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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1899)
THE SUMPTER MINER. r JUL 1 8 isxe VOL. i. SUMPTER OREGON, SEPTEMBER 13, 1899. NO. 1. jk ft rf EB ) m TOWNSITE SYNDICATE MEN OF MONEY AND EXPERI ENCE INTERESTED. About 700 Acres and 100 Lots Purchased By Northwestern Capitalists W. C. Calder, Secretary and Treasurer General Charles S. Warren, General Manager Will Make Sumpter a Great Camp. l-or sn.i.esK or seven months past shrewd observers, men who read aright the commercial and Industrial signs of the umes, nave seeu.uie aimosi iimmess pos - nihilities of building a nourishing city here II OIIIIIIHCI. US I'UMIHMI lll.lUVC III MIC marvelously rich mines in the surround ing territory, the present transportation facilities, which make this the distributing center for a vast area of mineral producing ummry, me lopograpny oi me innuiary mountainous regions, virtually an edict of nature that this camp shall continue to be the distributing point, combine to promote the recently Inaugurated era of prosperity and progress and to insure its continuance, intensilied In degree and increased In ope. Among those with the ability to compre hend local conditions, grasp the situation, draw correct deductions and see the possi bilities was W. C. Calder. He recognized (lie fact that the time In his affairs had ar rived, which, If taken at the Hood, would lead on to fortune. He took advantage , of the oportunlty, resigned a lucrative po- j dtlou, settled here and began to sell mer- chaudise and negotiate for the purchase of mines and real estate a fortunate move ' for Sumpter and this entire district, as well as for himsclt. Regarding his private business, MlNI-R readers are not concerned, but he has, In ' Kiiijiiuuiuii iui u-iicwi. v.. o. tviumi, ot Spokane, engineered and consummated a transaction In which all are interested, About three weeks ago It was announced that a syndicate of Butte, Spokane and Rosslaml capitalists had bought up most of the uno;cipled townslte and all of the adjacent acreage available for additions to the town. This purchase consists of about 700 acres and 100 lots in the origi nal townslte plat. The deeds run from j Thomas McHwen and Clark Tabor, W. A. Bills and J. T. Parkinson to W. C. Calder. The desds to this property hive not yet been filed, so the consideration Is not known, those Interested preferring not to make this detail public. The re ported and generally accepted figure Is placed at $100,000. The deeds are now and for some time in the future will remain in escrow. Translers will for the present be made by warranty deeds from the former u tiers direct t the purchasers, that the abstract of title may te complete and perfect. Up to the present ti.r.e this landed inter est has not been incorporated into a stock company, but Is designated as the Sump ter Townslte syndicate, of which General Warren Is general manager and W. C. Calder secretiry and treasurer. These are the only names publicly and officially connected with the deal, though It is gen erally supposed that some well-known capitalists of several northwestern cities are largely Interested. General Warren Is expected to arrive I In Sumpter any day now, when he will ' doubtless make known the plans of him self and associates 'in detail, so far as they are of Interest to the public. Speak 1 lug generally on this point, Ar. Calder 1 says that the first thing the syndicate in- tends doing is to survey its lands, select I certain tracts for Immediate platting and I begin to sell lots and work for the Interest I of the town and country, sparing neither money nor labor to hasten the growth of Sumpter and the development of the I country from which It derives its support; incidentally not neglecting to inform a waiting world that we are ready for bus - uess. Mr. Calder assures THE MINOR that itlie men who are back of this enterprise, j iave an)ple c .,,,,,.,, t0 push It to a success- , fu, ssie. that ,hey have niaJe their m011ey very ,arRc , just such deas anJ the men who are back of this enterprise 1 ..... filer,.fnr., ,N,lv em.lnne.l with evnerl. enCCi whid, squUesw valuable as money iisen in Mien an unueruiKing. une plan decided on proves this to be a fact. It Is the Intention of the syndicate to permit others to share In the nrnl'ils frnm the ml. vance va)ues realty by pacjnR ()ts on the market at areasonable price. Furth- I