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About Daily coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1903)
6 WW -;f -JT.-,iK ?JSJK S LBl. hit 1 - 5" l'! BiKfe,. - -' -' V tetfaaM4il kfacrf IIaAmVTa fr&&.. ,iiHk. .- as s5S5n5ffiss?sf?Si .'.--..a -'..! .. ? mf iimts'smmNmi&zu ... 29i2aranu5&F4SE&-.;i- 'f"i",""iiz,,'"",' i?w'" - -.,-"rT ; v 1 rttSi."S2JJ;offlffl .uiMRBanwiKSK'irawrv n-jr--. ;.. '.-; " v ;i j 1 lakiyHiwoi HifaTni?riimntr f , l '. - . ,'&tm&MnnmwFM3&MWrtwwwrKriiiii Ml,i Pi i roil Kirimtyft-i i ifi uV,'T ji vi 1 tju i ly'i'VLWL r-. r j teMl -. - -. , ie?rttit h& M : v iine?me asEHs? ,-'- 4 'r ',!,V'""'" .t7 ,'; '-' Service jbCojnmehce , 'at Qnce (OreKoaUH) v Weekly seryto$( between Pertlead and Coo .Bay 5 to" be established as jooh m a steamer cuu be secured. Ne- KOtintlous tiro now ou for iv Kaltable roaal, und It U orpeoted $be deal will bn eloaod iu u f(nt days. The sacoeas and peniniiitinoD of. tlm venture will do pondoullrely on the support givou U by the luorelniutii of this city. Per yoara there Baa beou a TaP call far a rogular and frftqnftufc gsurvice to Cow Uny pblUU untl tho poopjo of that sen tlon have promised to support It They yakt to 'tattle with -tbto city, as the aataral iHitrket for thei predBee- Theh? wtoVwlll now be gratified If Poriktad builnew idtm. will do their t. share., ' ' VToidorfoweki A year had gone, bib battle jre; v The whM peatd alatoefcta forget The deflghty getterai7'bt he ' Ohaagort sigae wltregnlarliy t ''Nextweekskl.'f Bet every day btrfore hi M Ami swe-ijIriK VaMlo llu He wteWA Ab9f lu hU knMlt As4 valiHy ave this eowniaHd:1 At Mt iUUt grim and tre1ful,juRu OMiy hvwy,im a w&suigerau T hn homo folku. -vv4io freely ohod Tlwl bitter fcenra, the 'whilo they reads "UonpUn'pjpjkl." J, W. Fole iii" Now YorJj TJiucs. LENA LIES. . 'AT MARE. ISLAND Will Be Dismantled -, -i-Sisi Soldier LN'oiiPack Bread 'jifllHBiEHVwAtffiHHifiFT H ffiHonk ..,,.. wp'I 'nKKiffiP" "' iH ap 1 K-sirr:Bw wsr-rt-i5r?aCi!r mti " iB SvtP ?BXsrmriSKjmi-"r- , 7 i,3affsw3ssi nil iS?K - .U"i? LJ .--.iiefciT-'-'-- I 1 . v r $& ' ; iT.-TTrrri"'! . - . . " s -, V L, l? A C6e Mpk mjs: XQUmm wbo left litaw T JPeestrr e ? tbw 10 mye jfrt Mie geml mmH oa the etKHHflwI irWeJi la mm qsr tra was refJorM kbuld ocow oh tt 10th 414 Rot take plBce. fie glares thnt tl)p Bswiaiw are gying aioet of thor atteatjoa to the forts on the uortboist Hue, whiph Inoltiile iflli. ltugnhim a&d Kikwaunhaa. Tjie Bh alfltt toldien are living wDlKCjt'1 bread awj twmow get eonp. There are oly :?iv.'j.-..imiiii .iu-ii.i-' 11 i--, jj I . ..