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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1888)
Daily Democrat Moniay Evening.Novflmber 26,1888 SYITfcS fe MIITF1.MG, Editor and Publlahert. Published evory day in the weak. Sundifi excepted.) LOCAL RECORD. Died. On Sunday morning, Nov. 25th, 1888, In Albany, of ulceration of the stomach,Mr. Fred Mueller, aged forty-nine 'years. Mr. Mueller was born In Germany, moving from thereto New York State and thence to Albany about twelve years ago. lie was in the grocery business for many years at the corner of First and Ellsworth Street, then was connected with the Revere House for over a ycar,after which he built a fine residence on Ellsworth Street and a store at the corner of that street and Sec ond Street, which he was running at the time of his death, tie was a member of the A. O. U. W.. was a man of generous Impulses and was generally liked by those Who knew him. Mr. Mueller was City Treasurer for several terms. He leaves a wife and many relatives and friends to mourn his death. .; Funeral services will occur to-morrow at the family residence and will be under the , auspices of the A. O. U. W. J A Two Year Old Matter The following is from a Portland paper, one of the sensa tional ones. We publish the item because it will make interesting reading matter : "If you want to kill a man, come on to Harris burg, get him into a back room and into a game of cards, pick a quarrel with him, hit bim over the head with a billiard cue, lot him lay until 3 or 4 o'clock the next morning, then gather him up, take him out the back door, carry him down to the rivei and throw him in. When the body is found, the Cor oner's jury will pronounce it a case of sui cide. That's the way Ford was murdered. Everybody knows that he was killed in just that way, but the criminals have not been disturbed. A petition was prepared, asking the governor to offer a reward for the mur derer, but it was six mouths in getting to his xeellency." A Story. For the first time in many years the County Treasurer is obliged to en dorse county warrants, "not paid for want of funds." The use of that stamp reminds us of a story that George Waggoner tells on him self. Some years ago when he was in the real estate business and had Mr Buford, the then County Treasurer, for a partner, a gen tleman stepped into their office and present ed a bill for a few dollars. Georgejwas then pretty hard up ; he quietly reaohed for the Treasurer's rubber stamp, which read "not paid for want of funds" and before the gen tleman knew what was the matter, stamped me Din witn tnose words, it was (tone so coolly that George says his oreditor thought that was the course of business and left the offioe without a word and did not present the bill again for a year Benton Leader. Thb Chicago of tub N. W. The fol io wing from the Buena Vista correspond ence of the Independence West Side shows the writer to be u man of great discern ment. The route he maps out for the As toria road is the one we had also surveyed and it Indicates to us that Albany, Buena Vista, Independence and Dallas must work together In the matter: "We do not claim to be a commercial center, the head of nav Igatlon, nor even democratic ; but we knew we have hopes that the Astoria railroad will come through our town on Its way to Albany. We believe Albany is to be the grand railroad center of the Willamette valley, the unicagoot me iNormwest. ine topography of the country plainly Indi cates it. A glance at a map of the valley shows Albany to be nearest the center of the valley, accessible to the pass through the Cascades, and near an ocean outlet, that with a little attention can -be made a safe harbor for heavy vessels. All this we believe to be possible and probable. The route is a good one, roadbed superior, pass through the hills the best, everything first-class." Was He Robbed. We understand that when Barney Bressler, the tailor, who was sent to the Insane asylum last week, came to Albany he had about $70 on his person. He went into a saloon one evening, and he asserted afterwards was drugged and robbed of his money, and it is quite possible that is the case, as it is reported to be freguent ly the case in this city. At the same time, whatever the cause, Barney became pretty Insane and of course his word would not be taken in a court of justice. It Is a fact, though, that he had $70 and that it disap peared. We simply give this version in order to keep our readers posted on cur rent matters in the city. Untrue. Mr. C. G. Rawlings, agent of the O. R. & N. at this city, says the item copied from the Corvallis Gazelle in our is sue of Saturday, In reference to there being a case