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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1899)
Wednesday, December 20, 1899. AUSTIN IS MARSHAL. f. c. BRODIE, THE SUMPTER MINER. Recount of Votes by Council Changes the Result. It will be remembered at the recent illy election there was supposed to he a tie on the vote (or marshal, Austin and l.anavan each receiving yo, which was to have heen decided by lot at the meetliiK "f the council Saturday evening. Instead, the candidate!) Interested agreed to have a recount, each, of course, hoping that there had been some mistake and that the new uimit would laud III 111 a winner. Messrs .Manning and I hillock were appointed special clerks to again go over the ballot and 1. isl up the result, George Baker gained one vote over the previous count, giving him ;K; Canavau's vote remained iiiuh.inged at on, and Austin gained one, making Ids vote loo and himself marshal. So It stood oS, )j, 100 entirely too close tor comfort. It must make one leel like he had been playing poker for eighteen hours and iilt the game even. The council passed .1 resolution chang ing the name of High street to I'iiie. ' The city attorney made a verbal report on the matter of the Suinpter Valley rail-1 appropriating a public street, which i was to the effect that little progress has I yet been made, o vlng to the fact that an abstract of title has not yet been secured. I he committee on lire and water re pirt'd that a decision had been readied to build hose houses on the school house lot and net to the city hall, which was ap proved and the buildings ordered erected. The committee to which was referred the matter of investigating the condition of the water ditch which runs through town, was given another week In which to make its report. NO SMALLPOX IN SUMPTER. Koldciit I'hyilcUni MaIk a Signed State ment to This Effect. the attention of I III: MlNliR having been called to the fact that In Portland and perhaps other places, nearer neigh bors, the leport is being circulated that a smallpox, epidemic Is raging In Suinpter, a lepiesentatlve ol this paper called on the resident physicians and learned that theie Is not now, nor has there been, a case in the camp or district. Some one Is telling the story in Portland that there ate sixty cases here. ' he following signed statement explains Itself: SlJMI'lhK, Ore., Dec. 17, 1K09. We the undersigned practicing physicians of Suinpter, Maker County, Oregon, hereby entity that there Is not at this date, neither has there been to our knowledge within the past year, a case of smallpox' within the corporate limits of the town ol Suinpter, or in auv of the surrounding camps to the same. I. I IIWH s. .1. .1. 1 IMIIJ, I At. AMXKMIX, U M l'i cm. Democrat, All persons resldln Unity who belle1. e in pies, are tesptctlully meeting to be held in on Friday evening at a), for the purpose of cratlcclub. Wh O'Dossiii ,U Josis W. LNimiis v, H. Jai:cmn W. W. Loosn Attention. g in Suinpter or vi Jelfersonlan prlncl Invited to attend a l:llis Opera house 8 o'clock, December organizing a demo- W II ('ill M 1.1(1. ItSkl k A. W.I Ills I'. D. Ill U All kinds fancy groceries at Johns & Co, Men's and boys' clothing at Johns A Co. Overcoats and ulsters at Johns & Co. We Are Coming 38 No K a k. Mr. m 85 u ; '-' SOl and until we come, send us your orders for Fine Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Clocks, and Fine Repairing, Also, Stationery, Books, Fancy Goods, Music and Musical Instruments. Largest and Finest Stock Ever Seen in Sumpter. 8 Watchmaker. Jeweler, and Optician Has opened up with a stock of , , Watches, Jewelry; Silverware and Spectacles. Sumner Orocery Co Store Manufacturing and Repairing a Specially. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK THE WONDER GEO. W. WEIGAND, PROPRIETOR. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON t Capital Hotel THOS. K1LPATRICK Proprietor Centrally Located. t Headquarters for Electric Lights. Commercial and Newly Refurnished. Mining Men. Free 'Bus and Bag- Passengers Waybllled gage Service. To all Points on Stages. SUMPTER, OREGON. ADLER'S Crystal Palace, Tel. Red 62. Baker City A. 1 UOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier B Si ANK OF OUMPTER Transacts .1 General Banking and Exchange Business. Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON The Triumph Cigar IS THE World's Best Havana Cigar Their Excellency Cannot be Excelled. Convince yourself bv giving them a trial. For Sale Everywhere. Insist 011 Having One. FLYNN & MORTON, Manufacturers .' V 's