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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1901)
f'Vt, t ' -rjf-pusTJjirr: 4' -it-1 J& . ii u I JL & 1 M lurmntMU,lamtM.afcWM.UMltlS4in(lnJMaMrUMItim wt.Tl.V . , . .-M--- . rttoliwjr.K3M'r-wn'mtw'TtvJ(?JCi. 'v'viraiair9tf.iiviv ', ui hrn1" ... ". f r ... v AM'i'clnWePiJpr.rolii .t rA "Ix.i!ni,i4!il.,iul.'wt!(c;ii.i luijl ItK !V.oult h? ."ulL'awcifl tH" t IVanol:. .JinllnivClTctliil- '.....,.. .....I l...t ' ....III.. .. Iim-iinum -w i'tiMiiin miiiur OpIuill.Mllty'ullliI llUf Mingnil. Not Nauootjc. rm .'KtmosmutUiTcsutt 7.m.,4.v,- .t-vW ' ,'sftt7l -, . 1'fJnffJ- w Apitfi-I le'iumty rrf3wilSfV) Itun.Hu' iViiriiut.Otmilsnjiw.lVvrisli luiiti ntnl I.ouh or SMuti1. IncSu l Si,i, iuro or XI5W YOYIK. kEr3.&. 'tfhfrfTK?!Mftiw .-, E.riL!j Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kklney Pills Csvine tlio kl.'iicja to wwk mi anUnu Intc.iuVtl tltcy nhotiM. Tlwy Imlltl wj t!it kliruuktti V7ltw of the l-Mney-, w ro known remedy biu liven fbcttd to do liefnrc. Ail n cuio far .miliary truttUiM tlOf,lVa OflttRl. yn o, ng, 30 Ccn&i nod Crous Druj Store. M mmammx A Subtle JFoe DymT'lA Li -Trvrih ! Ill hair tlu ikw. It dwvto fan uithni wU.h mCtvr. It iiuwy wUtHMM WUTl. a'oli,: tlw TfW' t Unu4 of ihi' yii in. Tu lutila iijdiikl (ui)' of I jrti I v.ilu. Otr Nml ii 1 1 x ban il:i 17. y lonM.'n.-hnr MTnblHc iynj.lrf . tul lirtloj ri'llrf. xs zzssrz.'rrssr GILES9 spcps'taTablets 100., kKO ao sue! nod Cross Store Don't Force Your Bowels T?it! lurth mlnerll whltlt , Always Irave a altcr-clFacte , flu the entire system, avsd whwrc ifiolr uk ' p;Utcl In, tend to complete' Trwck ths stcuwcU &d bowt!. ..USE.. tm r Cathartic Jiogz? s Confections Tits onl hottfAmt vijetabl, twvvcl recabtor, anJ liver vltalber lenowa. An pleawnt to the taste as oandy, or.t! n positive as the hanJi .t mineral. No g:lpc or pain. CJ9 JO, 25, 50 cents, nod Drua: Store ttwmuipMtmvM'jnM'mx 5'Iiu Way froo I'liuit" ".!', Tlicto l Diil, urn' y In wliloli u am bo niicotl 10 biunoli. "i tlmt u iiv outtliia olT llm nuns Tim jilmit tluiH Intel ri I'd wltli i'i '' " l'r 101 1 to Brow, nml oltliui- u now nl-mit M'' sent up to tiilii1 Uiu tluco of tin' lot toj) or M'M-inl blioota will bo sunt Otlt IllODR IllO MlllUf. If ''lit 0" 'nr'H' cut It Imok. lu'op up tlila ciitlliiR Imult liioci'ss until ymi limo iirepiiroil n iiimiy briuicliuH 1111 you tlilnlc nro nccib d, Ponilmoncy nml imtlenco will uUllgo tlio jiliuit to do im you would lll.u tu Ituyo It do.-r.iidls' IIpnio,touri)iil. StvVrrrri w.a7T!7f.TiMtf WilWS a wwti n$m fiffl h wfflW V 3 uj l1 ff i w a v W xAcr cenv or wa"pch. fJB H M fiPVl 0. W P! K U K K fl fia I fi ' $Bj - - - -' IT ParlnfAntH and OkiMron. tlf'i 'i - rt irmr r in .11.11 m The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signafciiro of Use For Osr Fhirty Yea FQ k O Coast flail. Mti uKi';rs 8POT7Y, THE SPORT. lino uf tho AmilKlliir Hxptrlrnrr. nf l'lrl Krrplm. When wi wilwl uitr houso, wo didn't enpott l l."t eUkl.rtta, but our'Und hud wit nmv'ns nut of town, 11 ml nfter W had til 1 bkktrns cumi1 tw found tLiri min't rocin !h C10 ivr, m (ntlivr U-itflit ibeia. YtiTi- More n I4act; Jlliwrt-n, two IMji un.ih Itorka, n Ujht l'.nilinm, a tr-ivttti nml it nMatintl tilnck Inn trlf.i Jl nt ; fvw Willi V ffRtllvni !! rnw i'jui'ii. We mlli 1 Imr Hj.Uy. 1 O0i itaf. yfv wrw gvitlne not itlvtl In our Dtr imma, MiKli nlUol m tfcrwmlt.ilio blulivn iloor. nml wo I toutui tr muiite iTUinlii In tliu lmuiry unit an 7t nttdT tin etictf. . Tin' mitt ilay, wImii It wnii rolulne nul tin. ikwr !mt, we timnt notovthtiiR I iniiinR on ili window nml fotiml :jMt- 1 ly ii)'K nitnti'iiC It. Wv wrrv nrmni li.' luljslil liriitk iIm rIom. i iiiotlur tul.l im in wnii Imt uw:i.v, Itot U-fori' I iiHtM i'loc tin' ilixir Uf wna In :iml I iu tUliie fur I tii' iwmry nsnlit. V.i- iboanlit livr mi wIko Mint wo Irt hrr liloui'. n.iU n In Id In llit puiilry until Nbt lHKnii to moll. WIumicvit llm ilc or vent vlnmnX .!it mim In tlw w'uduw. 1 iieiM .w nil iicllor Iivii Mm 11 ultl Knilty luii lu vn iiwlll;u. iHIiv wn 1-nnpil, 1'iiiv iiiH-kod nml plu- f fwttlimy nil PI i', liut .c wr j frr t iK'I'fx'J 1 In"! 