-..! .s?Y.V.t1.i,. .a!. KMff-VgiigrnPf I 1 1 11 1 urn iiiihMMl MiMil mti mwr- wiibihBHBIHHHIHSw p . i, hJLWWLv' asp ' '-' ,5r? . A ft heed of cattle in Port Artknr apS these are reserved fertbeMfMi oMeiale Hardly a-(ky iieseeTCot IJetwBt Oeeeml 8toeeMl, ooiwedr of tfee )Art Artfeer fonea, geiterallr mw peiried1 by Hibw,1 BaUrf,ag, rMM W CMPiM JdMiJlCfllK-ih MKai line. Thejf iff ho)r, tmi K&ted theiaft8iteil'$i y(h$,$ U Ywulre4 'U l-epjar aerrlee tHat can always He depended wpnit, A stecttifir Vti b a mcim lu tide bwtiiMMU juuat have rfufeJr flelllrf ttea aad llvo'up Vi lwc- eeKedilK iS to k HUid of Bcrvioe tuat Xwuro. MfkatU asd Dodge jiropow to prqvide. tttek1 plau '.Is to start in n oomjiaritlvjjy aiaall Way and grow ' wh the meiautw, ' Therefore iMr Artt (ttaaer will" M ,i)H of nbost IWO tpua, which they oeii liHweo MIKdk every trip As tfce. f boeiiM iMereaww J&rger steeweira will j be provided. L Mr, po4e left for k JVetwieee Jei eveKla, where he yrlU eleee the Q"WfloHWfUM for the olwrter ef Use veMel. Tlte Kfeauier oa whie thty Qrnve a op(o la eeedl8gly well Hf 'VJM for His liWiMM. ae she alee fcei w dpHiodWos for 'y 'M""nBaaMr- ! H XeftathwlUaqt ae iiniiriiniy at Dim 6ltjr aud Aetoria. 1 TWt tho people of Cob, .,, 1 Mm.M ,;iSwiii lawr I :. give tlwir l'earty aupbrt lltio goa-i wltlioBt paying, Jw io.tlHi.PHWletl tutervkwa wii proea ji&AatutkJk-Miim-Aii the enbjeot, alwoei every meeehant ha at ecuue tlsae or other bad iHqiUxiee a to Ww pttoe &f jfomis whloh he eeeld aoj de. Uywr dvj'l t e lspk of traweperta' lo,,TkW Jmw tMbUd .a-u iMoieeo eiifokM In 'i a. foeekW la the Qoo May eweery; tw rir ef Mi pref. 'ei-eoee of tiewtway wai tefe. te trade Wik thb tity , TV iteetor alee will .w laid bv Ww lortld Ciawber jjf Cowiitwji!, wed., it Ja Iwped k re eiv the bedy iwdowaierit. of the "i ! ' my I TIIElflBJKi-- M OF WWkl The ehndaa el i WMan '-''ha bo t.W5K '.' dayw BMaed, Mk'lfi Wm it nerve dieitar eMtfeiqA aW 1 - bauuoj' Bus's h Uire. ; 5"0'.l fifeitt V came.. Tfce Kaealan traueeori Lesa ia At the JkiVerument uaval atatkm at Xare taiand, havlug departed from f&m racioo bay under eaoort of we ertuawr Marblettead. The lieaa. is mow wider &e local jsrieAicMo of Ad trnLMcCaUa of trlieswvjr-yM-df- tae reajKUwlWIty of her nafe keeping liav. iu been traseferrcd from Rear-Ad-wlral Ooodrioh. The entire ore w of tioLcn la nboimi Uw Stueetsu veasel, awl will donbtlAas be de4aliiad at Mara lalaikl MHidbsuf an oMoial decision ae to their (liapoaitioa. The work of disnantllBg the 1xa will by oomweaced at aa early dnt, and workaaea czged (o place lier la a.eeewortky condition. eaenMr, .illliliiBHKi ' wsm KihtqHarbin V ebasge -Telaffrjuih wirea riatia, We (frawxeeeired there fro Toke states that the goyenttaeai ia reply to a re qveet. from field Mars! Oyaaw, ka proaiieed to eea reintorot'Hieata of 100,000 aiea aad 1MI '-jnaitj W-6 yaK by tTw feet of OofoIr It ie estimated 1h Tokio thattbia force will tie TOffio,t9g.ife-i:atfiefca'ay e?l! 5 fSS -u-lUgg aud ktaeeeaaeewe '4o week tunadtaia the aidrite of the gtritoa, a&d ttiia ia aptteof taeirkard fare aud the (deep. laaaaenq wlileHreealt-v froai being oea eteatly on the qai vive. f 1 rl A Li -t. IW . ..