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About Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1904)
TM - ' -ff,'!? 'tJUMeS:' v y?mt 1$r irw n ,-BiaKaiwr,. ., t .y E .'11 YV f BE??? -Efe Kfl S ' 'I .4E& r TW 4&JL iJ j&mlhm ut .Vvfv i!is .r. .i' HKgr.ransg - f 4 M. 'At HllwKauP 'i.' snraiK . v?"s ffiSav'lu'KtolSJ yfY-rc- r t 't i itv? oMUdLIT At:RQRT jOIIjI HUM ;V i6bri1bataritS'L6sing all , A -.... j. . . '' : Humanity " " ' . '$ted Cross Flag Respected' ffet Acdfffii'ltigtoiilonttaaautPriMco JJad zivil, of tho Ituaalan army, -vJio haa just arrived nfc t'hofpp' from Port Ar thnr; tho temper of. the bMUgernntiV.nt !).; . .vOTprtrArthar hnaaachetMltt&bfcolnteJy. VW'f veH wlih'tbV' Uritiah 'in TthtL Bkr yCll-it lW.Mt.MM.!.ilW i.iiihiIiH',. .. j" 1 ,"r f . '"- X, J-.V iA" 4 war, use no esys iniu nnui no wipuma tfwarljof affairs afc Port Artahr bo hail no idea that war cow la b bo horrible. j If. vtuk et jfdrt'h aomp Wokft ago tfiat eerloqa swlviplons were entertain jjjbby toih bftlllg)dnt thtrt thp uthor - ssoivJ;1.' - -7 .yTjr , , annpiuioua nnvo mjou increased uy mo t;tfoinatbMon of raJ-liSns sou by tho aol , '-iCHorn of .both anute until now dvofl peotl "by oithor irto. lMnoi) IiAdtivU dooli&c tliftt tho fcbU &f pf botl ornjies ts nlwolutely ytiuotuotia iu thoir (lutagoninn). Lieu- : ieoiviit-tJenCrol 8txJlol hua aildrusscil i jAi.'gnrxiMn, nayliiR that tlio Jrt-poiit , ' ; ulood of th Japniiftio-'vlnlnlj' iniUcto a.Y-.f. '. , ... ,-. jno necoaaity w Tcawung mem to tiiu :"'"'i . 1 . . . .i . .... ...... ,. ,'ii- ' I 'i'l JapM03CHoldier enteral tlio foil 'l!!J''4!p,bs!i H nnilqnbtfilly vcolrt Uo irapoiwl p, lif f; ..Old for thoir, oClwffs o control (honi 'Mt' - .-,'lS l)rovcn'1 tt ninaoro. For Uila '- it l 'f tvanon ijiontcniint.Oouwnl 'Stoeitwl is Ji '-, 'J' ;: Wnguo'DbjoHoil to olriliaui loav "-,'-V tW ' i 0 oJwoqttonp; q tho Xaoi tliat :??ltV ' li ;la'l9 ttn0? r ilfUftrcd, liuinbora of i'-rl .w 'fXtntt.Jnpnzieno.dead vhloh hftvo 1m.hju ly. ' k Pson tho slop 6f ,tho hills, of tho aorthoRat defuiwoa for wooVs pnot ore still tinburiod, and JtJiq fitonoh iu Port Arthor from doootupaiing bodies when tho (vind is in the rijjht tilruotioit-W ahniwt unlKmrablo, In tlio oanrso at tho ftsannlte Ivhloli took place in Jhe lust, fanr dttya gust, two OQiniinu'iOijof.iriijmheae m, uw(tiihlt4b linoo Unihdvil, fpuud theuiMve i, th- niorcy .of tho "IfnBdthiM UTifl.tin'iBfnil'titutiltn flnif. ' H'li Jiowevw, rhpJKtuidlfip!) pa& up ntlon, Bnd'wnlihvtod U volley vap Into tho' helpl?ai i'a.nka of the lu!,tb61fru!'ftnv&Uo'Si o roHrtoUthp! C6h)pin"ie4 that hud tfivhitos'tfnitjfiAw; it tfiolr oThu'd dSurHnd.oWtWed tlie'fr fof .Uiofflurrender by Mug wMAlfavrtiauIt of tho tiro h doowpoa a'aniiftuttn. (Star iuy I) TOC2S2SS fwrw wwmi malm. 'JHm-lttMM. Iaw ) ' Within ft l week tho Inst arm- Mi niftclo its lnHt.uiu'eKorded impr for hdlp.niid tlio f huuilil'cfl wero quiet, but B'hMtly H Ujo liold of horrorl Anioui J tho hdnjw of dead the Princo gw tvjbj woldioro, one n Knwisu and the othw a Jnjijmwo, lying in a dpath eailn-aco. The teeth of tho wre te&vdt iti Uig Bufwhin's throat, while the Rda-, ainallha forced two of.hte flnjjferu iat thoTSp'soketa of bin tntgoaJt. The Prinoo oitod tbli merely na an inoldeHi denoting the ferocity of thecoafliot before Port Ai thitf. I'll ' p IHI III I lllllilll ' ALL QUIET, ALONG THE PATOMIO hzs-m:'-: . At unce Oftieittl iiows froki