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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1901)
VtJtM& . C'? V tWWtiiMfchii4llMii XMt'UA'b&WWnliAniMii'MlUWj- j Kad Our CwMity 2 COffCSpOUilCHCC A t. 41.. ,'nlCT At A 1 1 11 lilt VWI3I (11111. B, Job Office g ol . fflWifWWW1 V.W W WWW W Wfl www it v AT NO. 40. , -3 'iinMWOTni'wwrwi'WMMaf.inj'it;TismBiwTai MAItSHFIELD, OOOS COUNTY, OIlEGON, OOT. 5 VOL -KXi'W. i ,' V t I ' .... fl L ' r -c XM. . ( yo6 COAST '7'MAHi.: IWII.IIlli.WMWWIBIWMWIIWIIl ' WMWIIW.lWIHlllAl UUIUI III I 1 . ' J J Hl-JMS.". "?""-' 'il- U""" 'J' "" '-" h 3 1901. ' CONDENSED NEWS7 Sept. 27. Hniiiprtiii asked pel uiMimtii lui rep resented lit III" Hrliluy Intosllgntluii hut tvut n'f used. Jsitd Kllrhoiwr In dlsHiillMlod with Hid restilctinns placed on him by lint Win (Mice. MbM Mono, tin kidnaped missionary. Is heard from. Wlm It In tin hands of Imiiilltx wild mint $lfci,i:m rummm money. 'I lie 1'ulmi Purine wants lit mo North cm Paclilc Hacks between Portland nml Kent tli'. HT-: Presided MoKlnlo)'s will win admit ted to pitilmti' itl Ciiiitiin. Judge !)' itml Hreretnry Cortoluiti will In' nilmln Istnitois. Kirk lt. Armour, Hut itilllloiinlrt park rr In dead. Wnorucluii gtiieriiiiieiit Irt without lliiiim'litl resniurcs. 'Ililrtu'it pro-im'tor were drowned tu u ratine In Prisldln enmity, 'lex. A rlumlliiirt niini' while they were nsleop In their ti'iitn. Sept. 1H. Columbia bint Shamrock !IH eoroiiiK or, Willi time iillnnnuco, one minute and 'Si M f ItlllU. A Hr'.tUh iiuwil force I rntirciitrattiix In tlio Persian (iiilf. An uprising Is icpnrtrd In llii) II. (lenutiii) wilt iiutpi'imtl I'r Inci t'lnm tol. Hi In Europe. .Inlni Mnrkay want landing prltllege nt San fur his IViclllc cable, 'llii Stnt" Department It working iiloiig diplomatic linos on Mis Stone's CUM. KepK'JO. Fort) -right Americans were hilled ! Insurgcnto In Southern 'I In' troop wi re attacked wlilli' tit breakfast, unit lost tliolr iiiiiiiititiltliiti iiihI stores. (Irnoritl Hughes U assembling n form In tittiirk lint icU'li. Hun-M'tcll wnn brotettod ii llrlgndlcr-(iciicrul. I ku ..,., 'ollrijLaiiil rirlUrn fiMiKlit it j IBff " nrrpwrtTuiilnTt l' Tlni ltllaalnll 1inturlnl (Il'IILTI liltrhiM u-mbammi Tlirt ltiitlnii Iuiierlnl (leogrnphlcal Boclely hat receUeil newt from the Koilolf eupctlltlnsi, ft'iitout In proceed nrriv-w country from IliingChuw Ku to the Niiilherii U-ndof I hit llo.iug IIIwt. nml In follow that striiim tu Ohy Tnlow, near lit origin. rrluri'Chuii, tlu Clilnew iiniiiUiry left Herliu fur Cliliiu toilay. Stiite nwlntiinci' It n iinlnM In ID pro- Inrot In l!iii"ln on tircoiuit of fiiiiiiue. ",!.:. Olllrert did not otcnpe In tho disaster nt ilrct reixirtid, Duke nml Diirheitrtnf ork were rojul ly entertained by Viuirnmcr, II. C. Ailiiilrnl i:mis, Cnptnlii Jewell nnd Commander Miller were the new wit liesitt before tho Schley court. Oirtclnl luostln'atinii begun of the al legml Mniilht hemp combliiatliiu. Coliimbtn hat u Cabinet crlt on haiul. llenjamln J. 'Iihi confesses the murder of Kdwnrd Mrlutlre, In Cowlitz county, Inst wiek. Seerul miners killed tu a mine ex plotnii near Victoria, II. C. Oct. I. SeM'uleen nre dead at a result of tint mini' explosion at tlm .Numilmo mine. 'Urn mine It htlllhurulni; but limy bo Huud wllhuiit Hooding. Custom i Collector Str.itton tit San Fraud en hut orders torecolw Uiiwull mi C'IiIihmo iiierehiiiibi but to refiiMt Chinese Ntudenlti to laud. A dispatch from rretorla to tlm Times Miys Hint (lenenil llothit It htlll raiding thitlliitlxh. Kngland nml Turkey will net together to prcM-no pone" in the msterlet Mir riiuudlug the Tertian guir trouhhvi. J. IVtl'ont Morgan and guests, deln gatet to tho ciuifeieucit luiMi nrrhed In Hint Francisco. TruiisMirt llnneock miled for Manila today with sewral thoiKnml tout of geiieiul supplies nnd 1N recruits. 'Iho Will. 0. Whitney hurswi will till bo leturned tu America. (let. 2. The tluut for pnymeiit of rnutmn to rolensit.MliisStoiM,ltho American mission ury being hold by brlgaudtls nlnmt up. Tho chief of tlm bund whiih can led tho NWimitu "II win fin morly.piesldeut of tho Macmlonlaii coiniiilltco at Sofia. Two colored lutls. Jim Fields mid c Clnreuco dnrrot, ugnl HI mid 18 years, rospoetlu'ly, mid who killed Wlllio Hart, ,-u printer by stoning him to death on Sept. 21st, won ,tuUn from Jnll and Hwuiig tiom, tho fjliotupmik & Ohio rall- , road tristlont BhdbyUllo; Ky., today. flw iiinb biitteiiMl. down tho door tuul NARROW RSCAI'D m Till! DAVID liVANS Ncplmic Seems In Have II In For Schooners Htilll on Coos Day .Miiinlio'rt H. K. Cliiniilcli' Mijti; "A iinrniw tfrnpi' fntni tli'Hlriirtlon WiiHCNperlrnrPil liy tint new hcImhuiit Dnlil Kmiiin, nrrhliiK Kntiinlny nllit froiii Cihh Imy. Ah lint wtwl iinirnt tint (lolili'ii (Into tliu ulml ilUil nut ami tlio HlnuiK rurri'iit eiirrlfil tint imm itun- Ki'ioiinly in'iir tint Bon I rm'kf, In front of i the I'lllf lltiiiiw, A Iiiwhuk" wnn collt Into Hi" rlty. mid tlm tu Hen i'rlnru l.ll.l...1 I.. 41... r.HIKI of lllil llflllUltll, 1 llllll 11 II I" I IM" MTV III' "I Mil' niH"'IMM' iirrlvlui; In IIiiip to iimtriit mi nccluVnt." f ANIITIini COAI MINT ..mi' VIIAtluUO IIAJIUS 'IlioCii-'Ci'iitCiittl A iNiDlRittloii Co., In whlrh W.A. Mnxwell mill '. A. Cur-, MttiTi iiri' Inriiely liilerrtnl, lint punlim- M tu Wnll linn, nwl mini' on the Duck kin Jnrk plan- iittttn t'lm City. Wnll . linn. Inn" iilremly put thi'M' I'"' '" it woiknbht lmi4', mid )ia. Iwcn mipply Inifronl for the local market, nml It It iiiiileintiHNl tlmt (Ik iibw irtMUTH will nt otic" put Hie inlii" In fhnptt lo uhlp coal to tlio Hon Kmnrhnt mnrket. Snmit Hnmpht wero chipped below on the htn- plre. It hi flntwl that Wnll Hriw. receh- cil a.MK ) nml it block of cluck In the lnde. SCHLEY INVESTIGATION SOMEWHAT CONFUSIfliG Any one wlm hat Ik-oii faithfully rcntl- lug the pre rep-trlt of tlio hchley In- MMtlgntloii for tit" putt week mutt l'.-Wor thru iinnrclilHti." pretty well mixed up by thlt lime. It1 Much fivllng wat iirouisI by Dr. Me lt a dead certainty that muiic otio hat ' cnimc.rt reinnrkt, mid after the meeting been liugi In fuel, mine than one. Tint viwowr some heated remarlw went ex wltiicwi coiitrn.:irt meh other mid con- cj,,,m bitweiii him and Thmnat How- Undid the log of their own ship, mid tradlctloiritntteiiiUMl to nt fn(t at It bolM up. About thn only ulnbi on which there seeint lo bo no conlroerty ltoiiHrhle)'s pnrenc" nnd Sampson's abenru when thn battle occurred, Streniioiit elTiirts are being made to keep Hampton's name out ot court, though he j Is repom!blo for the whole unwitory hums. If Schley doesn't come out on lop1 it will Ion great dlippoIutmenttn tl10 majority of the inerlc.iii noih'. STATE ENTITLED TO $5000 JUDGMENT ilVi.rif.i U ll.nlj tltii .'t.rl.trL nf lliii School Uiul Hoard. of! Salem. and ngaintt , , , , . . j.,....,, i. whom