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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1900)
THURSDAY. ' Mr. K. Suelton, of.Scio, is in the city today oa busineas. Attorney General Flaclborn came op from Salem tbii noon uo a t'lree bouia baaines. trip. Mr. and Mra. Will of Aurora ara in the city on a viait with the Albany Willa. Miesea Flinn and Farnliam returned laat night from a visit of ten days in Portland. Mrs. Lizzie Dunn, who hat been visit ing friends here will leave today fur Ferry, Ill.Jwhere she will reside during the coming year. Rev.jMc. H. 'Wallaco.of Oaklaud.Calif., arrived in Eugene yesterday to taso charge o( the pastorate of tlie Congrega tional church ot that city. Mr. Will Harris, the bakery artist went to Lebanon yeate'day to work in the bakery during the illness of tua reg ular baker. Miss Mattie E. Swan sister of Lawyer Swan arrived in Albany on her way to her home at Crawfordsville, from Idaho, where she has been teaching school . i Grand master and Mrs. Weatherford ! were in Eugene yesterday to meet witn the O. F. lodge. It was Mr. Weather ford'a intention to a go a week earlier but business prevented. The May festival of the Willamette Valley Choral Union ia to be held in Salem May 9, 10 end U It ia to he re gretud that the Albany chorus of voices have given np going, though some will attend personally. E. F. Willie, one of the old time agri cultural drummers, has been in the city today. Mr. Willis ia now traveling for D. M.Osborn & Co. For many years he was with Staver & Walker, noted for their heavy advertising propensities. Charley Miller, formerly of this city, has beSu)pointed traveling fireman, a new office, ou the Southern Pacific, and passed through Albany this noon on the engine of the south bound. Hit princi pal duties are to instruct new firemen in their work. The Young People of (he Baptist church will give a social at toe home of JJlisa Mamie Allen on Friday eve, May 4. Each one will be expected to pay accord ing to their height. One cent for every foot and one cent for everv inch over a foot. Each lady is requested to needle, thread and thimble and the gentlemen well sharpened pocket knives. ice cream anu cage. All are invited. A Former Stroudsburg Mam, The Ddmocrat ye8terday mentioned the re- ceipt from Stroudsburg, Pa., of a paper containing a Dig Bpecmea trout story, ana oi course naa to uo some Dragging for Oregon trout in connection with it. not aware that any Albany people ever resided there. It transnireB that Strouds burg is Mr. S. Shupe's former home. He declares that the trout thereabouts, thoguh smaller, are prettier and better eating than ours, and that Stroudsburg is an rigut as a trout nsning center. Special. There will be a special con clave ot Temple commandery held thia (Thursday) evening at 8o'clock. There will pe work in the Templar degree and all Sir Knights are earnestly requested to be present. A special invitation ia extended to visiting Sir Kuighte. The order of Christian Kniirhthood will be conferred on N.B. Avery ,fof Cnr- vai'ia. un tins occasion the command ery will be honored by the presence of several prominent templars lrjm Salem and elsewhere. J. P. Galbraitii, Recorder. A Railroad Center. At the gran central depot in Portland twenty-six passenger trains go in and oit in a day on all the roads. In Albany oighteen passenger trains go in and out at the grand central an pot at turn city. A pretty good showing for Albany in lorn parison with the metropolis. Besides these there are several ireigbt trains. An Accident. Mrs. M. Hyde, while going down the rear steps to her rosi- dence in the first ward fell head first down to the ground, breaking three fingers of her left baud and nearly breaking ber nose, besides badly bruis ing her lace. Rathbone Sistrrb. A special meet ing of Alpha Temple No. 1 will ba held this evening to exemplify the work. The Grand Chief, Mrs. Cora Davis, of Union, Ore., will be with us. All members re quested to be present. Maggie Moe, M. E. C. Bertha T. Parker, M. of R. and 0. Robert G. Simpson, aged 75 years, and a resident of Albany, was received at the Asylum this evening on a commitment from Morrow County. His insanity is due to an injury on tne neaa several years ago. uor. uregonian. Ringler Bros, great circtis.'t ia report d will visit Oregon again, thia year, and thia time do the valley. On their last trip they only came as far as Portland and returned east from there. The renort of the FirBt National Baak published elsewhere makes a eile. did showing for thia well conducted bink ana as wen spaaas lor Aioany as a uuti ne '9 center. fif$; NLf $2.75 3B N o fin ryiONEV. cut this r.i. oi . ail" e'iui u iirt. slum . -IT ..;;!. n..d lirl.'M. alro num i rvf i' hi i iirnini'l IhkIj si I nut i i. i itrm mm i win fl'ini tins if AUTIf-H FUH TfilrV.MfC' e.YFfl - lit. i-nl jpft to oanifiiatlou. J .ii cat. pMnnftii' try it on t' resjirew ot- 'HUUI ptriVrlf wilt rep- lUlm:r Vifiw' ' t t'.it our pedal ilrrprlr(?S2.75, aid inaa r-tinncr. J.siire-ci chirirei will nrerapo 40 to 'tf :::-Vx nines. TH 'ii - Of'' SiJ' CAPE IS L4 Ht.-rW - & '-'A TEST 8 TV L -: V : :-1'..iFOR PALI. an lor racn MIS LA. j'FOR FALL and WINTER, roao- h-tir ill wmI blif k or hist- , , genuine it union nri jrmvUth. 57 tnclio Inn?, Tory full ccp. 13- ?b upper Nj. ii-'rt fit '1, Ti pf r rMpt and lurpr ttorm .; ben tit i- trimmi l xitn 1 1 rvi: rv. . mil collar with two-.wiof nn nnhdr hri,i cl-th button jmainentf. ThH pp It ni-XiHnmr-nhrhout nnd coiml t.i C)'M thut aellftt fti.irv thrin (1,1.1, 1,, nnrt.-e. Wfllfff.tClaifcrUlointf. 5 SHUCK & CO-. CHICAGO Interested in Oregon. A writer from Boston in the New York Sun among other things in an article on woman's suffrage aiye : Great cities will grow up on the Pacific seaboard. Portland, Me., baa grown rich on West India commerce; wny should not Portland, Ore,, grow rich on her East India connectisns? The possi bilities of Portland as a raanufactuiing and commercial centre for tho weBfrn half of the eonliiiHiit are not yet fully ap preciated. San Francisco on the eouth, Tacoma and Seattle on the north, have been more widely advertised and have achieved greater notoriety. Yet the in termediate localii y may prove i i the long run more available. New York, on the Hudson river was once a smaller city than i-iinaueipaia or lioston ; yet it has ur passed them both. Port and, in the Col umbia Kiver "alley may also tome day distance its northern and southern com poutors. The soil and climate of Oregon nave great advantages. Free from drought and dust, Hcased with an equa ble temperature at all seassns, unsu: passed in lieathlulneau and fertility, Ore gon is capable ot supporlinj a great farm ing population, and Portland, as i'e bus iness and social centre, may yet become tne metropolis ot the racinc coast. Oregon ia exceptionally fortunate in' the character of its people. They have not been suddenly drawn to it by tte greed of precious metals or the excite nioi.t of speculation. Its estr.y settlers were adventurous pioneera. men and wo men who preceded the introduction of railroads. They crosBed the desolate plains fur 2,000 miles in wagons with ox teams, rifle in hand, guarding their fam ilies and live stock againBt hostile In dians. Their worth is shown by the ability of their public men and the supe rior merit of their newspapers. The advantages of Oregon are being talked over to-day in hundred of famil ies throughout the e'ateseast ot the Mis sissippi river. These eople ara about to decide whether their future homes shall be in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minneso ta, or the Dakotas, or whether they wi'.l cross the Rockies; and if the latter, whether California, Oregon cr Washing ton shall bo their destination. If the equal suffrage amendment carries, the popular choice will De uregon. . G. Co.'s Officers. The list of officers of Special G. Co., O- ( N. G. of thia city, has been completed by ths appointment of the non-commis sioned officers at a a eeting this week, making the complete liat of office a as follows : Captain, O. W. Seam. 1st lieutenant, F. C. Stellmachor. 2nd lieutenant, Frank Stuart. 