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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1900)
n Albany VOL XXXV ALBANY, QRKGON, FRIDAY. MAY 4, 1900 NO 15L Democrat Pasbios Play. "For the re'igiously Incliued it will be a ileairable opportun ity to witness almost to tbe life one of these niarvelouely iote'ligect perform ances of tbe European peasants." The Boston Traveler "Tilt presentation is a mo6t interest ing one and is evidentlv auracting con eideiable attention in religious circles in Boston, for noticeable in last evening's audience were many well-known clergy men." Boston Journal. At the Armory May 3 aud 4, Striotlv uusineji Frencb the jeweler. Will k Jtark, jowe'ere. Go to Verick's jsbaving and hair cut ting parlors for Erst class work. Hot and col-i baths. Clean towels to every TEtFGRAPHIC Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ,.iCANses the Jystem HAB,TUALCiHSTI''ATON I UMU DPnuAKIFKITIV ThOVar Situa.ion. London, April 28. In Commandant General Botha tlis Boers appear to have found a capable enccesBor to Joubert. As the result of uis insigli and quick de cision it may lu assumed now 'that the retreating btnunandoa have gotten safe ly away with the taansport. The position is that the Boers who be gan their raid a montn ago by compell ing Colonel Hroadwood to retire on Bio emfonttia havo now gotten safely Jaway to the northward, practically without the advantage of the advantage of seven British guns together with a hundred prisoners captured.; An Awful Fne. . Ottawa, Ont., April 27. Over five squarejmiles of territory burned over, more than 2000 buildings destroyed 7 Hve9 lost, 7000 men, women and chill ren homeless and a property loss of $17 000,000 according to the latest estimate, insured for half its value are tin results as viewed tonight of the destruction which swept this city and Hull yester day and today. Where He Belongs. Leavkkwouth, April 27. Oberlin M. Carter, late Captain, U. S. :A., arrived at the Federal Prison here this evening, under guard of Lieutenant Thomas tin ker, Fifteenth Infantry, a Corporal and 3 Boldiers. By special orders iseued from cue Department of Justice newspaper men were nr-t permitted to interview the prisoner. San Francisco ("ivillzalion. San Fkancisco, April 27. Al Ne'll, of San Francisco knocked out Tim Murphy champion middle-weight of Australia, in the eleventh round of what was to have been a 20-round bout. Neill Bhowed better generalship, was the quickt-r and outclassed Murphy at almost every point. Fiital Cloud Burst. Waco, Tex., April 2". A' clounburst accompanied by a high wind, descended upon this city at noon and the result is that eiget people arc knowd to have per- luueu ju me city iiuiiib ami property val ued at many thousand dollars has been destroyed. First 2nd Or. tension. Wyshington. Anril 27 Rerj. Moody has secured a small pension for Jabob (J Bins, ol The Dalles. Bins, through ac cident, lost the use of one leg when en rontj for Manila. This is the first pen sion to a member of the Second Oregon Volunteer. JI0ME.AND ABROAD. The annual conductors excursion will be given on Sunday, May 28, frm Salem to the Dalles. The tiain will leave Salem at 6 :30 a. m, Bound trip $1. Frank Jone, a high diver, is through the valley making high dives from t ridg es. He dove from the bridge at Oregon City, and tomorrow will go off the bridge at Eugene. The wa'er under the Albany bridge is too low frtbie kind of busi ness. Lewis J. Gorden advance agent for the Passion play, who was in Albany this week was manager for W J. Bryan in his lecture course, just previous to his nomination for president in 1896. He lost his job then, but he likes Biyan just as well as ever. In the probate court two potitions for lotters of administration lor the John T. Slate estate, have been filed. Porter Slatu petitons for his appointment as ad ministrator, and Laura G. Vernon aBks for the appointment of G. O. Vernon u grnnusjn. Oorvallis limes. Judze Stewart, of Lincoln county, for merlv editor of the Toledo Daoer. has moved upon a farm across the river and win make larming a business as eoon as he retires from office in July He Is not a candidate for re-election. The Southern Pacific began the treat ment of ties by the creosote process in 1805 and are keeping an accurate ac count of the renewals, in order to be able to judje ot the efficacy of their pre servative. The year is marked on the end of each tie. Theaverage life of a : A Roaring Mill. From the Santiam News: Word has been received in this city that the sawmill and flume Bpoken of in last issue will be nnder way within a short time . We Bpoke of a gentleman be ing here from the east looking over the ground with a view to starting a saw mill. ThiB gentleman was E. Rowe, of the firm of Miller & Rowe, of Portland, and is from Maine, where he has been engaged in the limbering business for many years past. . His vieitheru was to look over tbe timber on upper itoaring rive', and af ter spending a couple of days in the woods returned to Portland to consult with other interested parties before de ciding finally upon a plan of action. In conversation with Mr. Rowe we were made to understand that if all thipgs could be satisfactorily arranged be would have a mill in operation in the timber about 'the headwaters of Roaring rivet within three montns, and would immed iately begin