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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1888)
ill VOL. I. ALBANY, OR., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1888. NO 176 OVfflUWJ M CALIFJ4.M1A -VIA-. Southern Paciflo Ooinpanj's Line. TUK Mr. SHlsri BOITK. o. lag bdumail Albany ali granclao, 5 hour. oauroasia sirsass tu!ts oaifcT South "o"11 4.09 Ml. I Leave PurUani Arrive j 10:46 i li 7:45 l at I Arrive Hau y.m--io Leave 7.(10 m bonAi,rasss.rasaTiuiss n.T jeicept Sunday). 8:1X1 1 u 1 Leave 1&4UPM i Leave S:4Ufm Arrive Portland Aluauy Arrive 3:45 r M ljve f ii;o a m Leave JO a M ""local, rassasosa isaisa "a"". "" 8:20 P a 1 Leave Albany Boor Arrive Lebauua lS)PLave Albany 1:38 m I Arrive Lebauen Arrive I 0:30 a M Leave e:45a M arrive I 2:45 1 H Leav. 1 0ura PULLMAIi BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Gars or Aeeomin'10, aeeond-CIss ruea sera, attached te Express Trains. Weal Side avlvlsloa. BETWEEN rOKriMV ASI OOBVAILIS, taaia nan (except Sunday,) Tv . M i Leave Port land Arrive 0:20 p Jf S I Arrive CervUUa Leave! 1:30 M sxrass tsaiss iuily (oxcjpt Sunday . l -aipa! Lei re Portland Arrive J 8:00 a M AT.i-e McUinuville Leave 6.45 a M AtA'aany and Corvallis connect wife, trains of OregW l'acide rUitroad ThroushtickoMto all points south and east via California. For full inloraatlott reirarding- rates, maps, etc, on Company's Agent at Albany K. KOSUILKK, , r; 80QERS, YAQULNA KOUTE. Oregon Pacific Eailroad, iron Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by my other route. .freight line from PorUaiiti and ait petals Francisco, Cat. Willamette urn Line or earners. The "Wm. M. Hoa," me "J. , Beat- . HVk.n' MiutAtra.)' nrfl in nervine for both passenger aud freight tratUo be tween Corvallis and Portland and Inter mediate points, leaving Couipany't' wharf, Corvallis, aud Messrs. Huitnaa fc Cos wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Fort land, three times a week as follows : NORTH BOUND. Leave CorvaUU, Montlays, neauesuays ana rn days at S a. m. Albany, tf.iW a, m. Arnvoa at Salem m. Leave Salem Tuosdav, Thursday and baiur- iimy aiu a .aT - ,.. SOUTH BOUND. i la.-, i I U ...L.. Wu.iniwlaitntn.nil Frifl. MMIvt) ruuiiiu ..r-, " j, Arrive at dale ji at 7:15 p. ut. Leave tUClQ lUUBUriJ, lUUisuaj sssu " t trflVd V VU1 Italian ,w art itnara malrtt 1iim AnnniwiLtna ftt Aittan iriih tratos of the Oregon Pociiio Kailroad TIM8 80HBDULK. (except Sundayi.) v Albany. 1:00 p. u. Leave CurvalliS. 1:10 p.m. krrire Yaquiiia, 60 P. M. baava Yaqtiiiia, 6:46 A,M. Leave CorvaliUUiSS a.m. Arrive Albany, 11:10 a. m, I O.AO. trains connect at Albany and Cor va) lis. The above trains connect at Vaquina with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Mtw-umbips between Vaquiiitt and Tia Francisco. MAlLilKC. DATEH . '-, fV'iilnraBlta Vatlov. Thtir. Don. 11 th Wed. Dee. 1'ilh Witlametlta Vu.llv Unn lint. 17th lnn. lit a. Siih ttlaineue Valley. Hun. Dee. 30th. KAMXK3, PROX HAS FKASCirtCO, FROM TA(iUl)(A TUe Conipuy rveR ha right to Uauge naiiliiH dates without notice. N. it. Piihshii(4I-x from Purilitnfl ami fViliainette Vaiiev noiuU can make close tmiieetbu with the trains of the Yaquina HtU at Aibuny or Corvallis, and it des aodtofSfto Francinoo Hhouid arrange to mve m xaquiua the evening beiore tute I l-uaenxer aad Ftfalit Bale always turn I l , IrttWCHi. 1 fPorlntonnation apply to (J J Stuart, Freight and ticket, Alliaiiy, ortoCU H.ivH; Jr., O, V. P. Ajft,, Orjifyi) JJevolopiuot.tiJo,, Urn. isomer oati t whuaj j, 01, C 4J. .1'., A. l. P. an l P A int, OrJU Paoilt; K ft U't. Uorvadt plevere House; .LB ANY. . OREGON! PIAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In Crel-class style. Tables ipplied with the bet in the market. sleeping apartments. Sample rooms r cominerolal travelers. Mm Ciaelli ai l the elel.'St SUPERIOR LINES OF IAGRICUUTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT8DE YOE & ROBSON'S. City Election Notice, Notice is hereby given that the anna at election ' in and or the