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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
' IF' u J ' ;' y-' iXnMmnwrnuir- &&. ' aw.jr ;ow ra ,' .". fcom i wi 4ii..i VOL XXVI 1, MARSHFIELD, COOS COUNTY OREGON, April, 30. 1 904 'No, 1 8 ft j '. . ,1 ., -.,., , . , 'JSW '. , " ' ' i "' i i '',-vj 4 !. -.., .,. a m ; 1 1 1. 1. .i i mi .' I. ii- 'i. ' J ' ; , i SEMIANNUAL SUM- . MARY STATEMENT OftheFinancialConditionof theGounty ofCoos in the State ofGregon, on the 31st Day of March, 1904 LIAtlll.ITir.fl To wiurmiti drnvvn on tho County Tronturor' nntl ontetQinllnc nmi miiuijii ;....'.. :$"3;J0fi en To citlfnntod ntnount o( iiiJurcut nccrucri tliorcon COQU (K) OuUtiuxiliiK roiuJ warrr.ntn.... '. 2,tl8M5 Kttimitlud accrued Intercut tlieroon .. 17 00 nxflouiicen 4 i Uy futulu In tho imnds of County Treasurer nppllcAulo to, tho nityiuont of county wnrrnul t i".. ; 215,178 01 lly oitimatod unpnld outront tnxoa Applicable to tho pay inont of county wnrmnUj ., 20,000 00 Not Unbilled 6,168 83 AMODKT 0 onTflTANtltNO WAI18AMTH DNfAID. Outitnmliim ununtd Couuty Wnrrnnta on tho 31ct, day of March 1001 ;... 73.1M 00 Kiliumted Intereit ncoruod thorcon 5.000 00 OutttnndlnK rood warrauta . U.3I8 15 Kitimatud interctt nccurwl tliwrfon 17 00 Totol amount unpaid County Warranto. Total umouut accrued inturoat thoroon.. STATU ok OIIKGOK, COUNTY of COOS ft. I, h. 11. Hainrd, County Clark of the County of Cooi, Smto of Oregon, do hereby cnrtlly that tho foruuolns la ti true and correct atatement of tho unmbor nmi amount of clalma alloweil by tho County Court of eald county for the aix mnnthi ending on tho Olit day of March. 10(U, on what account tho aamo were alio 1, and tho amount of warranto drawn, and tho amount of warrant! out etandlngand unpaid aa ttio aamo appear upon the records of my olllco and In diy ofllclnl cuntody. WltuitHfl my hand and eeal of thu County Court of eald county this !CUi day of April A. I)., 1001, (HkalI L. II. IIazahii, County Clerk, SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLERK OF COOS COUNTY Stato ol Oregon, showing tho amount and number of clalma allowed by tho Coun ty Court of tald county, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrnuta outstanding and unpaid, from tho let day of October, 1003; to tho Slat day of March, 1001, both lncluolvo. , t (V'nly Court...., Circuit Court rr, . i . . . , , OH WHAT ACCOU.VT AIXOWKD . ..... i ay-a . Approprlnllon for ndvurtislng i umi uiiiuuih ciaima nnoivcu auu urnwn Scmi-Animnl Statement of Kid Oregon, for tho olx montlm ondlng on t,bo .jii'jiicih i;oiiri , ,. 171 -jo Sheriff 'a oOJco , . . .v. . ..-, .". .-.,. ,-. . ..-, 1.4W 52 Cleika olllco ',....;........,.. 1,211 25 Treannr' olllco ....'.... 'i.. ........ - 400 02 Coronor'H olllco , 101 20 School Supt. ofllco '.'....? ......' - 2IW 71 Aeauetor'n oUco .....-...,...,, 41)9 0Q Stationery. poHtaKo.oto ., 421 17 Courthouse Janitor, oto r.. ;.;.'.,. , 511 00 ,1 ill board of prleonerc, oto ...' .... 152 i'5 Poor Fiuin and ludlgenta .',... 1,005 65 intaue ......,.......,,,, ', , 8 00 hlccilon nnri inglatratlon 83 00 Surveyor h ollle.i .76 50 JtoJiiUamlllrldgea... J0.Q31 71 y MKuivpu ijia pmuuui, i;am wuodi receivpa ni(U irom wnni eourco, auu on wnni account im Id out: AJlorf.NTH To amount o.j hand from Inet report, To amounte received from Taxew Ml II II I 1 Glerfc'a femi. FfnH II l II Connecting toworrtgo pipe conrt houso Hefund on dvklui: Tranaler from (Jeuornl Fund-. . .', . . "; ,.