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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1899)
F Wednesday, September 27, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. SUMPTER VALLEY EXTENSION, i not authoritatively Riven out, Is known i to be very close to f 50,000. The scales Shod Losing Branch Will B Built from ' ,,t lhe .-rst fMntinnl bank, which register McEwtn Only. upwards of 2,000 ounces, were too small J I his paper learns from a source, the to weigh the treasure. The gold, after i accuracy and authenticity of w hich cannot bciiiK deposited in the bank, was weighed be doubted, that the line of the bumpter Valley railroad will not be extended be yond Sumpter in tlie near future. In tail, President liccles is reliably reported lo have declared that the company has not even in contemplation such a move; that tlie reports of surveying parties in the Held have their source in the envious wish being father to tlie thought. I hr road will, however, doubtless con struct a branch from McEwen, several miles in length. Tills branch will be built -olrly lor the purpose of reaching a tract ol excellent timber land; will be operated exclusively as a logging road, for tlie rea son that there Is neither passenger nor Irrlithl trallic in that direction. on ordinary hardware scales, borrowed from tlie large hardware establishment of P. Hasche. It has leaked out that the money metal weighed close in the neighborhood of 3,000 ounces, which at $17 per ounce Is over $50,000, Baker City Democrat. The Little Giant' New Machinery. I lie first installment of machinery, con sisting of two carloads, went up to the Little Giant mine Tuesday, tills being the beginning of a magnificent 2o-stamp mill for that property, operated by W. L. Vinson for the Kngllsh syndicate. While the writer Is not yet personally familiar , with this property, it Is current from I'lirte Is no doubt that the rumor ol tlie stories heard from those better posted that 1 extension from Sumpter out Inundation. is entirely with- Porot Hires Near the Columbia. Potest tires have been burning in the vicinity ol the Columbia mine lor several d.ivs past. Monday there were some wild Minims aiound town regarding their erigin: to theelfeit that they had been it is destined to become one of the largest 1 producers in this district. Certainly if developed on the scale of other ventures 1 controlled by Mr. Vinson and his asso ilates, the mine will not be long in mak-1 lug a favorable record. J. P Sold Hit Lot Too Soon. Meyer, a traveling commercial stalled by malevolently Inclined persons, 1 ,., rom ortl.-iiiiJ, arrived in Sumpter that large nuantltiesol wood liad been dc-!yt.strrj;,y, e W;ts bewildered to see stroved, and that deleaves had been em- M1C, ;, change since lie was here four ploml to disuiver tlie guilty ones. 1 0111 1 mouths ago, when he sold a liouseaud lot Mchwen was tipinthat vlunity yesterday on (iraulte street, wliere are now a clgur and lie s.iys lie heard nothing ol such re-' v,tre ;,nj Mcliwen's stage oilier, for four port there and lie believes there is no truth KAHLER &C0. ...At the... POSTOFFICE STORE Are receiving daily.... TONS AND TONS OF NEW Prank Rogers T. D. Bellinger In addition to In them. Pore-.! lirrs.irrnot uikoinnion at this lime ol ear and this seems to be one ol the usual erigin: nor Is it unusually de structive, lhe Columbia mining people sent out all the men tliev wiiild spare to light the dames, and at last .mounts had the lite under luutlol. Night Police Force Increased. At the tegular meeting ol the city conn til Saturday evening, besides transacting .1 lot ol routine business, tour polkemeu were put on tlie niglit lone; loliu Austin wiptaln; iillon, Al Wentick and Prank Auirl, patrolmen. Previously there had been onlvoue special oil. ' Rrd Boy'i $50,000 Monthly Output. Mt. C.I.11U I abor, ol iodltev - I abor, owners ol the Red Hoy mine, i.une in estnda and brought Willi him a good sird lottune In gold, the result ol one month's operation ol the inlnr and its tc stamp mill. I hr mouth's 1 lean-up, while our already of general limiilrpil ilnll.-irs. Il Is now held at 2.- ,00. Mr. Meyer Is bewailing his luck, Complete Stock lor he says sumpter is aii the talk out- merchandise, including men's side and there is bound to be a city here. . , , . . . . , . . ww. and bov s clothin&hats, shoes, W. L. Vinson off on a Business Trip. rocerjes, SlllOked W.I.. Vinson, the energetic promoter of , . . this district, leaves tomorrow for a hurried I mltS and provisions We Can visit to Portland, Seattle, Spokane and f any Si.e orders at Short possibly tlie Montana cities, expecting to . . begone a week or ten days. Pollowing , nulltc his trip, the already busy Sumpter Valley railway will haul here several carloads it not train loads of new maohinery, pipe and miscellaneous material for the build ing of Mr. Vinson's various projects in ' tlie city and vicinity. New Photographer Here. I .. Ill lw. ! mi' ton) vtmllii mi Mill .tree! lor an iudelinile time and guarantee to do i Cloaks, Capes, DreSS Sk'irtS lirst-class work at reasonable pricrs. ' amJ DreSS TrimminjJS. P. Hug, Photographer. , Capital Hotel. Saloon... FRANK ROGERS & CO., Proprietors ..Leading Brands In Stock.. Old Overholt lly the bottle or fuse Canadian Club Hy the boltle or cae Jas. Watson's Scotch Monogram Hennessy 3 Star Brandy Old Crow by the Bottle or Bulk ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC WINES .0. R. & N. TO Till: FOR THE ...LADIES... TWO ROU Great Northern Railway , (lives the Choice nl TRANSCONTINENTAL T OREGON SHORT LINE VIA We have a beautiful line of i Spokane Stock certificates at Till: MlNIIN office. KAHLER & CO. SUMI'TKK, OKI-CON. TRIUMPH CIGAR Their P.xcellency Cannot be lixcelled. Convince vourself by giving them a trial New S Harness is nil World's Best HAVANA CIGAR. I or Sale l:ervwhere. Insist on Having One. FLYNN & MORTON. Manufacturers mmmmm m m m mmm mmmm? Shop lhe Wonder GEO. W. WIEGANI), Proprietor, General Merchandise A kOinplete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Purnislilugs, Hoots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. McEMhN & SLOAN, proprietors, SUMI'TI-R, OREGON. REPAIRING - A - SPECIALTY Minneapolis St. Paul and Chicago. VIA I I Salt Lake i Denver, Omaha I and Kansas City LOWEST RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES Ocean steamers leave every 5 days for San Francisco Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via tlie North eru Pacific Steamship Co. in connection with tlie O. R. & N. l:or full particulars call on O. R. & N. agent, Raker City, or address W. H. HURLHURT, General Passenger, Agt. Portland, Or. The Wonder, BOURNE, ORE. - uuiuuwuiuuiwu wiiuuuumuuift! .,,, -r .. MINES, MINING AND REAL ESTATE List your mines and prospects with me and I will effect a sale for you. Have Eastern buyers for good mining properties. ..,H. M, r Rl Poot Granite Sf Sumpter, Or. t ri o