1 nml itlilu't 1 wltrn 1m- kIoihi inullltijr, Hi ukIi fn- ' tlior mM iiuo1 llmt HHitty mh'miiI l In KiiottiM wltlt lilni'k IiikIiaiI of white, !nn ut Hi-Hi. About TliutikKKUlDK llin I fntbur wiuitnl 10 wll hiiuiu I nut) inotlior laid I1I111 to hiII tljo llghti-xt n:i. iwjiivlnlly om wliloli wn Hourly w iiitt. Whoii lie ouim In. ho until! "Sty 'iluir. lb -pi In 11 iM'iiuilful himwy wlillu 1 HlU- t III tilt' i'lltCkull liiniw with 11 roo is. nib. Wlicro i!u uii ItilnU ulio onuio Ifiimir' Xtvlln Imil boon iMiilIni: tmub try nin'rf. nml fclo wnitl ut 01100 mat It mu n HiMirt; tlint (tamil I'lyuniulli UooKx miiiu'IIiuon iwrtcil wlilti' rlilcL otlf. An wp woio linlf n mlto from n iioIkIi. bor. fnliur llnmulit Hint wiih rlulit. mull Din niliiy day wn litninl 11 imiIiik mi tin wliiilow mid fouiiil tliu wlitto j imlloMn S'jKiliy'rt rnmlllur idnce. Tlion owry ono rHiiiuiiiiiori'ii tiwt wini 1110 Imronnnl mimlM'i' or olitcl.i'im finni llit iiuiiiuiiir liatoli Hnutty boon lot nlobt of uud tin unowy wtillo jmllot wim tin nwo.tiini " iirtwu." tm" 1 let W. Antiby In Poultry Koi'itor. How In One nude rontlicm. Your rvinli'i" wtiiiilns to l.uow Imw to o'tro dm I; fontluini limy llml lio folloiV Imr of 11luc: If tlu uro lor lionii' mo, tliu nnat wny tu mnv dm I; fmtlii'rs I to linn,; I bom Ui In courw b.'i,'!i Hint uro not too full In the nun ouch day until tlioy mo tlioiniii;ldy dry nml nil olmmo of iiny Uniii.iuNitloii In kouo. euro Hliould bo tnkoii tlmt iboy nro ncor wit by n sud den hliuwiT or oiliiii wNo nml Hliould bo Htlrrod up ovciitduiinlly. If 1 lie foatlu'ra mo liitrmli'd for inai l:ot, 1 ho qtili'Uotit wny I to npivud them mi mi upprr tUiot- under a tiilii ioof, iiiinidliiK mittlimt tliolr lielus wot from inlii. At loiiKt oir'o In two dujH tlioy t.tmuld bo veil Mined with 11 MIcU to i.eeiit tliolr lit'iiiluit. Kiuli new lot gliuuld bo licpt HL'imrnto until pmtl.v diy. This may bo douo by nmUliiK 11 winnl' P' I" 'iu' oornur of Hie lloor uud liiephii; tliuiii theio for 11 wcolt nt toast. Thorn 1110 thrown with tho jjwiclnl lot when fri-Mi 1110 brought to tnlio tholr plnee. 110 time ahould tlicio be nniie than 11 foot of fcntheix uii tho Moor. If then? ore wlnilown. us thero Khould bo. tlioy onii Im con-ieil with who net-tl-j:. iiIIoaIiu; llietn to bi opojied for M'utllatton without the foailu'ts bclus blow 11 out. U will inlie 11 luontti for tliu fcntliew to lie dry mmujsli lo ll. when they can tu p.icl.i'd tlRhtly Hi Unlit tuuslln baud furnldiiUH'lit. Willie n'iihor nlwaya tuliiR tho lop tt U e t'ohuml or .ollvd fi'iilhers ahonlil 1 U.'iil wimkuv. 'A'Uibc lullcr uio wln. M iv . in t d y T iy taw yas-Litiwa u - " -- hie n n inwersrrndo, hut If mlanr wli.i v lilin tlio lot w 111 bo cIiinhciI fin Inferior 1 1 I'll nml rouih fentlicm nru rrenii'il In the miinu wny, each 1:1ml by llaelf 11 1 wnyn. It In iiftiinlly reckoned llmt tliln oilier wine wautt? product will pay for half the ptcliliiR except In Hie on mi of ncahl 1 il lu'iin. ivlicii It doc not pay to bother with the fctithi'iM. Dry pithed hem brim; only ID cent nt tliu lilxhcat mid Rem tally not iimiio tliau 7 cent. All feniliern llml 11 ready (ale lo Job hern nml pillow maiiufnciiiter. ' It Ik well to nenil aiiiptm to different eoiireriiM when you have llieiii for nale i-iy iim iiiiiir jirmiu, 11111, n iiimiw hiiii ami Hicy will make the price lU'conlliii; lo ipmllly 11 lliey kco It. (JftrntlMK'x mil' ilrm will i;lve more ilimi nuotlier for tlio nanie rikhI. TIiuiiium II. Tay lor In I'm m Poultry. I'd n 1 1 rr tnrit. lll.icU pool In tlio harnynrd nro poor wntirliiR plaroij for tlio fowl. Woili In the tniilil factor In Nticcexuful jfiiiliry uilaiiiK. Don't ulilrlt. A wood jtjiiI'.vcH. In uboiit mi Rood (in 11 ititlitea lor MtirliiR Imwkn nml crowx ntnl not pn uolny. The hriifi llmt molt early nro tho ouen 1 tin 1 you nhoiild keep, for they will lay In winter, when crrm nru tnont In doiiiaitd. Now. beirnru of rotten mill: ami polled mei'. Home xnplu fcem to thick that ton hi belotiR to tlio buiznrd rntiiHy. What paHHcn for cholera I1 often the result of oxpoiuro without ahadu to tho IiiIi'Uho lieu I. llrnhinaM nml Cochin nml all IiIr. Iicii1. Ily fruthered fowlnnro lln bio lo heat protrnlloo. If the early chlckeiiu nro lo lay ln'foio cold weather win Iu. they nhoulil Ik well enred for ut this wnvou. 'live tliem plenty of food, plenty of room nml Rood ulr. Hell off tho old hena be foio liny Infill to molt. -Tti sfe;.vfj vXBliS&Z2 irig : . aii 1 1 11 1 -jr - life may bo lined with Rood rvaults for autiir'ii paMiirliiR of nheep. ray C. I'. O'lirtlMi of tl 0 Imt a experiment htil tlou. I v.nuld nuRst'M. hor.'eier, that onolmlf the lam) bo vowed to rape mid the l4ilr.uo to sorshum. Thoiu trtM will praduco liuicti mere rnvd Jkt new than ryv ami they will como 011 luueh iiulcker. Tho nirli'.'in nnd'rapo n.ny bo put Iu rixm us 1 bo RNiitml can bo prrpansl af or tho iMvreut nimu'n orei of rye M tsken olT. When iastui ItiR thofo (.cpx. the riiicp idiould tin 10 the rim of n Mite rwhi tmntuiv nt the Mime time, nn there will tie len dniircr of liliwt If tho Mii-ep nro nut routined tu Uio M.eci 'out rrop I'xuuslvi'ly. Then I would Mi'itet n n ir.ennn of aecurl'.iR ro fi foil fmil tlmt ther.i'id be town Iu n coriilloM tiieu!eut far ptiMurliiR ImmetllRiely nfter the tail esltlvatloh. tt tuny Ikj town by hand, nud 11 Rood iKnl or It will entch without .