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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1888)
VOL. I. ALBANY, OR., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1888. NO 175 OVfRLANJ TO CAUFtHNIA -VIA- Southern Pacific Company's Lins. TUB Mf. HU1ST1 BOUTS. mi bjtwflna Albny and Sa& FranoLo. 85 h.urs OAtlVOKalA UriUI 1U1IH. DAILY souii; """ 4.00 f. M. I Leave Portland Arrlv. I 10:46 A M MllSfM Leave Albany Leave I J:5 A M 7:40 A II I Arrive gn trauclreo Leave I 7:00 ' low. rAsssxasa tsais. pailt (aioapt Sunday). 8:00 A V Leave Portland Ariv 8:46 r M l40rMLeavo Albany Leave 1W5 AM SOrM 1 Arrive Kurnino Leave 0,-OOam "LOCAL PA.-IUK TAAIM DAU.T, SICSPT SUSIIAI. s'orn I Leva Albany Arrive 5:45 A M a M m Arriva Lebanon Leave 4:U0 a SI iSr Leav. Albany nrrivo I 2:45 m I'M m I Arrive Lobauon Leave 2:00 r M PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars or Accsininoattlion of rieconil-la. Pause a Rer, tlcbeil la Exprew Trains. Wen! Hide l.vLlSW BETWEEN I" OUT LAND AXI DORYALL18, taaih daily (ex;eptSunday.) 7:3J a u liV'r r u Leave Arrive Portland Cervillis Arrive I fl:15 r m Leave 1:30 U IXPRB35 TtAtsa dailt (exop. Sunday. Lei ro ! Ar.i"0 Portland MtUimmlle Arrive I Leave 1):G0 A H 6.45 A H AtAVaany mil Corvallis connect with tralus of vreg on Piwiflb Kailroiul Th rout; h tickets to all points south and east yla California. For full information rejardimf ratos, maps, etc.. call on Company's Atfent. E. KOEHLKR, . P. ROGERS, jnUuJf A n't li. '. il . A TiE YAQUINA KOUTE, Oregon Pacific Eaiiroad, gon Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME J than by any other route. Firat-class through passenger ana freight tine from Portland and all points in the Willamette Valley to and from Ban Fraucisco, Ual. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Win. M. Hoair," The "'N. S, Beat- ey," The "Three Bisters" are ia ser-i,, for both passenger and freight '.amo be tween uorvaius anu jroruau- na- aMr medlate points, leaving Oompany'r wharf, Corvallis, ami ftieiw;... Huiinan & Co's whan, os. zuu ad 202 Front St., Port land, three ttPles a wtek as follows : NORTH BOUND. LiTave Corvallis. Momlay., Wednesday, and Fri day, at 8 a. in. Albany, y:W a, m. Arrive, at Salem 8 p. m. Leave Salem Tueedav, Thumdey and Satur day at u a, m. Arrive at rortianu s:3u p. nj. SOUTH llOUNU. Leave Portland Mondavi. VudneaJave and Frid. uaysaiua. m, Arrive at sale.n al7:l& p. in. l.eave eaiem mesuay, inurauay anu Saturday at,o a, Arrive at Corvalll. at S;3d p, m, lioats make close connection at A than with trains of the Oregon PaclUo Kailroad. TIME aUHBUULB. (.acept Sunday..) Lerve Albany, 1:00 r. M, Leave Corvalll., 1:10 P.M. Arrive Yaquina, 6:30 r. H Leave Yaquina, 0:46 A,M. Leav. Corvalli.,lU:85 A.M. Arrive Albany, 11:10 a. m, O. it C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Yaquiu with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between .equina ana nan rrancisco, SAILING DATES . PROM HAM FKANCIMUO. FROM TAQ.U1SA Willamette Val lev. Thnra. Ilea, flth Weil. Dec. l'ith Willamette Valley, .Moil. Dec. 17th Mon. Dec. 24th iiiaiuotie valley, sun. uuo. sutli. The Comnanv -.rvrnt the riirht to change sailing dates without notice. u. rasiengers from fur.liiia ana rVllUinotle Valley points can make close conuBuii.Mi with the trains of the Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallis, and it Uos tlnsd to Saii li'ranuisco should arraniie to airiveat tauuiua tuo oveuing uolore caio of sailing. Suneajier aad F.rlcht Mate, nlways lue SFor Information apply to U J Stuart, Freight and ficlcet Airent. Alhanv. tn C II Haaa'cll. Jr.. O. K. p- Afft,, ureiroa lievelopmetit Co., )4 Mont)oiuery Ban cranciiwo, CU, . 