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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1888)
Wkeat-7 0ts-25c Butter-2S its pr 1". Kggs 2St Hay -0.00. ... ,1 Potatosa-soctH tr busi'l. Beef -on foot.S'!' ..3ples-4' oeoH par bu. Pork-Ko P" 11 , "-es""'1-UiJJii-""'.11 I1 I . I). sil-M 14' Vlol'-M"' "": niilokim -J i" I'" ' . -1IU Kail -!' H.pir too ; in 1 In if. 2- THE PLACE. Myall means ss.ll.on Conrad Myer. -pROPrutsT'-.i of - STAR BAKERY, Parker Brothers, Successors to Joint Fox, or your Groceries, Produco, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. darner BroadaMn and First Sts., DEA.LEH.m- Cunaetl rriut, Cau. Meats, Glassnare. Queeuawnre, Dried FralU, Vegetable. Tobacco, Clsir, Sugar, Spleen, jColtee. Tea, Etc., Kle.. ..., ..t:,inj that U kept la a aen vrltv aad Krooery store. Highest market prloo paid tor tULKDS OF PRODUCE. n. J. Mixtuors, Pra. H. PiftRAR, VlM VC3U B. S Cook, 3 c. TheOre2on!Lanil! Company TaTnhM counties to aid i" location oic. in the T. Building one " art tioox's. 'JjyuioKiNSOS.'Miiiastonl. Their eoods are tbe best and their prices reasonaiKe. C. J, DILLON &. CO., -DEALERS IS LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber. Repairing, Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rstio flooring, Factory at loot of Lyon Street. Utto IJfM f New and Second Hand Store X ll'lJ -L 1.UUU J J l increased demands of. our We bave just brought from 5 e Oregon, a lot of fine work horses fci i1l cll nn terms to SUlt the time Among thorn aresomo promising youu driveiB from Oaeco, Mason Chief an llMa,..! V.vnrar.t. A SO SPOJB uuuiu- i arao AnvnnR wislliuS to PUf chase a horse will do well to look tteoi over. We will take pleasure iu snow- to all intending purchasers. Tallman, Or. Owing to toe increased demands of our business we have l-een compelled to move Into a larger store aod we can now be found next door to 8. E, Young, when we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, docks, carpets, pictures, fruit ars, tirnks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, planes, eto anil a thousand af ferent and uss alleles you can not do ,..,. ku .1.1 1 nf San Franol ico than you can do with us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or.f lX)K BALE BY FOSHA. MASON J. K. WEATHERFOED, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ana uv AIRCOV. fTTILL PRACTICI IN ALL THE COTOTSOP JHl W State. 8peclalauenuoogi" robate matter. ' GRAND Excursion East ! VIA NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rate ever made frem the Pacific Coast to the East. $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points in Oregon ana vasuingum COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. Tickets foi sale- September 3, 4 and 5. Good to return to'.October Slst, rin the. G. A. R. special train carryin Oregon and wasningwu llantrtmnnt to the 22ND NATIONAL ENCAPMENT, C.A.R which meets in Columbus, September 12th, 1888. . . . ... . x. .,rHW. No nnrv to be a G. A, R, in order to get th s cheap tiOKet. raruw ' r- so can have use of free berths in tourist lun nii nnrs. Por iuriner iutou.... oall on or address A, D. CHARLTON, . ix... 1.1 N. P. R. R.. ASSb, UBU. .rs" ' : . , No 2 Washington at,, Portland, Or. EedCrownMills SOM, LANNIXO & CO., PROPR'S HEW PBOCKSS FLOOtt SOPKRIOR fOR rAMIMliS AND BAKKBS USB. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Hiphest Price in Cauh fo wnear t. HOW. TO CO EST. Xlo Ea.t via M mut S l.t B i'i5. Nioe Umat and nery aiall tiinss of tho year. See Mount ShaiU. Siorameiito, Oiden, ait . ... r, Pinuk anAftnil-ril'ta Oars IjSKO, . . made are ran dly. Hay yoor tioksts of me and aavs your tare 10 rnrnaim. v . .talywaoii in Albany that can sell you a ticket frjm Alhwy direct to any poiut in Ohe United Statos. Call on ma tor rate. BVV. 1. ( Ar.A S. P. Notice to Tax-Payers, i nivAn thafc T. or niv t .,.. inoottha tAx-Daers of Linn co,lty;o.t9o'clock a m . and re mam until o-ciw.- p. ui. --r nf inline In the several pre . ' ...l,. Mln.ln.tlmM Bill DlaCOS for the purpose of oolleoling the taxes for Waterloo. Monday, Jsov. luin. Liberty. Tuesday, Nov. 20th. Sweet Home, Wednesday, Nor. 21st. Brush Creek, Thursday, wov.aana. Crawfordsvllle, Friday, Nov, 23rd. Brownsville. Saturday, Nov. 24th. Center, Monday, Nov. 20th. Orleans. Tuesday, Nov. 27tb. Syracuse, Wednesday, Nov. 28th. Uarrisburg, Thursday, Nov. Eith. Halsey, Friday, Nov. 30th. Shodd, Satuiday, Pec. 1st, East Albany. Tuesday, Deo. 4th, w..f alhantf. Wndnnsdav. 