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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1888)
Dally Democrat Wednesday Evoning.Kovemtar 28,1888 SYJTfcH t NUTriVtl.'E.lltori mi PubUihera. PublUbwl overy day In the. week. Sundays axccjitetl,) SUBSCRIPTION RATES : OelWoreJ by cwier per week Byauil, r yor By mul, hr inun'.l. m, RATES FOR WEEKLY : One voir, In advance , One yuxr, at fliri of year Six mouths, in , 6.00 , .M ..'.00 .. I'M .. .00 Entored at tlio Past OlUwat Albany, Or an second-class mail matter. LOCAL UECDflD. Alomi; the O. P Mr. Chan. CrnwiW is down from the front on the Oregon Pa cific, where he has been working on the bridge at Mill City, lie will return In a few davs to work on the bridire at Brieht- . -o enbush, which will be the largest one across ine aaniiam, Dcing a tnrce span bridge. Carnenters at Mill Citv are now irMtlncr nut r 0 H WHb the material for six bridges beyond that m piucc. vorii is jjiogrcBsing on tne tunnel, J as well as on Searle & Deane's division, most of the men working being Italians even me omnarnen Deing scarce, it is tnought work of some kind will proceed during the whole winter and that in the spring there will be a general push towards Boise Citv. Remember the Poor Governor Sem pie, of W. T., In his very original procla. mation, among other things says : "If any homeless ones be seen standing by the by ways on that day, I trust that those who are more fortunate will care for them, that they may see ths silver lining of the clouds and feel the sunshine of kindness for a moment, and so not despair of human na ture. Such bread will return, in blessed for.n, to those who cast it upon the wa ter. Let us In Albany not forget this ad monition. Reached Baker City. In our peram bulations for items Tuesday evening we ran across Judge Denny.of Salt Lake City who with his wife, stopped over here for one day.on their way home from Portland. He Is a brother of O N Denny, of this State, who has had a lively time with the bmperor of China of late. The Judge thought his brother would come out alright and after a settlement of affairs would re turn to Oregon again, where he had been wanting to come for sometime, Blade. Elected The following Item i from an Australian paper, the New Castle Call. comment is not necessary : "President Cleveland, the only candidate for the Dres Names. T!rnnlcri anti StralK . .1 I IdeilCV of the United St names of a pair of clerevmen in charge of 3 cian . re elect"- Senator Stanford, the an Fn.ii.h .1.. i. r i. . ; repuoncan candidate.has let red. The St an English church. Lock & Key were i Louis olatform Indorse. PreBM,nf n.J. She Sat. She was remarlcahle fnr hr altitudlnoslty. Her hat was remarkable for Its great hlght. She sat at perpendicular as me washtngton monument. She oc cupled a seat well to the front at the con cert. Little children on the stage were the actors, i wo tall men were sitting behind ner. tach attempted to crane his neck in order that he might see the actors. But It was all In nn nnrnnc Tliou . , , . - J bUUlU see over her head because the magnitude "r uLiiuuui norizomauy ana perpendic lllnrlv W!1,tui rrrjtn, TUa ...... ... - AMwinw men wun. out consulting each other but with great i,uKiiiiimUjr anu nearly accord voted that hat a nuisance. Moral. Do not wcara big iiui iu u nine concert. MUDDIEST YET. E C Crok. rot , ..I yesterday Irom a trip through the south eastern part of this countv aloni th Kn - ---a " uamas tar as JJreitonbush.and he says the mountain road