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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1899)
Wednesday, September 27, 1899 8 THE SUMPTER MINER. TALK OF THE TOWN. Mrs. I:. I.. Sullivan, (if Baker, was in Similiter yesterday. ( jencral Warren was in Baker City on Important business Tuesday. .Miss Krcnn was in the city the first of the week and is now at Jranite. C. J. I:reese, traveling agent for the Spokesman-Review , was in town Mon day. A. I'. (Joss arrived from St. Paul Priday evening and commenced work on his brick bank block Saturday. Hubert R. (irayson, ol San Prancisco, representing the principal owners in the Climax property, was here Sunday and Monday. Mr. Van Uorii, who was In the real estate business last year at Republic comes to Sumpter to engage in prospecting in the mineral belt. W.ll. (ones, of Spokane, will put in the bottling works in the rear of the Phoenix saloon, the room In which the variety the atre was formerly conducted. Charles h. Ruhliu has opened a law ullice in the Nrlll building. Mr. Koblin mines from Salem with a well-earned reputation as a rising young attorney. J. R. Oliver, couutv clerk of Union county, and Mr. Slocum, an ab stractor, accompanied by their wives, were In Sumpter Saturday on a pleasure trip. I he Klsdon Iron Works ol San Pran cKio, through its agent, C. II. Plsher, has placed six full equipped mills in east ern Oregon this, and one additional mill was sold at tills place tor Alaska. W. C. Calder lelt today lor Portland, accompanied by Ills sou Lynn, who goes to resume Ills studies at the Bishop-Scott Academy, which school he has already at tended two years. Mr. Calder will re turn in a lew days to Sumpter. Iliomas Campbell, recently arrived in the city, is now-clerk at the Capital hotel. Mr. Campbell was manager of the Prank- liu hotel at Juneau, Alaska, during the days nt the Klondike gold excitement in K7-K. Col. J. I. (irayson returned several d.ivs since Irom Haker City, where he went a week or more ago to receive hel ler attention dining a slight spell of sick ness. Having entlrelv recovered, he will leave this afternoon tor a trip ot inspec tion through the mining regions. Carl Adler addresses the people ot Sumpter tisJa , through the columns ot this paper, telling all about his Crystal Palace at Haker City and the marvels it contains. Read his ad and you will know exactly where to go to tiud every thing in the book and stationery line. Prank McParland, an insurance agent Irom Portland, is here on his return visit to (lie gulch mining districts, which he toiiud nourishing. He says Granite is on a boom and "great expectations" are entertained tor that camp. Mr. .McPar land has some mining interests which he was husbanding. John Paruell, who was a teamster tor the Golconda Mining company, had a cabin near the mine containing all his earthly possessions up to last Saturday, when the torest lires took in the house and contents. Mr. Paruell says he lost all his clothing and titty dollars In money, which he had saved out of his wages. Harry Minor, the man who runs the lunch counter on wheels, was arrested Tuesday afternoon lor assaulting J. G. Connell, proprietor ot the Star hotel. He was lined by Judge Stott 550 and costs, the maximum penalty allowed by law. The dithculty arose oer a matter of titty cents on .1 room rent bill, and the assault is said to have been entlrelv unprovoked. Arthur Philbrick, tormerly United States deputy mineral surveyor tor Ore gon and Idaho, is now employed as engi neer In charge of the new water com-1 pany's construction work at this point, I and the 4,300 feet of ditch work done in four days would Indicate that he is capa ble of handling the large force of men allowed him by Mr. Vinson. Ton and Half of Ore for Spokane Fair. P. E. Polnde.xter returned Monday evening from a trip through the Sumpter mining district, where he went to collect mineral specimens for the Spokane fair. I He reports having met with excellent sue ' Cess, a result of hard work. He has col lected about a ton and a half of rock, some of the specimens weighing as much as 250 pounds. Prom the Golconda alone he secured $2,500 worth of that rich rock. He visited Cracker