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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1900)
F P. NUTTING, Ed. and Prep. Bn'sred at the PostOfBoeat Albany Jregun, as aeoond olaaa man mailer. People tainted with scrof ula very often develop con sumption. Anemia, running of the ear, scaly eruptions, imperfect digestion, and enlargement and breaking down of the glands of the neck, are some of the more prominent of scrofula symp tomsare forerunners of con sumption. These conditions can be arrested, consumption prevented and health re stored by the early use of Scolt's Emulsion Your doctor will tell you so. At all dnigirists ; soc. and $1.00. SCOTT & UOWNE, Chemist., New York. I FOR RUNT. One of my stores. For particular call at store. J. GiiADtvom,. Foil Sale. A comfortable, well built four room, furnished cottage at Nye (Jroek. LOST, In Albany Sunday alternoon, a blatk Kid clove, of value on.y to the owner, Please return to the Democrat office. FOR SALE. A good farm of 228 acres, 125 acres in cultivation, OTchard, first class buildings and good water, situat ed two miles west ot MillerB Station. For particulars call on the owner at the place. Charles Wetzel. GOW8.--20 milch cows for Bale. Inquire of H: Rryant. GKiND BXGDESION Albany to Astoria To be given by the I. O. O.F. Leaving Albany cn May 21 at 3:10 p, m reaching Astoria at 10:55, the part remaining during the session of th grand lodge 1. 0. 0. F, and bare plenty of time in which to return. ROUP TEIP OHM $31 . Get tickets of the committee or apply to t'liui for particulars. A fine opportunity for a vacation. Over one hundred ate expected to go from this city. J. M. MARTINDALE, J. 0., A.J. 1IODQ UP," A. W. BOWEKSOX, Committee. Mr. GradwohTs Business. I wish to intorm tho general public that 1 have come to tho conclusion that tnv business will he in tho futuro Wholo 8ii lo and Hotail Grocery, and that 1 will not add liquors or patent medicine as I intended to do, but 1 will keep on selling all my goods nc reduced prices for net cash. I also call tlifl attention of tho gonoral public and all my customors to tho coffee I offer for less prico for net cash, the same as 1 sold for fo:mr pricosas stated. Mocha and Java coffee :)0c per lb reg ular prico 40o. My lavorite coffee 15c per lb., regular prico 25c. 3 cans Finest Tomatoes 25c. I duairo to buy some eggs either in trade or cash. Sugar wholesale and retail prico sub ject to tho change of the market. Albany, Or., April 10, UIOO. IJULIUSGRADWOHL. Buy your Hardware and Tinware Garden and' Grass Seeds OK Ohling & Hulburt. CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that funds are on hand to pay city warrants Nos. 1 to 87 inclusive of the issue ol 1899. Inter eat on said warrants will cease witb the dale of this notice. Albany, Or., Dec. 2", 1899. A, E. I'AHKiH, City Treasurer, Scrofula and Consumption The Facts. Editor Democrat : In accordance witb tbe u-mal Uct c' o! tbe republican party, It is trying to appeal to the prejudice of the voters, and more especially to tbe members of the peoples party, by asserting that' our candidate for congress in your district, is a national banker and that he is but a recent convert to the position advocated by our party on tbe money question. As this does him great injustice, I deem it my duty as chairman o! the peoples party state committee, is well us my duty as a cituen ol ibtt state who is la miliar with alltbe facts referred to, to set tbe people right on this quest'On, In the first plate, Senator Daly has no interest whatever in any national bank although il is true that he has come in terest in a private bank in bis own town. Ibis bank has never mistreated tbe peo pie in any way, so far as I can learn, and bae never foreclosed a mortgage or sued anybody. He is interested in this buinesB in the same way as any - other citizen might engage in any lawful un dertaking To contend that there is any doubt ae to h'enator Daly's views on tbe money question being in haimcny witb the principles of our Union state plattoiwi does bim great injuetice. I have been personally acquainted with him during the past eight years, and eeived w'th bim in our etate legislature for six years. During that time often conversed with bim on the subject, and always found bim in harmony witb us on the finan cial queet'ons before the country. In the session of 1803 Senator Daly voted with us for a resolution instructing our candidates to vote and work for tbe free and