-s. - w-v- --' '-i SORTIE a Wrohi His laok f. M, Stovrart, wrenched k'ia baok badly today and In laid up iu bed. He wee ehrowia aaad into a box of wor tr witka coal oil can wkea tite aaad' HHexpeetedly atackJa the caa takiaf Mr. Stewart at a ilsadvaatajfe, with the retrelt aowd, Port Arthur Fet May Make a Dash ft la ameh eatier for wmk to confide hi the a-cmr aw thatt (a the avareae suit nowwmi ia mail wfu re raaaetker cidKe ad fcj thf m to W vrv rM&ou wki . Weir' deHere --. i..a. "? afflM -v JMMIlllMT tiSESwHuP WTL,"'.; rmar hiMlie :W. .H la atreiur.'lwta Marc craerUttce f -Hd kelp the vreman -vlio waaiea aheuld not tniaL eatihtw in the kauda ef.wutkiifad ,t-waaa, It requke a thefeeefc atcdkal aamratlmi fo appreciate and tinden-tead fbe -weaamly fftlmn, WUn a wstsfc haa,'iUa arf .painr. thai at-e. caunet bM -- H aeettia dark for every -wi-aaa, eka .akeuld. pae4d hr troeMca te a Wm wke iaa a aatloua KjMtaHwn. Ctr s teiaiy it weald net be tke part ef wbdeat te'eaadde ta aa IrWraet p-e wttheut .atedtml tdueaUea aiatidtr keceaae eka waa a.awfja-ioTJwa (a vry ruwn Wavaaji ahoald wrheto aom tttaet MeiaMet.-'Mae who.aa made the d&asTof vraKa atMAMAleLChe at J4aJaJI AT -a naealaia-o Ok-a Vh- . Ware, (bander ef I-.Wi'd.rHS n-frica( iMma. m .nna .. t, oumupaoonoc .A, at. etereVmre; diepateh aaya; The v'apaaeea are aew expected t redeable ktk etorki before Pert A?, wkeaee the, sews yeeeived k aot ea eearagriae;-. Ia spit of the Meeees wkteh hitberta Itae aMeaded the de feaea, the Kaaeiaa kaea are' bebae; rkawa oloar. tke ganrieea k vader-, oig -Svere privaHoae . and ita retaet- la; power to weakawjaf aader' the ekaia, A aal aorile of the JHwdaa acjaad rou (at Port ArOtar aaay be exaeeed at aaf Haie, 'Wkeathe eowaiead of the utaadroa wa-s taraed over,. 3tea, Adailiwl "Wires he received atrM ia-- atraioaa. that it the ierteeea eheald fall ae eae of the Jtaaeiaa. aliipa ataet fall io the kaade of tae Jaairtteee. fiT hTOrtialS&Wi if wettiaaful hea Dr. Heete.'a weriDtiOit woca in a&'fttrma yeaufe Wknim. Prolapfui, or faUtaa , ana 1j ufWsedk. Um woit oak drbtlrtatllT- uliiu fully teatVanUd -t.jorrartttf pttt fcr 4ay jMuw of tkeae menta. UtT JuS wy w (ueljl y tetobt mta AN(rrY If ye deaire a alee drive, dd hot overtoekthe jw ferry wkk itea a Jredroed. froai Xtaptoa te'the Ut kwww. jceet alwayil to thertojhtll yea aee the atoja Baadoa enry then mm to the toft. 7M iakea yo tUreht- ly w the ferar laadaaa wher-aare;i a (OYertuaeut aeew titrU ,witt keed ,wa tee ma, thai aakea yea aeroat W &'; fltiaoHpTMl ym with the wad at tad Uht heaat, where yea; oaa t kalha d Viaaraf the, eoaet aorh Wtfl 'ft M Inw HltfiTrfiii 1airrkaAi MtaaAaoietlaith. Jajtta imu, a s a,- aif Ifaiwdeu, KMakioM,, f ttfof. '( Mi 1' ..j k.' ML ..I. mweia, anaa .jrwrcmtn Bowtw.jMiaa BtaUy.JMl-, MU1SH. reHnforoetueata Umtlke Jlpaaiaid uiay rpcolve between how aud'the wiMor mnAop, aud that , if need he, it call be iacreated before the sprlag cawpeiga opew. Great aarprtoe to .aiaaifooiod $y the war experte la ooaaeeeiaa wtek.the r- W i' ift tefeUI M JUt tataMiiaUi fww a nv real wwa wwwm ttuv ia ajiLlkiaiii "W. ' "Mk" i '" A the j-aeaawr c lea naarhi'aa hawd. OCtethe serthweed tdJaW dea there otrotohoo a vaet pteia.wkieh, oeatrary fo the geaeral tread of e portowhleh aataaatd in 1H. Petya berg, ia fertile, aad hae predceed a f air eeaeou'e erey. ytM, MMeaal)Mlieaar'iieNwet;a f iekja ahreeohed' awav te Makdea eaeh dey'a aewi bore ttoate refereaee to the ahortae of provfcioaa aeai of that peiat aad ataay were, the etertoe to $be efeot th4 ttte Jtaeaiaa araty oaee driyaa hajpad Makdea woald be eeat pjdledtaJMMfc.aU. ita, pappH'ea frow far, a,ay, Itaetw appears thathV ataet hftvebeea a, part of a regular plea te seiaiaaUe the hope of tfaeJapaaaae, that the eMapaiga : woald be broaght te a eleee at or aear Makdea,- Xke retreat of the. Saeeiaa anay td that peiat, thaa reoderiagH puiithii for the' Japaaeae to awae, elotady ay; preatawte the store oa head ad sap- pliea peeeilde betwaea there aad Har- bta, W6. mike away, haa aaeaaeked the faetyeaorted by raator'aar, earfy ia the aaeeatbethereeieae with aiaeh aadwea aaaeted the faew of that great atreteh of eeaahjy a prodaee. evapc f our waergeacww Caeof thekttt mm te pee r-$ the ,?aetwa Uae to Harbia; lit authcrity rtjke ida4aataat thatjRaeala feaejftad aiaeh aahehdeae tar kef ptaafctasaty alaaaet'te Harbiaa dorJ aad that, to eat KakecaaVia'a arutf eT treca ai k jpttea ,wtit beiiaaaaeary aar.the.Japaa- aa t fevea Mat ahaoei te Marbia ieaeef-.V " . U'vif-w.eftWe fa it to regarded aa paMththat' the aaaaaaifa jatar he 'idartalHQid lar,a iaac! tesmiem' good start bj-.aW, id'typhgothepiBfose. ' '' 1-,Hui gimlv toarfant MlmU"iMti'ha ee-aW,'viiHrest8lbstro-3 aatfoier Biat Kiwi' that caa rtoe aad fail, away aad aear, in the irad-dWWy;wlri.-Kir--' nay.awrwg thetr- whaga pefoeattbir. Jtewjwwjae aai greee-pwoewtaa-' age.w aeebadte gt kirigihiwiahoot aaapiag rmmx wtaaer if at oenaui kaHaaelerda'taetbe elagaad fat tare eha. aoer toda the ir'gMiaHy' naett, thayr dtoaapear feem. the Are ef the beholder, aad yet it will he aalte ', uappitcible' fo deaatal a Magte atahtaa of anything eaeeat 'the taiL Oad' abaerverV Hrkh Beffnaas. Wi aa faDjaeaal ei-partefaity te- gather' ' eeaie faeta Jha beer, oa ehie rjaeetio. T'wo year-l age be waa ia the Caacasafl pa a aioeaeaiet peak that ascwwteA elcae to'luboMter oae. Over tho latter Mtere" soared a great eagle, aud, far fh be'was from