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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1903)
- Wednesday, August 12, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER MANY VISITORS. Large Parties In The District To Invest In Properties. H. L. Stewart, of New York, vice president of the Killen, Warner, Stewart -company, and Charles II. Sleg, a direc tor in the company, accompanied by a large party of Eastern investors, arrived in the city last week. Since its arrival the parry has been busy visiting various properties with a view to investment and Incidentally enjoying a vacation in the mountains. Many of these people wore already in terested in Killen Warner Stewart prop erties, and others come to investigate And invest if conditions were found fav orable. The members of the party with out exception express themselves highly pleased with the situation and it is un derstood that heavy investments havo been made by them. It might be remarked in this connec tion that there have been more visitors in the district at the instance ol the various mining firms within the past week or two than at any time this sea son, and it is to bu doubted if there ever has been a time In the history of the camp when investments were bo lively. It is to bo noted, too, that among the hundreds who have lately come to in vestigate mining conditions here, a soli tary exception of one dissatistied is yet to be found. Among the visitors are prominent mining engineers and mining men of experience from other districts. These as a rule are the most effusive in their praise. of Cripple Creek, Colorado, are a close second, while the Cou. Morcur of Utah and Alaska Treadwell follow. OFFICIAL RECORDS. PLENTY OF MONEY. Directors of Smelter Company Materially Increase Reserve For Ore Supplies. According to a recent arrangement made by Dr. Kd W. Mueller, manager of the Oregon Smelting & Refining com pany, the maximum charges for ore treatment, regardless of the character of the ore, will be (13.60 and the mini mum charge will be (0. President Lindsey and the directors of the company visited the plant this week and were highly pleased with its man agement. The directors have very ma terially increased the ore purchasing fund, and the company is in a better positionto handle the various products of the district. Tbo Mining World says that tho produotiou of gold iu all tho world for tbo year 1001 was 12,812,000 ouncos of a valuo 9204,000,000. Tho world '8 production of gold for tho year 1002 was about 12,050,000 ounces, valued at 9207,000,000. The United States leads every country with a total produotiou of 3,070,000 ouones, valued at $82, 000,000. Colorado continues in drat place among the states in gold production, it having mined 1,500, 000 flue ounces of a value over 930, 000,000 last year. California comes second with a prdouotion in gold of 7,750,00 ounces, valued at 910000, 000. South Dakoa takes third place with aproduotlon of 325,000 ouuees. The greatest gold producing mine was the Homestake of South Dakota, from which was taken gold to the amount of 93,000,000. Strattou's Independence and the Portland The following instruments were tiled at the linker county court house during the week ending Aug. 14, 11)0 i. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DKRDS. Jan 2", '02 A Stalker & wf to Lucile Stalker, one lot of ground in nw sec 3d tp7r45;25. July 27 N .1 Chose to Rebecca Lloyd lot 3 blk 3 Richland; 1100. July 17 Fox Creek Gold Mining Co to R A Bowman tracts of laud in xecs 4, 0, 22, 27tpl2sr45;jil. May 28-A W Ellis & wife to J L Ev ans lots 7 & 8 blk 7 Ellis adu Sumpter; fl35. August 8 W Chandler to B P Toney ntf ne sec 32 tp 7 r 30 ; $2800. April 13 W A Ross et ux to L L Fos ter int in Bilduor ice house grounds, stock and fixture in Our IIouhc huIooii. April 4 Albert Hutchinson et ux to W C York 158 acres in sec 4 tp 7 s r 38 ; 1300. MINING MATTERS. ORKDS. Aug 0 R L Farmer to Fred I) Smith A L Farmer placer claims, Red Bird, Snow Bird, Cump Bird, Blue Jay and Partridge claims; (4000. Aug 5 Master iu Chancery McCam mant to Bourne Gold Mining Co deed under foreclosure Eureka & Excelsior Mining Co, Bourne ; (26,000. MORTGAGES. July 27 Lucile Stalker to E Wilkin son tract in nwtf sec 3(1 tp 7 r 45; (700. Aug 10 B F Toney to F L Moore ntf ne s 37 tp 7 r 30 and setf sec 22 tp 8 r 30; (2800. July 13 Zeno Denny et ux to Mrs It A Wilkinson w w sec 25 tp tp 7 r 4u. Mrs R Wilkinson to Zeno Denny re lease of mortgage for (300 on above land. MISCELLANEOUS. Action J L Essolstyn vs J V Henries et ux to recover on note, interest and attachment fee, Full Moon nnd Half Moon placer clnitiiH attached ; (305. Action Davis Wilcox vs C It Dalton action on notes for about (500; land in sections 10 & 11 tp 7 r 30 attached. M R Woodward vs II K Brown to re- rover possession of furnitureaud fixtures n Panhandle saloon. Baker City. Bfll of Salo-J A Riggs to M H Allen bar furniture and fixtures in Capital hotel bar, Sumpter. Timber and Homestead Flliogi. Timber and homestead filings, as well as final proofs, can be made before Charles II. Chanre, United States Com missioner, ofllce in First National Bank of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav ing applicants expense of a trip to La Grande. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-TAKE NOTICE. United States I nJ Offict, ) U Grande, Oregon, August to, 190). Notice It hereby given that Henry Heweli, Jr., whole pottorhce address l Tacoma, Washington, dIJ, m the 4th day of Augutt, ioo, make application to select, unJer Act ol June 4, 1847, (o Stat., )6) the fo"owlng described trad: Lot 4 In Section to, Townihlp 0, South, Range jt EWM.; Lott Section i Township q South, Range it EWM: SH ol NEK Section 1; Township South, Range to EWM, In the La Grande Land District, St-te of Oregon, containing M4.81 acre. That the purpose of thlt notice It to allow all per sons claiming the telected land under the mining laws, or desiring to show It to be mineral In charac ter, an opportunity to file objections to such selection with the officers of the U. S. Land Ofhoe, at La Grande, Oregon, within thirty days after the 10th dav of Augutt, toot, so as to establish their Interttt therein or the nlneral character thereof, E. W. Bartlett. Register. TNE J0NANNESIUR6 ULD MINES CO. Requests that its proposition tie In vestigated. It is high class. Send for prospectus and engineer's report. Price 50 cents. Dividends assured by October. PACIFIC COOT MESIIIEU 111.3.4 WlleeiaslWai, lot Aalst Calif. Reference: State Bank & Trust Co. THE WORLD'S GREATEST GOLD FIELD THE GREENHORN MOUNTAINS OREGON Stock Now 5 Cents Per Share Par Value $1.00 Tho in I no of (he Greenhorn (Sold Mines and Developing Coin puny is located on the Greenhorn mountain, near Greonhoru City and Sumpter, Oregon. Is organized under the laws of the State of Oregon. Promlnout mining men of Oregon and business men of Milwaukee lire itri officers. Capitalization 31,000, 000, MOO, 000 treasury stuck. Of tho 100,000 Hliares to be Hold at oj per shure nearly 50,000 Hluires have boon subscribed for, tho balance, 50,000 shures, of the tic stock, is being quickly bought. Tho next allotment will be mild at lOu per share. Tho in I no is surrounded by sevorai producing mines, tho company has a clear titlo of tho property, has no debts, uo promoter's stock, all claims on tho vein. Will bo u prodticor and dividend payer within a short time. Woik hits been com menced ami stock will bo advanced as development work progresses. Thin is a biislnetiri proposition, not u speculation. For further particu lars, write for prospectus. Address CHAS. SCilOLL, Secietary, or MOSKS P. KKOG1I, Treasurer, of tho Greenhorn Gold Mines and Developing Company. Oltlces, 1107 Matthews building, Milwaukee. Wis. Miller cap protectors. T. G. Harrison agent (or Baker, Grant uiul Union counties. JR. PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROPRIETORS 1UMPTIR OBNtRAt HOSPITAL SUMPtR.OIQON , , ,. iOffici. Main tit. ''Phone J Hospital Main l. F. K. II0BS0N. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Oregon, glneer lor the City of Sumpter. En- U4irrtiad ills' PitiM Ssrseii. ia OrsaMI. 1st Printing CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Cltf AUarmy U. I. CtMMlltlMir Rooms 2 and i, Hirst Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON p A. E. STARR. Attomey-at-Law Center, cor. High St. Sumpter, Oregno Oliice Phone No. jot Residence Phone No. t DR. L. T. BROCK Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter. Oregon. I am now prerared to receive and treat patients t-olli meJIcat and suiglcal, In the best equipped private lanltarluin In the country, Nice quiet home, wllh traineJ and eip rlenced nure always In at endance. Up-to-date surgical work a specially BEST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON I have Shares of Gilt Edge Mining Stock, on which it is absolutely necessary that I raise some money. It is in the Grizzly Gold Mining Co. You can have it in one bunch for 3 cents, in broken blocks 4 cents. Address BERNARD FLYNN SUMPTER, OREGON IF YOU WISH TO INVEST IN MINING : Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON