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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1899)
Wednesday. September 20, 1899 THE SUMPTEK MINER. MINE -OWNERS ATTENTION! Call for a Mating to Organize a Mining Dutrict. There will he :i mass meeting of the mine owners of Cracker Creek, Red Hoy, f iranitc, Honanra, and nil otlfer camps In this vicinity, ;it Hills opera house, Sump tcr, Oregon, S:itnrday," October 7th, at 2 p. in., for the purpose of forming .' reRii larly orRanied mlnliiR district, innkiiiK laws, rules and reRUlatlmis definlnR Its limit and transacting Midi other business as may he necessary for the formation of such district. Sinned: JOHN miODIN.j J. I:. CUPID, IMVMliAi.W A, J. STITSON, S. CHAPMAN, ' I.I5VI SMITH, CHAHI.liS S.WAKKhN, W.C. CAI.DKH, I. W. DUCKWORTH, A. L.MCriWhN, I-:. 1.. Manning and many othi:hs. Machinery for Bald Mountain Group. Is. M. Davidson, of White Hall, Mich igan, who has been in this district for the past three weeks, left today for his home, expecting to be absent about thirty days. Mr. Davidson lias recently acquired the Raid Mountain group o properties, cast of and .'uljoliiK the lhe mine, for himself and Michigan associates, ami while this proprrlv lias been a shipper, it Is the in tention of the new operators to thorough Is develop ami make a mine of J it, and with that end hi view Mr. Davjdsou will, on reaching Chicago pufcliafrom and have shipped at once by Fraser' A Chal mers the neiessarv inachnrry for that work. Meanwhile .1 force of men are pushing development until It arrives. It Is lertalnly graNifying'to all' "whose inter ests are here to see these eastern men of mean casting their lot Injthe Sumpter lountry, aVso manv are now doing ami Ihebest wisliesof all cuiu'criinl are with them lor suciess, as eterv (Hie knows what lollows In theuake of Jjiose uho strike it In theJgoldenMvJesC Or for Spokane Falr.J At a meeting called hllletlv's hall, Miturd.iv evening, bv thoe Interested In theiollectloii of tin- jnynM'toducts of this dlstikl, lor exhibition at tne Spokane In exposition, whih ope'iis ( Ktober 1 tor .1 period of tuo 4rrKs',";t coinmlttee was appointed to diiect tilt' inciter of the ore iollettiou ami haudlliflic funds sub sciibed lor that purpose. Robert Hrvvin iif.iilil)lr9fii) MM-orJW'.ill. ilea son, rc-.isurrr; V. W. I nom-v uas ap pointed In illreit or make thr inllnlion, and he hi turn stinted P. I:. Poindester as his deputv. Notvv Ithstaiiding the lliti itrd tlmr, thrsr grntlemeii savtliatullh lte TRIUMPH CIGAR- ' ni ; n IS UfnrlH'c Rfttt HAVANA V.IRAR C'l'liflr F.cellrncv Cannot be Fuelled.. WONGS 063v HAVANA iWbAK. t),,nCj. youryltjiy rIvjiik tjwjnji ForxSalr Fvrvvvhrrr Insist on Having Our. FLYNN & MfjpN, f Manufacturers aimm W!!P m m m ?mf 1 m htnrttftf T'i wr I ine i (il:0. V. Wll:( General Merchandise A lOinplete stotk ol Dry (iooJs, Ladies and Men's FurulshliiKs, Roots, Shoes, Mats and Clothing. ' ' The.Wonder, . . TMUttuuuuiuuiu ii the co-operation of the mine owners, who of course will require no urging, they can get together a collection that will be sec ond to none. It is understood that Mr. English, of the Golcnuda, will send a car load of ore from that mine, which, need less to say, will In Itself "holda crowd." Six Fires in Baker City in One Night. Telephone advises from Baker City to day state that there were several fires in that place last night, the unusual number leading some to believe that an attempt was made to