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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1903)
8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 12, 190 OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following itiHtrtiinentH were; II led at tliu Itukur county court Iioupu during' the weekending Aug. 11, 11)0.'!. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DKKOH. .Inly 111 Laura K Steele mill hil to F o, iitt-i; fl. Auk 7 J It N LevciiH itnd wf to .1 II Torgler lot 11' IjIIc A, Fiithem ihIii linker City; 1000. Juno 10 Win Dean, W A I'ayton et al to Mra Emily Arthur lot 4 lilk i! Riv ernitlu ad n Sumpter; $:i00. Nov III, (!! Kind Hank of Kiimptcr to l-'irHt Natiiinal Hank of .Similiter cant 25 feet lot 1(1 I.Ik 1, with blilg; f 111,000. Auk 25, '02 Hono A Oall and lid to Henry Hewitt .lr, wfi m hlm: (laud i w)( nee 7 t 10 h r.'l"; fSOO. Auk 1 I Ilanmin to Leonard S Gohh ) '.' ninI "W'-C iiw'4 nee !l ti H r !W; INK). Anjtri A LLnVliTMiiiiil wf to V C Wautlereee lot H (Sriera mill linker City; MHI. .Inly III lien (ialeaud wftoO It .t N Co tract in hw'., nw,' nee IS tp 12 rll n and He,1 -.'., hci! I.'l tp 12 r III; $IMI. .MINING MATTERS. IIKKIIt. .May III C M .ImIiiimiii to .1 Itlalr Ken lierly the Leonard and Kliima W, (inld Mollar and (iold King l. mining cIiiih; fl'lHIO. lulyL'7 .1 K Itotuig et al to Sanger I inld Mining Co, Kxi-elMiir, New York liar, li r (Siileh and llngem placer min ing eluix; f . July :il TTnornton et al to I) Her man placer claim in Stlca'a (lulch, couth 7, lleriiiau Si llowald; 1 1. Auk :t W J EviiiihA; wf et al to A I' Smith, (ioltl liar placer elm; fiO. MORTGAGES. Aug II A E I'ligauy to CIiiim Itiuihol II 50 ft loin I ,V 'J hlk II Sumpter; fiiOO. Auk I I. S (Iohh to I'eter IIiiiihuii hJ$ iiw,1 and hw'4 nw'4 fee II tp 8 h r ,'IS e; 11500. Oct ID, 'Oil Inline England to Alex lliipl-iiiH H)i yw4 hivll tpS rill; f')lMI. July 10 W W Stalker wf to Alex HopkiiiH ne.' h'4 and nw' ce'4 cee 7 tpS r III; t-VHI. July JO I E IUvIh to Henry Hewitt he,' hec.'.lltp II r -40; 1500. July 2rt S lleruerwr to Henry Hewitt ne,' iiw,', ne'4 hw'4 and wtf ne' hoc LMtp II r !IS ; f'.'L'H. Auk 7 'T C Shea el al to American HrewiiiK Ac Uryatal lee Co i iut in Hild iter Ice hoiiHe and U'er refrigerator, alco i iut in iHTHonal proKrty in Our limine miloou; f 1800. MISCELLANEOUS. Houd for Deed May 20, Itoht S Ma kiiiHin to Chan McDonald SO hitch in hccm 15 ,V III tp 8 Mil 5250. Suit Auk 4, J K lientry va Mary Gentry, divorce. Suit Auk 4i Julia (ireeu vh A A (ireeu, divorce. Suit Auk (I. It l Sahin vh E A Houd, milt to recover on account ; flO'.'S. Suit Auk il, A K DiiKuny vh N II Thihault, to foreclose lleiiH and certain nccountH agaitiHt defendant and Don Juan mine; I0I8. Suit Auk il, Orcein Liquor Co hy 1, 1' (iruulMUin vh I'M JackHou, to recover clock and llxtureH in I'auhandlu nuIimiii, attachetl; 117:t. Suit Auk 5, II J Withers vh W S Driver, to mini re payment of proiuionory note; U5. Lien Auk r Shockley A Mc.Murren vh S M lloiiHton, for material, lota 11 & 12 hlk 2 Jenkins tract ; 157. Men C K SaugeHted vh CraiK Hron, hotel at Hock Creek ; .'ill. Leane July 2d, F Allen to 1 -a ura K Steele A lid, ,' nw4 sw.'f sec -I tp 7 r 45; lifu leane. Hill of Sale E H .Tackcon to M R Woodard, furniture ami fixture in I'au hanilli! Hiiloou ; f5'J5. Heceiver'H Itecelpt July 18, A H ThompKon to Hofu A Call, w ne see liA n8 ue'a cec 7 tp 10 r 117; flOO. Suit- HoIihoii Mercautilu Co. vh. W. A. (ireun, kooiIh; SIl.'IO. Suit- U. J. Walton vh. N II. Thlhaiilt et al, foreclonliiK liena on Don ,1111111 mine; 81,!)70. Action