample copy of the application ; Have Luck I Mr. and Mrs. Neil YVhisnant and form urti instructions to enlisted Bruce had wonderful results from men of World W ar I I in applying a huckleberrying trip above Gov for their ttnused terminal leave ernment Camp recently. They or furlough pay was received this picked over four gallons. Think week by the Department of Vet erans’ Affairs, from Maj. Gen. G. of those pies! • * • B .Erskin.e retraining and reem Go On Vacation ployment administrator. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost and An accompanying letter to Dir Mr. Frost’s mother, Mrs. Grace ector George E. Sandy said that Frost, left Monday, Sept. 9, for all community advisory centers a ten day trip through Mt. Ran- and county veterans’ service of ier park to LevffT^orth, Wash. fices would receive the sample They intend to do some fishing forms shortly. on the way. Although post offices will re Mrs. Grace Frost has only re ceive supplies soon for veterans, cently returned from «*•* extended the sample form will enable ser trip east. * • • vice officers to study the instruc tions and be ready to help veter Make Salem Trip ans make their applications when Miss Dorothy Dillow and Miss the time comes, Sandy said. Marion Pattullo and a group of Earlier doubt as to whether friends attended the Oregon State photostatic copies of discharges Fair at Salem, Friday, Sept. 6. would be accepted as proof of mil a a a itary service was clarified, as fol Visiting Miss Wanda Brockman spent lows : "W e know you were glad to last week visiting her parents, learn that the armt|i forces acted Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Brockman favorably on the recommendation while en route from San Jose, Cal. that photostatic copies of dis where she has been visiting her charge papers, as well as origin sister, Mrs. Andrew Martin, to Seattle, Washington. als, will be accepted.” The Brockmans have also had "Pas", "liberty,” or periods of temporary duty are not charge their nephew, T-5 Sgt. Donald able as leave or furlough, nor are Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Bab sick, convalescent, or rehabilita cock, of Butte Falls, Oregon as tion leave, but "delay enroute” recent guests. a • e will be, the instructions indicate. In addition to the pay the vet Baby Shower Fifteen friends came to the eran will receive in his last pay grade before discharge, he will home of Mrs. John Comfort on get 70 cents subsistence for each Friday evening, September 6, to day of unused leave. Also, those give a shower for Mrs. Kenneth in the top three 'p a y grades who McHenry and her newly adopted had dependents will receive an ad ? baby, Susan Lynn McHenry Mrs. ditional $1.25 a day for quarters. McLean and Mrs Raymond Durr Ih the army and marines this in were assistant hostesses with Mrs. cludes master, tech and staff ser Comfort, • » * geants. In the navy and coast New Granddaughter guard it means chiefs and first Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Brockman and second class petty officers. Of all sad words in sound Of Pay is for a miximum of 120 McChesncy Road, have announced ink, the saddest are: " I didn't days of earned leave, in non-ne- the birth of their granddaughter, think.” gotiable bonds, maturing in five Melani Zerilda, born August 16, year*, jipd is figured at the rate tp Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Martin, TOO LATE of 2,£ days per month, minus the leave actually taken in nervine, TO CLASSIFY Don't learn the traffic rules by accidents, shys the National Safe ty CouncS Lubricants Fir Grove Club Holds Successful Flower Show Beaverton C. A. Bokketi, Beaverton 3201 Oregon Mgr. LEACH & BUCK Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt O R D E R S T A K E N at B est Sltt/te P lu m b in g S e rv ic e P hone ■ i ItL n eon 7 5 4 2 Fall-ize" YOUR S IM M L R T A N w ith a F acial at H ELE N 'S BEAU TY SHO P S.. W. Canyon Rood Phone BRoadway 6786 Immediate Appointments for Permanents W est Slo/H' PLUMBING "Ernie" Leach IM iin iltiii“: X A p p lia n c e s Phone BEocon 7542 8801 S .W . Canyon Road “ P lu m b in g — B etter llin n e s " West Slope Beauty Shop OPEN SIX DAYS A I PEEK from 9 : 5 0 a. m. EVENINGS Ity Appointment 8717 S. W. Canyon Road Phone BEacon 9492 TUE BOSS HAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT FO R SALls Winter is coming and the experts say it is going to be a cold one. We have electric Ohrorrrjlox space heaters with fan I $34 9F each. These are hard to get. Harry! W E ALSO H A V E for brooders end for house heating new calroid strip heaters, 36 inches long 220 volts, 5 amps., 1000 watts, metal | sheathed and porcelain enamel finish. General Electric manufac ture; new regularly listed for $3.77. Our special price $2.75 each In quantities of ten or more. We also have float switches and pressure switches for that water system, Westinghouse and Gen eral Electric manufacture. Float switches. $4.25 cash. Pressure switches from $5.25 to $85.00. W e have many other items of new merchandise In the electrical line that might interest you. We are authorized agents for Kelvinator, Speed Queen, RCA Victor, Fowler and others. TH E CAN YO N ROAD A P P L IA N C E COMPANY. On 8. E. Canyon Rd. at West Slope. Call BEacon 4433. collect If you like. 33 Miscellaneous For Sale: Home freezer locker. 20 cubic feet capac- | ity, cork insulated, copper tinned coils. Frizidaire one third horse l power, heavy duty water cooled j compressor, 110 volts. 60 cycles, single phase, fully automatic and jin top condition: only two years old Price $275 cash This is fifty dollars 1 <•v - than cost. Ideal for ' farm use. Measures 40” x 48" x 80 Call BEacon 4433. collect If you like. T H E G E N T L E M A N IS R I G H T • i i and w e’re meeting his demands with Dacro Pro tected Milk . . . the safest package o f milk you can buy. The bottle is not merely covered. It’s SEALED with a sturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, tanrper- proof. There's complete, scientific protection for our milk after it leaves the dairy. Let one o f our routemea show you what this protection means to you snd your family. Became the Dacro Cap is a genuine seal, it b o m be remo*cd the first bate with aa opener. After that it map be •napped back on the bottle at a re-teal and restored again sod again, even without aa opener. SU M M ER CUT FLOWER« -rsssssr P Y R O N 1 SO N N U R SE R Y 1 Block off Farmington Rood ON LANG AVENUE Mrs. M. Hinds; red ribbon, Mrs. M. Yeager; white ribbon, Mrs. P. Mead. Petunias; blue ribbon, Mrs. E. Oberst; red ribbon, Mrs. John Taylor; white ribbon, Mrs. Paul Mead. Marigolds: blue, Mrs. M. Hinds; red, Mis. Don Viar; white, Mrs. Paul Mead. Giant Zinnias: blue and i^ed, Mrs. M. Hinds— white, Mrs. Don Viar. Lilliput Zinnias: blue, Mrs. M. Hinds; red, Mrs. F. Agassiz; white, Mrs. Paul Mead. Fantasy Zinnias: blue, Mrs. M. Yeager. Asters: blue, red and white. Mis. M. Hinds. Geraniums, blue, Mrs. F. Aga*- siz. Anenomes: blue, Mis. M. Y ea ger. Dahlias, single: blue, Mrs. M. Yeager. Dahlias, miniature: blue, Mrs. M. Yeaker; red, Mrs. D. Denison. Dahlias, decorative: blue, Mrs. M Yeager; red, Mrs. Paul Mead. Dahlias, show: blue, Mrs. M. Yeager; red, Mrs. Don Viar; white, Mrs. M. Hinds. Dahlias, pom pom- blue, Mrs. M. Hinds; red. Mrs. Paul Mead. A L P E N ROSE >« 1 4 9 S.W SH AT T U CK ROAD DAIRY CHerry 2 4 2 4 1 V i mi. Eost on Bertha B eaverton H iw ay to Sho ttuck Road , SB Ü tt k