it earth, ho was t-riH-pjose to Mr. HoCaaan. i When ba vae eeea first b vtaa honf;- Jag nlmoBt laoekaleat in the flir. HniJ- dealy he stored swiftly ahenrt, , point iaghia ht& slightly tovnrd the sty. and thus he glided aloag withoui, dapping a wiagtlll his aiotios eeaeed of itself. As it stopped, he lifted h wriaaa high ia the air, dropped hfc head aad penaltted Wmelf fall? ' Aa.seoB as he bee)' Jhlka ahart'dhv "ft-attt haetf aael Will Opetf I" ..- Kl . IZi, - cl. A. -. '- : ..a-4,v fA TfeB s jttaaaq 'ap-naifwatae laaaaMi.aieiei 'eHMUk aau IMmrnaH. i r a a, t fc T "t ,'T I f, -- ' ev ;-aK.'aaaaaaB' aat 4aaW mtimm waati,1 so aat wwala- n- aeriiaeaaaaa he had setaalhr slid, apoa ted air tiJJ pion; higher .titaa he had taenia H. && After .he had dpae thtoiive'ttateahe had anoaaaad t high witfaoaii $ag The, eagle's maths it wee eaaetlr that of a bay w sehiee dewa hiU In a wagoo, aad thaa gets eaoagh. speed tq oerry jaw wp foe aex? atu. vuy 19 the eagle's, eese hk hilto were, pf air. Puh0:pnc eicod C4eMlata TaJclmt AeivnikjM( The oetrWat travel' ea. u5 Paeie, whieh iingfia Te?' inage, Obloahihi aad heeae naakew are tahtetg 'adrnatage of the lew pap; way aaese te losate at aaiata'ia thanraet yw .aga H ,r ? 4 Wapae TKe' AIMMV) HkBWpi tflB RfvC iWPVUM ail! Mfawoart liver teratiaals. THE GREAT evea tea after the eiaeeh of wiahar. has ahat dwf apoa the aoathl; A.ladar aewtf today todieates j peat Ml Wed wat aaaay a ajeroe batfer asr he W beeare; aka'aW. oat's ttaasatar are "htwi-ght to atoav lu ft 5 ClEufc. ,a-li.,iadl,t II bMtSi'W -uakiaftiw.rer a aa the. jr ki Jftke flights of birrta -UaAmu Uj ymBHBWPCBr i mmam t aadisiefariU viijtady llsae-I TaadMVrStbdK-Brsarfd: has! r.hilhj for awte thaa fat the noramnn fem- suoh at'uiaslitaiiiiiwi. ura eoMs, aoweieoai-': and leeer, bUwae- a aad other Ian other laedkln to nteaeeary, It wvigorates ami ireg ulates the liver, artjitf digeitlesu stWUtaa aetioa of iha idaeys, parties the blood, aad aasgeathe bQwala of fwtl aoMinttdaUowa; It gore urer ooauaaiDt, mttuesua , lash, diaaiaeas. chills. ' pauia, sideaeke, back-' iwiou. j -'-- -m 0(taBhiaJH j-xtf -, - r TTha Ovegaa aad JtWaWeath)''. ,? Jaeoeaa0ii tue jMiejsaas-eiflstft leaasav1 aaaa a A'iJwa kj-' the piak'jevi c ' o to BKMres Milj5ga laatlcai-j! -Wkj l i if tsthinHoataka.of Jpehatfa pcaaey where' the ateaVili ta jeaaplcfed ks ! catf ing the v.estr .qscniirka t' aheJr to b Itituui in ii- 03sC!iaioa4iW 6f thftHpcthwestfej psrt ofttHwhw - ; Tuesday, B.'i?, Horris, of,Mdford, vias Jn the eajrj pi caataltdijoa. wjefc; Jlie aUHSneSsnt t thalSoB'Uiyxa . Cjtla conoerains 'tlt'e "-ccastTBtitJoj: 2 . jraiiritcd to lircsci opp. trS-if9iff for a Otstaace of nbect J to 83 si Has la ,a aortheaaecrly- cwveejisat Thh ' road is' tq tap the timber -toJaetp ,, aokt oooatgr aad kaafce