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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1899)
Wednesday, September 20, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. GOOD ADVICE TO MINERS. Co-operation, Division of Labor and Ex pense the True Policy. What this section of country has need ed for a long time has been progressive, live men to push and grasp affairs and put the situation before the people. The pioneers, a line whole-soul lot of men, are generally contented, some few having done well after years of arduous toil. Yet there are a great many who are yet look ing for the "great strike" in their claims. They could have arrived at the end'of the wait period years ago by pursuing a dif terent method in their development work, and It is developed properties which claim tile attention of the mine investor. Development work means the expendi ture of much labor and means; what would be accomplished in ten years by two men, can be done In a very short time by progressive management. Every min ing district of note and importance has been developed by co-operative methods, Mock companies and the like; the division of labor and expense are items of greatest Importance. The original owners gener ally retain a large interest and are factors in the management of the mine's affairs, and if tlie propel ty proves to be a pro ducer, their share In the profits Is largely in excess of the results generally attained by holding on to a property for one-third of a life-time, Fellow miners, (I have seen seven years of It only) grasp the op portunities offered of introducing your property to the investing public, Interest yourselves in every way reasonable to show to the world that your claim is wor thy of investigation, reap the benefits of come materially interested, but enlists his endeavors in inducing Ills friends to come with him. W. H. M. POsfoFFICEBUSiNESS. Its Increase Keeps Pace With the General Growth of Sumpter. So great has been the'recent Increase in the business of every branch of the Sump ter postoffice that the supply of money or der blanks has been exhausted, and for several days past that department lias been suspended. Others are expected to arrive daily. During the month of Aug ust, 375 orders were Issued, aggregating 55,000. This was an Increase of 33 per cent over the business transacted In July, both as to the number of orders and the sum of their value. Monthly reports of money order busi ness are required by the postoffice depart ment, while with registered letters and packages the report is sent in quarterly. l:or the quarter ending July 1 this post office registered 160 letters and parcels. Up to and including the fourteenth of the present month, which leaves 16 days of business on this quarter, the number lias reached 251. At this rate of increase the business of this quarter will be almost If not quite double that of the preceding quarter. As to the cancellation of stamps, that branch of the business has reached the point which entitles Postmaster Kahler to a salary. The cancellation must amount to $1,000 that this shall be accomplished. H. G. Wood's Minerals and Curios. Harley G. Wood is collecting a line cabinet of mineral specimens and mlscel- For You. CUT THIS OUT FOR IMMEDIATE USE j j J J Publishers THE SUMPTER MINER, Sumpter, Oregon. Herewith enclosed find Two Dollars for subscrip tion to the MINER for one year. SUBSCRIPTION. One year in U. S. or Canada $2.00 Name. Address ( Foreign countries. 3.00 I Street of p q 13 your labors while you can enjoy them, and not be different from the rest of the country and remain dormant, while every section is forging ahead. I believe one of the greatest mlneralled zones on the continent Is here, yet unless it is properly shown up to the public, years will elapse before Its possibilities become known and appreciated. What shows up In regard to this mining section surrounding the town of Sumpter is equal ly applicable to the town itself. You have one ot the most favorably located mining centers in the country, every element re quired to make a place of several thous and prosperous people. What Is required is push and industrious showing up of the natural situation, present every event in vour vicinity In a pleasant light, let the outside world know what is going on in your community. This Is what lias con tributed largely to make the large pros perous cities elsewhere, and what can be done here. It is tlie active, rustling town which at tracts the men of means -and enterprise, and it is this element which accomplishes what often seems to some beyond reach. A pleasant, accommodating manner of ad dress has often been the cause of a stran ger becoming attracted to a place, and not only the means of encouraging him to be- laueous curios. Among other things he has a handsome old meerschaum pipe, made In the year 1800, which has been in his wife's family ever since that time. He also has a piece of beeswax which he picked up on the beach of the Oregon coast. Time has wrought such change In the outer surface that it looks like a rock, but on the inside little change has been effected. At the time this piece was found the Portland Telegram published an article 011 the subject, in which it was stated that settlers in that vicinity had been finding this substance on the beach for many years. There is but one theory to account for its presence there; that some vessel was wrecked off the coast, so long ago that all receord of Its Identity has been lost. Red Men Entertain. The Egan Tribe, No. 20, Improved Or der of Red Men, gave their first monthly smoker Tuesday evening, which was largely attended by many of the leading citizens of Sumpter. Lively toasts and speeches were the order of the evening and all went away 'feeling well enter tained. The next social affair by the or der will be on somewhat different lines, to include their lady friends, when danc ing will be one of the features. Fine job printing done at THE MlNKK office. Centrally Located. Electric Lights. Newly Refurnished. FREE BUS AND BAGGAGE TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. The Capital Hotel.... MRS. G. B. TEDROWE Proprietress. Headquarters for Commercial and Mining Men. Passongeas Waybllledat Hotel Office for all Interior Points over U. S. stage lines. Sumpter, Oregon - THE .- BAIN .- WAGON Standard of Excellence. EUSTACE & WHI Baker City HEAD Oregon C. Y. BURR... DEALER IN Common brick, lire brick, lire clay, lime, cement, plaster of Paris and hair. Cellar and flue build ing. Setting boilers and furnace work a spec ialty. Prices moderate. SUMPTEK, - OREGON w. s. ABSTRACTS. Real Estate Loans & Insurance ....MINING PATENTS OBTAINED.... Years of experience in Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City, Oregon. Columbia Brewery AND SALOON.... Extra Pale and Pilsner beer. Flrat class wines and liquors. Wholesale and Retail. JOHN KOHRMAN, Proprietor SUMPTER, OREGON 1