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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1901)
8 , tfi .fry i,'s; i - N Si .JJ. - '. . "VS. V , . HfflWJIIWi UI twiv-j.w. nfTmvnwmo y......m iS2rP2rlti2!iSlt2E 1' ' .. . . . i '" " . "T" t 1 . . " "" v v mHMK CTORE FE Atlunnlcuc Wrings Instant Relief ami nil Cases. Permanent Cuits in i:nt AlhOMTII.Y Vllti: OK UKCKUT OP POSTAL. VVnio your immo and ntlilrua plainly. CHAINS FQR TEN YEARS s a L m1 There h ti.iUtlnp lift Aflluiinlouft It brlnp liuUtit irtllpf, men III tlio ort cure. It cim wlnn nil rln lull. 1heRe.C. r.VKI.USrvata MtV- iu.. as "Vor ttkl botik of itlwlwo rtnitvi m Rood comltlioa, I ainiwt lil jwi hew thankful t fori lor tlw scot) ilrrlvd from it. 1 n b', cbinnitl with (nitrKI mm UmimI ami Ailhma for hn yrorv 1 rtmrw'iTit wf cm Iwmc i-wcl. I r Mi BilwrUviwcni tor thr rur ot riin itmKtfal nad K mcotitir; ilsr. Awt-ma. mul trteitght yoti tail in -ci'coU.n orvlr, but iraofonl Hi ghrv It it trial Tont)iaMi Ihmm. tr liMMttd Hkeactauin, Send mc a hill timl l-wtt'c" Rov, Of Morris Wcchslcr, Rabbi of lb Cfe;. IWwl UmL Ni York, Jan. 3, tajit, Pin, Tr Itcw. Mrimoxr Co., Ontbmm VoarAMhNMlrt a eJrrWwt rrmrdt furAsllunn ami I.iy l-Vwr. pud It J cwmro. iticnnUrtatiU tiwiMr uaklt cnwuiix with Attlima. 1 u juror 4Montat n 5 and wmdr rfnl. After hating it cnrrfully aiialjml, c tan state that Attbtaairoe ttftitrtaa to optom. wor vMnc, cWorofotm or ithtr. Wry tiulr cur, . kkv. dk. jionitis wkciipu:k Avo.SnMSos, N. Y KU t, tjoi. aft. Uttos. Mr.ntrtsr. Co. (lentlemrn: I write thii teftlmo'mt fo-n n Msao-of ilatv. turin; tetl uwuemlHfiil rfliret of your Auhiiulirii for the cuw of Atthnm. My'fibat ta aMktnl with p.ismdl aiihttu f.thop.ut ta e-n. lltrincevhamtfU my owt !1 aivrctt Mnunther. 1 HmJ to cr rour lcn upon j-our nlndow on 130th Utet, N Ywk t nt ontc vtitatont Ikxi1 of AtthnM 1K. Sir wiTi cwnmiMcrtl t.Ulne it nlivu tli- 11 ot Nowodw. I wrvinon onuccil .1 radtcnl improvement Alter nwng one lottlc her Mltmiii h KpfK 1 e h mtbvly frre frow B uniptonu. I fori thtt 1 can eonvirmkHHty rveemwrod ilte.tMdMne to U who one aflHetetl with UBiOurrciMtir niwaie. Yourt Ropcctfully. O. I). PJlUt.!. M. D. Cto. Bito. Co. KU 5. t9at. Genllrmrn I was troulW with AtthMt for 32 )oM- I lte UM niiiwron romerfir. tni thrr h.ivc all f.titad. 1 ran acron tour atifortwMat sod Mttl ulth a tratl bottle. 1 KmiimI n lirfat oner. 1 hare tlncc puncfettol your luH-jtaail bottle and I am or toalfai. I tiat (xnly of fourchiMren, and for tU tmmm wim abte to wl. I mh wht In the lM of alalia and am doii)L' business eTsr dar. 'lTtk teitlmoaj-)ou etn nuVc mil we of IK. Ho.iwncUrciS, jjj l'.linton street. S RAl'IIAKU 67 Haat taoth t Chy Trial IrottlQ'Sortt ahfsoutoly roo On receipt of postal Do not delay. Write m onvc. addntatec DR. TAFT WROS." MRDIC1NK Co.. 70 liut 130th St N. Y. City. COAST MAIL. Sittunltit, - Oct. J -J t!)OJ Published Every Saturday by the Mail Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION KATE One year, (In adtancc) . Mx months Tlire month j... .Soo . '! Coimncminiron Lord Kitclie- ner's proclamation to the Bocr, I:. Peter Dunne's Mr. Dooley says: "Lord Kitchener's n jjood writer. 'Ladies an1 gintlcnun,' he says, 'this war as a war is now over. Yc mav not know it, but it's so. Ye' ve broke th' rules, an' we give th' fight to oursilves on a foul. Th' first principle iv a war again England is that th' inimy shall wear r-rcd or purple coats, with black marks, Pr to indicate th' location iv vital or gans be day an' a locomotive head-light be nipht. They shall thin gather within aisy range, an', at the word "Fire!" shall fall dowu dead. Auny reniaiu in' standin' aftherward will be cousidhercd as spies. Shuotiu' back is not allowed be th' rules, an is severely discountenanced be our ladin' military nuthorit ies. Anuy attimp at coucealmiut is treachcrp. Th' scand'Ious lubit iv plugging' our gallant sojers tram tclimcl rocks an' trees is a Dreacn iv lutcruaytioual law. Rcthrcatin' when pursoocd is wan iv our copyrighted mauoovers, nu' all infringements will be pros ecuted. At a wurrud fr'm ns the war is over an' we own ye'er counthrv.' " full of this theme. What tela tlou do you think tliey would lmx to the pupil? Or child who is vet y dear to the heart of the l'nthet? To me it is fascinating, t'is like preparing the gtountl fot the seed you have laid up