of small pox on the river steamer Occident, was absolutely untrue. He took pains to see the officers of the boat about it ana tney pronoonced it a canard from be ginning. The QazcAc will confer a favor by informing us what its reliable authority was. The Democrat published the item simply because it is here to let the public Know wnat people are saying and doing. Odds Too Much There are about twenty-five persons in Albany who invest in Louisiana lottery tickets every month over $100 a month being sent out of the city to be placed in the pockets of this grandest of jJAmerican swindles, besides which wheels of fortune are insignificant. Prizes are rarely really drawn anywhere, most of those published as drawn not being drawn stall. Inseveralyears$iohasbeen received at Albany, where several thous ands have been sent out. Aren't the odds too much. Almost a Collison. This morning just as the California train approached the depot from the South, Baggage Master Barker's head light loomed up from the North with the baggage truck, coming in at a rapid rate. Through a slippery man ipulation of the rudder the truck went off on lo the track. The moment was a crit ical one ; but the engineer of the train was equal 10 me occasion and stopped just in time to save a collision. Mr. Barker has been overwhelmed with congratulations during the day. Great Gobblers. People who want woolen mills, etc., but want other people to get them. Men who gobble up all the land they can get and then want double price for it even for factories. Cows that will not even leave the cabbage box. Boys at an entertainment wno want all theatten tion themselves. Men who get maJ be cause everybody doesn't patronize them, Selfish people generally. A Chestnut. "Stand up there and let me see If you are square with the house," said one drummer to another, while wait ing for the five minute slow train at the depot, as he elevated Surveyor Fisher's compass, and sighted at his companion.The best physicians were called and it is thought Seals will recover. A Steam Laundry. Mr. J. D. Smith, an experienced laundrymau,has started a steam laundry on Third Street, near the 0. P. rail road, lie proposes to do as good and oleaner work than the Celestials, and just as cheap, taking family washings for the same priee. He is aatitled to the patronage of the citizens of Albany. This is a good opportunity for peoplt to show the appreciation of a white nan's efforts against the Celestial. We be lieve from what we can hear that Mr Smith will give as general satisfaction, it aot better than the Celestials. . That Debate. In the secular debato be tween Underwood and Braden at Silverton, T W Davenport, of Portland is grand chief moderator, with J W Beale and J M Hum phrey as assistants. Each eyening the large city hall is tilled to hear these gentlemen. Braden Is the religionist, Underwood the in -del end the discussion has bat fairly com menced. Journal. A Seattle Squabble A novel proceed ing was witnessed at Seattle last Friday, whea soma parties went out with a pile driver to fence in mud flats belonging to the Oregon Improvement Company ; immediate ly three other pile drivers went out and pro ceeded to fence in the intruding driver whereupon a sqaabble ensued which was settled by the chief of police and citizens. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Call early before Notice. The members of Safety Lodge No. 13, A. O. U. W., and sojourning breth ren, are hereby notified to meet at the Ha 1 of said Lodge to morrow at 13:15 o'clock preparatory to attending the funeral of our late brother, Fred Muller. Let all attend promptly at the appointed time. O. C. Awbrey, M. W. "Chip of the Old Block." This high, ly entertaining play will be presented to the Albany public on Wednesday evening, Dec. 5th. Matinee at 2:30 o'clock In the afternoon. Keep your eye open for furth er notice. It's said lo be capital. The Start. The initial number of the Yaquina Republican has found its way to our table. We extend a welcome hand to the new candidate for public favor. New port News. Yes you do. In about four weeks you will be calling each other hip popotamuses, vacuums, etc. To Firemen. The exempts and officers and members of the Albany Fire Depart ment are respectfully requested to meet at No. i's Engine House to-morrow at 12:301 to attend the funeral of the late Fred Muel ler, exempt Fireman. By order of Joseph Webber, Chief Engineer, A. F. D. A splendid stock of library and hanging lamps just received at Wallace & Thsmp. A tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock is bro HOME AND ABROAD. A killing frost this morning. How do yon like our new bead. It is here to stay. H. Lamnman left