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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1888)
Daily Democrat Saturiay Evening.recembor 29,1888 SYITKS A NUTflXU, Elitors and Publishers. PublUhfid Avery day In tho wrek. Sundays excepted.) Entered at the Post OiUoe at Albany, Or an second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Jtollrerod by curler per week m ..$ .15 Hjr nuil, per year 6.00 By mill, per month ....... bO RATES FOR WEEKLY : Oasyear, Inadr&nce , ... $2,00 One year, at end of year 260 Six month, In advance . ... 1-00 LOCAL RECORD. Farmers' Congress. According to the address just issued by the Farmers' con gress, "While the Increase of farm values from i860 to iS8owas t'i per cent, that of other values was JO 'A percent. And while j the agricultural Industry represents 44 per cent, of those engaged in 'gainful occupa tions,' the agricultural class holds only 12 per cent, of the wealth of the nation. A nd although the amount of wealth produced by the agriculturists has quadrupled dur ing the last two decades, their proportion of the results of our general Industry has shrunk from 56 per cent, to 27 per cent., while that of those engaged largely in modifying and transporting what has "been produced by the farmer has increased dur the time from about 30 per cent, to nearly 75 per cent." The congress gives as the cause, the national banking system, high and unequel taxation, vast monopolising transportation companies, trusts, and the legalized liquor tralKc. Claim Jumping. In our real estate col umn yesterday was the following "E. O. Smith, Golden Ridge mining claim, by virtue of $joo worth of work." It seems that this claim belongs to A. B. Woodin, XV. F. Read and others, of Albany. In order to hold a claim it is necessary to do a certain amount of work on it during the year. Dr. Smith, of Salem, claiming this had not been done jumped the claim and in order to get a title to it did the necessary amount of work and haR been using every means possible to keep the lawful owneis away from it until the end of the year. Mr.'Woodin, accompanied by Hon. VV. R. Bllyeu left this morning for the seat of war for the purpose of asserting the rights of himself and associates and downing this Salem claim jumper. To-day Masser and Hilyeu are to be tried near Mehama on a charge made by Dr. Smith of trcipassing on the claim Want a "$5000 Bonus. While Salem is getting woolen mills and railroads it is liable to loose some of its present wealth. Mr. J. M McAllister, of that city, writes Cherry & Parkes, of this city, that a com pany of five, including himself, has been formed there for the manufacture of stoves, and they agree to move to this city, lease the foundry plant for a term of years and manufacture stoves, in consideration of a bonus of $5000. We present the matter for the consideration of our citizens. Is Albany Interested. Salem people are dead in earnest about getting a railroad from Astoria through that city, and will send a committee to Astoria within a I'.w days to confer with Astoria men In refer ence to the subject. The building of this road is one of the most important enter prises of the present time, and the valley city that gels the road will reap a big bene fit. What does Albany intend to do. The V. L's The Vineyard Laborers of the Baptist church met last evening with Mr. and Mrs. Race at the St. Charles hotel and spent a very enjoyable evening in games and sociability. A nice lunch was served in the dining room, and those present pronounce the affair one of the pleasantest in the history of the society. River Traffic The O. R. & N. now has two steamers on the Upper Willam ette, the Accident and Champion , and as the Oregon Pacific hat more freight on hand than it can ship, the former company necessarily has the inside track. The river now is just in its glory for navigation. Willing to Return. Quite a num ber, of the Meyers railroad laborers are willing to return to work, and this morning dozcn left again for the front. That looks at least as if they had confidence in the railroad. The men under Searle & Ueane continue their labors. Baby carriage; at Stawart & Sox's Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Call early before COUNCIL PU0CEED1NUS. Friday evening, Dec. 38th, 1888. Present Mayor, Recorder and Council men