1st sergeant, S, H. Harnish. Q. M. aergeant, Quincy Piopst. Sergeants, O. W. Wallace. S. C. Wor rell, A. A. Graham. W. D Morri8. Corporals, lid Stewart. J. A. Finch, LeBlie Viereck, Will V. Merrill, Frank Wire, Roy Saltmarsh. The company, haa been divided into squads, and a great deal of intereet ia being taken in the drills, which are held regularly. The company has leased the armory and are filtiug it up specially for their use. The room in front of the building baa been torn down in order to give more room for drill ng. The stage will be slightly enlarged and otherwise in proved. Mr. and Mra. Chas Pfeiffer and Mr and Mra L Kirchoff to N C Sullivan, ail. cf lot 8 and, 44 feet off lot 7 block 7, Albanv. . i 5200 V C Londen to Beiut Gilberloin, 100x190 feet, HarriBburg 175 Wm Thompson to J A Thompson, 160 acres 1 Oregon to A J Johnson, 146 rods by 10Urod9Wl 1180 U S to W illiam ThompsoD, 160 acreB Patent V S to J A Thompson, 120 acres . . Patent Mortgages for $800, $5000, $1000 and $250. Release of mortgage for $1500. Circuit court : NewBuit:' Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.tagt G A Dug ger. To recover money. Cannon & Newport attorneys for p'aintiff. Probate : In estate of ftewell Southard, invent ory filed. In estate of Cary Peterson, a minor, FranK Peterson was appointed gi'ardian. Total registration, 3985. Mr. Joa. Blain, who is in the city, came into this valley in a very interest- ' ing way in 1852. Being stopped at Boise City, the train remained there while Mr. ! Rlain nnd a companion set out on foot I without t cent to tneir name ana travel ed through a country be6et with Indiana through eastern Oregon and into the val lev hv the Barlow route, reaching here with "their BcalpB whole. Mr. Blain haa many early day stones to ten oi an la tere. ting character. The deed for the Skipton livery etable, 110 feet front has teen filed transferring the property from Chas. Pfeiffer and Mr. Kirchot to Con. Sullivan for $5,200. This sale ia considered a very important and significant one. The corner is a good one, as well as the entire block. One of the boilera ned in hauling logs into the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company'e sawmill,across the Coar-t Fork river from Saginaw, exploded at 10 o'clock yeBter day forenoon. Otto Frederickson, ma chinist, was inBtantly killed. H. Rud olph and O. Aulauf were Eeriously wounded. Aulauf was acting superin tendent of the conpany. Frederickson has relativea near Albany. Anl&flO C escent bicvele, No.503577. the property oi ti. A. Back, ot tne nome Bakerv. wss last evening stolen from in front "of his place of bueiness. Phere was attached to the wheel a latt year's bicycle tax tag, being No. 389. The handlebars of the wheel were slightly deformed. Thera is no trace to the missing wheel statesman. MARRIED. SCHULTZ HOLZAPEL In Albany, on Thursdayevening, May 3, 1900. Mr. Lewis Schultz and Misa Holiapel, of Piainview. Two of Linn county'B excellent young people wh ) deserve tne best wiBhes of all. Lebanon. From the Cr'.UrioD : There will be a meeting of the cred". tors of the Lebanon Banking Co. in this citv. Friday. Mav 4. 1900. at 10 oclock a. m. We understand that the manager Mr. Carty makes the statement that the bank ia solvent and that it will reopen in a short time. Born, to the wife of Dr. L. M. Jones, Friday, April 27, 1900, a boy. Mother and child both doing wed. Mr. J. F. McHenrv. the noted elocu tioniat and entertainer will give an en tertainment at the Band hall, Friday night, in the interest of the United Vig ilantes. Free to ail. The graduating exercises of the high school will be hold at the Band hall, Friday night. President Strong of the State University will deliver the addreaa to tho clasa. .