from two miles above Me hama to Hud Il.mL' iir. miinoni , hmith s is the muddiest, worst cut up road .... ...... i.urge trains ot railroad 1'ai.n. iimibch are rnnv int . . cu.nt; uvcr mem and tne travel is simply horrible Ml- Pnua ... I - Mill ' - . . .... mm v,ny extremely hap Important Issues. Shall the COW ft an from the streets. Shall We Prnnr. n rns Hhr franchise for 25 years, work to be begun In eignt montns and completed within ten months thereafter. Mud on Fiist Street. Our sewerage systems. Who shall be Marshal. Ditto Councilmen. The rre.-it est evil from small pox, anticipation or eailtv. Term nn f-irilir. .1... The temperance question. Shall we be social. The disposal of old leaves and rub bish. How to make both ends meet with me poor as well as rich. It Pays. What ? Whv. to fret vonr groceries, canned goods, etc.-, at the Wil lameuc 1'acking Co s store. Their stock of home canned goods, consisting of pears, DeacheS. rhnrrle ctr Vflnnfql.1. -I.. ft 1 ' . ' . . ""'"I xcy uavcaspienaiaune 01 noituay goods, ... . . j giv....! 11.11, 11U1B, IUI1U1C8, CIC. and their prices are remarkably reasonable i ini siurc ior gooa crooos and bar Oakville The Tax Collector has come and gone, but didn't take away much money from here The Loval Tmrr ance Legion gave an entertainment on the nignt ot Nov. 30th, consisting of declama tinilR. r'tnlrtoriiee rfifllqflnna nnj I- cal and instrumental. They all performed ncii pane wiin crcaic to tnemseives and tneirtriends. Amicus ung laminar names over the dmrn hardware store In Louisville, Ky. Scarce ly less appropriate were the last nom.ri nartles to their hi, cine.. u. ' 7. V. niwii were' me famous U. Ketchum k I. Cheatum firm of vrycrs. wnn orotners It the name f an enterprising Albany grocery firm. Ther keep only the best goods and give their customers oargains. W. C. T. U. Social. Th given to-morrow evening at tne W C T U hall promises to be a very successful one. Besides a large amount of to'clablllty, etc, will be the following program: Music, prayer, vocal solo by Mr Adalrj words of welrnnte hi hm 1 .) . . . . , ., . ,.. t.i.uciu, song or lames' quartet; address by Mrs Gove, of Portland: vocal solo, "Consider the Lilies," by Mr L G Adair f Pnmna nil :. .; ,. t , v. UH6VIab ( iciianon, "raven ing on the farm," by Miss Esther Marshall: mm I rln K 1 S I ' . j wociirane. VOTE ON IT. It wan SIlD-o-e.teH .1 h. - OB - . meeting of the council last evenlmr rhef . i place be arranged on all of the city tickets i" ruling on tne cow question. This will zet an t .m . . 7 ..,Milu, ,ic Bn ordinance accord "s me vote ot tne majority. In MARion County. Ijit M.nrh t ursi time cart went as far s Mill rn kn the O P, and Salem paper boasts that "ic terminout of the road is now In Marion KOuntv A .t .1 , . , h V" w.iBii ubuuii train icavet At levenln: ' 6 v" m" m lne a o- iNONC THERE A oenllemen u.l,l. k ..7 - o rvm urownsville yesterday sayt: "There P not nOW nrtr ham th kUM .... . - kMn . ......v UT l.a-3 OI f mallpox in our town." Eggs F L Kenton wantt alt the e. I can get Qnautity unlimited. Will Fay highest market price for tame. NflW MtMna Anu... 1 received at WIIce & Thompson'e, Montotih & Sei heirliyCMENSE ?all early before land'a tariff policy. Sherman Is the only person nominaiea ror vice-president." Carelessness A centlemnn from the country say t he killed a beef recently.when ne rauna tnat one side was peppered full of shot. Albany sportsmen have a repu tation of being remarkably careless in the style of shooting not teeming