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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1899)
THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, September 20, 1899 SUMPTER SAMPLER. PROPOSITION WILL BE SUBMIT TED NEXT WEEK. Meun. Arthur and Fritz are Pushing the Important Enterprise Vat Benefits which Sumpter, Miners in a Small Way and the District Generally will Derive front Such an Institution. Now that Similiter is taking the lead as a inliiiii", camp, with the installation of kinkhiK houses, hardware and Kciicml supply houses, for the accommodation of the sturouiuliiiK mines and prospectors ol the Sumpter district, which has dividend payhiK mines for a distance ol twenty miles west, and forty miles north and south, w llh this as the only natural outlet and trading point, it would seem that the time has about arrived for this town to provide miners of small capital that iieces sary adjunct to their success, sampling works. With the Increased mliilii", energy that has it'u'iitly taken place, six mines have passed the experimental or piospect stages, and haw demonstrated without a doubt that they are substantial mines. I here are now in course of erection on these sl illlfeicnl piopertles reducing plants vary Inc. from twenty to sixty tons dally ca pacity. 'I here ate scores of ulher pros pects that are hi active stages of develop inent, showhu; IiIkIi Kf.'idc ore in varyhiK iu.uitities, whli h means Increased ship ment of ore and concentrates to the dlller cut smelthiK points. I his heiiiK the favorable condition of affairs, John Aitlim, of Sampler, and II. II. Pill, a lecent airlval Irom Ke public, Washington, to meet the deiii.iiui ol the uiiiit'is and prospectors having ores and coiui'iitrates to ship, will endeavor to , it before the local public and business men of Sumpter a sampler proposition, In the form of a stocK company, to buy ores and bullion outiluht or handle on commission, witli a lirst-class assay oitice In connection, rd to inane assaying and uiiniiiK tests in all branches. I lie advantages gained by having a sampler at Sumpter aie that the labor will be kept at heme: Hint there are scores ol pros pectors de eloping their mines who take out inoie or less shipping ore, sarsiug Irom one to live and ten tons a month, who cannot now ship at a pionl small lots, I10111 the fad that they have not the means to hold out long enough to take out carload lots, therefore they aie unable to get car load rates and ledtued smelling charges that a sampler would gel by ship ping iiMtiaulltlcs. By having a sampler here the miners would haul in from one to live Ions, get their money hi twenty-four hours, buy piovislous and mining supplies and go back to their properties, lake out more and continue developing their mines. Again, there Is a call every day from mining men hi tjuest of an oilice or sam pler to giind down and sample large lots of oie, Irom 100 pounds to a ton, which gives them a better average of a mine than a hand sample. Theretore, the business, w ill be .1 paying one and the demand must be met. . I he leason of interesting the citizens in the enterprise Is to get their co operation and guaiautee to the mining public that the business w III be run on a strictly legitimate basis, as the books will be open lor inspection at any time, and leport made to the stockholders monthly .Messrs. Aiuuir v rritwiu get out a prospectus or report by next week and present same to the business men of Sumpter, who should give the enterprise their hearty support, as It will encourage the shipping of ore and the leasing system, that Is so successfully carried on at other milling camps. A pamphlet of informu lion w ill be Issued, liguiiug and explaining the cost of transportation and treatment of ores from the various districts, which will be circulated around the mines, enabling prospectors to tell the grade of ores that will be profitable to treat. Sumpter Valley R. R. Officials Excursion. A special train came up to Sumrter (Monday afternoon bearing President Dan iel l-ccles, VJce President C. W. Nibley, Superinteiidant P. M. Shurtliff, and a party of friends and visiting guests, among whom were: Mr. and Mrs. West, Mrs. l-ccles, Mrs. C.W.Mbley, Jr., Mrs. Smurthwalte, Joseph I. Smith, one of the first bishops of the Mormon church, Bishop George Koiiiney, W. V. Writer, and II. S. Young, the latter being cashier of the Deseret National bank of Salt Lake. The trip was made more for pleasure and sight seeing than for busi ness, and the excursionists took their de parture, after a few hours, stay, well pleased Willi what they saw in tills pro gressive metropolis. Operetta at Ellis Opera Hoi.i. The operatic entertainment given by Baker City local talent 1 efore a Sumpter audience Saturday evening was well at tended, highly appreciated and generously applauded, as it certainly deserved to I e, and the many favoral le expressions would indicate a hearty reception when the entertainers see lit to return to Sump ter. I he orchestra, tinder the director ship of Professor William Purdy, llrsl violin, Miss hdua Barton, pianist, Sam Purdy, bass viol, (i. R. hunt, clarionet, and A. ( i. Littleton, comet, deserve. special mention. Assayer to locate at Granite. I:. II. Levy, a skilled assayer and min ing man of wide experience, lias secured a building at Granite and will soon open an assay oilice there. Air. Levy inlr.ed for a number of years in the Sotliwest, In western Washington and Alaska. Since List ninrch lie has recti hi Idaho, examining many properties, tu.t has tailed to hud what he w.iolcJ. Mr. Levy arrived In Sumpter last wcei, took a trip through the hilis and returned to holse, Idaho, alter his outl.t. He will le here again, in a lew days, accompanied by Mis. Levy. While in Lie mountains lie HeJ up live properties for a short tin.e. It is thought he is acting lor I r lends on Paget Sound and parties in Boise. TIMI: CARD. I.INI-S OP Till: Sumpter Stage & Transfer Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. M'.MI'II.I'-CANYON KOl'li: II U ' I l I'- I p. t ! - in, Iv At Iv Ar hunipter Ullini.1 (.1111.11,1 Amiln ' Uinm-.ilni: .11 Au In hIOi URr lor Cunon Gl I iinJ Interior polnik. I i in It in. I Lv I'lllfiirJ Honama I lAr I " I' (.(niir.llni; m llonanfa ttllti klagrt lor l')X. Km Iruntnlllc, W'oilry, Virginia, Don Juan unj l.i'Miu inlnck. M)Min.iwiiiANiTi: kouti:. i j a in. Lv Ar m. Sumi'iir. (irjniir 4 a ' 1 1 rr at (Irani r In Nimli fork, KrJ Hoy, Han Itllc unj aJafriit mine Mj.WI'Tl.K-hOUHNL NOUTK. I'i.i ji. in I l js m Injujinc Ninth I'olr aJJa.rni mine. 'Ar )Ar Uournc Coluniti, I.. A i:.. Climax, Ohio nj : New Bakery J J J AND CONFECTIONERY All kinds of Fresh Fruit in Season. The... Red Front NEW FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATIONS Duck and Mackinaw clothing Mackintoshes for ladies or men -Rubber Boots and Shoes, Miners and Prospectors Footwear in profusion. In Dry Goods, Ladies, Boys or Mens Furnishings your wants can be supplied. WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON OUR LINE OF FANCY GROCERIES & TABLE DELICACIES W. C. CALDER, Prop. THE RED FRONT. Sumpter, Oregon. o. BRriCMTKL, Opposite S. V. Ry ! I ! Ar i te: ia a. m. ! Lv ' 8 in a. in. Mt Ar i i. io a. m. ' Lv I j oj a. m. JlW , I i:jo a. pi. I JJiJ I 6. o a. m , jlk i At I tutu a, m, JW I v Tta. m, 2 1 Ar j m.o a. nit J Lv I 8 cm a, m. Jn I Lv J :io a, m. "f Sumpti Hardware Company... General Hardware, Stoves and Ranges. Mill and Mining Supplies. All kinds of build ers and Plumbers supplies. Lk. r Proprietor Depot. Agents For Schuttler Wagons.... fe i f FPPC