n shortage of over -fiXM It rhurgid, failed to tlio his miNwer to the state's cmiipLiliit within tho time al lowed, uud Is, therefot", In default. When the suit was commence.!, Datis was not to be found, mid no sen ice ttus had upon him. He npponred, Imweter extentliiu by attorney, nnd hccurcd an of tliiiit to September 1 In which In llln iiiiuustter. As he did not iiuswer, the state it now entitled tu u Judgment, against him for tl.o ir.UK mimed In the bond, upon which tlio Milt wnt brought. NEW LAUNCH TOR ISTHMUS SLOUGH A new gui-ollnit hunch, belonging to Tii) lor Slgllu brought urouiid from the Coqiillht riter V.edueNlay. She will he lit ted with u slx-lmrse power engine mid It It thought Hhe will be able to run about in Knolsuu hour. It will be run between Mnnditleld nml hit dairy rniieh on Isiiimut Hlotigii. uie tesM'i wat built by Audr tv Aleon of Conullle, wlio-hy-the-wny, It building miiiio tery lino boats. SUMNER CHEESE TAKES BLUE RIBBON 'I he product of dipt. Harris' Suiiino cheeso factory took llrst premium nt the statu fair, oter nil competitors. 'I his It u feather lu tint cap, not only ot dipt. Harris uud his rhoeso-inaher, Win. Itlaek more, but of Com comity. It will attract tho attention of hundreds of people who would pay no attention to oullmiry ml tertlslug of Coos countj's iidviiutnges nt u dairying country. To Anait Execution Tho iln nt President McKbiloy was landed lu tho Auburn prUon on September 27th, thore to await tint tlmo set for hit cAccution. Ho broke down lU abject f ivr n irx) ill 4 tl'J W . T NINTH AND TLNT1I GRADliS AUlilOIIIZLl) Warm Times al Last Saturday's School Mcclhijf, McCormac Scores Opposlliun 'Hie cltlzi-iiH of Mnrvlillclil turncsl out jmi Kiittiritny nl(lit nml prnwiil Jinlriiuiit i mi ill" iiiirxtlnii iix to wltctlicr Dili city kIiouM itinliitnlii Km invent IiIk'i xtmnl; liiK fur IU pulillc Hrlutolit or tnkit two nlqn Imckwiinl. ThtMiii'ttlnKwinii rjilrltcil .no nml . . .. I ....., .....I I mmn """ "'""''"" i"" ""'."' llin utr..M lt rtuttlltlltff' itrititn (Kill llVa """'' ......v... i, - i ilM'iiw. J. W,ll"niH'ttntotI plainly nml con - c,.y tin i-nnilltloli III which the iiITiiIm wntilil b" if Hi" ninth tenth untile im relnlneil nml mini" clenr to thn tolern tlmt tint luinleii of taxation would not l lncroiiod hy retnliilnj; tho two nulOi. 1 hce who wore nRiiliiKt relaliilnc th" two grndw want".! to ntn by ferret bal- lot nml ii motion wat made to that cflVrt i but got no recond. ' TluMotert proceeded to reglctir their ' toll nml Hi" mini rt-iilt honed CI for mid not one mnliwl. TheopiMMltimi ihclded not to Mite. Dr.J.T. McCormac imuh'a talk In wlilehhm!cduTytnng Iiitguago In deiiuurliitloii of lhit nphmil to tho tenchliiK of the two higher grudei. Ht nucrlbed the opposition to what Lit term cd"u rhuH of furelgiiert," who he nald were trying to tear down the public whoot mid wlom ho characterlzeil ut nrd, nnd others. ii.ftlitg. repndlatctl the Idea thaniiW tueetlitg. repiidlnted reincrkt werolnteiietldntnii attack. m foreigners, nt udi, or thct they amid j,ty be so couttrueil. Ho wun after nil lattlex. foreigners or others, who would rrlpido tint elllc'eucy of thn public HrlnsiN. ult gnitirliigtokuow that a large number of the lieaiy tnxpa)ern were there nnd toted for higher education mid when Iho time arrives that a high school It needed In .MnrshfieM they will nt Tl, rltlnms nttiirocU .lute tlm fact that thlt city has n high- .ln ttnl.lli k'Mlnutl ntil will lint utifrL n "'"' ' " '" 'tlllty lit I upniieiitui worn we uireinij' ' ' ' , ,, , ," hate nnd will block any step which will lend to deteriorate them. 