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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1903)
HHHHI VOL. IV. SUMPTER, OREGON, AUGUST .9, 190$. NO. 50. BIG BODY OF RICH ORE AT CRACKER SUMMIT. Thirty-Five Feet of Ore Carrying High Values and Neither Wall Has Yet Been Encountered. A very rich strike was made at the Cracker Summit, in tin Cracker Creek district, last Friday thirty-live feet of ore and neither wall in sight. A party consisting ot I). I.. Killen, president of the Killen Warner Stewart company; II. L. Stewart, vice president of the company; John Phillips, of the com pany's Milwaukee office; Engineer J. V. Howard, of New York, and Ed Kil'en wan present at the property when the big ore body was broken into. At the time it measured twenty-four feet, but Mr. l'liillips, who was at the mine yes terday, states that the ore body now measures thirty-rive feet and neither wall lias yet been encountered. The ore, it is stated, is exceedingly high grade and very similar in character to that of the North Pole. In fact, Mr. l'liillips says that it would lie ditllcult to tell one ore from the other. The rich strike was made in the drift tunnel, 500 feet in. Siierinteudent Gamhs is now concen trating his energy toward crosscutting the ledge to determine its width. At tins point where the strike was made the workings give a vertical depth of over 200 feet on the vein. No assay values have been given out, though it is stated they run very high. The Cracker Summit is one of the Killen Warner Stewart flotations and the members of the party present when the rich Imdy was broken into were nat urally very jubilant. The strike has occasioned a good deal of comment among mining men generally. TO UNWATER MINE. Manager Davidson Starts Ac tive Operations At Don Juan. T. V. Davidson, general manager of the Dou Juau, loft yesterday for the mine to start active operations. A erew was sent out Mouday, and Mr. Davidson intended to start un watering the mliio today. This will require teu days or two weeks, after which regular developmout work will le started. The Dou J nun, it will bo romem bered, was taken over recently by a Hay City, Mlchigau, capitalist, through Mr. Davidson and A. It. Browne. The former will have the business management of the prop erty, aud the latter will be consult ing engineer. There were, some con tingent matters in litigation from the former ownership after the deal was closed with the Michigan man. These, however, have been adjusted, aud there will bo no bitch from this source. The management has abund- ant funds for continuous develop ment work. KENNERLY SELLS. Greenhorn Properly Pane to C. M. Johnson of Geiser. T. S. Keuuerly, superintendent of the Hold Coin group lu the Groon horns, left a few days ago for tho east. Before leaviug bo filed deeds 'from J. Blair Keuuerly, of Philn- dolphin, aud Chun. Hedges, of tho 'postottlcd department at Washington, for u half luterest iu Leonard, Eminu W Gold Dollar and Cold King claims to C. M. Johnson, of (Joiner, jthe consideration being 92,000. Mr. Hedges, it will lm remembered was implicated iu the recent postal mixiip. Amoug other things he was accused of selling ( mining stock to employes under him. GOOD ORE AT EARL. Property Improving With Every Round ot Shod. Ed Sulllvau, of the Earl, who was iu the city today, says the proporty la making a good sbowiug aud getting better with every round of shots. The drift has proceeded sixty foot from the crosscut, and he states that' the ledge is getting stronger aud re vealing better values. There Is twelve feet of ore now in the face of the drift. EIGHT FOOT BREAST. Good Values in No. 3 Level at the Cali fornia. Manager Bellman, of the Cali fornia, states that development work iu the No. II tunnel is showing up a Hue ore body. There is an eight foot breast in the face of tho tunnel carrying satisfactory values. The mill which recently went into commission, Mr. Bellmau says, Is working satisfactorily. The process is a decided success, anil a flue grade of concentrates is being turned out. Daily Mining Record Man Here. L. T. Terry, representing the Dally Mining Itecnrd, of Colorado Springs, is iu the city looking after his paper's interests. He will remain in tho camp for some time visiting the various properties. THE MORNING MINE IS SOLD Stated That Well.Known Prop erty Has Changed Hands. PRICE, $200,000 CASH. EASTERN OFFICERS. Lucy People From Milwaukee, Visit The Property. Sam It. Stott, presldout of the (jreeuhorn Mines aud Development company, operating the Lucy group iu the (Jreeuhorn district, aud Ed Sulllvau, one of the owners of the property, came In yesterday after supplies. They left this morning, accompanied by Morris Sulllvau, who is also one of the owners. Charles Scholl, of Milwaukee, secretary of tho company, and M. I'. Koough, one of the directors, also of Milwaukee, wout to (ireeuhoru yesterday. A meeting of the direc tors will bo held there tonight to decido on future development plans. The cabins at the property have been completed aud work has been started on tho ledge. H. MacCallum Sayi That Owner Told Him Deal Vat Practically Closed Mine Goes to Eaitcrn Capitalists Has Paid From Grata Roots L X. L., Snow Creek, Belcher, Humbolt and Oihcr Greenhorn Properties. Alpine Superintendent Resigns. II. W. Nelson has resigned the super iutemleney of the Alpine on account of bin health. He has been affected with pleurisy for some time, which he attrib utes to the altitude. He will remain, however, until relieved and then go tin Denver for a short stay, returning to hi home iu California. Vult Standard. Dr. Ed. W. Mueller, general managtr of the Standard Consolidated Mines company, E. F. Warner, auditor of the Killen Warner Stewart company, and a large party of Eastern investors left this morning to visit the Standard, iu the Quartzburg district. The Morning mine Iu the (Irooii horns is reported sold to eastern capitalists. The figure mentioned la 'J(0,000 cash. J. 11. MacCallum, of the J. 11. MacCallum company, Ih authority for the statement. He re turned from the (JreeiihoniH yester day, and says he had it from tho owners, Simmons, Ames and Copper, that the deal was then practically closed and that there would bo no doubt about Its consummation. The Morning is one t the well known (Ireenuoru proiertlea. It is equipped with modem mining and milling machinery and has lieoti a producer from the grass roota. Mr. MacCallum visited tho leading (Jreeuhorn mines, aud Mates that the district In in u most flourishing condition. He Mays: "The hills are full of representa tives of eastern capital who lire get ting hold of all the prosN-cts they can at good prices aud on a cash basis. Labor Is employed anil well paid. Common day laborers get III, miners $.'). At) to l, and millwrights il and up. "1 was at the 1, X. L., Belcher, lluiubolt, Snow Creek1 Morning and minor properties. The I. X. L., V. T. Kelly superintendent, Is employ ing a force of twenty-five men. its mill, which recently went Into com mission, is being successfully oper ated and the piopeity has large ore bodies iu sight. "At the Snow Creek, Fred I). .Smith niauagei, the boaidlug, bunk houses and stables have U en com pleted aud it t-awuiill with a dally capacity of 15,000 feet installed to cut timber for the new ten-stamp mill. Most of the machiiieryifor'tho stamp mill is now at Whitney and will be delivered at once. "The Belcher aud Humbolt, separ ate properties operated by the Dailies Mining and Milling company, Pete (CONTINUED ON I'AUE TWELVE.)