-. - Having decided to spend a few weeks in making a po'itical . canvass of Hub county, along with the other nominees, I have leased the Ciiteiiou to Mr. C. H. Young, who will, with the next issue of the paper, assume the editorial manage ment of the same. Signed by W, M. Brown Remarkable Picture Show. Fron ;he Helena Independent: The reproduction of the pictures of the 01 er Ammergiiu drama at the Auditor urn last night afforded an intensely in teresting entertainment and left an in delible impression upon those who saw them. It would be difficult to conceive of a more impresBive sermon than that preached by means of this moving pan orama, illustrating the life ot Christ from the birth to the reeurrection and ascenolon. , Following the Passion Play ft number of miscellaneous pictures were shown, including scenea a'ong the cast of Cuba during the time ot the Hispano-Amen-can war. Altogether the ahO'V wa8 the most extraordinary picture entertain ment that has been seen in Helena. At the Armorv tonighfand tomorrow nylit. The Saginaw. Accident. Saginaw, 'fir., May 3 One of the men, Mr. Otto Anlauf, that was injured in the Big Boiler explosion at Saginaw yesterday, died laat night. Mr. Anlauf was a superintending the placing oi tne boiler and was working close to Mc Ot to Frederickson.who wob instantly killed j He leaves a wile and baby. Remains will be takon to Comstock on the local thia afternoon , where his iolka reside and where he will be buried. Mr. ! Rudolph that was injured in this acci dent is improving. It transpireB that" the Albany which recently made the rapida near The Dalles cirried'more steam than the law allowa, thus getting it in trouble. It ia now ' facing the authorities. I The fine bird dog of Mr. Newport, the lawyer waB poUcoed thia week, and was found d-ad near P. W. Spinks lumbtr yard. The act cannot be condemned tco strongly ,aa dog poiaouing ia the low est ol all things. I Mr. Alfred Whealdon, whp died at Plainview, was 79 years, 6 montha anu 13 dayB of age. He was a pioneer of 1853, coming from Ohio in that year by tho ox team method. He iraa esteemed and ie epeoted by all as a man of integrity and personal worth. He was the father in law o( Mr John Foshay of this city. i Roporls from the county indicate a general satisfaction with the nomination of Mr. Geo. McHargue for eheiff. He is 'competent and a rustler, a man who wilt attend to duties o! the office well and faithfully. The fact that he has been one of the directors of the echool district at Brownsville for nine years epeaaa tor his etandiug at home. Fnrcrn. in the name of the smallest pen forminir eleDhant in the world. He will be seen with NorriB & Rowe's Big Train ed Animal Shows, which will be exhibit ed in this city, next Wednesday after, noon and night, under their large water nrnnf tnntn which will be Iticated cen trally. Fargo is thirty-six inches high and weigha a trifle over 1,009 pounda. The little fellow nerforms a number of most difficult feats such as walking on a row of bottles, plays a hand-organ, waltzea on his hind lens, goes through a pantomime reitaurant scene and plays an sorts oi luuny Lncno uu vtv that acts aa his servant. This act alone ia worth the price of admission. A grand free spectacular street carnival and children's fairyland Darade will be given at 11 o'clock on the morning of the ex hibition at which time the entire com pany of over 300 animal actora will be seen lnigay nouuay aiuiu, FRIDAY. A Benton Co. Theft. Thomaa Murphy iB in the Benton County iail held for the next grand jury in default of $200 bonds. The charge against him is larceny from a dwelling, it being alleged that during the absence nf t lia ia mlltt ItOBlnlri BHIlll. flf chlttlCS from A. Baxter, liviugon the Kainwater place b short alBtance up ine river. iue n.aa il iannvarnH . nnd fl warrant WB6 Bn.n-n mil h.lnra UnrnllO rPflf.hed Oor- yallia. Murphy waa met and place un der arrest by Deputy Sheriff Burnett, and in the preliminary examination tnat followed, Murphy was held. The stolen property was found in his possession. Re amputated. The leg of Sl-asta L'o Daniels, recently amputaed on ac count of being crushed bythecara, not beahng in a manner satisfactory to the surgeons, it was found necessary to (gain amputate it higher op, and this wan dote today by Dra. Trimble and Wallace, just above the knee, and it is thought this time it will work satisfac torily. The