--- Gonoral School AStpoKT l'AiD out Fund Fund Hynmounl paid out on boVinty wavraM'ta.,.....,,',..rL..4v...f fl,01 03 Hy balanco Oonornl Fund'on band..- T "0.478 01 t'l iiuniiku uwiuui x'liiiu uu liuim... III) li(llnnl( CJnltnnl litit.t i. I.....l ly paying etato taxea Ortobor 1003 Uy t ranator from l'oor Farm for Geo 'I F'd '. J, m. A .... .160 75 By tranefor ltortd Fund from Goii F'd , . , . 24,401 60 By transfer to Ind Bol.llera F'dlroi Gon'lFM....'..,,...... ' 305 02 liy tranefor to Sehodl Fund from Oon'l F'd . . ,i. . . , '24,'401 00 BTATlfi 5 or OKEftO, ) T ov CpbS, f vCOUNTT I, J. .11. Pully. do tifv that thafc the foreBalritf'la a, true aud ior- reot atatnrneut of tho ArHodnta feofilved, wiid out and remiintuti oiij hand, in' the County Treaoury of laid counly foritha elx montlialcmUng 6h'(ho ' 3M day ol Mnrdi, A, D. lOOl.'- ' ' '' ,v'w' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' WltuoBSinyMiarid tHta 81efldiif)iYirelifA'. D.'IDlMv .JJ' . - M.l (80,031 84 30,031 E4 7S.5M 81 5,017 C3 , , .-ftTsT&. 033 70 UIM ft) --- . .-i. ..y;.,mVwt - - M" ,1WW 00, .... , $25,031 It County Treasurer of Coos County, Slat day of March, A. D., 1001, of mon- Gouoral .School Fund RECSIVJtD t Fund .'; $14,714 01 , 85.018 3$ ;,.;. ... 1,808 10 : 143 10 .,.'.,'.., , '. . 50 00 , 46 20 ',, , f2t.l01 60 ,. . . $103,440 -10 124,401 60 '( . 24,401 00 ..,,.,, ,,.,,. ..,! ,.,.,..,. 7,425 00 f 102,440 40 124.401 00 . . . J', p Duliey, County Iroasdrer, Iscml-Aiinual Slalcwcut of ihc. Kccolvcd or taxes, and money pnld toHho County Treasurpr by tho Sheriff of Orion ruunty, Orbgon, (or tho nix rrtoottrt ending on tho Slat day of March, A. I). HUI; ;!! ' To Vtnotint - rgorfng tho month of; -.' " ' , liecidvod .Oct. ''Wort. D')C. t Jan. . l'eb, Jfer. Octo' at m 2,510 77 . .". NovtniborUO .... Dew ubor ,11 ..'. . Jim, 30, 'Of .... Iti37 W Fob. 21), '01 Mat. SI, '01 , i Total recolvod It;' amount j Aid out. Octcjer31.. Nov, 30 Dfc. Ill Jan. .11, 'Oil Fob 20, '01. Mnr 31, 'Of, $2,010 77 M7 3 Durln Nov.f . . Oct, , 12,610 77 D37J034 ''".:. 1 ,'Ali 0 t if i To'I pd Troag. 12,510 77 537 05 HTA TK OP OR 1EGON, Jtos. ( County of Otoe f, Htopbon Oalllor. atieriff of eald county, do hereby certify that the tot&to Ingiiiatcmant is correct and true. Witneta my band tbfa Ulet dnr of March, A. D. J 001. 8TKPHJJ.H GALLIER, Sheriff of Cooa County. LATEST FRISCO SCANDAL Mrs. Edwards Files Divorce Suit San Francisco, April 2S Divorce pre ceedinga wcro begun this morning by Mrs. Mary Edward?, whosa husband, tauri lidwardB,' and Domcnlro Itusw, the Italian tenor, figured In aeeosatloual affair at Fairfax, Marin county, Tuee day. She charges falluro to provide; neg lect and extreme cruelty and of being falsely acuueed of adultery with llueso, o ' AIRSHIP FLIES' AGAIN San Francltco, Apr. t'3 Tho ureth, airship m?.de another partially euccoes ful flight today, The craft was cont up bb a captiyo and made a number of satisfactory mnnoouvore.