-ovcrliiR. A K'tter crop will bo lunured. Iioncwr, by tho tun of n narrow harrow Hint will nana lietweeti the row. We hnie rown rjo nt the oNperlnient station nt Amen as early ua Austin nml nn Into n. Oct. 15, nud prtHlucvil Rood crop. tnp. am Cull I'lMnrr. IMk' n ery -utlnfnctory ctdf pnnturv. I.lko clover nml porno other empn, thoto Ii datiRcr of bloatlns: con. Mipicully the nulmali rnuxt bo put on gradually nud kept off whenever dew I 011. 'I hi. plant Is not appreciated In many Hcctlmm of Uio country. It In 0110 of tho very lwt for -oIIIiir nml for posture puiioxo. 1l11llrrnlr1l CotlomrcU Mcnl. To detcit udultorated cottoiihcoil monl. If u x orolrln outlet' clear Rlnis vial with larRo imiuih I Idled about one-third with tho meal Jo bo otnmlued ami water ndded until tho bottle Is two-ihlid- full, tho ooutrutN thoroiiRlf ly then the liottlo allow t-d to Maud perfectly Mill for 'J I tiourx. on MittlliiR tho hull. If ntiy. tiniil for n tiller in ndd welsht. will have nepimt isl from the moot proper ut tho liottom. TIiuh n ronli hlen inn bo formed of tho extent of adulteration by au Iu pectluu befil'L' tho liottlo Is URltated again. A WORTHY "om othlnc Tho SUCCESSOR. Now Under sun" All DoMor lve liHiltoiuiv t ATA Mill by Ilium of (WwiIkW, ndd rhc, inliVr nml tlriiRt In tuttr lnfiii, 'llirirKMlcrii thy up llic muiuuiit niimliiaccw uuulni; tU'in lo cr.irU ox-n ,iinl lilwxl. 'I li iimiiiliilmiiUuMd liiilio in lubr. line itrn uw.i) llif Kline mem UiMt I'm llwlr iinlcTk Iwve ntiiH-d In uue, wlillu tW mill olutii'riiu rnnnot ruiih tlir ilitoMtv. An old nii't vtrMiicwl imvllllonvr who luu lor many ) our- in uk n iloc ilinly mid pli ulty o( tliu iruiiiiH-nt ol l A'l'AHUlI. Iu ,11 I.UI Wlftxlixl l lllMUlH'lll vvlilch wlivn flltlllull)' uud, not only trllevosiil nine, Iwu vcnn uuuitlv 1 iitr I ATA II It 1 1 , by rrmov iiir tho chijc, itop- I'luj; III" 1lln.l1 irjtet, nnd curliiR nil inll.imnu lion, Il l-iiliaiiiiblwiniily known to Kirnco ill 11 iiilimlly iiwJiv'i (lie attliwtid ixiitr, 'Dili. ucvndi'iliil ninody l Inuwnr.J "SN'l'll'l I.S tho (irUlANTfcim (1AIAUKH CUKIi" nnd UbuKInt lliJKlieiiwI) low pi loo of no, cull p.ul.(iuu LOiiHlnliiR Inlvunl nml rid nml inrillclnc mllickni lor n full luontb' liiitiiii!l unit ever) llilnc niM.jt.iiy iu 111 per feet ii. "hN'b I'ri.KS ' lithe only pcrli-cl CATAItltll CUUl.eier initio nnd Is now recognked n dn iinly r nml jxji live turn lor that annoying ami ioiHiUktmi; iIIumw Itcimsall lnH.1111111.1. tihn quukly ami rini.inriitl) nml la alio won lorfiilly ipilck to t.llvio HAY M'A'IJH orCOI.U tu Die llt.AI). LAIAUKII when prgh-uril often lend to (jQNM'Mni N "hNUITI.Iiiv" will s.ive yon If ) on ma It. it once, III Ho ordinary un oily, butiiuniiplito trvutnirnt which ii pod- llvtly mmmnUud to uiiu CATAHUll III nny (c;rm or it ie if lu'i uekorilliig lu Ihu dircctlnii) whhhnuoninnyuii.h jv.ick.iii. Don't ilclay huuend for Unl once, mul wrtio full paNlculim 111 to join kondaion, uniljyon wlllivccive tjiecld ililvl-N from tho iliitovvitr of thli woiulerful rtmetly regarding )imr caw without coil (o )o tiejgnd ihoregulir prlsr. or "SNUITLUS" tho "(lllAUANTUKI) CATAUKIl CURi:." , Sent rivpald lo nny addrcn In tho United Statin or Cm ul 1 on rclpt of 11a DilUr. Ad dresi Pcpt. Uoj7. UlWI U OH.ltS e C MI'ANY. aJi 'iJ aj,ia MatUt Stud. I'hlbOilphla. - v- .- -i. . I m . i .evMYP-.. .- ' Keep Out the Wet SAWYER'S KiMllrIlr4 CLOTHBNC Tb -t wai.rproar nnrnimli In lb WIII4 Mftd Iron, llm ttt nitlwUlll l4 wnrmnlpil Mftirrern.l, M l u. lb,roavn,lwftrk ,11(1 ttihf . l,nU for llixtrnitit mark. ll,oiritilr dM nol bftf m lbm, wrjl Inr rUIJt I. I, T. Ullif irulltr U., ltd., U fmilHt. M II. M. ,AH'l r II A fl1.n,UMrr. ).,.( '.nbrUr, , UtODOSMIl M OiecfTIII'.l'I.VIISt'M MI'.IAUS nml liinfmllynifn.Miii uiiliu nnil imialljr miiIi r.nlil In iUiMt nud lirnuli mlnt-, lm nuir irjii nlt.llil. nmlrrt m ii'. Ii l llii.lill-,i lirAtlvr linn quiil mid occur. In 11111II inl"i, For In foniMihin loul Mvlni; lit DUMIUM nml PI.AI IVUU, (IIi'IOIh! rfhililll iUnrrs 1 . , Liiiilir-d. Mil I'lIK SI . Km I'ruwKo. CjI I'or mI ip'I llwni Iu W 'WUtrii ( o , l-oij ft .Wvh .!., I'lilUiJrlj.lita, l', .n!U lirt. "Von ran convince n woman that the earth Inn't round." nnld llm lireakfanl i-ynlo. "but you t n n't convince her that the dniRirlM iloi-nn't uuito SO M-r cent profit im iiontaco ninmp." Phlludrf oh In Itvimd. A nnrr lilllnc cow for cut. Intrni, eitil, liken Mixiiidt uud totut l l)e NVIIt' Wjldi ll'mrlhalip. A not ot.ililnc mid lirallnj icmrtly lor nil (Lln nlfitllont. Acnptunly the Krnufr.r