tke stofrar the fnr EoHfc ia still taekiag, bt 0ie War Office at Wt. PetwtrAi- poarauotto ontoint, RJftt ttl jtnjwi-cQy'-ghl'iciiltiil-b' Hovo tk,tho Japaee will sot hurry on an engftmeut with Ue-ner&l Kuro putkin, owing to the t wt that th lat. tj-.c has lmc'. Uta6 alhoo the bvaonntibn pf Woo Vnuirto 6renthen hla forces materially, nud that the nest move ment of tho Japano will be dircotod ngrtinst.Tio Pass. Publio interest ia again apparently being oonocnlratcd upon Port Arthor, and the report th,it tho Japaneae aro tnnuelingthe fortlflotlons there aro S&elvcd at tlio JluHsiau capital with Bopve!HHty- DRY eUlS FAKIRS HERE U StiMfCliiit ?m 6Mds it ,. ; Hiil! PrlMs Thq JfAIL la informed that Use town haa been infeatcd, for aoveral daya with dry goods fakirs who go front house to honao with onmploa of cloth and soil ahhddy.gooo'a at high prica to ha Unsu.s)Ooting hou8evivi They aro adopts ut al)' tho oris-of iwppifg ou people who'aro apt Jflga of oloth uiid nr;o said to ho doling ,a thriving t)U8inosa. Somo.rVpnien tire known to hnvo bought piocea of goods they did not want, paying far hjghor prieea tlinn would bo naked In any etore carrying auQH goona 6no of tliplr atrong siita ia fcho. ol4 pno or naming a pnoo ave uiuea wnot tho gaotU ro worth and then allowing tho VonWba thrifty woaaaa to. bet them- 'OMn until she ia paying only niwutjBLS tlum thev,lw oJt'vjiff nuii uimxa sue ia goiting h kt bftfgaiii. ,, . , f To doul villi atioh pttlo i ijot oly laying youwolf opou to being rpbbed bijti tt in yank iuiustioo, to om' local uiorohnnta, wm carry atoeha of goa)i the yoW roand Ictf your oouv9ttl6e. aud who "iWr fftae toVtl.Vae with how pytj awl ypKiwajr l mkIBi MM'ti(aV wlU wot Mbfeba UioyW-b4 llMt'hMgAin. SfeiBitttlle v " feJ" ' l' HEAVY FIGHTING . RES sSk Russian Forces N Equal Jap? Kuropatkin has';6cl Position Ix. Dispatches fro Oaoaral kin to 3t PeteralHwg bs Mtt al KftbiiekaiBfif 3d Owaoral Skdfttea otf aw eemhMtc lj?frtftat pwn- toward the ewmiy'a front a4 right flask aa4 tiw JapaBeas were feftea baek, ,., w The Etwelast Umm raf e aliM.' The J&tMMM, XreftMciai VB.axe eeaeB- itt.M.Htr-iA pOTwa at we soHia or-Mswcws. The JspABeae durbag neamtr SatTinWy evacuated a vllllife wWoh tltey held bat with alight leaaee. The caar )uM deelied. to form a see ond ManohBriaj. Army to be aade vp of corpn how being aest to tie Far East. Lieutenant Geaefal Liaevitoh will prqtjnbly bo iu coinmaad. KwfO' patkiil will bo chief of both araalea, but probably without the title of opra mandrinchief. A report circulated here that Rear Admiral Prince Ohktoaeky had beea court-martialed, a eatpliaUelly de nied by merabers of the general steif. There la no 6eorot madd here of the general belief that oae of the saoet lm portant and deoieiva bWla of. the year will Come within & few daya and prpbaUy la the near nelghbboed of Mskden. It ia conjectured by the cor respondents from what little ia given ohI f that tho forces under Ktirepttkui hare beea largely augmented alaoe the fighting at Liao Yang and that, sot wiihstandteg the oontlnnod levies of roh tooiw which reports ebow to Imya been httrrjed forward to. Kuroki, ie latter will be wet bysesrly-n eqal force. KeroiMtkla will, havd the kdvsntago Otf poaitlw awl is esppoeed to have beeii jaaklng great headway 1b prewar ing (tefeseea for a farther staad) Thereporte that Kswi will again aHeuipt to Sk, & pr V(4 Kropat kln from keag1 