unlimitedlcoinage of silver, and in every session following, in which be served as a member bis record bas been clearly In harmony w'th us on the finan cial question. I would also add that on all occasions during bis services in tbe legislature, be proved himself to be an bonest worker in tbe interest of economy and tbe general welfare of tbe people of tbe state. He is author of the nill abol' iehing the railway commission, and en deavored to ii ulir useless com missions of the stale. In 1893, be in troduced and secured the passage of Itlie Homestead Exemption law which bas saved tbe homes of many of our beBt clt izenp. During my persona! acquaintance with bim for tbe past eight years, I must say that as acitissen, and honorable gen tleman, I have always found Senator Daly not excelled by any man in tbe state. I trust therelore 'bat every per son in tli ie district, wbo may be opposed to tbe policy of tbe McKinley rdminie tration, and who favor the election of representatives to congrers, in the inter est of the people, will stand Arm and work enthusiastically for bis election. Yours vory respectfully, Will R. Kino, Chairman Peoples l'arty Slate Cen. Com. Inheritance taxes planned to bear inoBt heavily on large foi tunes, are increasing in favor, and il tbe Supreme Court sue tains the tax of this character imposed by tbe war revenuo act, it is probable that a large part of the government's in come in the future will bo derived from the enormous fortunes of our millionaires. It is undoubtedly proper that huge eo tutes should pay to the government in some proportion to the values that tbe government protects lor them. H, II, Rogers of the Standard Oii Com puiy, is said to have aunounced to the Daulsh government that 2G United States Senators stood ready to vote as the Company deeirud, and to have offered to lobby through the purchase of the Dan ish West Indies for ten per cent of tbe proceeds. Thisissta'ed in an official report made to the Danish government by its spscial agent in tho matter. The worst of the whole buainesi is that Mt, Rogers' alleged statement is probably coriect, 1 . Serretary Root wants to fight and kill eomobody anybody. He shakos bis fist and waves the star spangled banner and dares "aomebody'' to violate the Monroe doctrine. If it wasn't eloct on year, tho country might be seriously alarmed, but the McKinley tactics of "glorious diplo macy" and 1 aggression towards all" are too well known to fool the people much $100 Reward SJ100. The readers of this paper nill be Sleaed to learn that there ie at least one reeled disease that science has been able to cure in all its stngos, and that ie Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive cure known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a eonstitu tional disease, requiros a constitutional 'rea ment. Ball's t atarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of the disease, and giving the patient etrength by buildiug up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The pr. motors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for litt of testimonials. Address, K J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold hi druggists, 75c, Hall's Family I'll Is are tbe best. Oloctino Rates. Weekly Dsmocrat nd Examiner $2.50 and Thrico-n-week World $2.00; and Republio $1.76: and Orogonlan $2.25 and San Francisco Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly Jounal 2.00 Wm. Scbulmetich, the Democratic' People's nominee for Dairy and Food Commissioner, is a resident of Washing' ton Counts, wbere be lias been engaged in the dairv business for a nuiuber of joars, conducting one of the largest and inoBl euscessful dairies in that section ol ike He was born in Eldorado Counly Oal., and is a German. With his parents, be came to Oregon in 1875. wben be was 14 years of age. Notwithstanding lie 'was bom in this country, be speaks ihr Geiuian language, anJ is the only nom inee on the Stale Tickets ho is a Qei" man. Mr. Sc'-ulmerleh has made a finan cial success of the d.iiry business when otbeie Lave failed. He has done this because be bas made a thorough study of the business. He has done much to advance the interests of tbe otate Dalrj Association in a practical way, and bas been very active in bringing to pnblic notice all efforts of adulteration iu tbe Dairy lin?. He is at present tbe Vice-President ol the State Association, and has a large acquaintance with state dairymen, all of whom recognize his fitness