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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1899)
3 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, September 20, 1899 TALK OF THE TOWN. Attorney McColloch returned Wednes day from Portland. A. Van Duyn, of Portland, is visiting his brother, C. S. Van Duyn. Clark Tnber, of the Hed Hoy mine, went to Baker City Sunday. Emll Mcler, manager of the North Pole mine, left for Maker City, .Monday. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James Dwyer died Wednesday evening. Chas. Booth, a prominent mining man i of Hutte, Atnnt., Is the guest of W. C. i Calder this week. Joseph A. West, chief engineer of con-1 structlon for the Utah & Pacific railway, a projected Hue from Mllford, Utah, to Los Angeles, California, came up to Sumpter Tuesday. Mr. West says they GROCERIES -jr A carload of machinery for the Cougar , have 75 miles of the road built, but It will mine arrived In Sumpter this week. require 400 miles more to complete a The passenger train now leaves for through rail connection from Salt Lake to Maker at u:45 p. in., instead of 512:30 ns heretofore. There was no meeting of the city coun cil last Saturday evening, a quoriiiii fail lug to materialize. Joseph Mckee. of Portland, with c.xten Los Angeles. Charles I. Plynn, one of the energetic members of the firm of Plynn & Morton, cigar manufacturers, Maker Clty,has been In Sumpter this week doing an extensive trade with the dealers here. Air. Plynn sive mining Interests in tills district, was I" one of Sumpter's staunch friends and a here nil of last week. ' ' ""n believer in Its future. Purthermnre, 1 ue is noi uacKwaru in expressing 11 is views on the subject. , W. I:. Ilurd, representing Portland par ties In the (ireenliorii district, was In town on a business mission Monday. Hyde Gnwan, who appears at llealy's hall Saturday night, comes well recom mended by the press of other cities. W. A. I haulier, the Standard Oil peo ple's expert, left Sumpter Monday to spend a week at the Mouatia camp. C. M. Kellogg, sub-contractor for all the mall routes out of Sumpter, and man ager of the liastcrn Oregon Express com pany, was In town Tuesday and Wednes day. C. S. Van Duyn yesterday bought the residence now occupied by W. L. Vinson Crockery, Glassware, Tobacco, Cigars, Oranges, Lemons, Candy and Nuts Everything Carried in a First Class Grocery Store, At Tiie Sumpter Grocery Company HI. LIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Parties hi Bourne are responsible for the j rumor that two prominent mining experts I are expected there dally to examine and I report on the E. h. for some Intending ' purchasers. As the mine is now full of 1 water, an examination would mean the pumping out of same before much could 1 be learned, unless all their attention shall j be devoted to the tunnel working. Win. Rancor, one of AkEwen cV Sloan's most trustworthy stage drivers on the (iranile route, died at 7 o'clock Tuesday morning at the company's boarding house, this city, of typhoid fever, after an illness of three weeks. His remains were taken to Baker City and from there to Kve Val HEADQUARTERS . . FOR COMMERCIAL AND MINING MEN. -- $otd .I linillv mi Siiniiiti-r street, navini! 5i,ioo for the property. It has fifty feet '. Oregon, for burial, that being the Irontage. Bishop Wlslar B. Morris will hold divine services at the church In Sumpter next Sund.iv evening. Mrs. Sadie White will sing, bv special request, "Memories ol the Past." I he work of replacing the bromine chlorine plant on the Gnlcondn is rapidly going 011 and It Is expected the stamps and concentrator will be In place and op erating bv November 1. hi another column of I'lll: MlNhR today is published a call for a mass meeting October 7, lor the purpose ol organizing a mining district, which should and doubt less will be well attended. Ldw.itd l:eiett Young returned e.uly hi the week from Baker Cllv and hast- home of the widow, who has the sympa- ithv of inauv friends. Still Working on Soulier Proposition. The matter of establishing a small 50 ton smelter