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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1899)
Wednesday, September 20, 1899 ME SUMNER MINER. f SURPRISING SUMPTER. HOW THE CAMP IMPRESSED AN IDAHO NEWSPAPER MAN. It b the Hub of the Gold Field, Which Possesses the Miner's Trinity, Ore, Water and TimberAll the Mountain Roads Lead to Sumpter Writer Had to Sleep in an Unfinished Shack Un housed Crowd Some of the Mines in Detail. In the Boise Statesman of the sixteenth Instant the following interesting letter, written by Don Donaldson, from this camp, is published: Sumpter Is the Hub city, the very cen ter of the richest mining district now be ing developed in the world. Sumpter has the miner's Trinity ore, water and tim ber are in great abundance upon all sides. Sumpter is the point to which every one must go and return when visiting the Cracker district, Canyon City, Frairle City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Gol conda and Bonanxa. It is equally true that every one in these big districts, some of which are at the very door ol the camp, must come to Sumpter lor supplies and outfits; where all machinery is lauded by rail; wherr large sawmills cut their timbers and lumber; where in a few weeks they will do their banking. The camp is tilled with the best mining element ever congregated together. Up to the present year veryjlttle atten tion was given Sumpter as a mining cen ter, but when in January the Bonanza mine was sold to the Standard oil people tor one million dollars, prospectors and investors began to flock into Sumpter; tow 11 lots and other property began to be gobbled up and values rose three fold. Today the camp is fully 2,000 strong and growing like a mushroom. Build ings are going up on all sides. Hotel ac commodations are inadequate (your cor respondent being housed in a little cottage in process of construction), though they arc large. A newspaper, named THE SUMMER MINER, is about to be pub lished and is obliged to accept a barn as an office for the present. Extensive placer mining is being con ducted within the town limits at the pres ent time. To show the strength of Sumpter's backing and what she counts upon to build her up and maintain her, a little may be said In relation to a few of the many rich mines that lie near by. In the first place, attention is called to the E. 4 E. ledge in the Cracker creek district. This ledge runs northeast and southwest, about 50 miles In length, the Center of which is less than seven miles Iroin Sumpter. On this ledge we first find the North Pole, a mine of ij claims, owned by Raring ot London. They have a 50-1011 cyanide plant at work on this mine and have more ore blocked nut than any other mine in the United States. This mine was sold a few years ago by Jim Duckworth for 10,000 and was con sidered a very large deal. Today It would take a sum made up ot seven tigures to luy It. , n Then we come to' the E. 4 E. group of i) claims, owned by St. Louis' people. They are equippeJ with a 2o-stamp mill and a chlorinatioii plant and have 15,000 leet of development work done. This mine has paid 150,000 net per year for three years. The Columbia mine comes It Is owned by Minneapolis men and is work ing :i io-stamp mill. The ore easily con oentrates and amalgamates. The com pany is installing a new holMlug and compressor plant. It has been shipping concentrates, some of which have gone as high as $1,700 per ton, while 4c pti cent has been saved. in tree gold Iroin the plates. There are now about leady to s.iip three carloads of concentrates. The present owners have refused J 1,000,000 tor the mine and consider it one of the best properties in the World. Leaving the Columbia, we almost stum ble upon the famous Golconda mine, which Statesman readers have heard so much about of late. This mine has 2,000 feet of development and is operating a loo-ton bromine plant. It was at the 2oo-foot station that they found the rich ore which runs about, somejof which runs as high as 200,000 per ton. They have not as yet found the length or breadth of this pay chute 'which seems to widen as they go down They have to date ore to the Value of over f 500,000 ready to ship. We neM find the Mountain Bell, which P. E. Polude.Nter sold to the Standard oil people. A very strong ledge Is in sight and big development has begun. Then we find the Amazon and Cupid mines. owneJ by Pittsburg parties. They have begun development with n large force of 4iien. The Anna, Lulu and Rainbow mines come next on this famous ledge. These mines are of high grade ore. Active w ork is going on. We next find the Bunker Hill group, owned by Captain Thompson and Angus McQueen and associates. They have done 1,000 feet of tunneling and are'erect lug a well equippeJ hoisting plant. Leaving the Cracker district, we jump over to the Ibex ledge, which is parallel to theE.