to care whether they kill birds or cattle just to they have tome fun. It it proposed to put a efrm tn thl uthn!cala .1 trespass notices are being posted. ' Not Herb. Somebody read the Item in the Democrat yesterday credited to the journal 01 Salem, and immediately thought It referred to Albany, and that there wat a case of tmall pox here, whereas it wat the Salem ease Ativan linlr luln ...... leap, and do not believe littl e rumora any- " "J. amcj' mic iMicty ever luunuca on fact. Official Vote. The official count ha been made of the vote In Oregon. The result is at follows : Harrison, 33,291 ; Cleveland,26,522 s Flsk,i677 j Streeter,363 ; scattering, 61. Total, 61,914. Harrison's plurality, 6769. For Life. The trial of the ease nf ihe state against young Miller for the murder ot tne w right boy was finished at Corval lit last night. The jury brought In a ver dict of murder in the second degree and the prisoner will be tent to the penitentiary for life. J Two Trips. The delivery wae-ont of the city will make two trips to-morrow and none in tne afternoon. Govern your selves accordingly. . For Sale Cheap. Cook stove, on used two or three months. Call at this of fice. ly W Will Sell Xtin frmerlea elieanei. any store in town. BROWN ELL at STANARD. HOME AND ABltOAD. thii A tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock is bro 1 Thaokigiving to-morrow. Dr J V WfttU ii in the eity. Dates. 6pi, etc., at PfeifferY Fresh chestnuts at Francis Pfeiffer's. The tax lew in Hmiolii nntintv in 95 mills Hon W R Bi'yeu retu'.ued from Cor vail is rrosn no i ciuerat Keotons to-day. 25c per kHod. The best confectionary in the city at Fian cis PfeifTor'a The OU&rtertv MTiamin&ttnn nf apfinnl fA.k era begins to day. Mr .1 A n... t... .f-to,! t,;. i l. counter to running at the depot. l here is Jess complaint of hoodlumisra on ur streets than for some time. Astoria is blessed in one thins. The irampi can't get there. Clan A PaU. ..f Qt.M I... k... pnuuipdi oi me mxer uny scnoois. Jonn I Mael, couoty cJork of Grant Co, Biiurb o--uu and nas resiguea. A hne stoclt of artists materiaN at Dr. uisa & Son's. No better in the Valley. i i...... fa A full lint, nf nK.Ufmo. 1 --"' V. UMIIDtlllH VBUUIM UUU UU IS will be kept by Brownell & Scaoard. Kemember Crawford a ThanksRiving ball at the Opera Home Thursday evenina. What a in a name? A great deal when the umuv is on me uehockat s u inscription list The rennrfc in that J K KIIrplrin t ily will soon return to this city to remain in the future. Mr J H TiiWItlnnrl s.f rha VariRn T. - 4..w AUt. baa been in the city. He left this noon for Ashland. It tvutf l"XVi Wi Ann . tv. i .1 uks vi bus u o ana inen some ot mem halfrtarved. ' A Chin nf tUa m.l Rllr'l VA J r . v.. a V.WUK BUUGOU waniH r-k. C Ii III I l i . .- J wuutuK, vui; o. iij win ue m treac accoraincr to the Portland nanera. Onn osn'r lialninn t K - " 7 " icwiiiin m tbbia utb sorry vuv vuiuoy iru-uay. xo morrow, tnough, u is a ainerent t bin 17. A splendid line of Eastern and Sboalwatei fresh ovatera at KrAnia PfAifTnr'o T..t tmng tor Jhanksgiving. KeDUbllCan nrimarlai fAnmk(. TJtU parties should put np ti rat-class men, so that um ub uu unauiKe maae. The Itflnnlfl nf Orarrnn Ayx nn . .1 w. wuuui uuuu. f IH IirnNI ni T. n A mWttm .a unit on the question. The number of ducks to be fauna in vnrv , ' , - hi 1D1WIUUB BbUlCKS irom vnine3e pheasants, a yery gamy bird. Work on the north jetty at Yaquina Bay Will ho hftonn in tkii.ti a.l having been nearly completed for the same. The