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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1888)
1 Albaar.Harkel. WUemt-70 Oats J5e Butter 25 Us per lb. Etrgs-Ho Hay -8,00. Potatoes .5 cts par bushel. Beef on foot. S V fples 40 oent per bu. Perhv-flJio per II it-eased. Baoons li'ui Wio, shoulders, 14c. sides Ua. Lard 15o per lb. Flour 4.25 per bbl. Chickens S 00 per doz. Mill Feed brau, 14.00 per too; shorty 16. middling, 20. Chor ?. May er. -PR0PKlET'3 OF STAR BAKERY, Corner. Broadalbin anl First. Sts.,1 ,-DEALERIDl Canned Fruits Glass) trace.. Dried Fruit, Tobacco, Sugar, CoHee. Etc,, Caanwl 1IoH, Queensware, Vegetables, Cigar. Nplcna, Tea, Etc.. In fact evorythtnn that is kept lt a gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market priee paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Lino nnty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Successors to Cowtu 4 Ciuick.) ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking Inwliie-. DRW3flJIl .VtVtflM-v.. N)V York, Sin Fran Ucoani Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOiVEIfon appioral security. RECEIVE deposits subjco. t dwelt. S. Farrar, Viaa Scju B. S Cook, S c 3 J U. Mjjuku Tieas The Oregon Land Company Organized fiT the purpws of buyirff and selling reil al,; .he Will .rastt Valley in all of the leading oewsji ipers of the United States, Kmployinjr Eastern agents to direct home Beckon to the Willam ette Valley, and h'.rae agents in all the principal towns ol Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton, Clackamas and Yamhill couutles to aid in locating immttrranta. Office In the Tate Building one door west of Etw art & Sox a, H0DS02f A jhcrixsOS, Managers. M and Second Hani Store Owing to toe Increased demands ofj our business we have been compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found nort door to S. E, Youns, when we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit ara, trtnks, books, roller skates. vMlei, saws, planes, eto and a thousind dif ferent and usa a tides you can not do better his alia of San Franolmo tlun you can do with us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. VASSALLQ & THOMPSON. (Sicauso to Henry Suwcu.) FOB BAI'Iy 'posit AY MACON C. L. BLACXftAH, Sm-cessor to E. W. I.atJn. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) kTTORNEY AT LAW, TILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF Tilt f Bute. Spwlal attention rWen lo j.!lctlon. and robate tier. r s I'm jolly and fat, thoui;h 1 needn't Buy iJ,at ; for a glance at ray hz8 and a look iu my eyiM, and yon plainly cun Bee there no flies upon me. I'm a little hit abort both ot breath and of l.air, but from thouldors to knees yon can see I'm all thre. I Bmile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad ami 1 never get mad. But you'd niver surmise where my happi ness lie, so I'll up and confess what you never could guess. A pood thing to eat is always a trat, which will make you as sweet as our 8Unr cured aieat.mitkea you feel so content with the incnev spent that you're, bound to feel glad ; and you cculdu't get mad though a man just as tbin as a rail or a pin wus to pull at your nose or tread on your tees. If you're fat or your'e lean, if yom'e pleasant or mean, just fiive W. & T. a thow to sell you right low, you will feel such athrill of cun tentment until you'll wish yon were fit to enjoy more of that For the feeliug'a i'nin'n" and you'll Blow your good fc-nse l.y buying visions and crockery of W S T am Wallace & Thompson's Fat Mao, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. fosh&y tuna, Holiday Goods. Santa Claus Headquarters. Plush Goods, Toilet Oases Al-f bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor surpassed io t h 3 Valley. sunn iiiHiiisiiiiiiiiwnamiiBt3parwgnrar;vii cawe FOUND. Just the place to got JOnas th.iniM clie-i, and nice.ia the latest art.i-af hook, tripod, thermometers, banner rods toil hat mark or crowns painted to order. IS.'cc oil paintings on hand, just the nicest thinj. you could . leot for a present. Uall ana ste foi ynnmelf MRS. t. I' VM AN 8 First door east of Young's .ld stand. New Wash House. Lee Chinaman, who lived in this town for manv vear and was so well liked by everv. body has returned and will opan op a new wash house the tint of September, oaoilnor south of the Korere House. Lea docs sond work and wants everybody to get their washing dona by him BABY CARRIAGES AT STEWART SOX'S First National Bank OF A f.BlNl t OREGON'. Hresl.ipnf M L. FU'N Vice PrCTlJoiit S. E. YOCNO CmMw .UKO. E. CHHRKRLAIN Am'l C,hier JAS. F. POWELL TRANSACTS A OENERAL banking bminem. ACCOUNTS KEPT iubjett to heck. SinilT K.XclTAVr.R nd tel?nphlo tranrfer, sol on Xvw York, Ban FrandMO. Chicago and Pot Olsrin, I.LF.CTION'8 MADE on lavofabl. Unas. DtaacToaa. -. E Yonra, ' O10 ECniaii;ai." L E Blaik, L. Flism, WauuS TntaiLL, irirQ baselven nnlMh I-satlafftcUoa in tbe cur. of Qonorrhwa and Uln-t. I preacrlbe ltaad feel sale In recouunaod. lot It to all sufferers. A. J. STONEB, M.B, Daeater, III. PRICE, 1.00. Sold hv Tin. . ..a roibay Mason, Wheleaale Agents, Jr CimlaHTi F I TO 5 DATS.I M Oa.ruiM4 not hl C3 ra,i,k7tw l"Unu Caaaltal Oa. V ClnolnnaUjpsa VSvJ OalodtsJ alnurtl W . F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY, OREGON The Leading Cash Off Goods House of Alban Mf'tl ' CUiBBATED BOOTS S SHOES --J gains than ever was offered m Albany; Onr slock is complete nd 1 proprne to keep Qit 'p to lJ.eJfMsr.dsrd, ball add all the new noveltiea s fast as they are in the market. Would call especial attention to the following lines Dress Goods,lHashes,Vclvcts,IIosicry Jersies, dents' Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Boot and Shoes. All.Iotk is a iboiough im,pcction of slock. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR C00DS. Mail orders promptlttendeJ to. W 1. EEAD, 1 iiiiititsWii nihiiii iiiiiiw iiimii mn 1 mm ' JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer ot Cigars -AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST PlnB ann Sm& h P!m,.n . CALIFORNIA AND TaOPIOAr, ?RULV3 1