ie to4 to MkUte opm is sopoM s bMjf htghly issrob able, ft ia beikftM that the Jftpahew ewthave w oeMf ite Umus. ttAt,o ootMpelling htm to yetveat tb a poiat w)m hiiwsW b hMMpW. thfwarfi pnt th wl,ntoriv ity.BiMMpll to feed aa atigafouM rmytitaly lag aim at ta Wiualag of tttartag vritJi jWotioaaiy liaskatfi tt aaam tot hf, Htm Mi. aaSt, maob n, a lae away ja Mat scartaaM tSqrri- lv i Jit :r tb . W PWaBf.Wp 4BVwWmS 90 fWH flW Mf wtlh a Vary a)nlwB PHQEBE .STEELE- V Of OSmHcity-inHur- . der of Infant Steele aiid Suckau 6b 1 to the Pen The oaee of Phoebe Steele, charge wife msrder ia the aeeead 'Hp-eo far alh ooatyUeiy ia the killing of her -baby, wjai t& fa iary iwti before alahfcr jeatesttay, a4 aaoat lplla,R vemies ot iW(iiHM!iim raerj. Barle iti4e, wd 'a We.J'jjeoteRc, was atarfA fr the, ee priaeia'at Sa lem tW iaorttiBg"Ia charge of the'o: eeve: To a newspaper ropreaaoteUve who iatsa'rln'tyea him he had lituew say,- esoept that he did act oete- ylete aay fartbe? proeeediige is hla oast, atimmmt. -Befere Ma' detiartBre b,r-'1ShmlinlHH haVaa priyaM intwrriey wtifa hie wife, whieh SS wW to have beea qaite affect lag. It is raawred Ut toe yoaag bmb expeote' tfaat after feeling hn eeeM, a, aeTemeat for hto"?o ay be affecHve, aa ftxpeetaUeB tfef a aet'Mkely la fae?eaHsed. ' A. Saekaaww aleo tahtw away to serve a aealeaee of SO years for rape of hie daughter ' s f - TEACHERS 4-v SALARIES NOtSOLOW GomparisonMadeWith Other Towns Touching the tiomnmaication print edia another colama, eoncerning the wages paid to "taahhsvs k th4 Marsh field publio school Mr. Williams, chairman of the Board ot Tireotors, has fanriahed some ggareaio the MAIL a-hoyrlngthe wages per maatli paid in dlereat tewas ef' the state, Thee agarea are oflloial, aa they wt ob talaed by Joha T. Ball, oler of . thia dlakict, by oorreapoaieuoe :v.1th the sohpol clWka at t&a plaaes naased, after the olosa of the , last Item of :. u kit - i . seheol, Talmktaeit taey;, are j as fel' lowst " ' . i Priaeipal iaat. iOthew Atheaa Albany, Ashia fiaker Oity PeiryslUa Oattaja iaav. ISalCM 78 SO :K a M nra. ""TvTlff ,w .J ? V W f JW. .19 flStt.;'AH 0a A 1H - 1H M VtolSfi Mean tUui , ftft. itm is , "ACQUITTED .we ! m , Wto$Q, i(.tt6 - , lywiin W,IC..'aL i ,l'-r?-.4afe.lUi. i--- -- ri withihe leab?. Ja tho MSftbfleid" achool to the effect that -thoso Staying with Wie echvwl will recelvo a rnUd Of 2.50 per aonh eaeh year fer'tVfo yeara or aatl a,atariaiaa of tSSf? reached. ,., , Jt woaM seeaa fcwat a-,lrare8 that the wage paii -hewr aia- higher thaa ia aHyWltloaactto valley fowaof evea larger stite taas-XaraVlS1 and that thoy will cojiHaant, favors blfwith fikld3BywIwwBe at&te pal aide of Portlami. If there has beea any raise ia other places ebace fee above fgwea we iab- taiaed, the iwsrd has apt beja inform ed of the Wcfc.41 ' . CRMgR. h ' LENA fefiG Wftm Uncle Safnw.WaGhin Wor Qther- : Ottelal. ordaw have,, bees ietmedby Caetaha iBeake. mmmtii" uWeer at 44rK aer. Shatleworih comaefd dlaaasa liag the Lena on Monday morning. The bre&ohlocks of the larger gttas, all tbo smaller arms except, the olBcelfi, SMtearme.aHd revolvers, aE4naaitioa( ordnance, stores and, torpedoes removed, .' Instrnctione hiiVe beea Bent to Pear- Admiral Goodrich af gan Fr4noi8co, directing him to dotach dno ship from his squadron whea ha leaves for. Mag dalena Bdy tb holil the J.utama target practice. Tho -vessel detached will remakt ia the vioiBity'1 of S&a SVaacteeo prepar ed to enforce neutrality sboald, other Russian or Japanese yeaeela pat ia at tha (iloldea Gate WYOMING LYING' IN-WAIT To Receive 'Visiting ... . j Cruised ;- Believing that tho Raaelaa. cruiser Korea ia on thia &Ie of thapaolo ocean to ships boa4 for the Orient, the Ka-y D)Mwtaet hoa wired iaatraotieaa to the officers of the Paget Sound Navy yard at Bremortoa tp holittho woattor Wjeaaingja wad taeas to ealerea aentMijSy.