5th. vmmnt. n.vmnnt will ba reauired. Pav your taxes and save costs. Sheriff and Tx Collector , Dated, Oct. 22od, 1888. H. F. MERRILL, B -A. 1ST IEC IE R , ALBANY. - - - K!UN. J.S011 .whang, on Ne York, San Franctacoand roruM. J , ,. jarS-J: loVuow.d on tima depoaita. vCollectlont will race!" prompi " Firoandmrtn. Insurance plaisl) in reliable co.n ruf, 1 W. F.'READ, FIRST ST., - - ALBANY, ORECOK The Leading Cash Dry Gccds Hte ddlbq, FItANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works And Maniiri!turBM of- DHOIOS OOSFIl'jTIQNSai, Wer.i ai.v prjprl to mil ar. wliolt, Aile, alwav fresh and purs at Portland priest M doiieri, Wa als i keep a full line of jRuts and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO;! Jds. Webber Annonneea to hi. pitronn and friends that 'he is now located in his new slioDin the Fo shay & Mum Block and with able workmen will attend tc lata ou.tomera at an reasonable ' pricei as any other shop. Aa h, has t'iree ath-rjums ruonmif .all hvir. there wil be waiting fir hatha. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, . J Decorators and Paper Hangers' Piano Varnishing. .All work;guarantesd.J VASSALLO & THOMPSON. r. ) , (3uooe.isratoHeory'SuMeo.)J8i3 Linn unty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Successor, to Cowan d Cvlllok.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. t n i ura iryra MnMral hankino buslneu. rMi.uraiiiiri I.Hlli'Nnii Saw Yorlc. San Fna tico na ronianu, vroguu. LOAM MOSEY on approved Mcumy. uvr pivk (iarwMlt. fnihlM. to check. COUiBCCIOMS -iritrurtfli ta,uwlllroce ve promo ROOMS TO RENT. I?....; uli art ami n nf urn !ati oA rnrtmn to rent. Inquire a corner 01 1 sn nu uKor sweew. XI. IARNKa KI Q Hrdonlj btb flfTuiChmktlOa BUT CM. H EN DERSONACO'SJ c.w receivins? my fall stock and I can jjive my cufctcmus hrlterW gains than ever b8 offered in Altany Our stock is ccir rlele srd 1 I I'lffe 'o kM' 'l P ' il ' ' " r r'aii'. ilJ add all the new novelties i fast as thej are in the market. Would cull esptcial atleution to the following lines Dress GoodSaPlnslieselvelSjIIosiery Jersies, Gents' Fiirnislung Goods, Blankets, Boots and Shoes. All Lk n ihoiough'inspeclipn of stock. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANCE FOR GOODS. First National Bank OF ALBASil, OREGON. Preeldent Vic Pre. dent a, a., iuihu T.. iiL-r, w PH1UK, :ui.ain Ah'. lhieT.V.V.V.V"'"'"". . JAH. V. POWELI, TRAK9ACIS A GENERAL banking bualoea. anmlTNTS KEPT .ubleat to ebeck. v. vb en l.'rati..l.nn. Uhimuru and Pol ureifna. lAjbLr.vllU3l9 Ana. QU nvorauis Minu. DlXCCrOM. 3. K. Torao,' Oio. E Ciusaisiaisl L S Buis, h. Klikn.I WahrE torrsll, gBlsG haaKivennnlver- Iaal aatisfactlon In tbe euro of Gonorrhoea and I Uleot. I prescribe ltand feel safe In recommend, tug It to all sufferers. ,4. J. STOKER, .D., " Deeafcir, III. pnicE. 8i.oo. Told br Cruimlats. Foshnv & Muson, Wholesale Agent., DR. Cn WATSON MAST ON Physician aad Surgeon. Office opposite tbe Democrat Office. Mail orders pioojptly ati-nneJ i'.. W .F. READ, FOSHAY & MASON, TioLr-Aii ahd RrrAtir ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' i rrs. leas. rirst Term opens September 11th, 1888. A lull corps or instructors,. TlObBliaa UB A.CAllr iirno-o-istsand Booksellers CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, Ura8S1S8a"a;rlKif COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Agents for John B. Alden's publication., hi,.. mra si.11 itvt ntihllmhAr'a ikrlAM with a Jarl ALBANY, OKEOOBf. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, (via Yaauina to San Francisco.) Of wheat, oats, hops and wool I am pre- ired to take Marine insuraace on an cereals, ids, wool or any consignments of Roods to id from San r ranoisco. ror inriuer panic- ulara, add.eas ALA riaKKis, Asent California Ins. Co., Yaqnina, Or, Courses of atudy arranged to meet tbe neea oi ail graaes ui stuueuis. S fecial inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranires from $5.50 to 112.50. Board In private famines at low rates. Rooms lor self-boarding at smallexrense, A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For oiroulars and full particulars aaarqsa toe x-reniueut. . ELtBsVr H. COHDIT. Albany,.Orngon wife-. Mm JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer ot Cigars, -AND DIALER IN FINE IMPORTED ANQ KEY WEST C,gs:s, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meersobaubi and Brffsf Plpes,XnO . . Eiineorcimokera' Arteies, Also dealer It CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS,