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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1899)
Wednesday, September 20, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. r . V BIG DEAL-IN - REALTY, k ! r W. C. CALDER BUYS THE GORNER WHERE HIS STORE NOW IS. J. W. Seriber will Build there a Two Story Brick Block Fram Building to be Moved to the East at Once Bank on the First Floor of the Block, Club Rooms up Stairs. hi its results and influence on the busi ness conditions of Sumpter, the real estate transaction which was consummated a few days since, the transfer of the prop erty at the northeast corner of Granite and Center streets, from Mrs. H. Duck worth to W. C. Calder, was one of, If not the, most Important which has yet been made in the town. The lot has a jo-foot trontane on Granite street and runs hack 100 feet on Center. The store bulldiiiK now occupied by Mr. Calder is on the corner half of the lot. The property sold for 5j,ioo, and over 6,ooo worth of improvements will be . made thereon, work to beuln Immediately. ,Tue storeroom proper, which is 25 by 60 Sect, will be moved ont the east half oi "the lot. It Iselpectea (flaT-the contract for this pirtion of Jhe wjurl wl" let to day. AH addition My feVt In length will be "built, cm to tbeear ol-t))e-tore. The warehouse, 2$ by 40 leet, will remain where "it iiov stands, on the rear of the vest half of the lot. All Ttf'?thls' will be occupied by Mr. Calder's general mer chandise business. A handsome plate- Klass front will be put In the store. These . Improvements alone will cost, more than $1,000. - -f r - ' -k Z On therjionjer w here,' the, store Jnov stanJs,. a two-story brick building, 2s by o leet, will be erected by J. WScrjben 01 l.a (irande. There arose some dlrti-' cully about securing a lease of the prop erty across the street, on which he origin ally intended to build, so some private arrangement between hlmselft and Mr. calder was reached regarding the pur chase of this property. 'I he brick block will be a handsome one, costing not less than, the planX (of which THK MINER has not yet seen. Work will' begin : " as the ir.ime building Is moved from the site. The ground tioor of this brick block will I e occupied by Mr. Seriber as a banking house, to be called the First Bank of b Jinpter, as was tills paper last week. , 1 ,.,. 4., the second storv will be handsomely ntted up for social club rooms, which hi Mitution will soon be organized here. l:very one recognizes the need of such a place here, where residents can spend uieir leisure time and visitors can be prop erly entertained. All of this will tic accomplished just as speeJily as men and money andenterprise iUII do it. Good Citizens for Sumpter. :. H. Nell returned a few' days since Iroin I'ortland. and the orst thing lie did on lib arrival here was to buy a loton North -.treel and let the contract to JacK Hael wood for the erection of a cottage. 1 Ills cottage will be occupied by Mr. (Nell's son and his tamlly, consisting of his wile and uo children, while the elder .Mr. Neil and wile will live over the store now being built on the corner of Granite and .Win streets. Instead of putting In a stock of general merchandise, as was originally intended, they will deal in clothing, gents' lurnishing goods, boots and shoes. The business w ill be conducted under the name of the Neil Mercantile Company. Basche's Brick Block. Claude C. Hasche has let the contract for the stone foundation lor his brick block, 25 by 100 feet, two stories high, to Contractor Hottel. The stone masons arrived in Sumpter Tuesday to go to work on tills job, -but the ground was not ready for them. The building will be erected on the soutli half of his lot. where, the barber shop and telephone, office now stund. I These btiildi.igs will be moved off at once, jw'ork beginning, perhaps, today. The frame building now occupied by the Basche Hardware company will remain j where It Is and be used for a storeroom and warehouse. The telephone officewill ' be moved to this building temporarily, but 1 will occupy elegant quarters on the second I floor of the brick block when It is finished. Produce Hauled From 70 to J 00 Miles. Every few days some farmer from the I famous Gr.Mid Ronde valley drives into town with a wagon load of vegetables and I j fruits, Wljlchhei always 1 readily, jdisposes 1 I ofhere for a' good price. ' They say Sump- ( ter is the best market for farm produce In eastern Oregon. Hut how the farmer can haul this stuff from 70 to 100 miles at a profit, if Ills time and that of his team Is worth anything, is a question which THK 1 MINER etui not satisfactorily answer. One thing is certain, however, that, hav ing direct rail connection, there is some- I thing wrong with the rates when a farmer 1 will haul his products that distance hi a wagon, rather than ship by rail. If the rates are prohibitory, the railroad compa-1 1 nles lose on the deal, as well as the pro ducer. Fortunately this transportation problem cap be solved "by hand," how-1 lever, and so the monopoly doesn't mo-1 nopollye. i. Engagement Extraordinary. Myue tiowan, " 1 lie wuaru engine Banjo," acknowledged as America's greatest exponent of the instrument, (as sisted by leading local talent, will appear atHealy's'hall, Saturdayevenlng, Sep tember 2j, Admission fifty cents; children twenty-five cents. l " Ik r. Muucix. sah v. MOrr. S STO'I'T A SHBLTON. Attorneys at Law. 4k v r (I-. orq; SUMITKK. OHECJON. H. J. JORVi MINING KNGINEKR. N o rt h we ste rr Assay Office Samplesbv mall receivecnrcful .' Attention. I M -- Mines examined, reports and maps furnished. HOX 122 ... . Sumpter, Or. ...Finest Line of... Jewelry and " Watches In Eastern Oregon. JEWELRY FACTORY ... LEADING JEWELERS. Mitchell Smith, Mgr. Baker .City WE BUY ALL OUR GOODS IN CARLOAD LOTS C. J. JOHNS Our F"all Goods have now arrived, our warehouse is about completed and we are pre pared to iill all orders of any size or character in the line of MINING SUPPLIES. Our stock of cloth ing, Furnishing goods and Dry goods is full and complete. I GIVE US 21 fix- r C.J.JOHNS eft tf!W& 3& Flnt Clau in Every J Respect J Newly Furnished Rooms J ..STAR HOTEL J. G. Connell, Prop. SUMFTF.K, OHKGON. Our Rates Reasonable With J Free 'Bus and Baggage . Service. J 3ff Sumpter Livery Stable H,pumn o, o., prc I MChWen & bloan, Props. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A CALL Sumpter, Oregon Mining Ac Commercial Men's Home. Our Table is Always the Best. ''IE I Stages For All Interior Points and Mines Leave this Hotel Every J Day. J First Class Livery Rigs and Saddle H ALWAYS ON HAND. MODERATE PRICES Experienced Guides to all the Mlnlnp . Camps. Your patronage solicited. J