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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
"S ITa. ir '? jJV ml 1i ,i, Ut. Ull b It Ml! rp-K0 ? f ul? J" I'T-i,' .' i. n II i' Si fi ' J J k i" i 1 ih CGOSBAY WILL BE REMEMBERED t . " ' ' ' Prompt Action by the Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce (From Fridny's Dally.) Below Is given eomo telegraphic cor respondence between tho Coo? Bay Chamber of Commerce and the Oicgon delegation in congress. Nothing could mora clearly illustrate tho (act that eternal vigilance is the grico of other things, as well as liberty. Cooa Bav was Blmply left, out, and "would have stayed left oat. bat (or this energetic actiou on the part of the Oooa Slay Chamber of Commerce, 1 The delegation could not be expected to break tlulr neckt hustling for Coos Bay if we of Cooa Bay did not take interest enough in tho matter to make ourselves heard. The Chamber of Com merce provides a way in which to make oor wanta known in en unmlslabc ablo way, and the good results are not ion? delayed. Whatever recognition Cooa Bay may (Jet from thla congreea ia clearly to be credited to the Cooa Bay Chamber of Commerce. The telegram i are at follows: Marahfield Ore, April 19. 100. lion. John H. Mitchell, U. S. Senate, ' 'Washington, D. J. " Is Coos Bay provided for In .emergency bill in connection with survey and csti tnate for Inner harbor Improvement re ferred to in letter December eighteenth. Matter of greatest importance. L.J. SiMraox, Pres. oi Cooa Bay Chamber of Com. (Bame to Sen. Fulton & Rep Hermann) Marihfleld, Apr. 19, 1904 J. D. Spreckles k Broa. Co. ' 326 Market St. , ' San Francisco, l Telegraph your Delegation .to assist Oregon Delegation to secure appropria tion for estimate and aurvey for Im provement inner harbor'of Coos Bay. Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce. (Same to 0 0 & N Co San Francisco.) n Wash. D C Apr, 20, 1901. L. J. SImpeon, l'rea Cooa Bay Chamber ql Commerce North Bend, Ore.' , I have amendment prepared in record a'uee with letter December 18th which I will offer to River and Harbor Bill when reached. It will be taken up pre haps tomorrow. Hope to be able to se cure its insertion. Joint U. Mitchell. Wash. Apr. 20, 1001. L. J. Simpson, North Bend, Ore, Cooa Bay Harbor Survey amendment pending, Hope tomorrow Senate will j adopt. ' B. Hxumanv. r . Wash. D. O. Apr. 20, 1904. L. J. SitnpEon, l'res. Cooa Bay Chamber Commerce. Marshfleld, Ore. The Bill contains no provision for aurvey and ettimatu inner harbor that wo have already prepared and offered 'and will endeavor to recur o the adop tion of au amendment providing therefor " ' C. W. Fulto.., Waeh. D. C. Apr. 21, 1004. Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce, Marshfleld, Ore. Amendment providing for survey of Coos Bay. Bay Harbor as requested was adopted today. C. W. Fowif. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front and Jl Streets, MARSHFIELD, :: OREGON JOHN SNYDER, PROPR. ' I msrm rc.T.'j "W-HI8 WELL-KNOWM AND FAVORITE t HOTBI iOIIClia imui oi puoiic pw t OBee. New beds and tpring mattrciiei, - reom of this houta Mil l.hft trouble nor, ex. tielrprdt'0 kepvrythlBf In nrit-tUM i&tfc -WIJM1. . - i BoVd and Lodging, par weei J5 00 v,.100 OttftomMli ,te zoo FOR IMPROVED MAIL SERVICE Chance Coop Bay to Help Itself Se cure That Boon (From Saturday's Dlty.) Pottrunster Curtis has received from 0,1'. Bernard, contractor on the mail route to Koroburg, a copy fcf a letter acnt to the Second Assistant PostmarlT General, making some suggestions aa to Improvement of tho iirvlco; also a letter to Hon. Binger Hermann, asking his co-opcratiou in the matter. Tho teltera are as follows: (Lsttkhs) Roseburg, Oreg,in, April 18, HK1. Second Assistant Post-Master General, ashington, D. C. Dear Sir: 1 have just returned from Marshfleld, Oregon, and find that the residents of that