creek, including the E. & P.., North Pole, Samp son, Columbia, Golconda, Climax, Ohio, Wide West, Mountain Belle, Am.17011, Cupid, Mammoth, Bunker Hill group and others; Cable Cove district, the Im perial group, for which a half a million dollars was recently refused, the Hercul ean, Black Dwarf, Miner, California, Mormon Boy, Grown Point, Last Chance, Donnelley & Thornton's mine, Owl cV Elephant, Baby McKee, Jersey, Red Chief group, Golden Rule, Gold Boy, Alaska, Esmeralda group and others; Granite district, Red Boy, May 1 Queen, Cougar, Success, Magnolia, La J Bellevue and others; also many of the , leading mines in the entire Bonanza and Ibex dlstilcts. Mr. Polndexter went to' Baker Citv yesterday. . Will Help Advertise Sumpter. j Lot Livermore was agreeably surprised , this week to receive an unexpected visit J from his son, L. Bush Livermore, after I an absence of nine years from Pendleton. 1 The latter has been connected with varl- ous papers in the Puget Sound country. I He Is a most talented and original writer and has unquestionably a promising fu ture. His contributions to The State, a monthly published at Tacoma, give evi-1 deuce of his literary ability and have won ' 1 for him many deserved compliments. Mr. 1 Livermore was on his way to Sumpter, where he is engaged on The Sumpter Miner, a paper recently established there by J. W. Gonnella and C. H. Marsh. Mr. Livermore left for Sumpter yesterday morning. Pendleton Republican. White Elephant and Its Owners. The White Elephant property, recently purchased for Colonel Ray,ot Port Arthur, Ontario, by W. L. McEwen, who retains a large interest therein, has turned out exceedingly well. Ore was struck in the hanging wall to the width of twelve inches, which assayed J380. The new owners of this property are to be congrat ulated on their acquisition, and the w riter's personal knowledge ot the manner in which Colonel Ray has operated other1 properties under his control in the north ern districts, and the fact that his associ ate, Mr. McEwen, is In charge, gives as surance that no time, money or experience will be lacking In developing this property and putting it in shape for whatever ma chinery or plant is necessary to operate it, as soon as the need requires. Boulevard Around the Reservoir. 1 The Sumpter townsite syndicate owns the land on which the reservoir for the water works is being built, off the north ! end of Mill street. General Warren has otfered to donate to the public for a boule vard around the reservoir, 7$ feet wide and 300 teel in circumference, if Mr. Vin son, the owner of the waterworks, will clear and grade this driveway. Of course, the proposition was promptly accepted. And this is the harmonious methods of the representatives of the two largest interests in Sumpter working together for the ' good of the town. This, "all pull to gether" spirit is what builds cities and that is what it is going to do for Sumpter. Stock certificates at THE MINER office. GROCERIES 55 Crockery, Glassware, Tobacco, Cigars, Oranges, Lemons, Candy and Nuts Everything Carried in a First Class Grocery Store, At The Sumpter Grocery Company ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. HEADQUARTERS J J J FOR COMMERCIAL AND MINING Van Duijn... 1 C. S. VAN DUYN, PROPRIETOR.... 1 BAGGAGE TRANSPERRED ONE BLOCK PROM THE S. V. RY. DEPOT. RATES REASONABLE. PASSENGERS WAY-BILLED TO ALL INTERIOR POINTS GEISER BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. u NION BARGAIN STORE The Place For Bargain! J . j Ladies and Gents Purnishlngs and Novelties J J J Opposite Sloan A McEwen's Stable ajtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnK PRESCRIPTIONS CAREPULLY 3 COMPOUNDED . . . A. HILLIER&CO. 2 j 1 ...The Druggists... TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, OPTICAL GOODS Z SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. Jhe "FAIR" Ladies and Gents Purnishing Goods and Notions. Consult vour interests and visit our 5c, ioc, 15c Bargain Counters. I. E3. Levee, Prop. MEN. SUMPTER, OREGON DEPARTMENT BARGAIN STORE Healy Building Sumpter, Ore. P. D. HEALY s umpter noe tore' REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE Agency for Green-Wheeler Shoes S m m r V