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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1899)
Wednesday, September 27, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. f THEj SUMPTER MINER. Some Kind Words for the Paper from Exchanges. The Republican Is in receipt of the Inl-1 tial number of the Sumpter Miner, a ' journal just launched on the sea of jour- nalism in the comliiK mining town of eastern OreRon, by Messrs. C. H. Marsh and J. W. Connella. The paper is a 4-column quarto and is a model of typo graphical neatness and is well arranged and ably edited. Union Republican. Ihe prosperity of Sumpter is attested by the founding " ' eW PaPt'r ,llere culled the Sumpter Miner. It Is a neat publication; it shows evidence of journal Istic ability and typographical skill, and it starts out with a good patronage. The Miner gives promise of being of great value to the town in which It Is published and the Statesman hopes It will achieve I the success it deserves. Idaho States ( man. The Sumpter Miner, a new weekly paper, Is at hand and shows that it is run by old hands at the business. It Is a 4-column, 8-page journal, printed on ' book paper and gives all the news of the town and district. Messrs. C. H. Marsh I ind J. W. Connella are the publishers, and have our best wishes for the success they are sure to make of this latest ven ture in the Sumpter news field. Cove Ledger. ' We have always considered the Blue 1 Mountain American one of our most val lied exchanges and now we find upon our I (able another Sumpter paper which is a model of neatness and full of news. We refer to the Sumpter .Miner, a weekly paper wliich began publication last Wed-J nesday. It is an 8-page, 4-column paper. I and as neatly gotten up as any newspa per we have Seen for some time. Should i the number of advertisements increase I in proportion to the way they start out, IheMiner has undoubtedly struck a Klon dike, or a Sumpter, which are synony mous. The Chronicle greets the new paper iraternaliy and, will gladly place it on our exchange list. The Dalles Chron icle. Tlie Sumpter .Winer is the name of the live sheet which has lately been started In that nourishing burg. The publishers ireC. II. Marsh and J. W. Connella, vho are evidently quite capable of plac ing before the public the advantages vliich Sumpter possesses over the rest if.tlie world, and intend to do it in an at tractive and interesting manner. Spo kane Stock Report. The tlrst issue of the Sumpter Miner, published by Marsh and Connella, .lias been received and, Its columns perused Wth interest. Editorially it showsahility .iiid typographically it is neat. The Miner will certainly do good work In pro uniting the growtli of Sumpter and In at tracting capital for Investment in the mines. , The Democrat gladly welcomes tlTe Miner Into the journalistic field of Halter county and wishes it no end of prosperity. Maker City Democrat. t The Globe has received the initial num ber of the Sumpter Miner, published at Sumpter, Oregon, by C. II. Marsh and J. W. Connella. .Mr. Connella will be lemembered as the founder of 'the Everett News, and also as one if the ablest news paper men who ever made a track in Sno homish county. Judging from the Miner, Sumpter Is a very promising camp, and with such a journal working in its in terest, the outside world will soon be better posted on that region. Marysvllle (Wash.) Globe. Buy your furniture at home and keep your money in Sumpter. Baker City prices with freight added. Our Hue of carpets, mattings, linoleums, shades, wall paper, etc, Is complete. Case & Co. Legal and mining THE MlNliR office- blanks for sale at Adler's s Crystal: & Palace BAKER CITY, OREGON. Wholesale and Retail.... Book Store Complete i Stock of Blank Books, Counting House Stationery, Arthitects and Engineers Drawing Materials, Blue Print Papers, Tracing Linen, Typewriter Supplies, 5 Mining Blanks, Etc., t Pay Rolls and other 3 Blank Books, lviaae to uraer. Centrallv Located. Electric Lights. Newly Refurnished l-KL:li "HU.S AND HAGGAGI: TO AND l:ROM ALL TRAINS. The Capital Hotel.... MRS. G. It. TI-nHOWIi. Proprietress. Headquarters for Commercial and Mining Men. ,1'assengeas Waybilled at Motel Oilier, lor all InterW Points over U. S. stage Hues. Sumpter, Oregon THE .- BAIN .- WAGON Standard of Excellence. J i7fHV,JI7ll. NKsKsCKrfKj A. h. ZZi & vn i EUSTACE & WHITi Baker City - C. Y. BURR. .. HEAD Oregon 'SUMPTER, DI-Al.liK IN Common brick, fire brick, lire clay, lime, cement, plaster of Paris and hair. Cellar and Hue build ing. Setting boilers and furnace work a spec ialty. Prices moderate. OREGON Orders Solicited! "- ADLER'S Crystal Palace, Tel. Red 62. Baker City. w. s. ABSTRACTS, Real Estate Loans & Insurance ....MINING PATENTS OBTAINED.... Years of experience in Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City, Oregon. (ojumbia Brewery AND SALOON.... Extra Pale and Pilsner beer. Plrat class wines and liquors. Wholesale and Retail. JOHN ROHRMAN, Proprietor SUMPTER, OREGON