registration in this county han now reached approximately 4,100 and reports are con ing in fast, and as well a clerk ia kept bus; registering those n ho ppply here. The Passion Play. A very pleased audience witnessed the presentation at the armory laet night ol Edison's Passion Play aa taken by the kenetoacope when originally preeented in the little German town with the un pronounceable name. It ia wonderfully realistic and impressive, and certainly an educator in the life of Chris, pre sented in a manner i. coinniaud re spect. The scenes given were: Tbe shepherds startled by tne appear anc of the star of Bethlehem, Mary pre senting th at tbe temple, the at tempted aeass:nation, the tinht into Egypt, Herotlius seeking the life of John theBipt st, the cturt ol Herod and daneing m.ii-lu:i8 death of John the Baptist, Christ in the midst of His dis ciples, the trimnp'iant entry into Jeru salem, Christ b:essing little children, the raising of Lazarus from the dead, the laet supper, the betrayal ry Judas and tbe arreet, Pilate and the Jews, Christ before Pilate, the condemnation of the Savior, Chi iut carrying the cross, the crucifixion, taking down the body, the reaurraction, the ascension Into Heaven. Introductory werescme humorous life like scenes and several Cuban pictures which the kenetoscope had made as real aa life and just as occurred. The giving up of his eword near Santiago by Gener al lorrel to General Shafter and its re turn being as realistic as if the actual event was before you. The entertainment will be given again tonight.the Passion Play in full, and new scenes the others. A special nrice of 15 cents has baen made for echool children. T. L. Henness. of Yor.calla. formerly of this city, has been In the city. Mr, John Whitney of Eugene is in tho city on a visit with his brother of th" Herald. Mr. Cril Burl hart, who haa been work ing the Excelsior Mill at Eugene, is in the city, making arrangements to move to Eugene to reside Dermanenlly. John P. Jones, of the S. P. returned from a trip to the Bay thia noon with his arms lull of the leBtive rhododendron This popular flower is now in its glory. Mr. Stambourg, a former drummer who used to do this part of the United States, who was here for the laBt time during the flood ol February 1892, paBstd through Albany laet night for nan f ran Cisco. He ie now a wholesaler. Tbe O. W. B. M. of the christian church will give a missionary social this evening at the liorae of Mra. Nelson. A short program n ill be given followed by a social good time. Refreshments will be served. A free will offering is de sired for the work. All friends are in vited. W, A. Cox, the brick mason, went to Independence on tbe Kuth this morn ing. Be has the contract there for erect ing a two Btory brick, 40x66 lor J. M, Alitchell, to be used tor the new cream ery on the first floor and an Ldd Fellows temple on the Becond. Messrs. Wa.lace and JJraner went with him to rssist in thewoik. Mrs. Cora N. Dp vis, ot Union, chief of tho Rathbone Sisters, of Oregon, waa in Albany last night and met with the Rathbone Sisters of thia city. She is'a very pieaeant woman and gave a pleas ant woman and gave a plotting taik to tue Aiuany itatnDoneB. lociay sue went to Brownsville, where she will meet with tbe lodge at that city tonight. Mra. O. B. Streyfeller and child, and Misa Homschu left on the Ruth thiB morning on a vi"it and while Mr. Strey feller attendB the conference next week. He will Dreach hie farewell sermon next Sunday, and, then after conference, go to Drain, where he baa been appointed pas tor of the M. E. church, and which will Tbe Rev, A. B. Snider, field secretary of tbe Anti-Saloon League cf California, in paaeing through Oregon, will stop at Albany and conduct Bervices at the Con gregational church on Sun lay morning, May otn. at 11 n'ciock. He iiill aleo lec ture at the aame place in the evening at 7:45. Subject of lecture: The Great social fcvu the Americin isragon and how to Destroy It. Mr. John A. Jeffrey, whom the Med- ford Inquirer aava waa the beBt district attorney tbe fir6t