- Tho cngino, howovor, again failed. .. , n DECIDE tVT TO CALL '' STRIKE OFF Salt Lake, April 28-A private dis patch, recolvod bore from Indianapolie, fliya tbo oxeculivo board of tho United Mlno Workers yesterday decidod to call oft tho strike on May 15th for tho dis trict of Colorado, Now Mexico, Utah aud Wyoming, PRESIDENT AND KING REVIEW ITALIAH FLEET .! AnfsT8.7Pr,W1j,fHb.oln .King, Motor reviewed the, Italian fleit' ,-,-,, X . .r l .l.lW,'; f,l . . l' of sixty voasela at Napled tollay. 1 Amount of Money and Warrants 9 t 1 Vf.v '';'' . , , 74aH3 60 , 1,673 01 7DS a5 10,8 05 7i,U3 CO a tho mouth of r Dec, ' Jan. Fob. liar .... ' '..;., 1.873 0JI ' 708 35' 10-13 05 74,113 no V i,'873 i)t 708 35 10,843 C5" 74,113,50 r CONGRESS ADJOURNS SINE DIE Canal -Bill Out of the Woods .W.W'ailitncrtAn. Anrtl 5ft .Oonvraui ii!- r rV..-i , , m.-n w journeu ima anernoon eine uie, . An in-1 tereated crowd In tho Hoale galleriea and atfmall attendance on the floor da fiBpplemenltog the dispatcj. rer were tho fcaturea of the opening ol that ardlDS tUe agement of tlaa day, be body. Mattera of minor imporUnce.eaJB: "The JPttMfl "dancing on emerging from conference were dispoaed of. Among the most important acts tbia morning was an agreement to thoconfer- culu iutJUd uu ino iuuauin lbuui uiii, i carrying a ten million appropriation, aa desired by tbo Senate, and provisionally leaving control of the management of tho canal zona to the Freaidenr, as de aired by tb6 House. Frosldont RoosoveU with his seer- tary came oyer from tbo White House at 11 o'clock and catabllehod oxecntlvo quarters in tho President's room across that (lie Russian and Japanese uoute tho corridor from tbo Senato chambor.'are constantly oxcbanglng ahota, the Wbou tbo Sonato ihot, tbo conference , Russlana attempting without success to report on tbo River and Harbor bill aud draw the : Japanese from the pbsi'loi tbo Isthmus Canal Civil Gdvornin6nt : tho laitcr have taken, Tho iuclomcn'- bill wcro agreed to. SANTA FE ' . STRIKE ; GROWING Denver, Colorado, Apr, 28 Tho boiler makers apprentices and metal workers and pipe mon In tbo Santa Fe railroad ebopl at Albuquorquo, ew Mexico, this morning jplued the machinists who walked out yesterday, Blacksmiths aud helpers may join, strike tonight. Machinists at Trlnlded Colo,, are atlll at work,- aa aro tlidso at Raton, N. M. All hon vuulon men are heavily armed. - i Mm N' S Ebdprf,f:..2-NflUaJ JFafren the noieu uaieiy meaire actrosa, is aeau, . OPPOSING FORCES EXCHANGING l ' Large. Japanese Transport Sunk--Story:pf Tueren Cheng Fight Movements; -" Delayed -New Combustble Russians Hemmed in kie gunp, seventeen offlera RUtweaty V i ' ,fr London, April 25 Neuters' ChceFoo laeu and eigbtyflvecoolke. .Sixty Mve correspondent wlree that the Japaneeevr.ilors were" captrited, The otbe Japan have occupied Knliencheng on the right eaeofllceraandmen reeisting we4&unk bank of tbs Yalu river, to the couth of Antung. Such a move fa highly Impor tant from a strategical standpoint, as it would mean that they have the Russian forces on the Yalu hfenaraedlH on three alder. In front would be the main force of the Japanese, to the east and sorth east forces of the JopanW are known to have crotscd the Yala Monday asd Tuesday, and on the west ia the 'force now reported to have occupied Knlieng cbeng. Japanese Repulse Londcu, Aprit 98 The Central Newa "" '.v J.t "' ' Kit S-.