town and vicinity ate very anxious for a 21-hour mall- aervico throughout the entiro year and that Marshfleld be made the end of route No. 73357, aa it should be. In making the trip o Marahfield, the last ten miles of the route ia made in a small gasoline launch ; from Marrli field to Kmblre the mail ia carried with a cart or, on a taddlo horre and although the mail delivered seldom weighs 10 pounds, I am obliged to pay f&O.OO per month to a man for carrying this nail six miles and return. Tho regular boat runs between Marshfleld, North Bend, and Empiro making two trips per day. If Marshfleld were mado the end of the route the mail to Empire could be "de livered on this boat civing a twlco-a-day mail tervice. Empiru is practically a dead town and receives but very little mail. Tho County G art of Coos County and myclf have been planking about five mlbss o! the worst portion of the road which enables us to make a trip in 13 minutM which formorly consumed threo hoars at this time of the year. If Marshfleld was mado the end of this route and tho pay was increased soffifienOr to justify me in going to the expense of fixing tho road in somo of tho worst places and purchasing extra stock to enable me to make better timo, I could have things so arranged by Juno 1st, 1001, as to enable me to give a 21 hour tervice throughout tho entiro year. In making Marshfleld the'end of thia route, I wonld also ask that wo leave Jfarrbfiel.latiliOOa. m. a this would enable na to make the trip over the mountain in day light and get over tho worst of the road and tho heavier grades before dark. This would save a geat deal of the risk of horses being forced over tie grades and losing the mail or having it dumped in the crek. In addition it would mean a saving of 12 hours ia tho delivery of mail an we could then deliver tho mail in Ro'ebar.; so that It could he forwarded from here, at 10:10 a. m. instead of ll:!5 p. m. as I at prttent. Trnttlnc'vou a 111 t-U-n thla mut- ter your early consideration. I am Very truly yours. ' Stcn A II. C. V. Baknahd. Roiehorg, Oregon, April 18. 1001. Hor. Herman, ;M. C, Washington. D. C. Dear Sir: I will cnclorecopy of letter tent to tho Stcond Assistant I'ostmacter General. The people of Marahfield are very nnx loot for the change. Whatever you can do will bo greatly appreciated by ttie people there and myself, "ours respectfully. C. P. Bah.vaku. 7 his matter wan. brought before the Marchfleld Chamber of Commerce Thurs day everrjng, and this body will take ac tive tteps to help along propojed change. The Cooe Bay Chamber ' of Commerce will aUo doubtless add its Influence, and the Coos County Push Club and town organizitioucould te of material assifitancc. Mr., Barnard 'o letter, nliilo It eome wliHt urideroetimutes the amount of, mall goiwMo IJmpire, puta tho facts very concisely, and the chniifu ho pro DOtCB Is directly fu lino with tho in terests and desires of this community. The prqnt mail Bcrvice has been ou'grovrn, ami we are certainly entitled u sonuthiog better, Tliero ia no good reasou why a letter mailed in Marh field Afonday evening should not got past Roneburg before 11:45 p. m. Wednesday moio than 48 hours, Ono 'of Tlfaiu uIa ho a vrar exnort?" HW,eli,u.hr8l.omJof tho 18,00,000 peo Plo ,vho kh?W juat SSgjw in the ar toaducted.VCblca- to JjTentug Pot Late General News Madrid, Apr. 22 During a bull fight Thursday, two bulls dltembonoled tour tighter, mortally Injuring thorn. Tho fight was auspeuded, and the spectators fled terrified. Berlin, Apr, 22 Tho Kolenischo Hol tung assorts that nn American Mission ary ami his Eervant, whoto names aro not obtainable, have been Imurdered n:r.r ltutuinh, uorth-weatom Persia, by a Persian moslem. Tho American minister at Teheran demanded tho arrest and punlshmont of tho murderer, but tho authorities rsfused to tako tiny steps. Salt Lake, April 22 Iu response to an