'I here were many friendt of education present who did not tote nt It wnt not deemed iieiotMiry. nr', iiiimb.rof Indv tiixnaters were proent and Mime atulhsl llum-elte of their rights by toting. It It said by some of thrtfo opposed to the ninth and tenth grades that the matter It not jet Mttlcd. They usM-rt Unit the proceedings at lust Siiturdnj's meeting were not In nicordaiice with the law I'oteruliig the matter. Hiibdltlsion 'Xi-ccllon IS, page 13 of the t-chnol laws of I'JOl was publMied in tho Mill. Sent. 7. nnd It again Klu'ii be - I A HIT , , ,i mo iinnier t-iiuiiiy liito ?iock sm- lowf.trthitlnforniationof our readers. 'rntjim lwmA r.l)itlons iimdeiiiuing ( It r(i f0ntts: .-when one-third of tho legal totem of district shall petition the dlstilct board, requiring that grades ubotu the Ighih gindo may be taught lu such dls tilct. or whemwer thn district lioani shall at ItndlM-retlim think proper, It shall glte twenty dajs notice pietlout to the nnnuiil school meeting, or pre tlout to .ipooiitl election called for tlmt purpose, that It will Milunlt the ques tion to tho hgnl toleru of said district whether grades about the eighth shall be taught In Mich district, at which elec tion the oloetorn ot tho district shall tote by ballot furor ugnlust establishing such grades. All noticed contemplated in this Mibdltlslon shall be git en nn are nil legal uotlciM of special school meet- lii"t. After said election tho ballots of nearest railway station nml about twen. said question shall bo winiweu by the I ty-llio mllert from tho nearest town. Mr . V ..'...; .'.'..iif. i..ri ;.r ..iiiLnvwiUNiys: "I uui.futored with the IIJIllllCl. WHIIH, "" " "'" tho t otet cist shall bu in fator of ctau-' llth in; Mich urailei) It shall bo tho duty pt Iho dlsti let board to establish such grades nud ileterinlno wiiiu uronenet shall bo taught Uieieln, nnd the course of study used by classes thus fomioiL, lu district of the second nud third classes shall bo that proscribed by tho State Hoard ot Education." Section -10, howotpr,, Is rolled upon at nuthorlty for tho. action, taken nt tho iiieotHig, In forelnir nn opoti bcctln It in? JolIya: Scrllmi 10. All-vWrlct I'dnVil-Tii'oU Iiiuh kIiiiII In- I'limliictcl In n i!t'ccii nml 'onli'rly iniiiuicr, iiinl Minll lm ginprmil jliy tluTiilriof onl'T cniiHtiiiiily In ii'Oj ) I7 f-tic-Ii ImkIIm; prm litwl. tlmt n i IrWlnn i imIiiiII Imi Krimtril It ilpinniiJixl byU r ! ' iiinri. vnltirH of lint incctliur. "xropt III ni'ij u( nn election (o fill mcniliileii nl j lliitrlct fiHlci-n. i TIhtp It elfiirly u cimllict IK-Urcn tint two nrclluiiM nml It limy lm n flpnilnn inr ii ntiiri m iieciiip, iw " iuw. nw tloti nMTrliliii tin) otlipr. . It would Iw n grrnt nilnturtuiie fur Jliirnlillcni, f liiiniii our Fpiriiuiu rvnooi, . Hi ynkSCtbCO, Oct. 2,-TIiu Unni i,ii" of tin- ItiMt In tlio flint", Imj crlpplwl fU;n. ,, nKHlorcwert Htrlkc. which hy tlio nl-ollllo'i of tin- two lilliwt iW ,,. fjM tur ,,, pa,t ,0 wet.k) wa3 Brn.ltM. At llii' nanit tint", tho matter KiiM th nfterllOTn. y,0 ,, turni3 fhouMbo n.ljiwteil nccurilhiif to law, 0f tliPMttlemciit Imc not hen mailo 'ml ICtlir actlou lukfii wn IIIInI. tho public, It l iinilersUl that tho Drny- error nhotilil hn rcnmllnl Itchire wiloiw ,.,pllcatlon nrlw. Thervarr cftlalii. . m 1 .1 iy piioiiBii irienuioi ko"i wiiwiw um.nB l... I..M..I ..!..... ..!... i n ti.M lUlf hi.