city of Albany, Linn ooanty, Oregon, will be held Monday the 3rd day of December, A. 1883, for the purpose of electing the following munieipal officers, to-wit t Marshal, Treasurer, three Couaoiltnen, one from each ward in said city. The piling places will be as follows : First ward, Ooanty Clerk's office j Second ward, County Treasurer's office j Third ward, Farm ers' Warehouse office. The following named persons have been appointed by the Council as Judges and David Froman, Martin Payne, N T Moore j Clerks, TJStites, O W Watts. Second ward : Judges, t, Senders, W M Ketohum, Geo Knox j Clerks, J a Wyatt, Cal Burk hart. Third ward : Judges, John Isom, N C W Eisley, R A. Irvine : Clerks, W H Warner, W E Kelly. Said election will begin at S o'clock in the morning and oontimie without closing the polls, until 6 o'clock in the evening of the aboye mentioned day and date. By order of the Council, made November 13th, 1SS8. N. J. Hentos, Recorder of the City of Albany. Albany, Or., Nov. 17th, 1988. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them In Port land. Will sell a good grade ol Brussels carpet for 6o cents; a heavy three ply car pet for 7J cents, and two ply carpets fron 40 cents to 50 cents. Carries large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. B. McIlwain Wanted. Four good, reliable men to sell the Im- nmVAri StncrAV Turn ami ........... . . lshed, Address, The Singer Mfg Co, t , a, attuuiBtLu, Agent, Albany, Or. Forest Grove, Or,, March 8th. I have been troubled many years with weakness of the kidnevs and have tried many different remedies sought aid from different nhvaiciana and even changed climates to obtain relief, but have met wim lnuiuerentsuooess, Hearing in rougn a friend of the value of the Oregon Kidney Tea, X obtained a box of it ana nave s rived more benefit from It than from any tnmg ise i nave yet loana, J, T, Huff. Sold by Foshay eVKason. CUKE FOB SICK HEADACHE, Do you want a remedy for B'llousness, Pimples on t&e lac, siu a sure cure or steal neaoacne, aaa w, Uufas and Son, the Druggists, for Dr.liei.m'. Lin Fills, try a dose, aaniplej free full be 26 cent, G. L. BLACKfVIAN, Successor to E. W. Zo f don. DEALER2IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, ETC. I'm jolly and fat, though 1 needn't say that ; for a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can . see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you can sea I'm all there. I Smile aud I laugh, I juke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi- . uess lies, so I'll up ami con fans what you never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as aweet as our sugar eured meat, makes you fee! so content with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just a thin as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fat or your'e lean, if yotn'e pleasant or mean, just give W. & T. a show . to sell you right low, .you will feel . suoh a thrill of con teutment until you'll to enjoy mora of that immense and you'll srnse by buying vininn and wish you were fat For the feeling's show your good crockery Q of "WiST 3 Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The nnderlgnsd is nrenwed to do tall kinds of work in his line In first-olas or. ier and with PMiHDtnetii. ddress P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple tree is, I. N, Surra, New Wash House. Lee Chinaman, who lived in this town for many yean and 7ks so well liked by every body has returned and will open tip a new wash house the first of September, one door south ot the Kevere noose. Lies doesfitood work and wants everybody to get their washing done by him. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DBYOB Sb ROBSON'S, L, W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Studio corner Second aud Ferry Streets near Opera Hous. Ground floor. Children's pictures a specialty. A. J. ROSSITER, V. S. flraiaata of Ontario Mmnvj C0ll8g8, Is prepared to trsat dlssasss of all do mestlo animals on scientific principle. Residence and office two doors east of Opera Bouse, Albany. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son's, Special bargains OSE DIES EVEltV SECOND, Here are some interesting farta shnn. Q the people who compose the population of . i i -. . There are laneuaees in the war! d and its Inhabitants pjefess more than i,ooO religions. The number of men Is about equal to the number oi women. The average of Ufa I. aoout inirty-three jears. One quarter die previous to the sge of seventeen. To every I ,oooo oereons snlv on ra-h& inn years of life, says the Goldtn Argesy. To every ioo only six reach the age of sixty, five, and not more than one in yx lives to eighty years of age. There are on the earth i.ooa.orvmr-, in habitants: of these 3S,o33.o die everv vear 91,824 every day, 3,730 every hour and 60 every minute, on everv second. The married are longer lived than the ssngie, ana, aoove aii, those who observe a sober and Industrious conduct. Tll men live longer than short ones. Women have more chances of life in their favor preyious to fifty years of age than men have, but xewer aucrward. The number of marriages is in the pro portion of 75 to every j,x Individuals Marriages are more freauent affer prminov. es that is, during the months of June and uecemoer. Those born in spring are generally of a more robust constitution than others. by day, also deaths. The number of men capable of bearing, arms is calculated at one-fourth of the population. Ladies, do not ruin you completion by the use of poisonous cosmetics and face powders, ir your face is red er sunburned, If you are so unfortunate as to have pira pis or blotches on the neck and face Da lard's Specific will not cover them like a eoat if paint but will most effectively re move all biemiefaes from the skin and re store them to it natural youthful bloom. For sale by Foshay Mason, Pendliton, Oregon, January, 12. Having suffered with my kidneys I was induced to try the Oreeun Kidney Tea which relUyed me is a short time, I take I Measure In recommending it to the pub ic as a safe remedy for kidney difficul ties, Gkorq& W. Bailet, County judge of Umatilla. FOR SALE. SO smai tracts ni thru farm ah iwsr avrm Soma near town. H,Biiit, 1839. Harper's Magazine. IXiTJSTBATlID. 'Harperf liagTiiine" is tho most usfu1, entrtam injj, and beautiful periodical In the weld. Among the attraction for 1S83 will be a new novel an American atory, entitled ' ' J aplterLighU" by Con- stance F. Wooison ; illustrations ol Shakes aie'e Comedies b E. A. Abbey ; a aeriom ol artlclef on Russia, i&astraed by T, DaT&aUtrup ; papers on the Dominion of Canada and a characteristic serial by Charioa Dudly Warner ; thre "Norwegiaa Studies," by Bjomstjerae Bjoruaon. illustrated ; "Commodua,' a historical play by th author of 4&Q-Hurt Ulv trated by 3 R Weguelln, etc, Th ElitDraiai Depart ments are conducted by Georg WilHara Curtis. Wit liam Dei lloweiU, and Charles Dudley Warner, HiEPEE'S PEMOMOAIS. . HAKFEH'S MAGAZINE. ( ,4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. . .. , 4 (J HARfERfS YOUNG PEOPLE ,...., S 00 , Postage free ail subscribers in Ik V mi ed Sfatest Canada or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine bein with the Nnm bers fof June and Decern Vjar of each jrear, When no time u ipecfiod, ubcr;pUonst will bagiit with . Number cru mm t at the t'.m of rccSpt of or Jet, Bound To5ume of "Hrj,r StijaisW, &r three yar back, fit nt cloth bWm u 'dl he sent by mail, post-paid on receipt of i3 00 parvouma, Cioifa caaea, trr binding, so cents each by mttif postpaid Indos toHirper Xasraslne Aiphabotica1, Ana lytical, and Classifierf, lor Volumes I to 1 inclusive, from June, l50f to June, 1885, one of. Sro, ciotb, t4.00. . Remittanoos thouid be made by P-xtoffice Honey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of ioe. Newspapers arc not to copy this sdvsrtisesKUt : without the express order of Harper and Brothers. Addrese : HARPER and BROTHERS, New York, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Terrific