iitniiiwtteai wteh" f7 the dootket BaMftc 'toes- at, )' , Mr..jis'hjaa-as'ieaeBwa ' dhtaextD 'PattaMaasaaMlr salBbaaaa " '' iebow t. AeraO, BiMjfc , baoklag aei?eSafy'hi.; ,eaoay'' klea throegh. While '.JMea4 npoMausgerfe. S. Galvlk of'tha'O.. R. Kj aad imik'ftfiS the art- raageifor the pejrtdfcaal'k' sash, .Hahfc raJUa aad farWw51Sik waasriaJU a' woald be ded by LTw iu the.eaa straenoa ef heoed, Mr, JSrrf to the reprjewitattVw ef .a, large: lafuber- RBdhjgiag a naiary dt Mkhtgsn and was, ,'aea' to Ocagaa so. isteetlgatd the c'6ditiaii. laeas attah sciatioabf large itamtieV ei'aiat Mmbeidaad owasM of JaajIpoaeeeaTy,.,, im$i; Wheaa' i.Kaahhtrn Mag. efc' Medfeed aetoaal beat; hjeaa ateat, pirewiaeBtiy 'kea'ttiledi; Theaiaaof the eoawawriaai Slather eaatpg wtU be- Wt hi la KeeataiBS, atlis ertPtad aad taafhar eat ,'aad, ahippad aither'iia jagaar-ki lataheri. Beahiaa that tsathareeraad ' tbe eewpaay, ail that of hi laeausjiad, lag iiUMBtiy will he wade ktbataij w thereiaa, aad the whete'eaaaery wtU be opeaed,-WlHoas af feet ef the viae grown beiagthaa ' atade, te the market. , si Um, f material baa- been gathan It toJ"S - L .. . ... 4MW W ' MIMadaalMte,!?' Xt ia tniijuJfaiW to l the eHsi' a?a5J.',fkffiMS Afr t.!f opbaloa that u, b M 1 w B uwv iina gou,-. ow -" to uot,rtaJ, ihjgjft Ha h rts i mam- lP? iaaiiiNaQaafiJa M a.hadawMM ea eaMk Khsi $pstl ma swi everythka, laave s tei.y afhtetw ainidiaa, aad far! Km yi, I kvt$ kt tthmn t foil I anu lutitnv r.; PraugM, A.J,i.n; -V, Thecoapaay will ae woaterR lawaawajha for. beta eaahaatp,, . Xhey will iwihg'to Cteagaa alio! aV old eatployeea whe have nptisl fair tba 'firat la tha jgishiga woada wh may care to 'seaaa, weat. Xheaa ataa, imvq qld, aad. tirassad, anaiitaf aii, w4e be. giveit Ha)ie yetmaasi .orpr thaa:. frpaj pther toeioiH, bd aay 4dMaail labor raied.'te ba doae wiit he giaaa to aay taea wha atay apply. v ' It. to r4ttWd pahltoW heeh by Mm Harrto aad by th iaasvessed pwitswka; Medfordr abet tha Kutihaatain ed.har road, wil ba jaagaat ia a shaft thata, ad aooa, ia faet,ae ta aaoeaaary aiUiiml ji.. .:- 1 j, aat.- ji wa,aMffeaiib4y Wt' atftas srty diiwetjoB, the jmirainw wtth,aa Boattvara Fawtia batotg atahar at MaV igd or t Catoel. Paw, aa. iewe eaaissiba ; Utoki)e d by vhrMiafaed-peojato iatli .Hat tbatv the road, W-iiriiiidwa ehotrt titn'eaa far a, Oaatav Xfakvt; tha-weatera part of KbMaath nsnij', ittofwihar slittii that tha wsaasaiT asag ag ,aat aa aaiaa aiaaaan aBMiBa pVev wUlduatartef iataaat aiaa lumlawaat and. Maat MdlilBlaeav Mwdtn wtSaaaaoteas, ? Uaa&BttMreaa ah thel. rar pn nftww anaa roaaat asatsaaai plaad are at th aiaaaiaade rapiasjad tha ootpt vril'i' oqual that of C: 3 ttuoth lJSeJUy utuW (Vuupeity tf ifasgwirf, j Ha4V( 'Iwaivt, ia iatUwraia. ' -T A t; I li1 A 51 JH 1 Id 4 1 m 1 tl ' f ! ."J I".J(1