Kill ( r Diujj Mure and Seng. iLuUii't I'liaiiiutjr, 0.STOXI. a,,.cli, lHdY03llirtllm)Brfi Polroloum occum In AlRerla. and nt Ornn theiv Is a tract r-0 mllca In IciiRth that In said to bu excccdln.ty tlch In pctroluum. II, W. PuimII, Klnlrrrlll, V , i;i In tu'. frtea )!' Mitli plk ami (utd obuhl lo rnlel tnlli Ik-Will WlUh IIjuI halve i Ictleil ,1 iotiimikM cure. Counts IrlU lite ttwTihlen Kill C iot IxucMoib tol txu'1 ri-m. Etudicn of the ocean bottom near tro roast line of totitliieiitH have shown that river of considerable nlzo itowr tltneit enter tho era beneath tho sur face. "IJ IViHni:, 1011 llemat it.. IVnt Hanoi. M''.. tllii "I lioeliietl iiiiny pill nnd Ikiiilmi bt I) j Will' LNilr I'Ady Kltcrs mr (r l c Inl plH I line iv ittef. Tliey nrtrr Rrii. Itl Crow l)g Msro snil Scijitaik. ei I himy TJie typical Storo In never unarnui!. Uc Pclitn iipially well ou foot, nu hornclek. lu tils tlect war canoe or In he water, for ho swims llttc a tlnh nud tllua llku a penguin. Don't wnlt until mil liicJimnlcill cori" ttlMtn! I in like l)e Win's I.I11V I'.uly lllvm nownml II it. 'Il.ry Milt Lrrp onr -flier and tHrl. In rcoiI rilr Hr) in lute. Nifr h1Ii. Krd Ciowv Diuk Note an-1' 11r. nuev, o . s o : ntKWTmlUrtrJwnBK UtVt XrJV52 llrniy Pjdon irl, N C, mik "I took nrKincao)r i for ;'UUno t. II tifOno Minuu-Couh Cuie tint nw tuoic i:kxI lUnnnv ihliiR rlc lh.11 lime IkM t onjli I lire. Krd Crow Drug hiorn and SvtiRttJvl.rn'i I luriuuil Ilnvlns fevcral pairs of shoes cr.n chatiRlBR them dally or resularly ut loiiRcr lutervnla will ennblo the wearer ipilto frciuently to nold corns ecn nfter tbey show nlRim of formation. NonllSllTr..N'orlh Slialford. N. II.: "I punruMd n 1 oil'.- of One Minute Cough Cure when uffiMigiiha cvWfih doctor told int w.i liiciiral.le. One luU- libeled me. lira u wml and third uliiimt cmed. 'loday I nm will iiHii Hrd Cioti Ding Moru nnd Seng. ituU-u'. Ilurnucy. Travelers say the hotel of Cairo. Kgypt. uro tho best In the world. They nro n Rood as the bent continental ho tel, better than tho best American ho tclii nml extremely better than tho fnshlounblo London hostelrlcs. Many phlei in nro iirnv prescribing J-Codol liyrl Cure tecnhirly tai lug found thai It iitlieb-tpievcilptln 'h-vrnii write because li I llm one p riwriilon which contain mint rnvrtuty to dlRWl 1 ot only tomo klndi ol food hut nil kind nnd It tlicrefou- currl'lndl. nestwn si d djtpcp-dl no matter whit ilia ennse. Ked Crow Drug Mote nnd ,Seiisucktn'k pliar-m-uy. 0S 3C. B(nth IM Wad YwHm WWTS BosgB fllndr anro of the rie, A young lrl who carried her dinner wna olisorvoil to eat her nlo tlrst. When asked why. Mio replied. "Well. Itthero'a anythltiR left It wou't bo the pie. will It uowr ltoston C'hilstlan Ucglster. Cleo. W. 1-itie. IVwanio, Mlch.( writes "Your Kodol Dttprpiki t tro il the licit rciue. d forindijteitionnni1 Motn.ich trouble thai I eerud Yo wui I tulliuit Irom ujipepiln, nt liuioi couipellhii nu' lo liy lu lwl and earn lug 1110 untold ogony. 1 nm completely vuretl 'by Uodol Dj.peiislaCuie In recQiiimcMlinjj t to fdtnil who buffer from Indigestion I rdvvay ofiVrtoiviyforltlflt fall. Thlii far 1 have never paid " ! i'ro" l)ruS hlorc nuJ ,So "S' Ptianu icy. tT l'tt-t u For Iufnnt3 ami Children. Tba Kind You Have Always Bought Boara thu Slgnatvu-Q of m&s. , a: tNiTr-j. WMWiP UiE lK ( 5' B'!l ii iir, rj mi &lmWu. "-rfyiv.rtvov OIL i i ii tti.t iiiv.n i flanntKifrliiff. JlinllM'- Von mv llml foil doubt llm nlnl.,1 1 i,t II,.. .r..vllii. .lln l,n( ! Uio dif.'iid.iiit aaiimiili'irii liln Inherit imcp riinnu rIvi- the rianon for your "" ' lltory) nl "fROii. ,),, .lias thin day lilril lit thin (,IIl,co Ids ' WHnera-l trleil (le0 or fonr tlmctpwor,1, ,lrtU;n!J,r't1"' mttir 'I,n lo r... Llm to visit n rhurcli fair, Imt It, '";' ?'" "' ' 4.' Ui " wiim I,.!,, tic nlwnya smiled and In-1 ' !.J ""V" ' ' V.0" ' "' "W ,No' (ifiind uie Unit ho nan not born jester rl.iy,-1 lotion Traiini rlpt. O. W. Towor, MD. I'UYHICIAN AND ntJHOCON. Office in Srnr-iticliKi nnd hmiih' llidg. I rent ilrrft, MartlifieMOrrgMi. .)". W. Bounott, attohnjiy ani counsklou at LAW. OacoerCM llay liank, I'lorit lrerl Marlifie.d, Oregon, W. U. Douglas, ATTOKNKY at law AND U. 8. Trent itrrel, Mardifldd. Oregon. John. F. Hall, ATTOKNIJY AT I.AAV. O.Ticr In Khlorodo block. Front itrrtt, Manhficld, Orrcon. I. Hacker, AKHKKACTOK Coo,uillo City, Oro. 