district ever bad, and who iB the democratic people's party nominee for this district with Bplendid chances of being elected, is in the city meeting with Albany people. He ia one of the valley's brightest attorneys and since admission has had a very active practice (not in a county superintend en'ts office.) The IrlenJs of -Clarence Hout have been quietly laughing at the outcome of this young gentleman'B plana for getting married without the public knowing of tbe event. He waa to marry MisB Pearl Wilbanks, of this city, and together with tne father ot tbe yonng lady they proceeded to Albany last Wednesday, Imagine tho surprise of Clarence when he had to telegraph back here for a li cense. Finally, everything was straight ened out and the young couple were united in matrimony. The ceremony was performed at the M. E. parsonage, Boutn, Hie Key. w. J. teuton ouiciating Corvallis Union The Institute. -Considerable lntere.-t ii being taken by the Albany teachers and others in the institute to be held across the river tonight and tomorrow morning and alternoon, and it is probable every teacher in the city will attend. This evening the exercises will begin at 7:30 nnd the program will be a miscellaneous one oi music and nudreeseB. tomorrow eveniue Prof. J. G. Gibson will delivor the addioea of welcome instead of .Prof. Ginn asannonnced. The work will he" gin at 10:30, and in the afternoon at 1 o clock with a basket dinner between. Married by a Notary. An odd marriage was Jiscovered ves- terday in searching titles to some Lit n county property that passed from Mr. and Mra. Robert Small. It was learned ibat Mr. Small and Mies S J. Huston were married on May 7, 1879 by J.J. Bear 1 as a No'arv Public. The witness es were John Frumai and J. H. Simmon and the entry of the marriage waa made uy (jeo. rv unamoerialn depjty county clem. It ia declared that this vitiatee the title. We chip drud beef to order in arar quantity. U. . Uhownki.i.. The Coming Show. ,i- . The wonderful e-ccese and growth of Morris s Rowe a Big Trained Animal Hhowa can be traced to the fact that Norm & Kowe have always kept faith with the public and have always bieo on the alert of new a ad novel featurea. bach vear the ehow haa beta imp-oved nd enUrtred. It has been the aim and ambition of Norria & Howe to give the public more for ita money than could eleewbeie ne found, ' This Beaaon tha show comes back donble the size of latt and every act ai.d feature absolute ly new. Thi-i ('.ill be the iarewcll tour of Norm & Kje's shows, at least for some rears to come. They will shortly goto the Pa ie expoeitioo aud thon make a tour of the world. The ehow will ex hibit in this city next Wednesday after noon and night under their enormous a-aterproot tenia wnich will be located centrally. A grnnd free spectacular street carnival and children's hvryland parade will be given at 11 a.m. on the morning of the exbihi ion. Not a deed filed today. Mortgagee or $J103 and $3500. Ohatel morgtgage for $408. License waa issue I loilav for the mar riage of Lewia Schnltz and Misa Tillie Holzapel rrobate: In eatate of Jane Kees, petition for the dietaibutioc of $26,000 was granted. Tuis goes among thirteen heirs lu estate of Uary Peterson, a minor, bond lor $100 filed.. Tonight at Corvallis the O. A. O. la dies basket ball team, who have no been beaten, will olay with tbe fortlanu bjBkot ball team. The game will be the most interesting one of the neason. One of the bicrcest lonir distance ex- curaionB from Albany will be that to the grand lodge I. O. O. F. at Astoria the last ot this month, xnere are already assurances of at least one hundred going. A liner opportunity for an outing has not bom ottered. One of tbe men killed in the awful catastrophe in tbe Bcofield mine, Utah, resulting in tne aeatn oi tnree num-reo miners, was James Keis, a brother ol Fred Reis of thia city. Keia waa fore man of one of the ganga of m'nera an old and experienced miner. Several black base, weighing aa much aa eight or ten pounds, have been cought in the Willamette at and near Una city. They were