and capabil ity to properly administer the duliea of the office lo which be aspires. . , - Tbe Herald says opposition to its tick et in this couDly, has no declaied policy or principles. Not quite bo bad. Tbe opposition hss some very decided prin ciples, among others a progressive but econoin'cal government that will keep the county out of debt and give it the lowest levy In the state. In state affair0 the representatives are in favor of build ing up ihe etate, not witb grafts, but with needed improvements, and nation ally the placing of the power . In tbe hands of the people as much as possible and keeping it out of tbe trusts, in the building up of the country we have al ready , and not in aa agressive war fare to se:ure the territory of a people that can never be assimilated, the op position ia opposed to government by trnet with the finances in tbe bands ' of the banks, and is in favor of continuing to do businees under the constitution aid to hold dear the declaration of in dependence, among other things. The republicans have plenty of prii.ciplee, extravagant government for the benefit of tbe office holders, high tax on the uor uiuua purcuases, a comrae'eu cu: rency.expaneion by aggressive warfare, taxing cilizns of the United SiateB un der the flag without representation, rtc. DREAMERS. "There's nothing half so sweet in life as love's young dream." The old song is right. Lovers are dreamers. They create a special world in which tiay live immune from the hurts and ill! which vex common humanity. In their esti mate or nousenoia r expenses there's no place for doctor. And very often when the I dream ' dissolves! they find that the I doctor's bill, the I one tning tney I aiuirt count on, is now the one I thing that's regular as rent and taxes. And many times it is money wasted. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescrip tion will do for a woman and her womanly ills, practically every thing that can be done by any doc tor or medicine. It regulates the periods, dries de bilitating drains and cures Inflam mation, ulceration and female weakness. It makes childbirth easy, and thousands of nursing mothers have testified to its tonic and strength giving properties. It contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine or other narcotic. Mrs. Annlt Blacker, of 629 Catherine Street. Syracuse, N. Y., writes: "Your medicines have done wonders for me. For yenrs my heallh was very poor. I had four miscarriages, hut since taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription aud Golden Medical Discovery ' I have much better bealth, aud now 1 have a fine, healthy baby." P'rce. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent, stamps, to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This and 'Hint French the jeweler. Will & Stark, jowe'ers. Smiley's Clean Printing. Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter's, Dr. J. II. Erskine is now in the Foster 1 Block, 2nd story. For sale, good enrpeting, 33 cents nor yard, by T. 8. Alciunder, east cnu 01 8th street. Go to Verick's Bhaving and hair cut ting parlors for first class work. Hot and coM baths. Clean towels to every i) ait. Ejci'R8ioN Rates. Effective May 6th the O. & E. R. R. will place on sale tickets from Albany, Corvallis and Phil omath to Newport "and return for $2.60. tiood going Saturdays and returning Mondays only. 00 treatment at the Albany Pressed Beef Company's market, just djwn Second treat, tinod weight and prompt attend on. Wall paper the latest designs and shades. Look our lino over beforo buy ing elsewhere. Wo save you money. lU'llKHAHT A Lug. - now Are our Klda.vt t Pr. Hobta'Sr-am,, ,s Pill. cim all kl,1ny 111. 9&ia le f re. Add. Sierlkn IteiuwLT Co., Cblcao or N. Y. 1 mil 111 1 .vrfwfchvM.rv; gjU ... w- w..,. MILLa DIFFER WIDELY from each other. They are known by their Hour. Wa are very particular about tbe quality of tbe wheat we buy for grinding. Our brand is famous lo its gusta)iiingar.d uniform excellence. Gro cers v bo sell it never fail to boom cheir business. Wheat can't be convett ed into enyihing better than our Magno lia, it is worth ts price. 