at this point to treat ores, the value of which will not now justify the heavv freight charges of shipment to dis tant points, as well as ores of gi eater value, Is being actively canvassed by P. B. Bishop, of the Climax mine, and II. Meinhard, representing the Union Smelter Manufacturing company, of St. Louis. The latter Is now here to see the contract fullilled, to which the subscribers to over three-fourths the capital stock have pledged themselves, and who Air. Bishop now desires to come lorward and pay up these subscriptions. Mr. AUenhard claims rued to his loved seclusion at the Bed I to be readv to take up the balance of the Boy, vc heir the philosopher can philoso phise in uudistuibed repose. I ieorge Ionian, one of the mill men of the Bed Bov, passed through Sumpter .Mondav on his way to the "outside," his lust trip out tor a year. I le w ill leturu hi ,1 lew days and resume work at the mine. I'lll: MlNI:K representative met a fa miliar l.ue at Bourne in the person ol Otto lleriiuker, lorinerbook keeper at the l.e Bol mine In Rossland, B. C. Mr. Her locKer Is now engaged In the same capac ity at the (iolconda. Dan Dujin... c. s. van duyn, proprietor.... baggage transperred eni: block prom the s. v. by. depot. bates reasonable. .passengers way-billed to all interior points. geiser block, sumpter, oregon. U NION BARGAIN STORE The Place For Bargains J J Ladles and Gents Furnishings and Novelties t ,l ki Opposite Sloan A AlcEweu's Stable SUMPTER, OREGON lwent-live per cent of non-subscribed stock as soon as others have made good their subscriptions. An interesting bit of Iiilorm.'illon w:is Imimted liv 111 1 11 to the I ellecl that an analysis made by Professor William B. Potter, ol the St. Louis Samp ling cV Testing works, ot 14 samples from the producing mines of the Sumpter dis trict, showed that smelting is the better method of reducing them, and that the variety in the character of these ores in sures the success ol a smelling proposi tion. The average of assays was $70 in 1 gold to the ton. Por the purpose which "gmmmmmwmwwmmmmmmK PBESCRIPTIONS CAREPUI.LY Z COMPOUNDED . . . A. HILLIERcXCO. ...The Druggists... f 3 TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, OPTICAL GOODS SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. UlUWW.WUWUUiUUUUUUUUUUUK C. J. Johns has lour car loads ot nils- j a plant of the capacity mentioned i In- cellaneous meiclinudise, which arrived yesterday, standing on the switch In Iront ol his new warehouse, walling to be un loaded. The building will be under root within the next twenty-four hours. B. R. Erwln graciously "jacks up" I III: MlNhU lor giving him all the credit lor raising the money with which to de- tray the expenses ol the Sumpter mineral exhibit at the Spokane fair; says that NV. 'wall paper, etc., is W. l.ooney is the gentleman to whom tended, no doubt it would proven success, j In which event the manufacturers claim it j it Is entirely leasible to Increase the ca-1 paclty, while In no way detracting from the value of the original plant. Buv your furniture at home and keep your money in Sumpter. Baker City prices with freight added. Our line of carpets, mattings, linoleums, shades, s complete. Casecv Co. Jhe "FAIR 99 this ciedll Is largely due and should be accorded. B, .1. Watson, an old newspaper man and lormer publisher of the Nevada City Transcript, has spent the entire summer, and Is yet In the. Cracker Creek district, with headju.utei at Bourne. Mr. Wat sou has made some good locations tor him sell and California friends, to which place he w ill soon go tot the winter. Stetson Store. Hats at the Union Bargain DEPARTMENT BARGAIN STORE L.. B. Levee, Prop. Ladies and Gents PurnishliiK Goods and Notions. Consult vour interests -ind visit our 5C lev, 15c Bargain Counters. " ' Healy Building Sumpter, Ore. P. E. POINDEXTER, AtlNlNG Ol'iiUATOR, .sumiti:k. owrooN. Mlnrt (AmlnrJ nj irpoilfj un. KrlrlrnCf. Any buvlnrtk wi mining nun In Sumpter P. D. HEALY s umpter ho tor REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE Agency for Green-Wheeler Shoes i Z "Va fr