E. P. Todd et all vh. N. J. HoroiiBen & Co., for amount of advortlHiiiK; 9307. Action C. K. JohueH vh. Ihiiiic H. Joiioh, for divorce. What Become of Silver. The New York Hanker ay that one of the Kreat probluuiH or mynterieH of trade in the ahxorption of Hilver by India ami China, which Ih nhared to hoiiio ex tent hy other KiiHteru eountrieH. Ever Hiiice Kuroie iH'giiii to trade with the Kant, it Iiiih U-eii takiiiK all the Hilver it could Ket; and at the prenent timu India and China take approximately one-half of the silver which the world produces yearly. It Ih true that nilver i'h the money of thone eountrieH; hut the peo ple art! poor, their daily trauFaclioiiHiire on a very hiiiiiII i-ciiIu, ami the amount of moiiey leipiired for eirculatiou in very much lens in proportion to population than in the Putted States or Europe. The Eiint iIiich not export Hilver; it keepn what it KetH. All nortn of theorieH have hcen ailvaiiced hy all Kirtsof ccoiiomiHtH. None of them has Hiitifnctnrily explain ed what Iiiih Ih-coiiic of the nilver, or where are the Kreat accumulatioiiH which uiidouhtedly cxint, hut uhicli cannot he drawn out, even hy famine. Reduced Summer Excursion Ratei. The Denver t Klo Cniutle, popt larly known ua the "Sceiiio Lino of the World," Iiiih announced Kreat ly lediiced round-trip rat en from Paeillu Count pointa for the heuelll of teach era who will Hpeuil their vacation in the eant, and of ilelcnuteH to all the prominent convent Iohh X. E. A., at lloHton; A. (). U. W., at St. Paul; II. P. (). E., at llaltimoie; Woodmen of America at IiidiaunpullH', EiiKlen, at New York; .Myntle Shrine, at Sara- toKa SprliiKH; K. of P., at LotitHville, and T. P. A., tit liiillaiiapollH. Tleketa at the reduce! rat en will lie IniHcd upon one fare for the round trip, hut will he Hold only on certain ilaya. Tliene tlcketa will carry atop over privileges on the KoiliK trip, KlvliiK paHHeiiKera an oppoitunlty to vlalt Salt Iake City, (iIciiwoimI SpriiiKH, Colorado SprliiKH and Den ver; and will Ik koixI to return any time within ninety (00) dayn. Pan- HeiiKera koIhk via the Denver & Klo (i ramie are Klven the privileKO of letuinliiK via u different route. i'ir the rate to the point you winli to ko, and for dates of Hide ami other particulara, iih well iih for IIIUHtratiMl pampletH, write W. C. MelHUDE, (leneral Anont, VH Third St.. Portland, Ore. riMIH-R LAND, ACT JUNIi 3i I7- NOTtCH FOR 1'UM.ICATION. Unlksl Suirt Luna OflKf. I I (iianjr. Orfijon, Aug. I, igo ( Nolkr It hrirt') Bltrn Dial In cimi'lljiuf will, ihr pimllnn ot tlir acl l Consirk ul June I. 1818, entitle J "An acl for the vjlr ol tlmhrr Ian4k In Hie Slalrint Lalllmnla, Ulriion, NraJa, anj WaiV In t Ion Triillii ," a rxtrnJcJ lu all thr Public LanJ Italtt b ad ul Augiikl 4, ix. WILIIAM II. SALMON, at Writ Suprilor. cuunty ot )oui;la, ttatt ot Wl con In, hat thli jay hlrJ In itilt other hit tworn tlalrmrnl No. ttsi. tm thr puichatr ol thr n.S nrf , V nr aJ nV 'V ol trvtlon No. t In kmnthlo No, 11 toulh. langr No. it LWM, inj will oflct piool 10 thnw that Ihr lanj tought It more valuable lur lit limber or tionr than lor agricultural puiHitrt. anj to rttabllth hit claim to taU lanj t tore thr Krgltter an.1 Hrctltrr ol Ihlt other at La liranjr. Off son, on ThurtJay, Ihr th Jay ot No tmbr, ioo. Ha .naatrt at arltnrttrt: Prlrr J. SoarJt anj William K-IU. of Su-anlrr. Orr ! Chat. I1. Murrhv anj bi L. Tobrn.ol Mctwrn, O.c; John T. Salmon, ol Cylon, Wl, Any anj all rrrtont claiming ajvrraaly tht apovt JcacrlhaJ lanit art rrqurtir J to Alt ttitlr claltnt In pi't otnet on or Mori taU lh Jay ol Novtmbrr. i, C W. UAVTIITT. Hf r- TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE ), 18-8.