appeal from tho author Itioa oi Caroon county, for troops to avort threatened bloodshed in tho enforcement of quaran tine regulations for the control of small pox among Italian coal strikers, Gover nor Wells today sent Goneral Cannon, of tho National Guard, and Dr. Beatty, of the Board of Health, to help investi gate. No action will be taken, ponding thoir report. The Italians are all armed and threat en trouble Jn tho camps of tho Utuh Fuel Company, Washington, Apr. 22 Asked if he had had occasion to refuse any appli cants for naturalization because of their allegiance to tho church authorities witness said ho had In mind one care in particular, that of Niel 8. Hanson a mormon. Witnoss questioned him, In the event that tho rules of tho church and tho wishes of the church authori ties should run countor and in conflict with the laws of the Uultcd States, as to which he would obey. Haneon re plied, 'the church." So the Judgo de clined to give him citizenship. Questioned ai to tho influence of thr Mormon church in stato politics, thr witness said tho officers took part, and maiea0 bones in speaking In their ec- ciesiaiuc capacity. Salt Lake. Anr. 22 Frank Rose, the wife murderer, was executed thla morn ing. He received four buildts in tho re gion of the heart. To ihe latt, he was indifferent and cal loused. He begged to bo allowed to walk unaided with his eyes uncovered t ' the fatal chalr.and objected to being strapped. Hio withes were not com plied with. From the time he left hie cull until four bullets were lodged in the region of his heart was baroly 2 minutes. Ro-o shot his wife on ' Christmas day In hertbedt.aud left tbn body, with a throe year old baby, locked in a- room' for tvro days. The pollco broko tho door and found tho child nearly dead and cuddled by tho dead mother, Roeo boaetod of the crime, and maintained that he wanted tpdie. ' Boat Couejh Mcdlclno i Children for Whnn you buy a cough medicine for small children you want one In which you cau place implicit confidence, You want ono that not only relieves but cured. You want one that is unques tionably harmloes. You want one that is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meota nil of these con ditions. There is nothing eo good for the cuuuhs and coldb incident to child hood. It is also a certain preventive BJiuciiM .ipr.roup. .arm., t iir r0 ,m no cum .fnr..crouD. .and., turn - & J WhZlT2?X man'y CpttIomlcs oi that disease, with l..-' ..Mi:i'.lflAl?A.t'-.,Z.. , j perfect success, For sale by Jno Preuss, Parle, Apr, 23 Resolutions ratifying tho said oftho Panama canal was passed at a meotng of tho French company today, Washington. April 23-Post Office at torney general hits decided that tho bus iness of receiving beta on tho races Is o violation of tho law prohibiting lotteries and games of chance. London, April 23 Henry Shtor, head of tho largest prlvato detoctlvo agency In England, arid four usslstauta havo been arrested on a' chargo of procuring falsa evldenco to permit n woman client to obtain ml ivorco. Pullman. Wn.. April 23 Homor Dav euport emphatically denies tho alleged tntcrviow ecut out from Spokano by the Spokesmen Review, in which ho was quoted aa comparing Honrst'a boom to tho blister on a man's hand. Paris. Apr. 23 A dispatch from St Poteiabnrg stato that tho Japaneio losses in tho reported engagement at tho Yolu river numbered seven thousand. Information contnlncd In a rulvato message from Port Arthur la said to confirm tho rumors of abattlo In that region. Berlin, April 23 The Frankfortor Zeitung reports that tho Russian Coun cil of Ministers, consisting old coniorva live atatosman, have demanded a limi ted form of popular government for Rus sia. Minlsterof tho Intorlor Plehlvo is said to havo agreed to their domandi to a degree. St. Louis, Apr, 23 F, Seymour Bar rington was today sentenced to hang Juno Mlh, for tho murder of turfman