Storms. RaNVERS, Mass, Nov. 36. The present itorm is the worst ever exoer ieruwi t time of year. The wind blew a hurricane. four ferf Hnra. -, t 1 i .' " 'ni i.jijiic : jiij;u religious services were suspended last night. Telephone, telegraph and electric light wires ar rfnwn Tl. ' - r i! . ic ana the streets flooded. Despatches from all Darts of the K report terrible storms and great damage to property. A It, B. Completed Heppser, Or, Nov. 26 Th W;n. Creek branck of the O. R. &. N. w. pleted to lleppner to-day, the present . , pcupie were present. Many citizen, tvi .uv.t j.; i . r pany E ot the O. N.G. and She mayor and council, headed by the Heppner band marched fr K . grounds, where Mayor Henry Blackma 11 San Francisco. Nov. if, ThR atat ment was made in an evening naner that J. M. Buckley, assistant general manager ot me western division of the Northern Pacific, and R. Koehler, manager of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, would meet Manager A. N. Towne soinetime.and have an informal Hrertiselnn .v., .rmWI facilities in Portland. Quay Say?, Washcsctok, Nov. 2S. Senator Ouav said to-day that the republicans would have a majority of nine in the next house. Literally Annihilated. Pittsburg, Penn Nov. 26. DorV Hagserty was unloading nifirj-wlvrin. o & , ... at Pleasantville, Shenango county, at noon . - - ...... .ujjuudu. it jn a wagon. It exploded by some means, and Haggerty was literally annihilated. Part, of his two horses were found half a mile 3!ody, Tacchsa, Nov. 26. Evanselist Moedv arrived here Saturday ant! yesterday gave four sermons at the opera house, at each one of which the haii was pack to Its nt mostcapacity. To night a thousand men and women gathered in front of the doors an hour before they were opened. The crowd became imnstW an i, . s. - deors were finally opened the crush was so great that many persons were injured. One iady was seriously hurt, being unable to retrace her steps, and was compelled to re main In .. ..j, .t . ... tv tttt bhuj toe services were Terrible Snooting Affair. Ft. Smith, Ark- Nov. 56. Word ha just reached here of a terrible shooting af. iray at vian, Indian territory, which re suited In the death of four Cherokee Indi ansGeorge Starr, Issae Geatie jessi Laundrum and Boot ifenzen. The three three last numed were drunk, and Starr was one of a posse sent to arrest them The shooting Sr tti nt,1 n c.i c . -. - brothers of George, was shot through"" the m WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S, Can you imagine any ailment thai will makea(,-ood matured person so peevish, dissatisfied, 111 tempered and cranky m billiousnsss? There is no reason, what ever, why any one should stifter from in digestion, dyspepsia, torpid liver and loss of aapeute, when Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic, which every on knows i a cr. tain cure, caa be so easily obtained. For saie by Foshay Mason. . ? I8. BO S KO in his new discovery for ConsurnptioB, sua. eeetied in preducisg a tried ichw which ii ac knowledged by ail to be simply marvelous, It is exceedingly pifasast to the taste, psr feetiy haniilesr, d does not sicken. In all cases of cases ot Cuosuiuption. Coaghs,Oolds Whooping Cough, Croop, Bronohttts, and Pains in the Chest, it has given universal satisfaction. Ir Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup is sold at 50 cents by l)r tiuiss & Son. FOB P1LM. Iwtii.if fttei are kaoti fcy m !-,ire lit j mr Imi prodoaBjaTerjrdwurraMSta itchtojr after in? warm. This form x . as BSiod, titteKf j tnt protnollnaPifM.irlefcfat enc ta sht sji!tletiw el theparttafrctl,abafrbin2UMiiumora, allayiRs: ih inttas. (tents a4 ffet,Bip . wkumri O.StMbBr.GiiatasjiSoi). Ui.) . . ... " i" ! .vrveu in i'fe grant .ale. This will be the greatest oppor snitv vr ofiered la hv .t.-li.i, u.-,.. , v J n low price. MosratTH 3C SEITESBiCB, W will .ell a An .AMiH i .1 any store in town. HKOWRELL ST4SARD, SECURE' PRICES. F0 TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOii) & R 0ES0M