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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1888)
Albaar Market. AVheat-7 Oata 25c- Butter 25 lit per lb. Kggs-iBc Hay -9,00. Potatoes 5 ots pir bushel. Beef -on font. 8'-r-pplos 4') oeots per bu. Porn per II iresae.l. Bi3) it 1 1 ii 1 1 s J hi li lira, 14 J. sHm Hi. Lard 15 i 1 f W. Kloiir-.J ui.- Iiiil. Phickma -1 il I p ir .1 . IU1 Fjl-brii, 11.0) partoa a.irtt, If. ,3 ' ni 1 In i tt. ,2. Ott'ir . Conrad Mayer, 1-PR0PKHST'. OK - STAll BAKERY. Jjorner BroaialMn and First Sts,, DEALER IX - 3Bnnod Krauts, Oituunl .Meats, Glassware, - Queens wure, Dried Fruits, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, . -Sugar, S ii Ice., t'ollee. Tea, Etc,, Etc., : In fact evaryth'.a ; that is kept In a gen .ral variety and groasry store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. n. 9. UiNTiioRir, Prss. B. S Cook, S c O. B. Mjjrtxi Ttaas The Oregon Land Company Onntiizptl for tht intra )o of buying and Belli:)? reil atat, aiU'r.iaiii)f .ht) Will.mjtte V alloy in all of the leading newspapers of tho united Matej, KinpluYiuif Kancni a-ritiiu to uireo. none necitorj to mo y mam ette V lley, and h mo agents in all the principal towns of Marion, Polk, Unit, Benton, CUukauius and am n 111 counties to am in iwatmg lminitrnuiM. Office in tho Tate Building one door neat of Art & Sox's, H0DS0NJ4 DICKINSON. Managers. THE PLACE, t J. DILLON & CO., By all meant rilljon Parker Brothers, Successors to John Fox or your Groceries, Produce, .Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Tbeir goods are tbe best and their prices reasons u;e. DEALERS IN LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC, General Jot) fork, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rstio flooring1, Factory at loot of Lyou Street FINE HORSES. New and Second Hand Store We have iusfc brniirhb from Ti ite p D - Uregon, a lot ol hue work Dorses ' m . we will sell oo terms to suit the time Amnnf them nrARAmrf nrnmiHincr vntm driveis from Oneoo, Mason Chief and lid ward Everett, Also some cnoioe lieavT rrarca. Anvone wiflhinu to pur chase a horse will do well to look tl.eoi over. We wiil take measure in show- to all intending purchasers. T I UIIUUll Tallman, Or. Owing to toe increased demands ofj our business we have been compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found next door to S, E, Young, when we will be pleased to see our patrons. you need any stoves, furnituro, tinware, crockery, docks, oarp6ts, pictures, fruit ars, ticuks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, planes, etc anJ a thousand dif ferent snd use artioles you can not do better his sidi of San Franoiico than you can do with us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. GRAtJD Excursion East ! VIA NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rate ever made from the Pacific Coast to the East. $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points in Oregon COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. Tickets foi sale- September 3, 4 and 5. Good to return toJOctober 31st, RedCrownMills S03I, LANSING & CO., PROPR'S. MEW PROCESS FLOPS SUPERIOR fOB rAHfMKS Aim BAKERS DSS. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat aVOK SALE BY FOSSllA & MAfON J. K. WEATHEBFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OKEGOX. firiLt, PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THI II Sute. Special attention grren to coUccUona and raM nuw. HOW, TO CO EAST. oEi!t.t Mouut Sliasta Route. Nice -climate and scenery at all timss of theyear. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Oden, Salt Lake, Denver. Finest second-eUsa cars made are run daily. Buv your ticket of me and sava your fare to Portland. I am the only person in Albany that cin sell yon a ticket from Albany direct to any point in the United Statos. Call on mn for rates. U Jestku. Aj?eDt 8. P. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. - PROPRIETOR OF- Aibany Soda Works And Maiiu'auturera at' CHOICE GONFEuTlMERI, We ara how prp trel t: Mil at whoU twlo, always frosh .and pure at Portland pm-vs i'j uu-iiera. we hihu Keep a iuij liae or Nuts ani Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND T03ACC01B Join tbe G. A, R. special train carryln Oregon and Washington Territory department to tne 22ND NATIONAL ENCAPMENT, C,A,R whioh meets In Colnmlras, September 12th, 1888. This rate Is ODen for everybody. No necessary to be a G, A., R, in order to get tbis cheap ticket. Parties desiring to do so can have use of free berths in tourist sleeping cars. For further information can on or aaaresa A, D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass, AgL N. P. R. R., Mo 2 Washington St., Portland, Or. Notice to Tax-Paysrs, oti ce is hereby Given, that I. or mv Deputy, will meet the tax-payers of