&E. ledge. On this ledge we first find live clai ms purchased by Michigan parties last Janu ary for 6$,ooo. They have in this sliort space of time blockeJ out a half million of ore, which is the same kind as is found in the Golconda and Columbia. They are blocking out ore sufficient to run a 2o-stamp mill. The Rail Mountain mine is found on this ledge and is owned by Michigan par ties. They have run a tunnel 150 feet and a shaft 100 feet and found a large body of high grade ore. The Midnight mine has been bonded for f 10,000 by Mr. Hayward of Colorado, and active development begun. Then we find the old Mammoth group, which includes the old Mammoth, Bell of Raker, Cold Hill and Red Pox mines, which have been stocked at 1,000,000 and active development begun. We then pass over to the Cove dis trict, where the ore Isof an entirely differ ent character, it being a high grade silver and lead of high value. This whole dis trict is a perfect network of ledges and all the spurs or feeders seem to be as rich as the mother lode. In the Cove district we find the Impe rial or ( Jray Eagle group of mines, con taining 1 ) claims, 6 of which are on the main ledge. This group carries an enor mous body of gooJ smelting ore and they have now blocked out a halt million dollars worth ot high grade ore for ship ping. Then we see the California miue,whlch has 3,000 teet of development work done. It has a io-stamp mill and Is tak ing out large quantities of shipping ore. We find also the Herculean, the Don nelly, the Raby M'Kee and others on this ledge, all in an active stage of develop ment, but I must stop for space. Let us next go over the La Bellevue district, which is better known as the Granite district. There we find this property bonded by Bamberger & Keefe, of Salt Lake, who have run 10,000 feet of tunnels and are shipping quantities of high grade con centrates. We find, also, the Buffalo mine, which is a small vein of high grade rich ore, work being pushed and 2,000 feet of de velopment work done. The Magnolia group, managed by W. L. Vinson, Was only begun to be devel oped a lew months ago, but he has opened up a large body ot high grade ore and is 'putting in .1 io-stamp mill. Mr. Vinson , also has the Maiden's Dream and Little , Giant mines, which are In an active state of development and mills for both of which are now 011 the track at Sumpter. I The Cougar, a mine of si claims. Is In ' the Granite district. The development consists of a soo-foot tunnel on the ledge, which shows up an ore body that will average eight feet from wall to wall, the entire body being of high grade milling , ore. They have a shaft sunk no feet the ore across the bottom of which aver ages i62 per ton. They are putting in a 2so-ton cyanide plant which will be In operation in four weeks. The Success, which joins the Cougar, was bonded recently by P. E. Polndexter for Jo,ooo. This mine has a uo-toot tunnel and a 25-foot shaft and active de velopment will be begun at once. Leaving the Granite district four miles we find the famous Red Boy mine, which is only 18 miles from Sumpter. So much has been said of this mine this notice of it may be brief. It has probably the best equipped 20-stamp mill In operation In the United States. The mine is paying jo, i 000 monthly dividends. There is still the Greenhorn district in which there are a score of mines In active stage of development. We must not forget the great Bonaua group, which is In the most advanced state of development of any in the section, and which has in operation forty stamps working night and day upon high grade milling ore and is paying J 50,000 monthly dividends. There are scores ol other mines w hlch have brilliant futures before them. There are fully 1,500 prospectors in the moun tains adjacent to Sumpter. ' 1 Phil V. Nebergall &'3SW$ practical Sia,H Writer lioiise painter ant1 Decorator. V?msfA f CAPITAL HOTEL Sumpter Oregon. L N.Crane Contractor And Builder... UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS i MAKER. FIRST-CLASS WORK '' GUARANTEED. Leave orders at THE SUMPTEH MINER Office, ' Basche Hardware Co. S S Successors to W. R. HAWLEY. Sumpter, Oregon. ' i in r'l I' 11-. 1 General Dealers in '' !f 1 . n6 1 " h 1 4 M Shelf And Heavy Hardware Iron Steel Pipe Mining And Machinery Agents For ,, . T 'Hercules' Powder Fqse And HI j Caps.... C. C. Basche ...Manager...