-u,.,) .-i" Lio Yang correspondent aaya thee baa ' betn oflhtIgoa the Yala since Tb uren CheD countered the Buealan force. "The Japanese received a hot fire from j a Raselan battery, and gave bat slight I resistance. They then retreated in dis order upon tho next village, where the mon dispersed, taking' refugo in the hOUEPS," Scouts Exchanging Shots London, Apr. 28-The Central Nowe Tpfcio correspondent atates that the lat- oet nowa from tho iju ia to tho ctlect i i . . . v . weather delays Japanese operations. Sunk With tho Transport ' St Petraburg, Apr. 28 An olUcial dispatch reports that on the twenty-Qftb two Russlab torpedo boats blew up a Japanese transport at Gensan, Kons, The transport carried a cargo of four hundred tons of rlcoand military stores, fifteen hundred tons of coal four Hotch- vwwywv 'Havana, Apr. 28 An Anarchist to day attempted to at:aeirale Civil Governor Nuner. Ho is a Cuban named Yillalouga and is believed to le laeane. Ho claimed that he bad orders from Roosevelt to intervene In the govern ment of Cuba. U.'.U'l.i.. ... ..' MANHOOD RESTORED TbU crcftk Yctbl VIUllMr, iM4Upa w a mbqm f i aura ion o f all c rroai dlttwea nd Mmu wmIuimm, lUtuL Ml lU, : ratas In tb Haek. JaAteM o rvnrrr, VarlwMli fiorv 'tIbsB aataaM o ,"&, MMiniiiw.i rc, at ttl iirt.w j-uj )ttekaw(nMneMlaH.wiitoeutaiMtria. MfdVidMeni'tM pr :!,. Vt SHOTS with the transport. r; Old Order Revived , ' r Sbanbai, Aptil 28-It i& 'elated' thaj, the oW Japanese war diilhieiion of "KaBfc'yfaHKrts aeioflc ' &anrai ree ords, has been revJvw, . ") Kishiu Maru tuntc St. Fttersburg, April 28 The trant portEUBk was Kishiu Mara, tour thetie and tons. Admiral Yczien 's officlcl re port falls to aanber .the drowned. .Tke ehlp may have carried troops, la whicH e,veHVm'wVa-hHrid'r&'r ' rc ': i, .... , 4 Jo-t. Wonderful Combustable St Petersburg. Apr. 28 The Port Attbur correspondent of the Ruseki Invalid aaya tbe Japanese have ia vented a new corubusUble which is in extinguishable. They tried to barn the battleship Retvizan by, w.Uing' adrift rafts loided wHU tboburnitiVmiterinl, T'.tt battlosbip eank wltk rafta ol tbe ombuatable whiab continued to burn under water. Torpedo Boats Sighted Port Arthur. April r8-Japanee t&'i ptdo toat9 were sighted tlu'e'raoruinp, protected ;by a rquadror. A few ln effectual ebots were fired, and the ships disappeared. 4. Operations 6n Valu Toklo, Apr. 28 Admiral Jloaoya, ol tbe third rquadron, reporting operatima o' tbe tcrpet'o ilatt ecnt up tho Yaluj Monday,and Tuesday, says tbe enoiu'a field gunB opened without effect. A forco of the enemy on an island in mid stream fled, Tuesday a hundred Ruts Itn cavalrymen attacked a Japaneie hunch. A torpelo boad replied ard tbe enemy fled to tbe mountains. ' Vienna, April 28 Ten thomand Gall- cian and eoven thousand, Hungarian nayvfcs, employed In railway building'. have agreed to strike May lit aud have seised a qaonttty.oi dynamite, "CK1 Trwbllu. JjMrVtou ! aikUMMtiMiiTarH kidsiM4ttHi Uaavonaafl iwuiuai eat, ft SDK) Jftfi uwOt . A- ?rtkUajmut Forrsale v Johnf -l -. . ' 1..,'. .11. J -. fc" mJC,. j. rra !Ki'lM'WJ!BJ.lft'""ljiinWlO lli.istf9 iv,. ; ' ,. dwinrtiwyiWiW.M MMHKNIMNjl JM' Si: WW fxsmmfmstt 'fw,yj