Linn county, Oreeon, at 9 o'clock a. m. and re main until 4 o'clock p. m. at tneir respeo tive places of voting in the several pre cincts, at the following times and places for the purpose of collecting the taxes for 1888: Waterloo, Monday, Nov. 19ih. Liberty, Tuesday, Nov. 20th. Sweet Home, Wednesday, Nor. 2lat. Brush Creek, Thursday, Nov. 22nd. Crawfordsville, Friday, Nov. 23rd. Brownsville, Saturday, Nor. 21th. Center, Monday, Nov. 26th. Orleans, Tuesday, Nov. 27th. Syracuse, Wednesday, Nor. 28th. Harrisburg, Thursday, Nov. 24th. Halsey, Friday, Nor 30th. Shedd, Saturday, Pea. 1st, East Albany. Tuesday, Dec. 4th, West Albany, Wednesday, 5th. Prompt payment will be required. Pay your taxes anu nave coats. JOSS SMAolMO.1, Sheriff and Tex Collector, Dated, Oct. 22nd, 188ft. H. F. MERRILL, 33 -A. UST !K! El ZR , ALBANY. - - - OREGON. ITSeU exchanjf a on New York, San Francisco and Portland. Rnv rmtn. StA'w. oantr anil c!tv warrant. R3 cetv deposit ailDject to cueca. luierest aiiuwuu un u m deposits. XCollectlont will reeelr prompt attention. nnrrMmonden oltcited. Fire and ramae Insurance placeJJ In reliable com me), ha Jos. Webber Announce to hii patronn ind friends that he is now located in his new tliooin the Fo shay Si Mason Block and witli able workmen will attend tp his cuttomera at aa reasonabla prices aa any other shop. Aa he has three atk-rooms running all hours thare.wil be 0, K. J aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. .All warkguaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. SucceatontoJIIenry'8aeaani . ) Lian ?f"unty Bank, COWAX. RALSTON & CO., Successors to Cowan A Cusiok.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a ganeral banking buiinen. naWSUim DRrraoa No York, San Fran LOAN HONEY on approved security. RECEIVE daponluiubjeot to check. COLLKOriO.VJ entruitel to,u will rece re promo ROOMS TO RENT. Famished and unfiirniahed rooms to rent. Inquire at oorurr of 7th and Baker streets. H. Baknes. First National Bank OF ALDAN I, OREGON. President L. FLtNN Vice President . a. E. YOl'NU Cuhier GEO. E. CHAMBICKLAIN Ass't Caihier JAS. F. POWELL TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT lubjeet to shock. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telrraDhio tranrfer. tol on New York. San Francisco. CaiCMro and Pol Oreiron. COLLECTIONS HADE on taTorable terms. DiascTOKS. J. E. Tonre, Qao, E CniHUKLAISl L K. Bui5, L. Fliss. WAMsaK TvaaaLL, I sal satisfaction In the cure of tionorrbcea and Uletit. I preftcribeltacd feel safe In recommend. ing It to all sufferers. bA. J. STOIKR, H.D., D.eiiur. III. PRICE, 81.00. Bold bv rirnfrffl.te. Foahny A Natoo, lTholcanle Ancnla, W ItOI M Buiuum a.i le E3, bribe Eltnu Chemical So C1nrtnnrl,-fWg ir.i3tai,i DR. G.WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat Office. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888. 188P5 Flral Term opeaa September llin, isxg. A lull corns of Instructors.- Druggists and Booksellers J classical, scientific, literary, uuiiiintnuinL nnu nunliinL CLASSES. FOSHAY & MASON, WtOLBfclLB AMB aSTAIb Agents for John B, Alden's Dnblicatlona. which we sell at publisher's rloaa witi. aostageadded. ALB1HT, OKEOOH. NOTICE TO SHIPPEES, (via Yaqoina to San Francisco.) Of wheat, oats, hops and wool. I am ore- rred to take Marine Insurance on all cereals, heps, wool or any consignments of goods to and from San Francisco. For further partic ulars, address Ala Harris, Agent California Ins. Co., Yaquina, Or. F" Cnn ratio it .mtiMil ,n . ,i need of all grades of students. S fecial inducements offered to students from abroad. Tlllflnn r.nmM fmm . RA , r .to . n " - " " vv.uv . . L , U. Board in private fainlllea at low rates. Rooms tor Mlf.hnarH4ncr mt small A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home, Fall term opens September 7th. For circular and full w,ivuifliaiuu;e mo xresiuent. BET. KLBEET H. COKDIT. Albany, Oregon W. F. RE AD, FIRST ST ALBANY. OREGON Tiie Leading Cash Dry Goods House cfAlbany, HITCC.M. HENDERfcONACOlSv CUIG AO 0. -a t- i ; 1 i ' i 14 fill stock end I can give my customers beUerbir gaius than ever was offered in AlLuny. Our stock is complfte unci 1 I rritie to lcfi, it en In ll ill i.,,.v,j .1., add all the new novelties as fust as they are in the market. ' Would call especial attention to the following lines Dress Goods,Pliishes,VcIvels,IIosiei7 Jersies, Gents' Furnishing Goods, IHankets, Boots and Shoes. All Iabk is a tbo!OugbiD(-reclion of slock. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR COODS. Mail orders picnvptly atlcndeJ to. W .F. READ, JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer oi Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED ANO KEY WEST, Rug aDn Smoking Toltac, Mesrch.uM and BriT Plpa,t-nd -line of Smokers' Arteles, Also dealer.- CALIFORNIA-AND TROPICAL FRUITS