'Almlrrtctsof title of renl property 11 Coo county furnished promptly. Hiivn 11 set of lib tine to. CARPETS IN Tlin ROLL. ; , WITH flying colors Our enrpet dqnrtment open th fall campaign. We hare taken vrrlty corn! cart- of carpet cot tomrrt heretofore, but this lotion we are in bet ter form tlun oer. Choov? from the n--r good while they are new and the Hock Ii complete. FURNITURE. . The latest and liandtomett product of the belt la etotiet all new goodt at our uitul low price. QIIRISTEHSEN JoijNSON TIMIiKlt LAND, ACTJl'NKS, 1878 NOTICE FOIt PUIUICATION. L'lillnt State Utnd Office, P.OKbiirg, Oregon, Aug 17. lyoi. Nottco I lii-reby rIvoii Hint in coin- jdiiinre mtli iV pnivltoii of thn net td UoiiRrcrd of Juno :i, ib,9,eutitieii "An net for tlm cub) ( timber Iiinils tu the Stater of California, Oregon. Nevnda.nnd Waxliington Territory," an extentltd to nil Hid 1'iilille Lund Suite liy tact of AtlRUPt I, ISl, i:invi:u W, ViUr.ul Jlnrolitlt'ld, county of Coo Slntti (or Territory) of OiiiRou, has this tiny filed in thiolllce Ills iiixoni ftiittuiit'iilXo SlXi, for the piirelniKO ol the Lnt 1 nud - Mini S$ id NEl4 of Section No.ll iu TuivnBliip Nn iif Kiiiiru No. 11' West, nnd will ofli-r pioof to Khun- the lnnii miiirIh is iuur valuable for its ttnther or i-loii'i tliiin for ngriciilttiriil pur potevind to etnlilisli liii claim lo said bind before tho Itegislor anil Ut-eoiver uf thin ulllcc at ltovdittrR , Odirou on Tuesday, tho 1-tli tluv uf November, IWU. lIonuninn witnosfp; Jescte A. Smith, Wilfred L. Wlrth, Anton Wirtli and .MnrK D.Uuilip all ot anus (lold, Oregon. Any and nil persons elanninc; ail ersuly thti nboo tleieribvd binds 1110 no netted to filo their claims lit thin olheo'on or Iwfnro said 1-tli day of November. lt01. S-lll J.T. llRHHIlM, KeRistt-r. TI.MBKU IND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTICE VOU 1 U11LI0ATI0N. Unltrd Slates I.-indOnice, Rostburg, Oregon. Aug, 37 1901. 'Notice is l.ereby jjhon llmt in com iiliiuicfi with i!n Hivislniicrif tlio uei of Conurewof Jiinn !1, 1378, eutilled 11 in ,.ti 1,11. ill.. kiiIiv uf linlli, r l.lllflM if.tbo HbttoH of Cnliforniii. Orecon. Niivadii.iiud WanliliiRton Twritbiy,'". us cxtciidr-tl lo nil tlm Publli) l.niiil Stales by net ot AuriiH t, 181W. Asms W111TII. ol MurKhtirld, i-oiiniy of tiioa Stiito (or Territory) OioRon, lum this day Hied in thli ollico hi rwnrn BtattitiieiitNo. IMW, for llm pureluiee oftlioSEi of Suction No Xi lu ToivtishipXo. -0 S, UuiiRo No. 11 Wet, and will oll'-ir proof to show tlmt tho land sotiRht is inoro valttttblo for Us tlnibornr vtiiitc tlinn for iiRri enltiirnl purpose, and loentnblinh Inn ehitm to sniti land hofnrn thi lteRimer 11 ml Uecoiserof thin ollleo at lhwehiirR Ori'Riin. on Titesilny, tin 1-th day of Nnvotnher, 1D01. Ho intinoMis wltnostoH' Jenito A. Smith, Wilfred L. Wirlh. Kdiwird Wirec. nnd Murk 1) Outlip ull of MiUbhlluhl, Oregon. Anv ntnl nil personn claiiuing nil vcrr)y Ihouhovo-dfuorlUBil land aro rotiucslud to fllo their clntma In thin ollleeott orboforo nid 1-Ht day of November 1001 . 8-31 J. T. BmiKiKS, Itogtater. TIMBEltLAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE I'OIt PUBLICATION. Unltcil Sutcs t.iiul olllce. Koieburg, Oregon, August.'sTTNofli, Xntu'o In hereby Riven that in cum pi i it nc u with llm pruviston ol tho tin ot Qoiikic of Juno 3, IbTS, ontitlovl "An not for tho salu of titnbor In ml a a thu Status rj( Califonua, Orogon, ?M(PI m nn y.lJii,lJ. L N"fJ' , . . pr-IStiiaiSin - LMV ,V - S" Mr ISSK' , f Kii t. -Xal Cp N-alii, nn1 WanliliiRton Territory," J eStelHleil to nil IllO 1'IIHIIC J.illKI HtnlCn by llCl llf yttCIIl-i, lB'J-'. MAUK V' CUTMf, of Marshflelil, county of Unit tliu land otiRht In mora valunblo ...-,.. .... ... 1. is ., v,, ,...,, iipii,n for its Umber or none limn fur aRfi cillturitl purHirn, nnd ti itabllili litn claim to nnld bind beforo llm llt-Riftlcr and JCceltnr of tlil ollleo nt Ito-clfnrtr OrcRou. 1111 Ttirdny, tho J-tli day of, 1001. lii unuirn u wltnwat Jcnffo A fi'nltli Anton Wlftli.Kdward Wires, 11 nd CluiriiH Ii. Hiinlli, ull of Mnrsln field, OreROii. Any nnd all iwriotin clanniiiR ad vcrrely (lie iihoto-llpnoribcd latldit nro I rovtlostlil to lib-tliolr claims in tllln I ollico on or br-foro Xiivointior. PXJ1. '-" ""J " 8-:iI J. T, Ilnimir., ItrRister. TIMI'.KIt LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICi: I'OIt PUIILICATION-. United .Stale Iind Office, Koaeburg, Oregon, Sept. 3, i&oi. Notice It hereby cben that In compliance with tlie orovltlon of the act of ConKrcM of June 3, 187S, entitled "An net lor the tide cf nmoer iinnt in ine a in ci tamomia. uregon, Neraila, nnd Wathington Terrbory, n ex tended to all Ihe inil.pc lnd Stale by act of A..., . .,u .t-...,a. Ltow .t It .t. field, countyrrf'roi.SiMe of Omrcn. Is thl I flay filed In Tlhl office hi .worn ttlement No. I IBIS. lofllx-DurcJi.wolUic KK ot niiX ana 1 SWK ff NKV ofSrcllon No, 35nd bV.K of SBK Section ad loTownthlp No, as, Kantn fio. 11 wai, nno win onerprmi to tnow uiai the Lint totifht 1 more valuable for It timber or none than for agricultural purpotei, and to citablith lilt claim to laid land ocforr the Kegit ter nnd K'xcirer of thit oflice at Rowhurg, Ore gon, un Monday, the 11 ill day of Nhieniher, 1731. He name nt wlincttei' St) Cultia, W I! Short. J AlUtJon. A Wlrlh, of Manhfictd, Oregon. Any sod all perton claiming ailtcriely Ihe atKMreletcnheU kind are requeued 10 file their claim In Ihi office on ot before laid nth day of Nuvemtier, ijoi, 0-7 J. T. UaitMS , RegUter. TIMIllilt LAND. ACT JUNK ::. 