&boQid tha Koea p&4o this porjf.- While th Kayy Cepartiaeat liAi ,np (MlnaM. kfoiat-ioK feat Riai ! are Woawl; f.wtfta.tjaoaat. u-.m 1.... 1. .L..! t..! 1-. JtltA X..1 .-i, -aaie wmfimtQ,ig - ataahia ta-hatfa' a waial aerate -M of aai ataavtaaar, fct i M t. Thara are .iearaf rmtkt vm Ja. . Mm' " fri-Ba, tt le.jibU-',frt-'taKcrikaa! t rfr. - i ,ij r.-, , v. Olbeeu wd . overhaul, th boats RU.S,SMfv. '.t"" fe'! ffc i" p t 1 RSFOMiRS.; rrf" J- fcS ' If Diiycot" r " i ..csyv - Eevofutidnh; i&ii-M 6risis:WillGometeeii 'i. ., if;',- " -War iaOveit A J&t Petersburg fiispatchsayS J IaS veahgation.btlhP intera'al i&miiUm '6t Ea-wla, bjf a,;gen'tlca9M(7ajaai rctnraed."frota B liaire-JsHBrfeJitiife ik"rior, dtscioics'.h much lttea tioa than fore5gr,fe- generally 'b&li?e toewsti&lbfel.cowafery. "he; 'SaraM? ,ITtair;tod abaoteWy: ,-a&'tHfmvi 'ot- -mppw-fiiig iffaia,. f-at'sta anaaos tawry, fmmik asocial f hs theaii- . . ' - . . . : m ju,v. . ft . : ;Tftl f wttcaJ ariibVaagaati : l'KMUnHKI epoeei iha aa;-.ierar -cvrosw an tie. aath, wha arMtk rwmi.-ttm crops. Oa jthe weatatM. bmaVw, all jthroagh the; black-sail ltt-.a-tf -isctf ally along fhe ta ia Eoaeia, bousfeifalaaiH of .th iyi"' . al9tnpreew; ; ""t Tho demand for; labor ' $t"i)Q. gmX awl wages are. so hig thata aaats. thrown out of empJoyaaeiiti ha the Bilila and factories of the cities have;etEa' ed to their native village, where "ther m& ple&ty of wbrtu Braa ior all pin lays.4leeotstia'Saada. ; ' , 4 - . -t - Ithtrae that Maaabeswer fd'Mi itsee aptivity oa. iha part of varioai revolkAry orgaaiiaaUoaa, eapaiially ia the Southwestern ProViiwee. Cte . iara apd pgoptAiwaWoaw ef the :'.. oknt charaeterf . aaaet of thaat ptriMtad -abroad, habeea sfveaa haqaOenata- rapag all plaaaes of aha "diaSoaawiSdil, -in tho hope of tahiag ad-atae of tho wax in the Far Eaa. to tommt ae volt, but h& observathms leatba. tear istta coiiplue,ht;ttie memmt for the ill-wishors of Rui was ba-SJy chosen. WhilaithaB beea ottaa blq thai the war' has aot Uaeapofwlar, with the people, theae .iiaarasbasaf7 ' aMAjwljtwi lypAolMly ia the n-ldato ? revetsea tolse Raaeiaa irn are, beic -reisen1Wf;'''aW, laatoatt of produoiaf tho etroct.dered, have Aoaa waeh to. ' arouse and tivticke the pi6io wpjtk, Tho, gealewaa , "ic&id itwt aai " membeiB Df; the upcter alaaaas wa-a ' wera of liberal- tettdcie, aM waas' havo bate gkiig All thahr ttVSst W rcforai,' my? asM; theire is a.hiakaw duty thaa iatsraal agltatipj Sis..t that until the wr to tvar; all tftiafr sympatfewa ad -siimgtiiji' will ha nittt Aefar aowatry .ia..,aair. Im tha y irfjrjpitiraVjt Mai When troablaa with cotaiatil t ChaiabojhtKi;' Bwunach And Uv TahW Faro tn taha asd' aati asaltiag fofc .the a?aiaaaa-,i''- . Mfm-lr i -..?! lk 'i-,, iaai- ';M " Atii 7y ,j ss fr. . "r5 t. t ' 1 .- fil i. Ul.l y. 'i?1 si K" Wi.Jt? i . "" . .Vf miu 'jr r MBM.aaktavkcaaMS. proooeaaa fhi art idhf a&ptoaat SUMftf HUoktorcwIfttiNii W$kfe al bf JvAiA ,i t