J. J. McCann. St Louis. Apr23 Application for slay has been granted and the court fixed July 23d, for the Harrington execution. Sigournoy, Iowa, Apr. 23 In pro nouncing sentence against Rev. I. B, Talor, who pleaded guilty of bigamy, ,tho court said it imposed four years, ono less than tho maximum, becauso tho 'felon in tho ministerial calljng nhould bo held to atricter account than others. Taylor bughed end remarked, "I'm glad iu over." Ho is a handsomo young evangelist. ' ' Washington, April 23 Wm. It. Hoarit today followed his testimony of yosterday by filing with the Attorney General a bill of complaint ngalnot tho anthracite roads and mining companies, alleging violation of thff Sherman antl trust law, and praying that tho United States take action to restrain further .violation, .Hearst gooa fully into tho, history of tl9 alleged combination, which ho states was for the purpoao of stifling compo tltlon, and avers that tho devlco of a holding company is illegal. Nowark N. J. Apr. 23 Threo firemen woro killed and twoitty injured in an explosion, in tho factory of -the We'ner company, saddlery and lmrdwaro manu facturors, this morning, Tho dead -uro Leo Roae, Bley II ijoand Patrick Dona hue. Tho origin of tho flro was a lankpf Naptha taking fire. Fourteen engines and four truck companies were massed Jn front of the -building wilting the ex- plosion occurred, the falling walls bury lag the men and machines. Tho lots U fifty thousand dollars. Budapest, April 23 Tho striking railway employee have decided not to accept the tortus dictated by the govern ment,' which will employ fivo thousand nominlonlels. Rioting iiexpootcd, Vienna, Apr. 23-AH tho army roeor vlst among tho striking Hungarian mil road strlkori, otovon thousand out of seventy thousand workmou thai nro out, will ho ordered to Join their colors and work tho trains ns soldiers. 13 Constantinople, April 2J No nows has been received slnco Thursday on account of tho Hungarian railway etrlko. Waslilnglun, April 23 Resuming his testimony In the Smoot caio today, Powers was asked how thu younger Mormons regard tho practice oi polyga my. Ho said they woro opposed to It, and ho bellovod if the church attempted to re-establish It, it would meet trouble from that clomunt. Tho younger people aro also restive under church control, Some submit readily to political dicta tion, some under protest and somo not at nil, Tho worst feature of the Mormon church, coutlnucd tho witness, was not polygamy, but tho un-American domi nation cxcerlscd by n hlorachy over thu people of that faith, the Insistence on obeJIenco to tho work of tho church leaders as though It wtro (lod hlmielf speaking, and the powor oi tho church control in commorcoand business. Ran Kranciico, Apr. 23 A. T. Bald win, the famous aeronaut made a suc cessful ascension (his morning in Groth'a dlriglbla airship, rising to a height of 1600 feet and making a num ber of complete circuits with (he ease and grace of a gull. After being In the air about ton minuter, ho sloppci) the engino and apparently wan unable to start it again, na tho billoon rapidly drifted to the south anJ at 1 0 : 1 f was not visible from the heart of tho city. News of Jppnnoso Column Dostroyod London, Apr. 22 Tho Central News Port Arthur correspondent Iwlrert that newH lint) boeu received there of tho coinpleto destruction of the Jupniieno column on the Vain. DotnilH, ho rrnya, nro nioinontiirlly expected. Roport of Bombnrclmont St. Potorsburg, Apr. 22 l'p to n Into honr no confirmation of thu report of t!o bombardment of Now Chwiuiff or tlu liuidliiKof Jupnnefio In that vicinity hud been received In ofllcial circles. Aloxloff's Roport St. Petc'rHhurg, Apr. 22 Viceroy Alex Icfl's full report him boon received on tho Iohh of the PetropavloVHk and tho destroyer HtruHhnl, Tliu Ktrnalml mix took thu Jnpniieuu doatroyorri for Run bIiiii Hhlp.H, mid