steamer Willamette arrived at the DAVthia mnrnino wiA & At " oLiavuu braiu wibu passengers and psriahablt freight will arrive if i.OAA .:Li 0 The KvRsivn TlrMnanio lt UmA k..J . umo uu m ucau put on it, as it were. Be that at it may, this ThjtRLa T at -ti 1 -- , wus amym snare wm oe a prize fight at Antelope on Thanksgiving names of the sluggers. A Rosebnrg man recently sent President elect Harrinnn a KubKI .f Aur... .a Tn oht to give this state a place in his vupvuaiu it uuij id nis caoinec. Malt in it a rvta.;.lf Af a .1 Francis Ffeiffer can do better than anywhere also. Kemember this in getting your holiday confectionary. , In Tacoma they are advertising that there are three great citiea in the world, London, New York and Ttmm. PVon nh.M.A T..:. 1 and Albany are not mentioned. ' j A an ha. in Hat. ,,.. tn 1 i xi. traativa u bUUIT I1UW ID lilt) light of the recent decision of the supreme -"uu jjcuucr obq accuse tne 11 JS onuron oojen or grand larceny, A MoMinnville paper says H animosities Avar thm nnnntv tMf nn..'.. : v i 1 1 ' ---j iuni.uiu IU X MUlDlli county have been settled. All the same they haw int if 1- t t wuutt at no IB IlUUblV inroriTian. Mr .1 H Ttnrbh.yf .mJ : j 1 -u.u.ui,( is. v., iiina maminK ana .uauy mine insure, no puma ccia waaitunr inronirn ini Kaat. AlK.nv i. .Kaii h.U U.i. it. ...x y vwun aataia nnjr Ul.nWU fcUO CtVSb and WMtit. limita nt th. TTIi.J Q1.1.. T nos xorgei wis ana wnte to your friends in tne Aat if thnv tamlr p nn Ik. Iwl Study the ffeocranhv. Johnny Bills, a saloonkeeper at Surer sta tion, died Satnriiav mn.-ninn friM tha of a drunken spree. He baa lived at that place tor seTera: years, and made hie living at the liquor traffia rime. Mr 17 P HlafA nf Ttnmnt .111 M uosuiii w-uiy. a maccn nonv is niked ot " ' fcj uoai DMnuiuajr uu niw plan. Every man will pot in a dollar and draw out al. 1 l: i- 1 - vwhjiu( mt niia aiaso ui ilia svuro. Todav State Street is a scene of homv ma tivity. - Men and teams, with plows, grad ers, aorapera and shovels are loosening np the experience oonsiderable trouble in tearing np (ha - .1 1 a. I J l I u,i kibiiik j;in mui wn able to dislodge it. Journal Newspapers generally like to get little !.ms kt nA tt. ... U wtttv vim ma uusiucoi uinu wuu uwa not advertise. In this line the following is to the point: "I was never exactly buried alive," said an old clerk, recounting his ex perience, "but I once worked a week in a store that did not advertise. - When I came out my head was almost as white as yon now see it. Solitary oontinement did it," Council Proceedings. KEEP.POSTED Tuesday, Nov. 27th, 1888. Present All officers and mmhrB The committee on accounts and current xpenses were granted until next iv report. Committee on ordinances wnc Mni.n further time on uniform ordinance. committee reported that thev wnnU Via In favor of granting petition of N A Blod gett for ditch on Water Street nn Mi. nu. gelt't giving bonds to be responsible for damages arising from the same. UJmmitlce on ordinances ably on gas light ordinance. rn,ln franchise to A P Bacon for sr ver. ..t I to be begun in eight months. uraowonl moved its adontlon. sn . " edhIIrfm ..j - ' goou . X.UIHCU. Same committee of ordinance granting exclusive franchise to N II Allen for 25 years. Adopted. Oradwohl moved that Ihe dinance be referred back to committee wun special Instructions. CnrrfoA At.. Allen ordinance. Matter of ct.inj:n . . .. ...K tici near iNinth St. between Lyon and Baker was referred, on motion of Writsman. The Marshal rtnm-ari t. .11 good condition. " 'uewalKS Writsman . oo---- me central committees be asked to put blank on tickets fir inm nir a ant t . ......5 Ior voie on cow oues Hon, in order to art sent !,. .u.n pc. 0 " Licenses to sell liquor weregranted Hale Backensto and M w pi,....ji j." proved. "nu,.p. ?L A C A.,CreeI. $36, allowed. The Cnnnri nH.'