- irxiunn-u iwii i innj '- nf,'nlut the opiKtilthm, whether the tot n went open or hy ballot. f fWnFfKrn STATP NPVV.; ITnM5 W(1mi trmtm v h v .. ., t ,. a t j .. i no uonring mint iu Aurora. wr,wrra .iiiirniii nun nauiruay moniiiig. . A dining car wnt robbitl of im) nt Arhlnnil. ' fv, 1V.-.1. ,..,,, r r,.,mtiA n irc-.. ... . ,, The grain jleld It much larger In liar- uey iiiunty thnii wnt expecteil. ToMltHtkH were nil rhwd out befnro the demand witt ituppllnl nt Halem. Wni.HaiinilerHoinmiittl'uMdleil nt the county iHnpltal latt wwk-. He wnt 72eano:ngeandoni' of tho, miners Hliocriwte.lth"iikljiurHlu'52. Tlictuiuof f7i wntcollectqlntfliiM and forfeiture- nt Astoria lart month. The K.1UUI. contributed the freight linr.'.ui.iii.tlillill.i III tli" slatfl fnlr which oiihi imte wen n. The petition for n rehearing In tho murder trial hat been denksl. ... . t I Afiif.l The street nrnhal nt Tho; Ualliw was a gi.iud Hticce'. i John Unrt.nReilSJ years', of Ashlnml wicniM'e.ihyni;orsef0iiibhiiii. Ho iiiurriiMliiiln.iurenlv that hit dlrd 111 n fow hours. .. ''" rtuuCK.Vnttowrornier pnrWlprFot' R. Ijuld, died nt hit homo In Tilton, X, IU of heart disease. Tho Pdo Flax Company hate about .fi) tout of retted !!.ix ready for tho breakj'. I'matllla county Is nbotit to build Homo crushed rock nmiK' Lluu comity captured tho first prize of ja, for county exhibits nt tho (date fair. Kre.1 lM.!lnes tlm is-teaMl.! iM,v nt Hold Hill nccldently shot htmelf with n ,22 caliber rltle. The ball passed through I ' weioisT iti'.u linn i nn nrei-ci inr mo Do.iglr.t comity Sunday rchixtl conten tion. MeMluutille It to hato a street fnlr. J. II. DougliF, a gardltier ot hinu ttttitlv viittiir.iit itn.rik itrlTiJ ilinil ntlV other exhlldtornt the state fair. 21 bliio,I'l"ll(,'8 tll ork- "r 2W,J rlblsiut and $112 In cash premiums. A Isty named Smith of McMlnntllle, lt as i-erloity ttnuuded bv u idiot cim in the handt ot nnother Uiy named Need- I'll IIU il VHMWIUK UUllt'KH II IH' fence, the gun wnt discharged necldciit nil. The Smith boy nccldently Mint hit own brother 8 jenrs ago. l!elvillrecotor though a full charge ot buck shot took effect In hit hip. Win. l'elky, nged HI tears, nccldently hhot himself with a retoher, Tuesday, at Mololln. The bull pnsscd through the ivilf nf 111, !,,, ,11,1 .it rlL Iik IliA li,ili, ,1..tt0IUHt out"n ,ar;i, ns n lUnei i .... tho lentiug of rnnge. lands by the gener al got eminent. W heat it only -15c n bushel nt Oregon's capital. Farmers must hold It for n higher price or lose money The 12-tonr-old son of Hanllng llaugh- man lit Ing-I miles east ot Woodburu, on last Tue-duy nccldently shot nnd probably fatally wounded hit one-year- obi In other while cnrclossly hmidliug gopher gun. A T pica! South African Store 0. It. Lnrwiu. of Bay Mlla, Sundays ltlter, Cape Coluny, condurts a store ty pical ot South Africa, nt which can be pun bated mi) thing from the "noullo lo mi line utr." llils store ls t llmiti'il In a t alley utile miles from the Niys: "lam lutored with thn ctiht.iiu of farmers within n radlout of thirty miles, to ltiiiuy of whom I hato ViJVi'0! VJ.VLr'l.'l.0"1.!.1.! l-ctij i it'll Miuii an t iintiitiiit wheioadoctoi'sndtlco is almost out of mo question, ttitnin one miio or my store tho population Is perhapt sixty. Of