-PUBLICATION. SOTICE FOH United Stalrt LanJ Office, La Grande. Oregon, Aug. 8, too). I Notlcr It hereby given that In compliance wllh the 3 revisions ol the acl ol congrett of June 1, 1878, en llr J "An act lor thr sale of limber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nrva Ja anj Washington Ter ritory," as rxtrndeJ to alt thr Public LanJ Stairs by act ol August 4, t8o, JOHN T. SALMON, of Cvlon, county of St. Oolx, slatr of Wisconsin, has this Jay hie J In this other hit sworn statement No. J75, lor the purchase ol the n',i ne), swj( ne) anj nwif seK of section No. 9 In township No. n south, range No. 17 bWM, and will oner proof to show thai the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to tald land before the Reg ister and Receiver of this office at La Grande, Ore on Thursday, the th day of November, iooj. He names as witnesses: Ptltr J. Soards and Wil liam Kellv, of Sumpter, Ore.; Chas P. Muphy and Ed L Toben, of McEwen, Ore.; W. H. Salmon, ol West Superior. Wis, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In fills office on or before said lh day of Nov., iqo). E w. Baktlett, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE j, t87.-NOTICE FOR- PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, j La Grandr, Orrgon, August 10, too), f Notlcr Is hrreby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June ), 1878, rn tilled "An act lor thr salr ol Umber lands In thr statrs of California, Orrgon, Nrvada and Washington Ter ritory." as exlenJeJ to all the Public Land Slatrs by act of August 4, 1891. OLIVER C. WRIGHT. of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, hat this day filed. In this office his sworn statement No. 1764. for the purchase of the eH K c ?! nw'4 nwj( tec. 17 and twK iw ol section No. 8 In town ship No. 10 south, range No. it ewm, and will offer Jiroof to show that the land sought Is more valuable or Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim to tald land before Charles H. Chance. U. S. commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of October, 1001. He names as witnesses: Thomas S. van Vlrel. Lawrence M. Welsh, Van Rensselaer Mead, Ernest L. Manning, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before tald 17th dav of October, iooj. E. W. Bartlbtt. Register. MOUNTING BOARD MOUNTING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS aW ayW arW 1 Jbam I a QfV aJW 2TCercer Drug 0. GRANITE STREET SUMPTER, OREGON q JUULlUJLOJLiUJL! THE SUMPTER SAMPLING AND TESTING WORKS Phone Main lllll SUMPTER. OREGON P. O. IJox V. , McEWEN, ARTHUR McEWEN PROPRIETORS Samplers and buyers of Ores and Bullion in any Ouantities. Assaying and Milling Tests. Stamp Mill Concentrators and Cyanide Plant in Con- 4 nection. Mail orders promptly attended to. Y WRITE FOR TERMS. XJ Mkji QMQMQMQttgt fQMfMQttQiOQtOQMQiiQt J The New Olym'pia E.E. HAUSER, PROP. FINC O LD (1084) HERMITAGE WHISKEY FINEST HANDS OF WINES, ALES AND PORTERS. OLYMPIA SEER, BOTTLED OR DRAUGHT. FINE CIGARS. CLUB ROOM IN CONNECTION, CENTER STREET. OPPOSITE P. O. SUMPTER. OREGON MfcMelelfcMfcta nlayRlOlilWNlE 15S?T UUl W rri E .MLI Mfc lfl06BANDM51 THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, I nml tliu Famous Rock 'le, Puehlo, Colorado Springs and Denver, 11 Scenery by Daylight to all points East. 3 FIST TR1 mil' fTWEN OGBEN WD DENVER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR IST SLEEPING CARS AND SUPERS DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. W3MMC .1K3SXK i