burn the town Fire was discovered In the basement of Bamberger & Fichncr's storeabout one o'clock. The department was called out, but the blaze was extinguished with a few buciels. of water before its arrival. Later the high school building was found to be ablaze, also, In the basement. The lire uas got ten under control before nuch damage was done above. The Depot meat market, Meudelsou's residence and anotherdwel Hug, on the ea,st side, were more or less damaged by lire during the night. These several buildings are all far removed from each other. The amount of the loss and insurance was not reported over the wires. Developing the S.impson Properties. Dr. Tape and A.W Ellis are vigorously directing their energies, time and monev on tile development of the Sampson prop erty.on Little Cracker creek. Thev have just completed a new road from "Bourne to the mine, also a .vater ditch' from the Lit tle Cracker. Contlmro'iis' work Is the policy of tlte Docltlaiid'AlrVmils and the Sampson will probnblV soon be listed among the paving mines of the district. t 1 , 1 New Photographer Here. , I will be at my tent studio for'aic indef inite lime 011 Mill street and y.tiarnlltee to i do first class work hi stvln.-lud finish at trasonabTe prices, f 4 :iJti'Nli-li.iUfi.Fliitor,plier. V i;rN G:u'al rau and'Irjn Founders anid Machinists. t , s Baker City r Iron yorks GEO.' F. McLYNN, Proprietor . I 'i Special attention repairing audi rclnilUllijg all kinds ol machinery. ;,... I I s s B-iljfjr Citv, t Tc.trrmnfKJ 161. I! s lll: in i '''jnoJ h:i a DU..IH i I'llH ".AND, Proprietor, BOURNE, ORE. a nnrun uiium ui uumK KAHLER &CO. .At the., POSTOFFICE STORE Are receiving daily.... TONS AND TONS NEW In addition to our already complete stock of general merchandise, ihcluciing, men's I and boy's clothin&hats, shoes, etc. In r6cer'ies, smoked meats and provisions we can fill anv size orders- at short- ,. - 1 notice. . 1- it FOR THE . ! ...Ladies.".. We have a beautiful lint? of Cloaks, Capes, Dress Skirts and Dress Trimmings. KAHLER & CO. SUMPTER, OREGON. New & ' ., yi.ti i i ...i i- i i '! h Harness r ' ' Hi i (.i- hi i ,j i, 'i I ii I . -l - I & a McEWEN 6c SLOAN, ProprUton SUMPTER, OREGON. i J I I I REPAIRING L A '- SPECIALTY! t t j SHOP OPPOSITE THE LIVERY STABLE! Jl IKJIJ T. D. Bellinger Capital Hotel Saloon... FRANK UOfiliWS A CO., Proprietor ..Leading Brands In Stock.. Old Overholt Hi tlielntilrnrttii Canadian Club llv thf hnlllf nrwvf Jas. Watson's Scotch Monogram Hennessy 3 Star Brandy Old Crow by the Bottle or Bulk i . , ; ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC WINES .0. R. & N. t .It , TO T: il III (mrsthe Choice nl tw'b transcontini-nta l ROUTES (Shrsthe Choice nl Great OREGON Northern , . SHORT Railway ' LINE VIA VI ' i Spokane .. Salt. Lake , .' . . ''''' U.U 1 Minneapolis , 'Denver, Omaha St. Paul and "' and Chicage: ; Kansas City low KSTli a'ti-s' To a i;l'I: ASl'l-R n CITIES .. ". Ocrau tr.lnlers Ir.ivr rverv s da for San Ffaneiscd1 Steamers monthly trout Portland to Yokohama and Hoiik Kodr via the North ern Pacific Steamship Co. in connection wlth'the O. R. cV N. l-or lull particulars call. mi, O. R. A N. anent, Raker Citv. or ad.dr.e, , , ,, W. IL HURLRURT. Geueral Passenger, ArI. Portland, Or. MINES, MINING AND REAL ESTATE List.your.iinines. and prospects with me and I will effect aisale i Have .Eastern tuivers ' for Reed miniiiR properties. Frank Rogers ...H. H, FRITZ... Foot Granite St. Sumpter, Or. i . O