... I . T..j j"'"u meet next 1 "m ?inffhen fecial meeting will be held for the nnrnn u, amendments to the charter. ("h n a p l?..i.. .1 ... . - "" uo. iv. jselt have formed a partnership for the practice of la w Notice, Hall of Corinthian Lodge,Xo.i7,A.F.&A.M 'luiAXY, ur, JSov. 22nd, 18S8. To the members of Corinthi.n T No. 17. A. F.& A. M. You are hereby re' quested to attend the annual rnmm..i. tlon of this Lodge to be held on Saturday evening Dec ist, 1888, at 7 o'clock, at the usual Dlace af niMiinn . .1.. ' . electing officer, to e7h;en,Pu e." and for th trinci lt . 6 hu.ln... nl "TI :l " " "nportant . iiuci ui me w m. r.ftl. Rkdfikld, ' i i : ; Secretary. Vheit, 76 cants. New fall goods at Read'a. See those new jertiei at W. p. Read's. New ribboa all shades and styles at Read's A full lillA nf hnvm kilf .1 W T Reads. Fine line of liri.H kiiHlinn . . I nr South'.. ' " " AnntliAi hit nf If nil T I, c. xjiuwneu o( atanard s. A larpa stivrlr nf tiFtii0 i n Vu. pump. Smiths. (inoda at ftnafc f T il .:.!. n T " inua, as me old Young store. Go to A B. Mollwain't and ask to tea those $ti suits for men. Jn a calm tea every man is )!:. ods '.V. F. Read it leader. ' If you wan to save from 10 to 25 per cent by your goodt of W. F. Read. Six shaves for a dollar and a elean towel to every eustomer, at Thoe. Jonet. Bargains in general merchandise at M J Montcith t at the old Young store. Buy your ticket, through to the Easl W h Jester and save fars to Portlard. onmplrte line of heating and parlor stoves at U ijimth'., no better in the valley. The ch-apest place to buy men's nniler. wear iu the ttate is at A. B. Mollwain't. Those small mixed piuklos at F L Ken tons are very nice. Try them. OolySOoents per gallon. W. F Read can and will sell dry good, cheaper than any house in Albany. Call and teoforyounelf. ' noveltiee in millinery goods at E ana C. Rn'. -i.n j No trouble to show goods. fiTvo1'".eu?f Pci.fi0nd Eyal Argand. at G W Smith ia 1PnA 'ri " - s xucae are among the best cook ttovet made. See them. Dr. M. IT mVi. j jiiwinu aau surgeon Albany. Oreaon. f!all mi. , , a iu wvjr ur country, ' Goods not told for lets than ent. rn given away. But good honest good. Hold at reasonable profit at W. F. Rnd'a. Jtllim firidwnhl l'i nnn. M.L.' . " " "ju( a apecuu- ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver ware, or which he earrie. a large and select .took Hiasilver war. ia lfiJT I? T i . . - - - i"K JJros, aim tTOOK of crockery it the bett in the market and hit line of dollaand children', play thing, gener ally u eomnlatn Hi. ;. ' 1U? i , - r- .... ..o mtu wo JUWetG on the coast. New Goods. Latest stylet in toques turban and toft felt hatt just received at . Ida M. Brush's. VllTHll T.TT1T.1.. . ------ ror me hour, beginning at 12 o'clock, noon. p. l wm ' DEALER IN- GREAT decided to close' eralMerchandise ken. Choice Family I-;. iasrt GROCERIES; Conlcctioncrj, Cigars and Tobacco. All goods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods J j Subscriptions received for all the leading x NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY,. OR. out their Albany business offer for salejwithout reserve at COST