Satuiuny on a trip to California. Barnum says he has retired from the oircus business. A billiard table has been added to the State insane asylum. Safety Lodge A. 0. U. W. meats to-night. Let all members attend. Eteotlon next Monday. Let us pat some good men in every position. Miss Rose Istall, niece of MrsJoseph and Mr Uradwohl has gone to New Orleans. William Stites went to Portland yesterday to work in Alisky & Baum'a candy factory. School bags, tablets. Dencils, eto., very cheap, at J F Cooks, opposite Revere house. A fino stock of arti3ts materials at Dr Guiss k Son's. No better in the Valley. A full line of Christinas candies and nuts will be kept by Browuell & Stanard. Mrs Sherman Thompson returned to-dav from Stayton, where she had been to see her father, who has been lying seriously ill. Since the nresonoe in Portland of smallpox the receipts of tho Washington street car line bays fallen oil $25 per day. We'.cume. To day Mr 1 A Hvmau received seven large sacks of peach stones which he will plant in his nursery noar this city. Mr Ha inan proposes to have a urst-olaas nursery. To-day all of the docks on the Hues of the Southern Pacifio railroad were set back five minutes. The time tables remain the same. Yon simply can take five minutes more time, Mr Walter Turrell returned this moroing from San Francisco, and reports his little girl as recovering from a serious illness. Mr Turrsll was there during the shock of eaith quake and says it made the house be was in Shane considerably. The Other Side. Last week upon the arrival in this city of six blacksmiths sent to work for Searle & Deane by C R Hansen & Co, of San Fran cisco, the men were informed that there was no work for them and that they had never been ordered sent here. Hansen & Co. were accused of wholesale fraud in the matter. Mr Chas Metzgar, who has been co-operating with them immediately wrote the firm in reference to this matter, and has received the following despatch, which Indicates that there may be some fun about the business before it is through with: San Francisco, Nov. 24. Mr. Chas. Metzoar: ' By order of J J Searle In person sent six tool sharpeners. You telegraph Searle Si Deane to put them to work or pay them their expenses. Please tell men Hansen will come up if necessary to see them righted. Telegraph result immediately. C R. Hansen & Co. Should Pass. Albany, Not. 26th, 1888. Editors Democrat : . In a recent issue of your paper I notice a communication signed a Tax-payer, In which the writer wants to know something about what is being done by the City Coun ell as to granting gas work privileges in this city. I am somewhat interested in this matter also. I think Mr Tax-payer, has struck the right nail on the head. I for one think this is a matter of very great impor tance to every tax-payer and in fact every citizen In this place, for if we wish to have a city that will flourish we must not crush out enterprise and competition, for this Is what makes any city and should the City Council at their next regular meeting not give the proposed gas works an equal show with our electric light system then we will be left again in the dark. Let us have the gas system also if we can get It, as we want a uttie competition in this matter as well as all others, A Citizen. Hotel Arrivals. Revere House. J R McKnight, M Jones, Portland; T M Maton, Orillia; Lee Miller; A Robinson ;C H Beck, S H.Bell, Minneapolis, Minn; C Richardson, Scio; L Edgar, Sclo; J R Bixby and wife; D E Griffin; A Schwarz, S F; J Bifun; B F vv earner oy, w x ; J r schooling, Harris burg ;B Dobson; W F McCarthy, S F; W Q Adams, Salem ; J Houston and 2 children, acto. St Charles. J E Moore, S E Hamlet, G L Kinsley, E T Russell, H H Callahan, C A Andrews, B P Scott, Louis Hale, St Louis, Mo ; T Ford.A L Hodson, J Sykes, Salem ; J Pearcc, Roseburg ; C Gorden, Yaquina City ; A B Slanson, Portland. Ruas House W VI Kllpper, Lebanon ; T Mahon ; A Linn t W C King, S F ; P Madden, Mehama ; E A Barrett, Los An geles ; J Beekman ; O Earttend ; James Phillips ; E M Peterson ; J Cunningham, North Yamhill ; I Mclver ; J H Engel hardt, Rock Creek ; J F Huffman ; E F Montgomery, Portland ; H Crldelu, Pa ; I Slevin ; W Owen, Wrenn ; Wm Sims, Mills Citv ; P Zalarlco ; C Romlerl ; J Capel ; C E Webster, Mills City ; E Stan ley, Dayton, W T ; E M Beak, Salem ; J Slevin ; H Hennery, S S Smiley, Cat ; M II O'Conner, city 1 T Newman, Santa Cruz ; W C Crawford, Corvallis ; R F Ashby, Harrisburg ; J Merid ; E Stanley, E Henness. GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. COLLEGE NOTES. MUfi Pratli, Iml. I l . 