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About Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1904)
ADVERTISERS' Attornoys .1. M. I'ntoii IV. IhiimhiM ('. K. Mi'KiiIkIiI K.I. ('. 1'nrriii llnll.V Hull .liilill S Coke Onnk KIlllllllMII A Kcllllcll Harbor Shops Kihwuilt tV Kelly l. .Cuny Clnkory Im. I'k'li Blacksmiths i I- ('i)lt'lllllll u. . . Uni'iiiii-i I'lfil IIiii;i'n(.i Oont Builders lllllll llllllllllHt llnlliiii.l llr. Brewery Itnln'it Mamlcli Clar Factory Aliiriilli'lil Clipir Co, Ciar Storos A. I U.V.MI llniichrakc linn. Cnnciy & Notions ". A. .Icii-cii Cnrpantor & Contractor A. .1 ,SnuKi Clothing Snlosmnn w K. it.iiiK'ini Cloakmakors' Aont Mm. M II s'uiiiti Dry Csodd & Clothing Will NalilllU Clll4. lill(i,t M i.UMtV Dry Coods .Mr. !:. A. Payne Dru Storos ILSciiuMuckcii II I.OCkllllll Dontists III A. II. I'iclitl lr W. A. To.. Hi It. II. Wail -m Eloctric Light Works K M. Krlcilhiuj: Fruit Storo Mr. K. .1. Iliuixi'ii Crocorios A. ll.Cnmphell W'lfkii'iui .v W Irkmuii I'. A.Succhl C. W (low Why Conornl Moron andlso I Van l.iiinli.M' Co, II. I.m'klmil"' v -' BUSINESS DIRECTORY Hardware & Implements i:. o'c ii .1. II. Mllncr Harness Shop Win. HiinMI K. A. AiiiIithiii Hotols W. U Short .lolui MiyiliT Ico Plant Tho Coos Bay Iron Works I'rolmhly tin most Important imliiHtry i-mIhIiIIhIii'iI In .MarHliNHil In recent year In tin i oih Hay Iron work, of which Krcil K. Nclon IhhoIc proprietor. Thin may Ih miM to haw grown from a hiiiiiII hi'KliiiiiiiK. Tln proprietor, v.ho is Htlll a young man anil a natneof (imh Hay, ilcvclopiug a natural Inli'iil for median h'4, Marled a repair nhop in a hiiiiiII way a iiumlicr of yearn ago. I Ic I mi gradually jailileil to hix plant, until hi now ha, on' J Kront St., a fully equipped repair nhop v in which anything from a Hewing ma Onh Hay lee ,v Cohl Storage Co. ''hllio ton locomotive, including hleyclc , ' ami Ilrearni4, can lie skillfully put in or ICO Cronm Parlors j dcr, especial attention hclug devoted to ( ail II. Winner 'lt,tt (.iigluci'. of which there are a large Iron Works & Machine Shop 1""1 f",', lll,,r,'i'',"l numher in inehcrc. , j..riM (IH1 In .March ihi the foiimlry was e.4tah- , iMim on Mil in front M. iiiiMiiuvs win ho hrihk th it enlargement wmmi hecame uecesiry. anil two aililitioiiH have heeii . Imilt one much larger llriu the origl liial hoildiiig. Now ti7lK)siiiare feet of ItliMir hpacc arc occupied in the roiiuilry, J machine ami pattern xliop. The foiuiilfj"! i i4eiiiippeil to hauille, up to a certain 'limit in Hixe. all kiuiN of caitiiu; iu'i ( iinii, lira.- ami hrun;:e. New ami inij ' proeil machinery 14 now on the'wat' Insuranco Agent W..I. Hullei Livery Stnbcls .lolui t ear I'. . llll'Mlll Moat Markets 1 1 i r Holm Nolile IImh K. i Hiiu.igaii Mens Clothing & Notions II. Kllicll 'Millinory I Mr. A (i. Aiken 'Musical Instruments t'luH.liih-eii Mimic i o. I: M. Kin iiiiin Mattress Makers i o w H.ij .Mutlre4 Knel try Manufacturers' Agont r. s. u. Pointors 6c Faporhangors ; it it.iciiDii I I1. M i-eiiuaii ' I Photographer Physicians lir. Ilnyileii Dr. Minphy Rackct Storo K. Maih Real Estato I Kiiufmiiu A: O, Rostaurants (Jco ,N I'aniii .1. W Tlhliitt4 ,1 ,M M ii I key Saloons (' A MiMire Itiilieit Alaimlen A lleckeln I'.K.Cinwroiil .lolui llerien .Maivileii Willck lliiieivion Kerrey Shoos and Notions IVter rlaiiM'il ami the Con Hay Iron Works will he kept ii i to the demand of the coiumiiu- . ity. Their iliphty ail will he foiiml on another pae. Steam Laundry Auixtelii ' lllliharil Stone & Marble Works-- ' A It Ti'iilinml; ' K. .M.Stewnil i. Tailors Norl4 JeiiM'i I.. W. I'lniz Transportation Linos S ('. Holier 0. H. Kilwiinlrf . . . . i . Ilaril-i ICIi H:iui;4 Variety Storo & News Stand K. I'. Norton Wholosalo Liquor Mcrhei-Vu V (iin'-er Co.' Ifnlil. Mar-ihii''' i NORfH BEND ;" .Dry Coods & Clothing ., . 1 A. .1 D.ivl- Hotel y. s. Tnrjij'ii Lumber & ConM Mdso Sluipsoii I. milder Co. , , Livery Stable K. McCulloiii Real Estate M. It. ('. Holnies K. It. IVterHon . . ' Rostaurarit .Mih. K. .M Krickou Saloons , , ,., Kieil llientli'll ' l.'in.ul VVlltl,.l- 1 I M 1 lllll II