thet-e. within the past twelto moiitht, no leas than fourteen hate been absolute ly cured by Chnmhoi Iain's. Cough Heme- uy. this in us j, surety no a recoru "For halo ny Jomi rreuts. fiiiii, lilvrnril llin ,iiiiMltt.ul iimiiuisuiUly brutal iiioaiilt m the 0- tote Tho llelenn, Mont, uy). ""nHijriu'iied Weduesilay morning nt 1:30, .iU"ei(HIfBini1W,e S1 SAN TUHCW' STRIKE SETTLED Strikers Will TllClf Point Unions RcCOgniZCll PorKosfa Sllll Idle men's Axitoclatlun ha.i giiarnutccd to fill all yacancles with union men. 'on-uii- , ,,, fnr on,oyc, nro (ow nMa. . i Tli(t iiRn-IBmtI(unTiinranti 1 in union men that tho prcxent nchetlulo of wngn', liutirn ami orortlme I tolte iiuiln talmst for one car. It Ik nlm Kihl to be KtiptilaUil that teaniHtcrH unt to obey nil ....i...! .i. tM mi r k I lll tV1 IIMh HIIHnM.II IJ HI lflV Mil irtlAm rutndtirr f ii 41m illtttkiialllfirt nf tint t -"-" "- f - , ireiRiiv. jiiBiirnjmoiwwinun i- leget that the quittlon of the recwgnl- Jnughterilra. J. Peterson. tlon of uiiIonLtm It jirotlded for In tho) Charlie Coleman returned homo on tttlemeiit nml that It hat won ceryThuridaynfterauexteudciMlslton tho . . -.m-,.,!,,! for. ! The ittlpulatlon that present waget will bo maintained for n jear It conId- crcil a concision to thoEttrlkert. Gor- vrnor (iagit acted nt an Intermediary In "ringing nooui a K-iuemeui or mo con- trorewy. 1'out CosTi, Oct. 2. Tho t-otUemcnt of th wtrlko In San Franciico will not rian0 tho eltuation here, unlett tho rml,ijt.MOgroeto iay 30 centt ikt hour for nlno houra' work and -SO ceuU iter . t . .. liit.1 aitiirftfiin WRECKING CREW RETURNS llt'UI UII1.1UIV. FROM THE NORTH ' sennet Could Kof be Taken Off - ,k - ""w vwuiu iiui ub iu the U. icacli, so Stic Was air-ppe The steamer Ilrunswlck arrived Wed nesday tmm tho north, with K. Heiick endorft and the crew who went nortli to get the Jnmes Seunet off the Alaskan beach. They found that it would bo Impossi ble to float the schooner, nnd therefore ftrlpjHNl her nnd left her to her fate. ho Hit on a lioach comimKit ot lata nnd tolcanlc ashes, nlreadyhope- jessiy mrnineii. The men made short work of stripping her, lielng only tit e days at the Job, nud bringing utvayetervthlngof tnltio that could bo taken off. Ilu weather was Hue and tho crew llted lu tents nu shore worth of rlirclim uud llttniKt wero reined. They were gone only four weeks from here, a quick trip for the dlstauce and tho results nccompll.-lied REW HOSPITAL TOR MARSHFIELD The Graham property on the hill near the 1. 0. 0. F. cemetery hu been pur chased by the Hev. Fathef Donnelly, who Is authority for tho statement that a thoroughly equipped luxspltal will Ixt es- tabllheil there. Thlt lt somothiui: of which Mnrshlleld It badly lu need, 1 hero It uo reason why ti many jteople should ls obliged to take an exponslte. dlsagree.iblo ami, for one seriously 111, a dnngemus, k'u trip, to reach a hospital where they can be properly cared for. 'n"ro l I,ll,,,t' ot '"w" :m, Hiirglcal talent here, nud with a properly equip- pwl luvspltul nnd a corpi of trained nurses tho worst caes could bo cared for nt n fraction ot the expenso intoltcd lu going to San Francisco uud Portland. LADY TAKES AN UNEXPECTED BATH Mrs. J. L. Ferrev tiwk an Intoluiitury , .. ..i. ... .,...i . """ "v"- ""in m me vuj xu,U). With a n.irty ot excinshmlstt .sho ttat standing on board a .gusolino launch r which Iny alongside tho Alert, when a sudden lurch ot tho launch caused her to lose her balnuco nnd sho fell otor- boanl. There was a shrill ehorm of . bcreauw and ronsldernblo exulUnnmt, butMrs.'Ferroy waspnllod out of tlio wuer ut onco, none tlio worso except ( . !