70 cents per sack. Magnolia Mills. NEW STORE A new line ol G'ocenea and Provisions, etc., r, cen'ly ope: ed at former Miltoy s and corner 2nd & Jackson. Alartet price for country produce. General delivery for city. Telephone 132. You's patron age is respectfully solicied. C. J. A. ROT AN HAS JUST OPENED A' FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING STORE Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon. and invites the 'pub'ic to call acd examine goods and 7rices before purchasing elBewhoie. I furnish hearse free to those purchasing und.rtaring gocds from me. Telephone, Black No. 401. "TWO SOULS ITH BUT A SINGLE THOUGHT" and that 1 lioutlit, alter full consider tion, was that it would in every way, be to their advantage, to trade with F. E. Allen & Co. became they alwayB have the fat of tub land in fine eatables of all kinds.' We have mild California Cheese and the celebrated Woodland Cheese and wo pride ourselves on the test Coffee in .he cilv. Just opened up a line lot of Eastern Hsme ard Breaskfnst Bacon. See our shoiv window for Dried Fruits ! and Table delicacies. In short we are prepared to furnish yon the best goods to be had at Reasonable Prices. - F. E. ALLEN & CO. Try Parker Bros. For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. Well Pleased describes the feelings of Ihore who are using our uew Wall I'apeis. We s;iine in our patterns and moderate price i. The largest assortment of new designs . Beau' tiful re is, greens aud lonooii smokes Buperb combiniiioi.B, cha. ruing and graceful. ALBANY FURNITURE CO .Uasunic Temple Bulletin j AT ALBANY, C. PARKER. SPRINGTIME PLEASURES for health and enjoyment are sure to be Eought on a good bicycle, and there Ib none that can beat tiie 1900 Crescent or Sterling wheels. Many follow but none lead tile Crescent or Sterling wheels any where. They are always ahead and maintain their superiorly over any on the market. Careful, honest and skilled construction and speed is the secret of its success. We have them at $20.00 to $50 00. HOPKINS BROS. M mi. :iiW,J I 1 .11 LOU ,1 in Q ,5V , if 1 1 H.J va 1 n 1 1? ; t v. -t 1 3ffiftlM LI A ass? 4?r The Best Photographs In Albany by the Long Photo Jo., In Fromaii Bi 'ck, The leading gallery of Aloany. Ihe onlv-up-to-date first class studio in town. AH wotk to uiease, ' MAKIE LONG Prop LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMP Albany Oregon- . Office! Bank of Oregon Building. Only sec of Abstracts of Linn County '.'omplete set of maps cni plats Littler & Littler DESTIsTu Broadalbin St., Albany, Or. o. Collins D D 3 A. Jack Hodges DDB nnu,Ns & nnnnps Dentists. . tfdd Ffd.n-jv'fl Tdmnla All,an f. That Tooth needs attention! Remember it can be filled or extracted without- Daiu DR. ADAMS. DR. J. L. HILL, Thysician cid Surgeon Hill Block - Albany, Or. Stanley Stewart, bigycTeTepairing, AND LIGHT MACHINE WORK LJVOKK GTJAEANTEED. To the Music LovingPublic. o Those contemrjlatinw fntinOr- lin th study of muslo will find it to their intei fSt t0.1P,veBtlgate the advantages offered voiiege. ina lollowina branches are taught: . . -X'nrnir tt a wr n-or -vt VTflT TH HTTim T 7 W . it.. CORNET HARMONY, ULli" COUNTERPOINT, COMPOSITIO and HISTORY OF MUSIO. Mr. Wirtz, Musical Director. Ib a ornri uate of the Chicago Conservatory of Mu sic, and has studied Aitli such artists as Seeboeck, Ziegfeldt, Koelling, Falk, Gar wood, Raff, and the late Dr. Karl Merz These men are masters in their respect ive departments and musicians of world wide fame. Mrs. Wirtz instructor in vocal music, 19 a pupil of Mr. William Nelson Burritt who is known to be one of the best voice teachers in America today. Mr. Burritt muuicu cigu. ysars in Italy and severs.' years in London. The methods used in Albany College Conservatory are the latest and most ap proved, being the combined result of superior instruction received .experience, and the acquaintance with the methods of our eastern conservatories. . Tuition reasonable. Pupils may'entei at any time. Fall term opens Sept: 19, 1899. tor further information call on or ad. dreBs Pressident Wallace Howe Lbb. THE K. O. T. M. ty Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. 11. Visiting Knights invited. 0. S. HARNISH, Commander. MODE H N WOODMEN OF AMEUOA vu,p ao. 0403 meet everv second and fourth Saturdays of each month in theG. A. R, hall. Visiting members are invited. C. G. Borkuart, V. C, E R Huston clerk. M. Senders & Co, Hay and Oat WarehnnRRs- Eevtnft and Railroad Stieets. t!cd hay. will bnv nn, n. . : -' qnacity at top market prity . SACKBFURNISfW.. K,,.te bought in car lota at any shin .ping point. J ""V M. SENDERS & CO. Insurance, Hay, Grain snd WW , H. F. HeTrnT INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT -A Collections promplly attended tn m,. espondence solicited. Office in sat building.