the work of building a lum ber flume from the mill to Scio, lor the transportation of the product of bis mill to this city, where it woaid be shipped to other and larger markets. He says that the timber in that section bb fine as any he has seen cn the coost. and Is worth a good round sum of money. He added that the natural advantages for operating mills and getting the lnmber out of the woods and on the market could not be excelled. With tbe flume to this city a large amount of lumber can he brought out at a very low coat, and all To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxativu Bkoho Quinink Tab let!. All druggists lefnni the mjney if fails to oure, E. W. Shove's signature on eich biz. 25o. Ur H H Hadsn, humjit. Ala. savB, "I think Kodol Dyspepiia Oure a Bplendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my confid ence in it grows with contluued use." It diges'-s what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. For vale by Foshay & Manon. LaHripr with its aftereffects, annually Jetlroys tuoucands oi people. It may be luicky cured by One Minute Cough Cure, tlieonly remedy that pmdu"es immediate results in couplis, colds, criup, broncuitif, pnemnouia and throat and lung troubles, t will prevent consumption. For sale by Foul ay & Mason. Canned Asparagrus At 0 E Bbownkl Don't Tolmcro Silt aim tininke Tonr life Amy To quit tobacco easily ami forever, be mag netic, full of Jifo, nervo ami vltfor, take No-To-Baa, tlie rnmler-worltcr, ttiut makes neak men strong. All druuRists, HOC or SI. Curegaaraa teed. Booklet unit sample froe. Addresft Sterling lteuiedy Co.. Cliicaso ix New Yore Rilurnte Your llmr-ta With C'aaearflts. Cilmly Cntlmrtlp, cure constipation forever. 2,)c If u. C. C fall. nrujLtsisi'ofi'nd money. tie is from 4 to 6 year in the Willamette the cord wood and shing'e timber in that valley. Here in Southern Oregon ties last at least two years longer, biing due to tne decrease in humidity. Alter tour years the life of a tie is largely exhaust ed, and releases the spikes, while the tire may be good for often two years m ore service, helore becoming too soft for track purposes. section could also be laid down at the railroad in tnU city nt figures that would amount to but little on a cord of wood or a thousand singles. Giant Mush 3 lbs. for lOcts., is very fine O. E. Brownkll PERMANENTLY ,T5BtNEr.C.AlEfFECT5- Buy THE. 66MWINE - MANT O By rOBSAUBYMtORUtSttT!, FRltt Mb meflTUL Register now. Drn't wait until the 15th of May. When it will be too late. four room, furnished cottage at Nye He Dl!8 purchased a little Creek. - pounds. Scio. From the News : j" A. J. Johnson left Monday forHouth ern Oregon, on an official inspection of the national banks in that part of tbe state. Fred Flicklin was over from Albany Tuesday, visiting with his numerous relatives and friends. Dr. Richardson, of Salem, was in Scio Sunday, visiting bis brother W. W. Richardson, who is quite ill, at bis home in this city. I Dr. J. i,. Hill and bis son were in Scio Wednesday assisting in the operation ! periormea upon Mrs. e . 1. Jones. Aloert Cole began work on the S. P. trnin n a atnriait antt if ha D,,nnn.! : mastering '.heart of coupling cars he will doubtless soon be afull flezed brakeman. Rosa E. Hibler this week paid out ty,uiiu ior mona r, ana tne greater part ot it, weui, iu tne farmers in tn'S locantv. over 15,000 No-To-Pao for Firty Cento. Guaranteed tobacco babit oure, mauw wenrr men atrong, blood pure. Wo. SI. A.M druggists, CONSTIPATION '"I have gone 14 dayr at a time without a. movement or the bowulii not bolng ablo to move them ozcopt by using hot water Injection. CuroniacoustlputiouforBovenyoarB plaocd me Id tblstorrlblo condition; during that tlmo I did ot erythlngi heard of butnovor found any relief; such wtti. my case until 1 began using CA&CAHKTS. I now have from one to threo paBsofies a day. and If 1 was rich I would giro 5100.00 for each movomenti If. Is such a relief." aylmeh L. Hunt, 1(139 Russell St.. Uetrolt, Mloh. CANDY I CATHARTIC 4 Tf ADI MAflH DBOWmiD Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Qood, Never Slalten, .W eaken, or Qrlpe. loo, 8UC wo. . i.. CURE CONSTIPATION. .. BUrlbg Kmidf Ompur, CblMfo. Ho.lMif, H.w f rk. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his por 71 jj&3tyj-- sonal sunervision since its infancy.' iaryy, -tZicuMi Allow no ftno to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations anal Substitutes are but Ex-' pertinents that triflo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against E.vperiniout.j1 What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Caster Oil, Paregoric, Drops' and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevorishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTO R I Al always 1 Bears the Signature of 5 The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. I COMPANY, TT MUHHAV STREET, NEW YORK OITV. IH awson s drug store Has moved to First Street, next to the Bank, ALBANY, OREGON. $ 50 Bulb Syringeslreduced to $ 45 75 " " " 67 ioo " " " " 89 1 25 ' 4 4 44 44 1 13 150 44 44 44 44 135 Our $1 75 Special Red Rubber re duced to $1 45. 1 25 44 44 1 13 150 44 44 44 135 2 00 44 44 " 1 75 Our Soecial Rnid Flow fnr the best Syringe in the market. Best, Cheapest and Handiest Dru Store in Albany All our goods asjguaranteed or money refunded. ' Great reduction duringJApril