Gradwohl, Parker, Wristman, Tabler, Read and Hoffman. The following bills were ordered paid : Frank Dannals, $2.50 ; Ja Reece, $J.o ; 1 uayes, board prisoners, $12.00 ; P W Splnks, $62,87 i I Hayes, $54.00 ; N J Henton, $411.00. Committee on Current Exoenses rec ommended that 250 copies of New Years euiuon 01 tne Herald be taken at 10 cents. Adopted on motion of Writsman. Committee reported recommended rals Ing electric light at 3rd and Montgomery when Mr Allen is able to attend to it. Adopted on motion of Hoffman. Committee recommended that S P R R be requested to build crossing at ith and Jackson Streets. Adopted on motion of writsman. Farther time was eranted In matter f charter and uniform ordinance. Mr. Vabler reported in reference to nr. Hon of committee on Health and Police in building pest house. On motion of Writs man ratified. Committee reported the survi-v nf th new city limits. On motion of Hoffman adopted and committee discharged. Report of Surveyor Warner an finrvf-v of city limits was read and on motion of iiuuman adopted and riled. Matter of Attorneys fees in McAllister case continued until Monday evening. Writsman moved that ord. bill 189 ap plying to gas light franchise be read third time as amended. Carried. Vote on passage : Yes. Hoffman and Writsman. No, Gradwohl.Parker.Tabler Read. On mntinn nnl Kill tRi ....... i " - . ... j I. HO IBIhCIl Up and on motion of Writsman indefinitely nmlnntiMl J r"-.,.v....u. r .....a.,.., lifai lUIIimillCC DC empowered to examine block 1, E A, and have same properly drained if deemed best. On motion of Writsman a vote of thanks was extended Dr. Mnctnn fnr B.,;.t.n.. rendered committee in small pox cases. Kf - II ..CI . r. . " "unman was appointed Street Com missioner until present commissioner is hliciiu iu ma uuiies. Licenses tn r.l limm. . 1 ..uwi "in. jiamcu Peter Schlower, J J Pfau, J B Williams. M Baumtrart and KiptVr and hnnri proved. Matter of sewer connection with prop erty of J D Parsons was referred, with power to advertise for bids. oucci commissioner was instructed to fiam!nf nlVvi onrl ttraatc A . .U-J J " i"i vis auu icpui L LllCir rorwiirinn nfr nv miinn a i .1.. John Schmeer to fix west caves on livery Rondfc Of nnl Tns..Ha- ......... ordered placed at $7000 for new officers. 'I'l,. nil I ai.c lunuwmg uins ior services in small nnx rasps wrr raA 1 nntti;.u c. u. . C Meyer, $5 ; J B Tougill, $io.o ; A Crowder, $9.71 ; A Wheeler, $24.53 j Parker Bros., $14,90 j John Schmeer, $7.50 and on motion of Tabler allowed. Allowed : G M Westfall, $8.00 : J A Warner, $23.00. Here All the Same. We suspected something like the following, which we take from the Ashland Record : "The Boston Comedy Co. stranded in Ashland last week, four of the troupe, including G M Gray, the comedian, and one lady went south and the manger, Mr. Hawkins, and the balance went on north it is said to join part of the Lillian Drew Co. which also broke up at Roseburg." They played in Roseburg, though, and the Review says : "The Boston Comedy Company gave two good plays in Roseburg this week. A large audience greeted them both nights. The company nave several good actors and de serve good houses everywhere." Time Lost. The hull of the "Yaquina Bay" appears to be as perfect as it was the day she went ashore. To a land lubber like myself, it looks like much valuable time is being lost in getting to work saving this splendid ship. We believe the vessel can be taken off and repaired for half what she Is Insured for if not even less. Yaquina Republican. Elected. At the regular meeting of Oreana Encampment No. 5, 1. O. O. F'., last night the following officers were elected for the ensuing term : J F Hail, C P; Willi. Glllet, II P;FS Crosby, S W; EJ Dillon, J W;C G Rawlings, scribe; E A Parker, treasurer; J F Backensto, E A Parker and G W Hochstedler were elected trustees. Great Negligence. A remonstrance should have been made by the small pox kickers against allowing the Italian labor ers to come into the city during the past week. The militia boys should have issued a "request." Corvaliis Gazette. A tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock isbro flOME ANDABKOAD Dates, figs, etc., at Pfeiffer's. Holiday goods at Freneh'. Bargain in silverware at French's. Fresh ohestDutsat Frauds Pfeiffur 's. C W Watts went to Portland yesterday, Frazier, the hone buyer of Por tland, is in the city. A little more of this frosty weather will make Bleating. Low prioes prevail at tho "Corner Jewel ry store.'' Go to P. J. Laportes for your boot amljahoe repairing. The best confectionary io the city at Fran cia rieiner a. Wheat is now 70 cents io Salem, Corvaliis and Albany, Gold and silver watches. Big bargain! in tbero at f rencb A son of Mr George Patterson is reported ill with diphtheria. The lamest stock of nnta and candies in th valley a t F H Pfeiffer'a. Tweedale carries the boas heatine stoves and sells them the cheapest. Call and see those Early Breakfast stove. and ranges at W C Tweedale'i. For holiday candies, nuU, etv., call at the Willamette Packing Co's store. Mr Bowen. of the Oregon Pacific is re ported dangerously ill at Yaquina Bay. Miss Minnie Van Winkle, of Salem, is in the city the guest of the Misses Schloster. The eas Jieht franchise kicked nn ita heel. last evening at the meeting of the Council, Ion will save money by settins vonr luinbing aa 1 job work done at Tweedale's. If you want a tender chicken be sore and get one of those new style roasters at W C Tweedale's. Clear weather, risioa teniDerature. is what the Sag says will be the weather until to morrow noon. We notice Tom and Terrv'a oaril in several saloon windows. Thoy are said to run things uuuuay wres. CaptEJ Lanninir returned last avnnincr from a trip to British Columbia, where be reports frigid weather. Finest display of Christinas nresenta in tha city, is to be found at French's "The Corner Jewelry Store." I'ricet low. Making a specialty of candies, nuts. ta. Francis Pfeiffer can do better than anywhere elso. Remember this in getting your holiday confectionary. The Y's will hold a social and watch mppK ing at the W C T U Hall next Monday even ing. Social will begin at 8 o'clock p . m. All are cordially invited. Messrs. Washburne and Smith, two hard- ware men from Colfax. Illinois, have been in the city to-day on their way to Taooma, u.viDK aireauy aone California. Hon W K Prioe. of Tolo. Or., arrived in the oity with his wife tnis morning. Mr. Price will return to his home previous to going to Salem, where he will be one of the nine la the minority. A strike on the O R V rAilm.i? i. fnllr. ed of on account of a reduetion in wages. vuuer bu. uuw system employees are to be paid by the mile, which, of coirse is arrang ed for the benefit of the railroad. The citizens of Albany and vicinity are in vited to call at F. M. French's, "The Corner Jewelry Store" and see hia stock of Christ mas presents, and examine prices,whioh will be found very low. There is one thing about Corvaliis, it has the best looking meat markets of any oity ia the vallej, which will balance matters with E. company, whioh the Benton Leader says needs to learn to keep its shirt on. At Ashland last Saturday an informal vote was taken on tho oow question resulting in 159 votes against the oow and 66 for her. An ordinance will probably be passed restrain ing the bovine from running at large. The Lew Johnson "Black Baby" minstrel troupe had a good honse and gave an excel lent performance in Ashland last Monday evening. They have a first-olass band and orchestra and several exceptionally fine singers. Ashland Tidings. ' Crazy Over Religion. "James G. Birdsey, sheriff of Jackson county, and Wm. M. Colvig, prosecuting attorney of the First judicial district, yesterday brought to the asylum a man named William For rester, a resident of Ashland, who has be come insane over religion. A few weeks ago he became demented over spiritualism and imaginating that uncanny beings were after him, he took three ounces of lauda num with a view of self destruction, to pre vent the spooks from getting hold of him." Statesman. Don't see where the religion comes in. The Chinese are said to be leaving the Coast In large numbers and the San Fran cisco papers are already wondering what we will do without them. If we can't navigate alone we ought to sink the ship. H.Ewert, practical watchmaker and ' cw Superior. That is the name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. Montcith & Seitenbaeh's great closing sale will enable alt to buy any line of goods fully 50 percent, less than any other store in the valley. decided to close eralMerchandise ken. TEMPERANCE COLUMN. Baited