1878 NOTICKl-'OU I'UHLICATION. United Sutcs Ir.dOfike, Rovr burg. Oregon, Sept. 3. 90l Nolle tt her ely siren that In compliance ' wiih theprotiiiontol the act of Congrc of Joru- 3, 1276, entitled "An act for the sale of timber Lindt In the Slate of California. Ore- ! gon, Nevada, nnd Watrinr,ton Territerv," nt ntrrdtd to all the rublic lod Mate liy act r,l Augutt 4. 1803. lUMUi A. MATH,-,, of klanhfirkl. rniintv cfCmi. Suic nl Orrron. I ha thlt day filed In thi oflicv lilt iworn tute-, , ment o ieio. lor uie purcnaie 01 ineM-x ni . rciton io. 1 in icmntnip no 30, tuvngc ,o. 1 1 c r.t, nml will onr proof to show itat the I Lintl teiucht It mere valnahte for ft tlmtver or Hone llian for ecricnliural purpcMet. and to cslibliui hi C-alm to laid land before the Kfg-, ter and Receiver of Ihil oflice at Kcncburg, Ore gon, on Monday, the nth day of November ' 1901. 1 Henamcsatwitneitc- S I) Cotiln. W III Short. Win Kerrey, A Wirtb, of Manhfictd, Any and nil pc-vjni chiming advenelr thi ahorcKletcritHd landiaruienueited tofile their cJaiminthlio.Ticoonorteloreiald nth y of Notrmbcr, ijot, -7 J- T. ButncM, Register. TlMllEU 1VND, ACT JUNK 3. 1878 NOTIOKFOUI'UIILICATION. United States Land Office, Rotcburg, Oregon, Sept. 17, ivoi. VaIh I- trvti f ! (kit In 'Kwirvfltnrwi wtih the pro.Uloni cf ll act ofCongrt-t ofjuiv 3 J873. entitled "An aet for the ale of timber ....1.1. ,k.v,.r.i,r...... rt. v nnd U atliington 1 rtiltory'.- a exiended - 1 ,i ik.i j.w 1 .h s, ...- i.w .r. rj A..,in 4. i8o4, WiU-lAMj.. of MarjhSeld. ' . ...... .. . . I III. day No. 1830 t-ountvoi yAKi. auicoi wnx'w. " ''i fij l.1dl im tttt .t. hi til Am ..iititninnl r tt t'-l ril I'll ti ii.i w s vi -. wjy lor tho purchase of the Nr it ol Sect ion No, n in roitmhipsNiuih. of K-ingo 11 wctt. and will effer proof to ihow that lh land io;ylit 11 tokn .YvltknKL f.vv it. (tmlu ,w .frvn. thjn fi.p agricultural ptirpote. nnd to cttabliJi hU claim to tald Una tielore the Kcgiitecnnd Keceiver ol Ihu othco st Roteburg. Oregon, on lueiday. the 3 1 t!.,v of December. 1901. 1 II, iitmrsnt whncstev Icile Smith. AV I tiett Alilioti, Ixtter fcmilh, Aniolu Wlnt all of naulinelil, Oregon. Anr nnd all i-enon cliloilnc ntbrrfely thei nlttdrcrlleilUnd.vervtitirvtidlorilB their tliimiln thliofHcuonorbefort.tiJfliUy of U.ictv.bcr, 1901. 9-31 J. T. IlHIDCl:!. Reguter. TIMIIKU LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878, NOTICE I'OIt PUBLICATION United Sum I nd oT.ce, Roicburg, Oregon, August 7U1. 1991. Vnlwv I& tviryliv lh..( In willi Die prtMidons of the net of Cougirss of lutwv, 187J. cnUtteit "An acl for the sale of limber linds in tho State of California. Orrcon Net i1a. ..nd Wnvhluttoo Territory." a extend ed to .ill the Public tatudMate by act of August a. 1893, Au.l.'T.IAl.. of I'eKII. county 1 la-wis. State lor Territory) of Washington, ha thit day filed In ties omce til wom Matcme-t N 11 i'tto, for tlie purchase of the Ml Jf of Sc nn No. 31 m To ndiii. No 36 South, Range 1 lion No 11 Wctt. nnj will ofcr proof 10 show that the kind tought Is mora valuable for it timber or stnnr th in for agricultural purposes, nnd to oi'l-nut nucuim toiaaiumi otiorcine ncg-' ler nnd Ueceivwr or thli oJhce ot Roteburg. a"i.",av- w.. , -,.. Oieon. o 1 Tliuray, ihe 34m day of octotcr. , NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. ,9,Ho names as ultnrst. Oiarle I. Knox. United Stairs Und office. Rostburg, "Oregon, ,V Aaron Albn, Paul M.i)cr, Iwli Christen, d' Augutt 14, 1501. , y IM Ull, Washington Notice is lietvby given that In coirpllancej Any nnd'atl peikon cktlmlng adversely tlie with the provision o( llm act of Congict of auotelrcrilllindaiicitiettedtofile their June 3. 167S, entitled "An act for Ihe tale of tlaiiii. In thi othcti on or Ulon. said nth day timber landi in the suu- ol (. alifomla, Oregon; of ouobir, joji. Nevnili. snil Washington Tmliory," ntcxiend' .10 J. T. Ilaincu, Register, letl tonlttho Pubho l.iad.Smift by act of An- !gu4. l393. AUIbKTll. 