4J. Uliaui., A. ll. F. and P. Aiont, O.'Jr hi Paiaj K K Co. Corvalll. City Election Notice. Notice i hereby given that the annual election' in and for the oity of Albany, Linn county, uregon, win oe neid Alonaay the 3rd day of December, A. D, 1888, for the purpose of .looting the following municipal officers, to-wit : Marshal, Treasurer, three Couaoilmen, one from each ward in said oity. The polling places will be as follows : First ward, County Clerk's office ; Second ward, County Treasurer's office ; Third ward, Farm ers' Warehouse office. The following named persons have been appointed bv the Council fiH .Tiirlcfl. anil Clerks of said election : First ward: Judges. I 7 1 l.1 vf .: - i, m ' u, 1-i.mariyD in x Aioore ; Clerks, T J Stites, O W Watts. Second ward : Judges, L Senders, W M Ketchum, Geo Knox ; Clerks, J K Wyatt, Cal Burk hart. Third ward : Judgos, John Isom, N C W Risley, K A Irvine : Clerks, W H Warner, W E Kelly. Said election will begin at 9 o'clock in the morning and continue without closing the polls, nutil 6 o'clock in the evening of the aboye mentioned day and date. By order of the Counoil, made November 13th, 1888. N. J. Hentos, Recorder of the City of Albany. Albany, Or., Nov. 17th, 1988. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets from 40 cents to 50 cents. Carries it large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. it. McIlwain Wanted. Four good, reliable men to sell the Im proved Singer. Team and wao-nn furn ished, Address, The Singer M'fg Co, J. A. Abchiuald, Agent, Albany, Or. Ferest Grove, Or,, March 8th. I have been troubled many years with weakness of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies sought aid from different alivsicians and even chanced climates to obtaiu relief, but have met with indifferent success, Hearing through a friend of the value of the Oregon Kidney Tea, I obtained a box of it and have o rived more benefit from It than from any thing else I have yet found, J. T, Buff. Sold by Foshay A Mason. CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE, Do tou want a remedr for B'li.uenoas. Pimnle. on the face, and a sure cure for sick headache, auk Dr. Cuta and Son, the Drugg-lata, for Dr.'. Live ruia, try a aoiie, sample, iroe iuu uox 25 cent, G. I. BLACKSHAN. Successor to E. W. Lanpdon. ' DEALERfllN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SUAKS COMBS, ETC. H s 3 H H 0 r I'm jolly and fat, though . -is 1 Deodn't say that ; for a ' glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm little bit short both ot breath ' and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you can sea I'm all there. I Smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confsss what you never could guess. A good thing to eat Is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar cured meat,makes you feel so content with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just an thin as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fit or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or mean, just give W. AT. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentmeul until you'll wish yon were fat to enjoy mote of that For the feeling's immense and you'll show your good sense by buying grocerier,pro visions and crockery Democratic City Convention. A mass meeting of the democrats of Al bany will be held at the Court House on Saturday eyening, Dec. 1st, 1888, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Marshal and Treasurer, to De veted tor at the election on Monday, uec. 3ru, 10SS. WARD MEETINGS. Thu :.. wiiiiiii.icc rccommena mat the va- nous wara meetings be held on Friday evening, Nov. 30th, at 7 o'clock, at the fol lowing places : rirst ward Lp stairs in the Circuit vuun room. second Ward--In the County Court room. ficeblrd Ward J G Cherl7' foundry of- Each ward will nominate one candidate for Councilman and select a member of me city central committee. L. H. Mon-tanye, ' J. K. Weatiifrford, J. P, Galbraith. It Pays. What ? Why, to get your groceries, canned goods, etc., at the Wil lamette Packing Co's store. Their stock of home canned goods, consisting of pears, peaches, cherries, etc., vegetables, chow- chow and pickles,ls the best in the market, . w a 3iiciiuiu Hiic ot nonuay goods, such as fancy croceries. nuta. rnn,l,va and their prices are remarkably reasonable! w.i at iiue inyrg ior good goods and bargains. GOLDEN JtUliE UAZAAIt. CsiliGoesa Long Ways at Jullji G.ulwjhr . I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast The following are some of my cash retail prices : Yi dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 s. xi dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 cts. 