first rut in tberiver ten years ago, but theBO are the first tver caught at this city. Mr. Georee Landreth is preparing to erect a new building on his recently ac quired realty adtoining lie jjewey. it will be a two8tory structure, the lower part will be used for a barber shop anu bath rooms, and the upper story for dwelling rooms. laquina iNews. A great deal of attention is being paid to Belgian hares. So much that a blue blooded animal awhile ago was sold for $5,000. Among those in this countv in terested Dr. A. J. Hodges haB a fine pen of four hares with good ancestoie. Mr. William Peacock, of Cloverdale leads thia year as in the past. ThiB morning he presented the Democrat man with the flrat box of strawberries of the year, greedily eaten by the man about town. The outlook is good for an excellent crop of these luscious berries. The Lebanon Bank. . From the E. A. : r A meeting of the creditors of tbe Leb anon Banking Oo, waa held at thiv bank tlis morning, at which the mamger Mr. Carty.made tbe following statement : LIABILITIES . . Due depositors $5,246 96 Due other banks d,im zi A88KTU. Stock in Knoxville(Tenn.)bank$3,500 00 Deposilsin Kcoxville bank ',ui oo Real estate nea- Monroe, Or. . . 4.760 00 " ' in Washington 200 00 " " belonging to Mra. Carty, in Washington. ... . 800 00 Overdrafts, unsecured 127 23 Loans and discounts 6.709 05 Notes and judgmoLts. 1,775 35 The assets exceed the liabilities by $11, 828.18, but of course a good part of the assets will not briog their fate value in cash. Tbe bank at Tennessee in which the company baa stock and deposits nae aleo suspended, so tbe valne of the assets at that place can only be gujssed at, Timealone can tell how much the depos itors will realize, J. G. Reed, N. S. DalgleiBh and P. M. 8croggin were selected as a committee to work with Mr. Carty in settling up the affaire of the bank. Base Ball. A meeting of the base ball players of Albany will he held at 7 :30 o'clock tonight in tbe offices of J. J. Whitney for the purpo eol organizing a club. There ia aome excellent material here for a good team. Excursion Rates. Effective May 5th the C. & E. R. R. will place on sale tickets from Albany, Corvallis and Phil omath to Newport and return for $2.60. Good going Saturdays and returning Mondays only. smews mis aiMiis:v QAADE PROF 7ACIH.I VSWKX Sll0 WAI.IIHE Ip ..libi.l'.il.ll.i-IJ.rlli, ..iwto ( i.ii i: in in in,- n i-t -.... r ir,-i;. HL n.p ;i nurf.f't l.1 uri-U 'VV , r and' iii-t-.'.t.M'. v,tflr- ;u ,. mm. l .f f ... sit I ilttl. Vfll fllliWtiiit lUMifik uii ettBiii .Vh.ju Kuril Ii, CMMM, fl t. (!', 12.00 and un, all fmiy '.'r!'if.! Ii r.iir- fl.iiiiir('HilO!tut-. lint for (life fi!(t! Ur.hi I'AMMiT lit iti vnti-t mine m cr odrrrd Uv itttr ht" . -.'-ft OF l?1ITATi'r- 9 & jurcs5f b.:r.-t-... f., ,xy',,,:, . f. . l!'.! Uarui" t, w.i h In. f Jf H fl Y&TH 2.3 rn-nt.. t -,.au U I In rr,tro r (( i.ha trt i rllttliln end n)ii rr .i.o, LwaI C R.JB WifNQ rS - kL I t f.v:::i hv.h rMii Ui rrrc .-:r,-.n J-... - u. c J'fcjVfiarf L ... 7 5- 'S.-. "---. -i" 7Tt--C-!JK- f ' .. Mint Uii.l riiil iirnv 3 mi Itj' 1 2 ' 'fall-VA- iLID 'JARTLT TiUVn OAK W OKK CAUNST!1" t ('. ' ' ' - 'i't- ili.iltj-u -n tU ninjtiinv ' r J ' ' ' i '' -itir(! " ; '' "'-;': l- n-'ulilukeneiil a- r nt!r Ublf, ilml L 1 ' "v'i- i- - V' M''; r"i -i (ill l.n.-tl. (ii 1 an,) hi-nd lii place for - . r V 9 ' ! . "..fc. rM-j .!,.,,,. j,. l, VM fNBI t ve,l, paneled, un . - ' 7 ' 0 ,.' r. V I ' 'te-TjrtrOi, .m-t t, .., -,,. ,t n1ri-C dinner pnlh. n-itii un fnur i V 11 p"'"'"-"iB' I iMM.rmh.iid f Innt lirRe lllajh Ara !i ' r V 54VU l-. ii':.-...vefoiirtii..i,..Ii ..t. . tl.,tiMiM.p vll.rittln? fhmtlr.aut'.mfitlc - " XV, M i' llY.A ' "I"" wiiirter.adjtm.!'-! . ,;,-.c, pdif,trtBir.n lit rator..mprocd lcoee f ' '1 P Evr"! M.fetl. ilJiiiUhli-.niM. ; .-t. i-)jrovof1fh'itll crdr, pntcnt nee'llr-lrfir, " t 'H A I't'it -IriMKU-tr'!. hril 1. t . - .. d-fBr-J rd anmnt pnd bftutKolly " ' -i T.-r.:vri-t:i 'I'"ii"o. CUAftAH1, , rf ''rh-nl ras.lit, moa danhU and .1 ' tiy -if' . . miltilMmuMwiu.!, tr0 t Mlrthicrnl la rorruliMl anil anr Froo If.. - r- --.i'S,'.''