1. !. . - . . . wvn libi J' I flL Mil. morning for the flmt tlm . t tUm primary room. The students are looking forward to Thanksgiving time as a respite from hard study. Who can blame them? Many of them have earned It. The event nf urlr .. . I. - : I gathering at Pres. Coudit's house. The students nearly all were present by inyita tlou from Pres. and Mrs. Condit. General lun and good time prevailed. Games, Dlaviner and ftlnonir ami l li some, a regular Thanksgiving repast, which nee iivutcu to sngnt, were ine order Of the evenlnrr. ITflnnln... ,4 K complete. Before leaving for home the thanks and good wishes of the guests were -KP" .uniiiianzea in a lew words by Mr. lervin McCormick for the A C L S, and j kiiii vesia mason tortheEsodelphians. j On the Southern Boundary. William Vailffhun . ninnu. 1017 ... buried at the Lewis cemetery last Thuesday. lonHmquj iwiiicu m tnls neignooriiood, jut the laat few Vfat-a h k i:..: ... J ... uvvu IIVIU lib t Cedar Flat on tho McKenzie. Ho leaves a wilts auu euti rai anna mi.r ni b,i.,m - .. : dents of Lane county and one daughter, Mrs Ed Connelly, of Albany. The friends of aunt Polly Somerville ?ave her a Dleasant suiDriaA Mnntou :..ui. u- occasion being the sixty-ninth anniversary of her birthday. . Thsre is a wedding on the cards for next week and a ball at the hop house is to be a feature of the festives. Hitmn annrf.m.n f,im V..rr "Vi... -rv. ..... ....... uugoun xiby were down tho river last Wednesday night one of thorn was Innknv Annnoh fn not .Ui - - -- j n on-jt u m shitepoke, no other game made its appear- W FT FT Tha in.n..n. I , . 1 uu.-.,v,u Wl viaiuug relatives here the first of the week. Miss Mary Ward has gone to Portland to visit a few weeks wllh hi r( r Grant. Some new roads have been made at the west end of what is known as tho Wheelan lane, it will probably not be oounted an im Srovement until considerable work has beon one on it. Heavy Prosecution. The case of the state against Miller, the boy, case knife murderer.was begun atCoryallis this morn ing. The light in which the relatives and friends of the deceased look at the matter may be seen from the fact that Hon J F Caples, of Portland has been employed to help conduct the prosecution. Tax Payers Sheriff Smallmon, who has been meeting the tax payers through " wuhlj oya cuuecuong are ratner slow, many people putting off payment as long as possible evidently as an investment At Brownsville Saturday, though, the receipts were good. KEEP.POSTED vVheat, 70 osnts. New fall goods at Bead's. See those new jersics at W. F. Read's. New ribbon all shades and styles at Read's A full line of boys kilt suits at W. F Road's. Fine line of lr:ad Kneading paus at G W Smith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & SUfiard's. A largo stock of liftiag force pumps at G W Smith's. Goods at cost at M. J. Monteith's, at the old Young store. Go to A. B. Mcllwain's aud ask to see those $6 suits for men. In a calm soa overy man is pitas. goods '.V. F. Read is leader. If yon want to save from 10 to 25 per cent by your goods of W. F. Read. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. Bargains in general merchandise at M J Monteith's at the old Young store. Boy your tickets through to the Eastf W L Joater aud save fare to Portland. A complete line of heating and parlor stoves at G W Suiith'a, no better in the valley. Tho chrapest place to boy men's under wear in we state is at A. B. Mcllwain's. Those small mixed pickles at F L Ken tons are very nice. Try them. Only 50 cents per gallon. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any house in Albany. Call and seo for yourself. All the latest novelties in millinery goods at E and C Howard's. Sill and see them. -w uuuwn mi auuw goOUS. The line of Pacifio and Royal Argands at G W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best oook stoves made. See them. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city or country. Goods not sold for less than cost, roods not given away. But good honest goods sold at rtasonaou proatat W. F. Raids. Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silyer ware, of which he carries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery i- the best in the markot and his line of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast. New Goods. Latest styles in toques turban and soft felt hats just received at Ida M. Brush's. WeATHRH TvnirkTTiivc V. U . - . . . v.. till. rf hours beginning at n o'clock, noon. Clear. F. L. ME 0 -DEALER IN- Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars ant! Tobacco. Ail goods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods! j Subscriptions received for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY, OR. SALE. out their Albany business offer for sale without reserve at COST