ermore. to men who have the reputation of being enterprising, successful real estate operators, acreage will be sold, thus enlist- Iiir the aid of botli capital and Interested experience in the great work of advancing me interests oi the town. Already two or -apt. u. Hley, a wealthy resident of threesuch deals are pending with men in . Liverpool, where he Is interested in many Spokane, on Puget Sound, In Butte and of the great shipping companies, came British Columbia. To anyone who has over to the United States last spring, with watched the progress of western towns; the Intention of making some mining In have seen a liberal spirit in their man- vestments, and was here early in March, agement build them up, and on the other and with Dr. Selwyn visited many mlii hand, a selfish attempt to hog-lt-all policy, lug properties, though snow was deep all at first retard the growth and finally kill over the country. So favorably was the the most promising proposition, will recog- Captain impressed that lie returned home nlze at a glance the wisdom of this plan, 'and arranged to come over again this fall The name of General Warren Is, In It- and with the genial Dr. Selwyn arrived self, a guarantee that all business will be In Sumpter Sunday. Having seen most ttniisacltd on strictly honorable lines, as of the producing mines before, the gen well as with broad gunge Intelligence, tlemen are now bent on acquiring some He is a man whose name Is synonymous properties and visited the Magnolia and with success; his title of general was won the Little Giant Monday. While Cap- ,, tiie battlefield, and he has served his country with equal honor to himself and benefit to its people. His private business fe ias beet, In harmony with his public 'career, and Sumpter is fortunate, Indeed, In having General Warren's Interests so losely identified with Its own. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER. Projectors Here and t!or.s at Will Begin Opera Once. J. W. Salter, of the Farmers and Traders National bank of La Grande, and his associate, J. H. Robbins, accompanied k.. (I...I- I .- CI. . 1 "J '"" l " OI.IICI, .IIC UCrC.tnii It... lint r. l.- f..-UI.. I... D, for the purpose of .u.isl.lng a I de all mat- preSiIon the m,n,nK outool ,,as ,ade ers and ettlng the contract for the erec- the Ke,leman, he was very free to express ton 0 the new bank, to be known as ,, and on approaching him the first words the Hrst Bank of Sumpter, the plans for he uWereJ weres have a great fu which call for a handsome one story brick I tlire here, both as to mines and the nrnm. 5.6o feet, of modern design, that would be a credit to any city In the Northwest. The new institution will begin business with a paid up capital of $20,000, to be In creased as soon as the occasion will jus- mi' ft 1 V. fceIS,uree t0 ,ref,ct will not be Jong Mr. Scrlber states that agoodpor Ion of the stock will be taken' uPU, .u.a,,a,u, u , a,so ,orm Pau ofctheldifctor'- , , I Mr. S. R. Hayworth, a prominent con-, tractor of LaGrande, Is u ith the party to j ass st In closing the contract. Work will ' begin at once and be prosecuted to a speedy Before many weeks the bank will te open for business. I WILL BUY MINES j ENGLISH CAPITALISTS AND I ENTISTS HERE. SCI- Captain Bley and Dr. Selwyn Inspect Properties in the Sumpter District Second Visit of these Gentlemen to this Camp Through W. L. Vincent's Efforts They are Interested. I 1 Among the many mining experts re- fently visiting the Sumpter district was the eminent civil and mining engineer Dr. , Alfred R. C. Selwyn, C. M. G., F. It. S rtiirejK. u. seiwyn,u. M. o., I-.K. a., of British Columbia, a gentleman ripe In ageand experience, having begun his professional career at an early age In bngland under the government. Thir teen years spent there in his profession quaiiuej mm tor promotion auu lie was appointed to an Important position In the geological department of Australia, where he Served for seventeen ve.