& for a thorough wetting, which proten , ., . . ?, ilVyomgosthoejcuraIpn. nt- Our Wide-awake Reporters I1IX$ Tcnmilc Jacob TiiAtraui Jrt. It homo from tho loKglng woxlt for n few dnytntny. TI1.1 creamery clojeil down for tho wa en on Oct. Int. Hlonelako A Hhuttcr nrc hnullnff lum ber ami building material for a new re Idenco 011 their f.-rrm nt tho Boutht,i;nil of tint lake. Dr. Auola and Orcar Makl had biml iiw? on fichofleld creek Friday, lat week. A largo bear mado the niistiVe of walking Into n trap In IlenJ.' Tiolierts orchard n fowdayngo and thut ended lilt earthly career. Ur. Wio!ey hat returned after n brief vNIt In MnrntiBcld. II n. Chat. Sletttreem and chlhlreii aro gueritA of Mm. Wntert on North nlough tli it week. Jacob Tustrmu Hr had btulncs In fjanllner on .Monday and TueUy. Mrx. Oliver Lamlrlth of Lake, paid VamltCeld a visit in the inlddlo of the . Mn. J.W.UfiMon liubeen Kpcndlng j0 wwj. at jfor(, Renj vjta j,er bay. J. T. Davit, V. D. nnd Fred Adam had baIuc nt Northliend nnd Marslifleld on Tueiday and M'edneMlay. Mm. 11. F. AdauLt It on tho nick lbt. Vmi mnnfj.r T.ivlir nt TMfrinltnri nii.1 i,i frea,i Mr. lllngham hml hutlucia at Ijko postomcti nnd general merchandise store on Tne-day. MI Alblna Coleman and J. S.Itolrtt wrcro t IsUing on the lako Tncuday. Stephen F. John-son Is gathering In U crop of tuben before aiitftlier freshet - .......n. mm,,v ... . L..a-.. vv.a, . Will IllXKHUC UeiU. Dat M Hobertt, tho road supert l.or. re taireil a bridge that hail fallen down on ltobertsoii creek last Tuesday. The late mint hato caused a rise in u( lake "! ab""t 1S lacI,M. ,,llt noductu to spcaK or uate yet appcareu. LundtcaiM photographer Earnest Stand of Marshffold, Ls having his headquarters with Mr. fieorge Sdirocder during lib stay lu the ueighl.oti.oGd. M&jj.Jrv, already taken many excellent ylws fttr pictiiresaTiil ' It aiMliH?,"nMife daily. Saturday ho took In the logging scenes near Sampson, accompanied by Hart Illbbord. Ablrldgo Itensou hail an accident on the road last Saturday u enlug, Mr. U. was on hit tray homo with a load ot IiiiiiKt and when pasdng a sharp turn in tho road about 'i mile north ot Adams' place the wagou slid off the slippery road and went down a steep canyon pulling the horses down after. Fortunately, but rather miraculously. ull escaped without (-erfoas Injury and no particular damage wat done. Mist Helena We&ela, the able nnd ac complished teacher ot North Lake Joint district fdiotit expocU to leate within a few days for Kugono where she will at tend the State I'ulterslty during tho coming winter. MUs V. whose homo it on Smith rlter (a tributary to I'nip qua) hxs tmrelled extensltely both in the old uud the new world, she It a mem ber ot a family bent on soaring high in the realms ot learning. One ot her sis ters It enrolled nt a student at the State Normal School and nnother is In the Oregon metropolis, Portland, studying medicine. Sumner Mr. Floyd, the manager of the Marsh- anaacsaiBiBBRataBHKKacsnc:aaH3ii '' New Dritst c) 3 5 fiooilt nud " r Flunlngt. n n tvtabtv ts QuiteR eady. The present uppearanca of our storo Is proof ot tho ease with which one may get fash loiinhlyuttlred for tint coming heiibou. There It uochnnco