.:riW-'A 'nif'.ir-n Jl-j-vk t-II J'ihI liiwi.ny-inecRn mn It and i1; f-tilier plain r any - :..Vr"Vj l hlml'.l Ithcy v.-.r(, A JO.Ynn iit,.'ir f:. r.,-fI wt vllh ewry murhlne. I 'ml yon n - .' i -r .,- unv ill" . i : . .. ,' , ' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Fred Myera is home on a two days vacation. Miea Vida Maaton ia visiting In Salem the gueet of Chief Justice Wolvertoo. Frank Moorhead, a prominent Junc tion man, was in the cicy laet eveniug. Capt. and Mra. Kuhn of the 8. A. are in the city on their way to San Franslsco. Manager Koebler and Superintendent Fields passed through Albany t day in specting the S. P., going from heio to the Oregonian road. Mr and Mrs. B. R. Forbes, of Halsev, Linn county. Or,, arrived on the 12:05 train, yesterday, They are hero for the benefit of Mrs. Forbet,' health. Ashland Tidings. Mr. H. L. Walden, the handsome and erudite G. F, & P. A. at the O. & E., haa the Dkmockat's thanks lor some lovely rhododendrons, now in their glory. Miss Maud Beard yesterday closed her third term of echool in Diet. 2a, betaeen here and Tangent. Public exercises were held. She has given general satisfac tion. R. B. Montague and Assessor Stafford returned nut evening from a trip to Ash land and Medford, two prosperous south ern Oregon towns, with several former Lion county people among their inhabi tants. It has been ceuerallv claimed that O. H. Walker of near tbia cit, ia the oldest native eon of Oregon, but an exchanee alleges that Job, LaUonle of St Paul. Marion county, was born in Astoria in Sept., 1818 He ia now 83 and well. Rev. Lossner of the Lutheran church, who preaches here every other week, waa In tbe city to perform tbe ceremony in the marriacra of Mr. Shultz and Misa Holzapel. Tne ceremony was performed at the reeidence of M r. Brant on Baker treet. Hammond K. Jones, a popular mem ber of I Co., who enlieted at Oregon Oity, ia lying dangerously ill at Spokane, where be haB been working, with the pneumonia without prospecte of recov ery, a laet deeply regretted by his com panions, in Albany. The Baptist eocial at the reeidence of the Miesea Allen laat evenin was a very pleaBant and successful affair. Those attending contributing according to their height . While it was somewhat uneven for a six footer to pay only eiz cents and a man five feet eleven inches to pay sixteen there were no riota and the differences were tather enjoyed. The prize to the men for button hole sewing wai awarded to Dr. Vard Littler, and to tbe women for whittling to Mies Edith Huckleman. Death of R. 0. Simpson.. R. G. Simpaon, ot thia city, died' at Snlem of hemoirage of the brain, today. Konert Gibson Simpson was born July 29, 1825, in New York City. Ho came to Uregon in ltu, locating ai oummii, in Benton county, remaining there about 8 montha, after which ho located in Albany where he nae reeiueu since. Ha waa the oronrietor of Magnolia Steam Laundry until bis failing health compelled him to retire liom active business. He leaves a wife and five children.- John A. Simpson, living at 81 Ivor ton, Arthur L Himpeon, oi Aiuany, oira. Henry Bryant, of Heppner, Mra. G. B.. Smith, of Sioux City, Iowa and Mra. J, , Achenbach, ol Albany . Funeral arrangements will be definite ly arranged later, but It will occur from the late residence of the deceased in this bity Monday afternoon. - - - - AND S00 PACIFIC LINE. - Direct route to and from all H iilen puntaand Europe through theGKANtV EST SCENERY in Amorica. Through first class sleeping and tojris cars from coast to ST PAUL TORONTO MONTREAL BOSTON Without Change. Royal Mall -TO- CHINA, JAPAN and AUSTALIA For full information regarding rate etc apply to S. N. STEELE, H, H. ABBOTT, Albany, Ore. Agent Portland, Oro. E. J. COYLE, A. G. H. A , Vancouver, B. 0. ffl.T.iife 4,cuttlilt anu n r.nmii '"" " , rfUT will fcfa-. al H.6, V,,t fw!tii lIUtDUK l tiirt'ltetf .itr m tin at Hft.i.n tn your frelffi.t -int tlic $10. HO. uro not atl' UHlikU TO-D1X . i uu, Inc.) Chicago. Ill- I r -T '' " ft I atni tn.lnHhlii-ifli(B. ra-nnnr It with