-ir. m1ih i the Canadian authorities importuned him to accept a still higher position with the government there, that of director of the Canadian geological survey, which posl- j tion he held until the age limit caused, his j ' retirement. The doctor Is now a resident i of Vancouver. tain Bley neither denied nor affirmed It, rumor says he has acquired a large Inter- est In the latter and maybe other proper- ties. However, he expects to return here from a contemplated visit to the Yel- lowstone park early in October, make his final plans and sail for the old country the last of October. In the meantime Dr. Selwyn has gone to visit a son at ' Weiser, whom he lias not seen for four teen years. Young Mr. Selwyn Is en gaged In banking In the little Idaho town. While Dr. Selwyn is very approach able and courteous, It was not easy to secure any Information regarding his visit to this section in the interest of Cap- ..-.. .... Islng town, of Sumpter.'' The doctor then went on to say that he verily be- I lieved the placer ground hereabouts had not been thoroughly developed, that they had not been worked deep enough and that the proposition of the dredging company Roinf? t0 the bottom of saIJ ds in his opinion the very thing to do; that the history of other gold bearing countries has proved that deep placer mining will payf as we! as ,,uartz t ,s gratifving t0 know that the e. men are we p,eased wth the natura ad. Vantages of this section as a great mining cellter and the town of s ter as a enera , and distrlbuting point ald both are bound to be great In the near future. Through the efforts of V. L. Vinson one of Sumptcr's most enterprising citi zens, these gentlemen were originally In duced to visit tills district and Invest some money. He brought them In from Raker City on a special train Sunday evening and entertained them while here. Wheth er or not they have yet, thev will event- j ually invest largely in and around Suirfp (ter, and to Mr. Vinson Is due the credit. I The proudest boast of an ancient Roman i was that he "had brought many prisoners j home to Rome." Well, times and stand ards have changed a trille since then, and I Hll.luV tllA ......& ... lilt .. .1. 1 iiuuvi me 1'iesciH Liniuiiions ne, who can truthfullv dechre th may do lai-s home to ! pretty ne.r lelnc " i ,wlm ' that he "has enticed to Sumpter" will come trlctly in the local OPENING SOME GOOD MINES. Captain Thompson Developing the Bun ker Hill. Keystone and Belle. Captain C. II. Thompson, now closely Identified with the Sumpter mining dis trict, and more particularly the Hunker Hill mine, has returned here after a trip to the coast cities and Spokane. In an Interview with Till: MlNUR representa tive the Captain says the crosscut In the Bunker Hill is now sliowlng up splen didly and the ore Is beginning to show satisfactory values as the result of de velopment, which Is In full accord with this great vein, as Is exemplified In the wonderful sliowlng on the North Pole, Columbia, Golconda and Ibex mines. In fact, not a failure has ever been made on this vein and every property on which development work has been done is today a paying mine. A new road Is being built from the Ibex road to the lower tunnel of the mine and a full set of buildings will be erected at once, as It is the Intention of the mange ment to concentrate all the work on the Lilac claim. The buildings now owned by the company are on the other side of the ridge and will be used to accommodate the men working on that side, as this prop erty Is so favored by nature as to be able to drive tunnels directly on the vein from cither side of Bunker hill. The tunnel on. the Lilac Is about 400 feet vertically lower than the one on the Bunker Hill, and it is for tills reason all work will be centered there. Other properties being actjvely devel oped by Thompson & McQueen Is the Keystone and Belle. These are the di rect easterly extensions of the- famous Bonanza; in fact the east end line of the Bonanza and west end line of the Key stone are Identical. A crosscut tunnel U being driven to cut the Bonanza ledge and Is now In over 300 feet, and is being pushed night and day. It was estimated that the vein would be reached at 360 feet, but Captain Thompson says he visited the property on the 13th Instant and so much water was coming out of the face In fact almost boiling out of the drill holes that he expects to encounter the ledge In a day or two. As the Bonanza working tunnel is only 500 feet from the one they are now driving on the Keystone, and as the vein In the Bonanza at that point Is over 60 feet wide and almost di rectly under their center stake, it Is rea sonable to expect that the Keystone tun nel will not only cut the vein, but will addonemoreto the list of mines which are the pride of the Sumpter district. The Idaho Statesman can now be found on sale at Folsom's cigar store. CJ r rT,