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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1899)
THE SUMPTER MINER. SUMPTER HOTELS. Desks and office furniture at Case, Looney Co., incorporated, opera house block. Both Old Ones Change Hands Two New Ones. Wednesday, December 20, 1899 I SPOKANE Drug Co. Thomas Kilpatrlck, of Montana, took charge of the Capital hotel Friday, not especially because it was Friday and he wanted to demonstrate the falacy of the ancient superstition regarding the day, but because it was the fifteenth of December, and that was the time named In the lease for him to assume control of the house. Mrs. Tedrowe has made liberal concess ions for repairs, and many changes and improvements will be made. The most notable will be the enlargement of the lobby, rearrangement of the parlor and putting In a lavatory with modern ap pointments, hot and cold water and mar ble top stands. Mr. Kilpatrlck has had an extensive experience in the hotel busi ness, at one time In Los Angeles, and will undoubtedly make this one of the most popular hostelrles in eastern Oregon. For fourteen years lie was in the passen ger service of the Northern Pacific, but for the past fouror five years has been engaged in mining. Mr. and Mrs. Tedrowe retire from the management of the hotel with ' the kind regards and good wWies of all, ' patrons and the public at large. ' Mine Host Robinson, of the Star. i V. M. Robinson assumed the manage- j ment of the Star hotel Saturday and will ' conuuee 11 in uuure. He is a hotel man of long and successful experience. For some years past lie has had charge of the Elec tric Hotel, at Oregon City. Mrs. Robin son will superintend operations in the kitchen and a special effort will be made to set the best table in town, with a view to securing families and business men as day boarders, to whom special rates will be given. J. G. Council, who owns the Star and has run it for sev eral years, will remain In Sumpter,and as ' soon as the weather will permit, will begin to build a splendid new brick hotel at the head of Center street, on the property which he recently purchased from Mayor Gleason, a full account of which was pub lished in TlIK MINER at the time. Bum Brick and Build Blocks. David Wilson, the gentleman who is under contract to erect 250 feet of brick blocks south of the railroad track, fifty feet of which are about finished, was in Sumpter last week. He says that he will begin the manufacture of brick here next spring, just as soon as the weather and the ground will permit, putting in the lat est and most Improved machine, that will turn out 20,000 brick a day. Sumpter needs an institution of this kind even more than it does railroad facilities and an express service. Mr. Wilson says that he expects to open Hotel Sumpter Septem ber 1, 1000, and that it will be a house such as 110 one can afford not to patronize, his idea being to group there many lines of business. The hotel will be second to none in the state, save Hotel' Portland, in point of convenience and elegance. And Now Come the Plumber. H. Orchard, a plumbing contractor of twenty years' experience, has secured the contract with the Water company to tap and make all the necessary connections with their mains as soon as the water is turned on and the public begins to use same. His son, H. R. Orchard, will also establish acomplete general plumbing and pipe fitting establishment here and, with a force of competent plumbers be fixed to contract or make repairs in this line at short notice, having a full stock of pipe fittings, coupling, tubes, etc., which will arrive in a few days. Until the new shop is ready, these gentlemen can be found at their home, one door west of Tom Mc Ewen's residence, on North street. "r- Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on min ers' and assayers' sup plies. Freigh no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. O. R & N. TO THE EAST Gives the Choice of Two Transcontinent al Reutes: GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Via Spakaue, Minneap olis St. Paul, Chicago. THE OREGON SHORT LINE J via Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Kan sas City. Lowest Rates to All Eastern Cities. Ocean steamers leave every 5 days for SAN FRANCISCO Steamers monthly from Prtland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via the North ern Pacific Steamship Co. in connection with the O. R. & N. For full particulars call on O. R. & N. agent, Raker City, or address W. H. HURlBURT, General Passenger, Agt. Portland, Or. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER Uc..,O...T.) Capital Stock $20,000 OIFICEKS. J. II. RobHni President J. W. Salter Vice-President J. W. Mfij Cathler DlkFCTOKS. J. W. Scrlber R. II. Miller J. W. Md CUrk SnyJt J. II. Hobblm Transacts a General Banking and Ex change Business. No Interest Pal J on Deposits. The Sumpter Lumber Company Plenty of Lumber Now Frozen ground and snow roads have facilitated the hauling of logs. We have again in oper ation the mill, and our dry kiln is now running full blast, with a 40,000 capacity. We have also imported a large stock of dry fir lumber. ORDER QUICKLY. J. B. STODDARD, Manager kmonooonoooooo Exclusive Agent for the Celebrated OLYMPIA BEER On draught or by bottle. oooiioooonoooool " The Olympus II. FINGER, Proprietor. High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sumpter, Or. Sumpter Hardware 1 Company General Hardware. Stoves Ranges. Mill and Mining Supplies. Builders and Plumbers' Sup lies. Agents for Schuttler Wagons. tt