'loH'HT, Of Doty, T1S1UEI UNI), ACT JUNE 3, 187S. I NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I Cnilvtl Sutci lamd oflice, Rojcburg. oirgoii. OKburg, oirgoii, Vufu.tiih icoi. Not'ee I hereby riven thit in cant-Wince with the provision of Ihe act of Congrc of uno 3. po. nnd to establish n llin lotaui lanil oe i3jS. rntllA-tl "An net for llm tao cf limber forelhe Rt-guterand Rectivi-r of thli o.hiw at ,. .,;... .i ....... r -..r.s.i. nnw.nn v... , VIIVI, III VU... ll W. W,...." ,..., ,Jj", ." will nnd Washington 'Icmloix," n cvtmileil ton tho IWic I.imLites t acl of Augiut 4, iKija, Et.N KATKiiMsKI, ol IV Ut, of Uvvi, Stale (or liriimry) of Wndiington, ha tin cay iuvU in tnu omcu nil vtom suie menl Vis 1773 for tho purchase ol tho NW If of Section So 13 in Township No. 36 South, Range No, n west, nnd ntolUr proof to show that t.o Aind tought 11 more saluahA: for its tnnlxror .tone thin for acrlcu'um purpose. nnd to i-.Ltbidi lib, cilm la ttil and before the Kvaltler und Receiver of this ollica nt KowburK, Oregon, on Friday, the ajth day of octobir, 901. He naincl n witRitsos A11511H Mater, A. la-it .t.iiierinaini, Sttney Uutu, CUucs li. Kno. o IM lr. wasniiteion. Aiwandnnera x ciimhig nivirey the nliotiMl-fiiibeilandnieieuesteil to hu their caiuit in this otncu on or U-loru bald s stn day ofoctolicr, 1901, S'lO J, 1, DKllKit.S, Krgisicr. TIMBKlt IND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United Stite Ind oflice, Koieburg, Oregon. August 7th, 1901 Notice Ii liercby given that in compliance with the pro Won ol ihu nn of Congrevj of I une 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the alo of p'mher lindi in tho States of Ciiliforula'iuegon, Neva Ui, nnd Washlnglou Territory,' nt intended to all the Public lauirl State by net of Auguu 4, 1893, AuitKT Maukkuann, of I'e Kll, county olla-wis, Slate lor Termor) ) of Washington, lu lid day hied in this oflice hi sivorn ute ment No 1779. for the purebise of Uie NU!f if Scytloa No. iitnTowushlp No.- au South, TsrrHrTpsj of ItaSa, 11 W.-it. nod Mfl taowimi me mn.l ontMHnwtrt , rt rnhi 11W1 ftw It llm!irir n'oli Ihinlnr nrtt'tmHfnl iti-i, nml im-sl.ilili.h 1m tLilm lOMItbeswlti Kfijliler and l(fcclr of thll office M Hcitliiiry, (Oregon, on Tnur.wl'iy, tho 14111 Jiy of lictswi 9'- a He nimc M wltftwiM Paul Mrr, Vanl Allen, -futile II. Knov,. Stanley jnli, of ls Jill. Wi hlng toe Arly nnd nil tWm'nf H(lrerely ttif almyc-deterllietl ltndnrc rrnneted lo 11(0 ihrte chlmt In ihlt oflicrf on or before sild aili day of October, nai. 8-io J, T, IlRllxiits, RcgUter. TIMIIKll J.ANI), ACT JtWtJ .1, 188. NOTICE i'OIt I'UJlMCATIOA. Unhrd .Sutci Unml ofTice, (tcictmrg. otrgon, Atigutl 7th, IfyOI. Voiice l hereby alvrn that In compliance lth tlw providon of the Si ol Conc.r'M of tune 1. Ft1. nlllnt "Ann. v w1 lh ! nt timber land In the Stale of California, otrcon. rv7ad1i ul Vuilnlon Territory,' metlend- ...i.t iii.i, .!. ,.r''SioniineiiiiocijinUlnte Iiv act of Au. uf a. ibo. dun ri P ITKnr nf iv tii. county ollantU, State (or Territory) of Wah statement No 1773, for tho lairciui-rof ll- NW K of .Section No 16 In Townhlp No, a6 South, Kange No. 11 Wrti, nnd will uhVr proof 'to iliow tUt the land tough t ii more Vidua hie fee ' It llmUr or Jtow1 than foraplcnltamritirreie, nml to rtuihhth hi claim to tald land before Ihe Regltterand Kccrlrei of this office at Ko! burc. uregoo, on Krlrisy, the sjth ilay of Octot I fen Jinn at wlinesieii Kgan Rntkotrikl, Auemt Majer, Stanley lilulrt, of I till, Wattf lojlon, lywl CliriMrn, of Krancii.WAihlngioni mtioTi. uiu inn oaynieti m tni oiliCA niSMfsrn; tuyanun,! eron ciaimins: uavrrtrir iimt 'f nd. are reqortterf tollhi iWr '"" '" ,hl office o" befufe IS ilh T ---. - 8-10 J T. Pkidom, RelMcr. TISIDKB LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICE FOIt 1'UIILICATION. United Sutct ItndORice, Rmeburg, Orrcon, August 17th, 1901., Notice ft hetehy sben that In complteoce, with the profit ion of Ihe act of Congrest of. June 3, 1378, entitled "An set lot the tale of umwr unu in ttw Male o (nrorr.i.t, Ore KOii, Nevada, and Wadiinicteo TCTrlioTy," as extended to all lln Public lnd Stite by ae . ofAumtt 4. 1O93, Ronic2T II. I., llArrnn, ot ManhfieU, county of Ceo. Sulo of Oregon,, ha Ihh day filed fn tht oflitc hi worn tula, mer.t Net. i3or, for the purtbav of UV Int '3 ' 4. SM NWX of S'ectioti No. a. In TowrHlnV No 36 K Rarge No. 11 Wnt, and wiH ofte proof to Uiow that the land sought bmoia valV table for lit tfmlieror (tone than for nrrrknkarJ I al ptirpcMes, and lo ctUhIKh hi claim to Mid ' land before the Remitter and Receiver M this office t Kovburs, Oregon, on Tnriday, the ta day of November, loot lie names a wjmcuev Muk D. Cw-Bp, Anton Wlrth. Edward V Wlies, Chatle L Smith, of lunhfi'kl, Oregon. Any and all person ciiioilnr ndvrnelv the nbcn-e-tfrjcHljetl land are lenueitei! to fi-'e their J Ji In Ihi office on 0 before laid Ultl day 01 .to'nwxr, ijui. c . . rr. ttB,,vir T7l.t. 8 31 J. T. Unilwgg, Ufgistcr, TISIUKIt LAND. ACT JUNK 3. 