thin led to a greater iIIh aotcr Iu tho Iohj of tho battlonhlp. When It wan hcoii that tho HtniHlnil wiih at thu, laorcy of tho oiioiuy, tho DIaiiu wont to her rollof, hut was too lato. Tho vcriflol Hank, mid tho Diium picked up five miryivorH. Tho JnpnuuHO dOHtroyorH wltlulrow hitt half a ilozon cruiHorH appeared md attacked thu Blanit. , It was then'tlint Mnkurotf Htartod to reHCiio tho Dhiha, aftel'.a'.Wiort fuullndo at ten thousand ynrdH between tho i"'Ji.ron ft mMmmmQ - tlutilln. m MnmajiS olxtirrtM on tho right flido of the PetrupoYloYnkY and a secohd under tho bridge. A coltmlB .of sraukr wan flwu nrJslog from the buttle The tost wttn mndb qultitly and with out previous practice or aniiouiicehiuiit, Soon of ter 0 tho fans rudder and engine were tested, Baldwin and nn nornnutlo1 onglncer namod Belcher drat making an' anchored ascension, Iminedlatnly after tho start, Baldwin began to rlie with considerable spued, all parts working perfectly, jlnhlwtn ordorol the ongl'1 nocr to jump out and then iiulructod tho men at tho ropes to Carl off. When tulentfud tho machine nliot up ward with great spued and soon reached a holght'of six hundred feet. Iho en glno'continued to net poifcctly, enabling Baldwin to mnko a number of circuits, then hu stopped tho engino, the ma chine continuing to rso until It reached n height o( twelve hundred Mot. At this juueturo, Baldwin sooiuod unnblo to restart the engine and the balloon be gan to drift, soon dlsappeaalugln n haxi to tho oouthward. Srtn Francitco, Cal, April 28-Tho ma chlno landed near Blanktu'a Slx-mllo house, In a awamp. Baldwin was slightly bruited. Tho inventor claims that tho machinery Is all right, hut was not understood by Baldwin. Gorth Im tnodlnlly started tho machinery, showing no defect. ' Tho ship sailed on an even keel throughout her flight, even after tho motor stopped working. Baldwin claims that ho attained a height of 2000 fcot and tho deiceut waa perfect, a landing holng made without dllliculty. s Baldwin holds that ntmojphorlc rhange was rcaponslblo for choking of tho carbornlor in thu motor, provouting tho ndvanco of the spark. A Final! army of boys hauled the midline to tho ground and after Bald win wai assisted out practically wreck ed tho (ramo work in their destro to In spect th.o machine Another utcenslon will bo made in a week. PAtlf, April 2S-Presidcnt Louhot startft'i for Rome today to visit tie king of Italy. the War tdiip nnd hor mast, funnel, bridge, and turret woro thrown up and tho battle-. Hhlp keeled over on the Ktnrboard Hide. Tho ship wn.i ntirrounded by Unmet, nnd In two nilmitcH nlio Hank, how flrnt. .Aloxloff tolN of tho rescur of rsevon of flcern, IiicIiuIIiir Grand Duko Eyrll nnd 73 flonmoii. It wiih whllo ncnrlng tho harbor that tho battlewlilp Probldu nearly mot a ilko fate, Aiiilueoxplodad muter tho Htnr board Hide. Thu Hhlp llnted hut enter ed thu harbor, No mention In mado of hen (lainngo. IndlcntloiiH that tho Jupaneso laid tho fatal iiiIiioh nro given. Aluxleff myn that tho night proceeding tho wirlio,, IlKlltriiiinlHhliH woroseon In tho dlf- taiiee. Tha Viceroy nayn thnt tho mornlo of the crow remains good, doHplto ill hiic coriti uttundliig tho 1'aelllo ilevt. Now War Loan PnrlH, Apr. 22-A ltUHHlnn loan of 32 million rouble bearing flvo pur cent in tcreHt htm boon lutrodiiced on tho ParlH bonrHO and Ih j noted at 05, Important Plans Delayed fitj'otorflbiirg, Apr. S3 Flro at tho Noviniy:iiirVul Hhlp hiilhllng yard.s today ' doHtroyed a nuinber of important plmiH. Ale'Kleff'sReslgnatlon Again BoillnAjir. 22-Tlto Morgon Post to day'.rwmrtH that Viceroy AloxlofT has tendiiSeiLJilH rwlffiiutloii, giving, ns ,, pn'HrnWf' ornl- MH'lPHtkji'H niorclldw crUloWn. The Crar ban not ncgopti'd, but has bade tho Viceroy and Kuropat kli( to co-opernto In tho work of nroimr Httoo for laud IioHtilltlos. t '( !". i f'T L T .i .i...'MMit.wiwirtitim -