to comphilu ot inadequatotarl ety of handsoino styles. ThoaO seeking tho most elabornto milts and eurmeuts ot tho season, in the tery best ma terial hate only tn comohere. Again, tho array ot lesser priced things affonlt iilnuxtt t'lijlless opportunity for thooo inquest of equally correct but lossciKtlyeiutimot. : : : Our preparation to meet nil wants have beci aptly spoken ot a incomparably complote, IINUTifTO imfilifriMagfles ' n XOw ikliouoi ji-" SlMJiUUJUlUR THE LEADING R9VfrPP,fiPtWNiPr field-It weburg n.all route has bceiijv ijy lug In a largo supply oUiay nud gra'la for the mall stock the coming winter. Will Diilley of Coqnllle City, was tin Ming hit brother Chnrlet, Sunday. A danco wnt given last Saturday Tcn Ing In the Sunnier hall. It was well at tended nnd a good time In reported. Helsner's string band furnished tlio music. Freil Sclander has been busy tallng J and shipping liayUio past week.' Capt. l Larson towed two scow load to Mar$)i( 3 Held tho flrttof tho week. " ' Mist Eva Wilson rctunied from Rosc burg last week. Miss Wilson report hailng a Tery enjoyable time whjllo there. Hurrah, for the Sumner cheese fac tory. The product of Capt. Harrl'nf fac tory took first prize at the state fnlr. What aro you going to do with that now residence Fred? We are all won- ' derlng what next Mrs. Norton and family arontciidlug to move to Host Marslilleld soon.' Tliiy hate mado many frlemlt during tplr ' stay here who will regret their depart- ,' tire. North Bend K.V. Kntso left for San Francisco , on the Areata. ' Mrs. Matt Stora and daughter Alma, departetlon the Areata for Uie cfjy. Mrs. Stora went for medical treatment. Carl Forslund ls one more from , yur midst, who left on the last boat for ho city. He will enter a business colty ge. x Tho MItset Peterson of Hnynes slojiglt, were hero Wednesday shopping uiid vls- itlng frleniL'. The North Ilcnd itoitofllce hat upti . granteil the money order prlvllego ' jipdl" fn.m thLtihito will Issu and pay domes- ' tic onlertf. Krall Nelson Lt sufferinjg i Tom a bns cil foot. Mn. Wayhrlght tlsHed trlmlU, and relatives liere thlt week. Unclaimed Letters List of unclaimed letters remaining In . tint Marshflcld, Oregon, VosUtfBcc, 0c. 1. 1U01. Persons calling; for JUo Hime nuf &U pkase nay adterUwdt.T It Bam, KBMy win, jayror jiecKicy, ia'ti huiiw, Conlella Canning, W B Clark, K Cow. DA Cochran, ML MIUIo Vbe, '4U Douahltou, J K Kuuls. Antonio Gubke, TJOatln.Daulel J Holder, Mls.t SnAlo Helllnslwad, A M Ingersoll, Earnest Lammey, Miss Mabel Lawhoni, .w EIslo Lloyil, Mrs Isalc Malvern, Mrs II, (J Masterns. William Newman. llano Price. Mrt A C .Paisley. JJu Kasy l"Jt terson. Jamet Kandle. V Salattl. 8 Scho fleld, Frank Strong, Wm Schmuer, Mist Margaret Stephens, Wm Tnyloner, 'f V Teotln. OPWalLer. MMl.Ci'irria.P. M. Travel by c Arrivals by Areata, Sunday: MJh Erkksoti. Mrs Viillno, J AY Ken cdy and wife, F lUssett, A Knite. K Neagley and wife, A J Altmaii, Henry Colheln, C.fl Leo. M J llowronv V m niakemau, iln Mr Bookhout, W L Youiig, W Blciiardsoii.Lewlt Craln, J JI Nye, rf J Jauies, Henry Johansed. Departuret by Areata, Tuesday: IJarl Forslund, A I. Boothby, M.r Dhnueii.t, Dleu and wife, 1) Perry, J F Lote)leu, K V Kruse, U Flnell, A F Kerns. rv.-. - Netv Jackets, ri ltainyilay 1 1 1 Sklrtt , m j v .1 & Alatson itwnntnifi E New ,jClotM8. 2 Hats, OUTFITTERS. S7UUUiUiUUiSS f A s ' : . ?' i fii 4;'pilawiortf. "J 7 , 'I n M .,,4. a i .