1S78,' NOTICE I'Olll'UIU.iaVTION'. ', ' United Slates I nd Office, Rotehprg, Oregon, 1 Sept. 17. 1901. Notice 11 hereby given th-tt in compliance with the providers of the net of tnngrc of nne 3, 1875. etituleil "An act for Clio ah of timber larxlila iheStatrt of CaHfomia, Oregon, Ne- - raila, and Wauiington Territory, at exltndelr , to all Ihe Public Und 4atet by act of Augnit ;j. tfoa. AihestAwitt, of xurahfield, coun.y ' o( t ,,, lMe ot Oregon hat tin. day filed In thi ol'tice hit tworn .tatenicnt No. itt, for the purduK1 of iheSUU of Section No. 13. Trtwnihlp tO South, ol Kanc n Wen and will. cfTVr proof 1 1 thour that the land wught is tnore va Itubla for it. limber or tton than for acricnl- turd ptitpotr, nnd to cstkbtrth hit claim 10 taWJ , lanti M'wg nw Krgiticr ana Kneel rrr 01 una of5wl RoM-tnrg, Oregon, on Tuesday, rt jd dayof IXcrmber. ijoi. He nam's a wltnee.- William S. Den- "'"g- J ' N"lhJ Lr,r' 'roin. ')ln Wlrtf all ol turtn.lrkl. Urcgon. Any and nil pernt claiming Mdfciicly the, almas ifa-tIfM !nr1- a - i-swVfw t-H r iL itwl' almtoleKtiued land arerrrovted to tile ll etiimtH Out office on or before' said 3d day their' f .. . "ecenuer, 1901 93t J. T. nstoc 1, KrgUtcr. T1MHKU LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1S78. XOTICIIIOU PUBLICATION. ' ir.i,iM,ii ,.,irr. j, n, UnlUTl tute '-n,, O"10- Rf?S.(?";" . Augmt 14, 1001. , , Notice i hereby glten tint In compliance witntne provoioinci i"v act 01 ongrct. 01 June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the tale, of ilmlier land In ihe Stale f California, Oregon, Nevada, nml Ws-ilngw-i'lirfritory, alcnend nl lo ail llie ISililic I jin-t Matel l,r act of, All. gU.I4 1B93. V Joitl Kl.U4)l. of Dryad. Coufl. ' ty of Iwi, sAte (or rerillory) of Wiuhln.ton. haythl't y filctihi thlioflkehl sworn tate-nk-nt N'-v 1788, fortheptucha.eef the NK U ofN-ciionNa s4. In 'lownthlp No, 36 iv R.ingu No nWVit,nnd will offer pro.f lo thow lhat the had touglit i uvoie valuable for it umber or Hone limn for snriculnlm! nur- poH-c, and to rubl.h hi claim to aid btd be- fore the Reguier uud Reotber of this ofcc st Ron burg. On gon. on Saturday the aeih day of oc-.oUr. iovi. He n-miei ss wltnrtse: IxHiliToepell. Her. man Toerelt. Alottt II 1 orpell, of rt)oty. Washington, Albert WilU, 01 Ko&eburg, ore gon. Anv and nil nerton clalmlnr advtnrly th. nbo .itd.erilwil llandl nro mjueitetl tu file lhe cbdnu n ihi tflicc on or before wild 36th day , ci ufctoiier, i-ji. 817 J. 1. UKIUOU, Regbter. ,,,,,.,,, . , v... . . ,,,,,1. n ,07a county ol lawn, Male (or I rtriioryj in wain-' J Ingtoti. bilhldiy filed In diUolhw hi orrj 'sUlcnientNo 1791, lor tho purchase of the Nbr I Jf ol Section N-I. 37, in Tow.iiWp No. e4 S, iln.;e.No.u nc.1, ami win inrr isreiH ' iho t'utl the I md sought It more tuluultht for- h bmbe. or siotw than for iigricuhurnt pur- Kiv in.rt. oreeon. on auluruai . ine sun uay o ! a ' .1 ocioliwr. toot. :. .. . . .. ... i John clond.llernitn '1 tent-it. of Dryad, W'aihaJ ' mgion, Albert Willis, of KiiMburg, ivegim, ' Aiiyaiulullpeisoni claiming iidvervJy th. t altove-iletcrihed land lire ieu.uested to file their' . ' Il n,i,.fV vvltnr&... IVI1I4 li-lta.w. w. claim in tins omce on or octoio saw aoin uiy , of October, 1901. 0-17 , 1, ;tor,i.s, Kcguier. TIMIIKll LAND, A(T Jl'NE 3, 1878. ' NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. United States Land oflice, Koieburg, Oregon, August 71I1, 19UI, Notice Is hereby given in compliance wltlt t tlw provision of llm nil of i.iiiigre ot J unu 3, 1878. mitllVd "An ucl for Ihe sale, ot timber laiuliluihoNJleiof Cahfornii. Oregon, Neva. 1L1, and Washington Territory, uexieiuleat w ' nil tho Public Land buu by net of August a, - , 1603, Paul MAYl k. or re Ell, touniy oi ia;wu, . Sta'e (or 1 erntory) of Waihli gton, lintlhil diy " fy tiled in lh( ollico nil tworn twieiiini nu, tjvj. for ihe puiibise of the Nil J.' of Secdo 1 No, 38 iu Township No 36 South. Range No. 11 West. and will ofler proof 10 show that the land tought il more valuable for lulliiiberorHonu tli.111 (or ' , purpose, imd to establish hi rUlni , , to said kind liefore tho Register and Receiver of . ' thi ollico nt KorburR, Oregon, on I'rUay, lh sjth day of October, 1901 He nanie a witneuesi August May,- , Aaron Allen, Allien Maueriiiaan, tileU,r Knox. oflMbll. Waihlngton. 1 AivynndsHperwn. claiming advef. Use' sboi c-dtcnbed larjili or rcvjueslrd t ai iU ikiimiln(hioiliccono(bijMid jtt day, o(octolier, 1901. "" i J , IO BumOCK, ikrstf f.' , M ft' "l - ' ;J -fa a 1 M.. o, n r r f. r !, -lf" t. ,1 ... f.'-i t-",