'i dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. . - yj uucu seven men ginner piates These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices a. wa js uj9m Julius Gradyvohx. 3. Q of W tft T Jlaf c3 Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. Can TOU ImafflnM nv oilman. Ik., ...Ill make a (,-ood natured person so peevish, 3 ssatisned, ill tempered and cranky hr bllliousnsssf Thore is no nRoii. ,ht. ever, why any one should suffer from in digestion, dyspepsia, torpid liver and loss of appetite, when Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic, which every one kuows is a car. tain cure, can be so easily obtained. For sale by Foshay Mason. p . Ladies, do not ruin you complextlon by the use of poisonous cosmetics and faoe powaers. ir your face is red er sunburned, ;uu are so uniortunate as to nave pim ples or bletcheson the nertk anrl fann n,i. lard's Specific will not cover them like a coat 01 paint out will most effectivoly re move all blemishes from tbo skin and re store them to it natural youthful bloom. fur sale uy rosnay s Mason, FBNDLRTON. Orao-on. Jannsrv. 12. Havins suffered with mv kirlnnva T wm induced to try the Oregon Kidney Tea which reli3yed me In a short time. I lake asure in recommending It to the pub ! as a safe re in mi v for kidiiev difrimil. ties, Okobob Vf. Bailey. County judge of Umatilla, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Champion Oarsman. Washington, Nov. 25. O'Connor, the oarsman, who defeated Teemer yesterday will leave here about the middle of the week for San Francisco, where he expects to sail for Australia to meet the crack row ers of that country. Going Abroad. Chicago, Nov. 24A Washington special says: The President has told a friend that Mrs. Cleveland and himself will sail for Europe early In Mav, and through a friend in New York have al ready engaged their state rooms. They will spend some time in England and reach Paris to attend the opening of the great exposition. The President has not decided how long he will stay adroad. The Text Honsc. Washington, Nov. 24Whlle not claiming a majority In the next Ilouse.the Democrats still insist that, the chances are favorable to their havine a maioritv nf one or three. Neither party will give up until the official count is declared in every district. Their Winters. New York, Nov. 25. The first snow storm of the winter, which has been rag ing In this city along the seaboard of New England and the Middle states to-dav, has been of blizzard vigor. In the harbor several ships dragged their anchors under the force oi the storm, and were lowed to a, safe anchorage with great difficulty. New York, Nov. 25. A dispatch from the signal office at Washington says the gale reached a velocity of So miles per hour at Block Island this afternoon, Alaska Fisheries, San Francisco,Nov. 25. Oliver Smith, superintendent and of the owners of the Kodiac Packing Company, has returned from the island of Kodiac, Alaska, by the bark Lizzie Williams. He says; "There were four canneries running during the eason TTh!'.;!! iust cK'SCd there. My company put out 26,000 cases, the Aleutian Island Trading & Fishing Company 33,000 the Karluk Company 101,0000 the Arctic Company 37,000 making In all 197,000 caa- 1 es. Remarkable Coincidence. Wheeling, W. Vs., Nov. 23. A mark- ed feature of the election returns of this state Is the fact that on the face of ih returns in the first distrlst, Atkinson, rep, has 13 majority for congress,in the third, MeGines rep, has 13 majority,and In the fouath, C. B. Smith, rep, has 13 official majority. FOR SALE. SOsnial trans anJ three farmi nn i.v borne near town. H, Bhuct. Rovere House; kLBANY, - - - OREGON' PAS. PFEIFFER NIOPRIETOR. I Fitted up In first-class style. Tables BilDnliArl with lha hA.t In tha market. Pice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms f ot commercial travelers, M'Free Ceaekt aail rr the'S SUPERIOR LINES OF .AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS ATflDE YOE & ROBSON'S. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The nndersisne.l is prepared to d ) !all Kinds ot worK in uis line in iirsi-ciaas or, der and with prommnfui, Ad.lross P. O box 87 or call at oornor of Oth and Maple tree ts, I. N, Skitd New Wash' House. Lee Chinaman, who lived in this town for many yean and was so well liken by every body has returned and will open up a new wash house the first of September, one door south of the Kevere House. Lee doesgood work and wants everybody to got Jtheir washing done by him. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEY0E & ROBSON'S. L, W. CLARK. Portrait Photographer. Studio corner Second and Forry Streets near Opera Hou, Ground floor. Children's pictures a specialty, A. J. ROSSITER.V. S. Gradnata of Ontario Vetarinary Oollege, Isproparod to treat diseases of all do mestto animals onsoisntlfla principles. Residence and office two doors east of Opera House. Albany. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob- son's. Special bargains' ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Sisters of St, Benedict. This Academy Is incorporated and au thorized by the State to confer academio honors. BOARDINO SCHOOL PKR TERM. Board and tuition 40.00 Musio, insrttimentnl, theoretical and vocal with use of pianoand organ 15 00 "uitar j2.00 Zllhern 1200 Drawing and painting 8.00 Fancy work and mending free to boarders. Tuition in select day school ranges from ffitotlO. Normal Instruction of a.plrants for teacher's certificates a specialty. Graduating fee, $10. For further particulars apply at the Academy. hoes, Shoes, Shoes. In this line w have always shown the very best goods to be found in the markets of America, the knife will be put to goods in this depart ment as they must go. Call and see for yourself. MoNTEITII & SeiTENBACH. Thomas Jefferson is said to have remarked once : "I never allow a political difference to become a personal difference." A sensible remark. All kinds of woolen dress goods are 25 r er cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Oar stock is all fresh, consequently we can give yery low prices. W. F. Read. Tlfi WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S. DR. BO WAX-KO in his new discovery for Consumption, suc ceeded in producing medic.De which ii ac knowledged by all to be limply marvelour. It is exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per fectly banules, and does not sicken. In all cases of caves of Consumption. Couphs.Colds Whooping Couh, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pains in the Client, it Iias given universal satisfaction. Dr Knsanko's Cough and Lung Syrup is sold at SOoents by Dr Uuiss At Son. FOU PILES. Itching I'ilm are known bvmuV.ure Ilka y apir ion. producm? a very diaatrrManla Itchlnir after inir warm. Till, form as well at Blind, l!leeilir ani irutruilinir Pile., yield at one to the spnlicati'Mi o' Dr. Itoaanko'. I'ile remedy, w.ilch act. dlrectlv uj on th part, affected. alrrbimr the lumnra allavinir ih. inteiiM iichinv and effeciinjr a penn.nert euro. 60 cute. Aiiiircsa 1 ua ur Boaanko it;cine C o , 1. sniu ny ur, n'liM anu son. Plou Winter wraps, are not reserved in the great rale. This will be the greatest oppor onity fver offered to buy a stylish wrap at low price. MOXTEITH ll SeITENDACH, We will sell jou grocerios cheaper than any store in town. Stanard. New rai.ens, enrrents.citron, lemons and oranges received at Wallace & Thompson's. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOE & R0BS0N