by Albany W, 0. T, U "The belfries of all Christendo.n Roll along the unbroken son, Of Peace on Earth ; Good will to men." At the regular meeting of the Union on Tuesday afternoon, the new President,Mrs St. John formally took the chair, in doing so, he gracefully spoke her thunk. , tv.. honor confered upon her, but deprecated that the choice of the Union had fallen up on her, as she deemed herself ni!r.i i capable of presiding at the meetings and watching over the Interest, of the organi zation. Before the meetlmr W9I Alm alia, had proven the first statement erroneous, as she presided with the dignity and ease of a veteran. We have no .h. m give entire satisfaction in every respect, as ... iias me cause at heart and that argues success in any work. The Union deliberated upon bringing Ma or Geo. A tr;ii . 6 ,? . ui IV UKIIIIIE'lOn, u. C. a noted Gospel Temperance worker, to Albany, for a scries of lectures. He is now ... .!.iiingion lerritory and is reported as dome m.urn ,..! . , 7 .ia 1 ,--" naving in aeattie added two hundred and forty members to the Union. The ladies did not decide posi tively to call him, but will in a few days. 'Rlim VOtM 9S It nrail , t i- v , .7 I J " OYO (lie - C W York Tribune. No one has a richt tnttn tha ...uiu ...:t o ' . niiiii will cause another to fall into sin. Mayor Archibald, of Jacksonville. Fin .. says in reference to the yellow fever : -iwo-tnirasotthe fatality is dne to the fact that persons have been accustom,! t the use of strong drink before they are at- iuckcu wun ine tever, and in every such case the patient invariahlv .11. 1 ...i.u out reaction. It is a frequent remark on lh 1.11.: .,1H . , . 1 . ,. ,.vj.vnWilc,1CCI, lnal yeuow (ever is the best temperance lecture the city ever had." UN MEHORIAH. ' Hall of Deardoff Lodge.No. 54, 1 O O F. ) Bclo, Or, Dec, 21st, 1888. J Whereas. It has pleased the I.nrd In His infinite wisdom to call awav frnm Aur midst our dearly beloved brother and noble co-worker, Brother George W. Perry. Whereas. We would humhlv h I the will of Divine Providence, acknowl edging that in removing our deceased Brother from amongst us we have mt with a loss deeply felt by those with whom he loved to associate in the eood works of the- Order. Resolved, That It is but just and com memorative of the deceased to say that in the removal of him from amongst us we mourn for one who was worthy in every respect of our fraternal regard. ' Resolved. That In Mc4.atli thm T t.t sustained a losa of nil whn alw.... essed the open and willing hand of a true Resolved, That our brotherly care and sincere condolence go out to the afflicted widow and helpless family and we would commend them to our Heavenly Father, believing that He orders all things for the best and that each dark cloud has its silver lining made blight unto those who pu their trust in His merciful goodness. Resolved, That the Secretary spread a copy of this testimonial upon the minutes and that a copy be sent to the widow of the deceased and also a copy to each of the county papers for publication. H. A. Johnson, J. R. Geddes, L. W. Pomeroy, Committee. HOLIDAY Dpi ire Ti;l, 1 .l , - ..n(;i);u Ulg& feet, smoked herring, Swiss cheese and limburiTir rhfr Iticl r...:...J .u - iirni -o-- j at me Will amette Packing Co.'s store. All kinds nt vnnUn .1.... .1 n r - gwuv am J ocr cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Oar stark is all fresh, consequent! ,cn ; ye 1"! piivcs. W F Read. J. P. W.ll.. Pk,;.. ..j o bany.Or ' o.n, a.. BORN. CR Aw for n n c... i ! ' . aLulujly morning, rw tn iRAS u tk. tr t ford, a girl. - . Albany Op&a House. ONE NIGHT ONL Y Monday Evening, Deo. 31st, 1888. LEW JOHNSON'S BLACK BABY BOY MINSTRELS and ELECTRIC BRASS BAND 4 OHEAT E3STI3 ME1J 4 Renowned Artists 20 Introducing an entirely new and novel performance. Grand Street Parade Headed by the world's greatest Dram Majors. MR. J, C, CARR AND LITTLE H, General admission, 50 cents. Reserved seats, 75 cents. Children under H years, 25 cents. Reserved seats for sale at Black man's Drug Store. F. L. SEfJTOfJ -DEALER IN - Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, t Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPER?- AND MAGAZINES NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY.IOR. SALE. out their Albanybusiaossottar for sale without reserve at COST