with care (or the planting- time. You drop the seed and pray the Fath er to give it life. How your heart wi'l glow when thete is some hign ol life, von Imvc caught their attention, and they give you n thought on the lcVoit, or ask a question that shows thev are thinking. You thank God and ask him for wisdom to pcak the tight thing, or itot to speak but let the word speak fot you ami the spirit do its pet feet wotk. How your heart yearns over one, perhaps more than one that arc hardening their hcatts against the truth, and turn away resist ing the Spirit. You can realize something of how Christ felt when he wept over Jerusalem, and how iis loving heart bled when he sain "how ott would I have gath ered you as a hen gathers her chickens mulct her wings and yc would not." And how you must watch yourself, and your words, lest you put a stumbling block 111 the way of one teed (or truth) that is started to grow. How carefully von want to cultivate it, pull out the weeds, and keep your own heart. Rev. Theodore tumble o rimwer the questions. When n wrong Kifswcr. h given, tho teacher .should use. such tact in. cot reeling it, that no ofleuse will be given. In this rtiy scluil aistnay be encouraged to answer who would olhctwiv! have .so lit tle confidence in themselves, or such lear of being ridiculed, that tliey would remain silent, even when they knew the answer. 3. Make each pupil ftel that you aie his, orliei, personal friend. Know the circumstances of their home life. These can best be learned by calling upon vour pupils and becoming acquainted with their patents. It is some times wise tolmng your class to gether ttt your own home, in a social way and provide such en tertainment fot them, as, accoid ing to their age, they would en joy. This will generally do much in the way of endearing you to your pupils. 4. Encour age pupils to come to you, its teacher, for sympathy and coun cil in the daily nffaiis ot life This was the secret of Moody's great influence, as a Sunday school worket, in the earlier years of his remarkable life. Never betray these confidences bv repeating thcni to any one, or by talking to the scholar concerned, about them, in the presence of others. They are a sactcd trust. 5. We cannot do much for our nttnils L. Cuyler snys "heart keeping is very much like house keeping. Thcte must be a continual sweep- jest in their welfare must lie real. ittg out of dirt and clearing- out If we are making believe, the or rubbish, a daily wattling of si.,am WIj soo be'discovered and ittaiie. and a perpetual Cattle , our inlluenet.. for iood is that I must send you a line to tell you so. You imvc rccoinilcol what I was t.ying to be and to do uo mutter how for 1 have come short in both tcspects. Let mc thank you heartily.- Theodotc Roosevelt." Next to this mticle in importance is ti study of "An irchistu." by Henry Virstow, in which the true meaning ol this dugetdttt (inli-social movement is given in the language of its found er and chief o.poudeiits. With an iucieased number "of pages, .tit unusual variety of interesting articles, and u strong appeal to intelligent lenders, both by its timeliness and it:i rate attractive ness Modern Culture for Octobet deserves high tank among maga zines which instruct while they untitle and entertain when they are most infotuiiug. Stricken With Paralysis Henderson Grituett, of this place, was stricken with partial paralysis and completely lost the use of one arm and side. After being treated by an eminent phy sician for quite a while 'without relict, my wife recommended Chamberlain's Pain Halm, and after using two bottles of it he is almost entirelv tilted Gi'.o. R. McUon.m.I), Man, Logan county, W. V. Several other very re markable cures of partial paralysis have been effected by the use of thislimiiieiit. It is most widely known, however, as a cure for rheumatism, sprains mid bruises. For sale by John I'tettss. Be Secret Of womanly health ouM le rrt'etned ts iriclc !) thoiiaaudii of aurti-ini; -.yomen. Iich month met thettt moan llt(5 In n darkened, room. At the lwt they einlttre pain cNcry (lay. At the worsf the pain Ixxotms torment. Tito secret ot woawcly hcoltlt In keeping the womanly orgacUm in a per fectly hcfilthv 6tate. This can he Uoiib liy the ttw of Dr. l'ierce'b I'aTorite l're ccrliition. It regulates the penoda, driea tlebilluting drams, heals tuflumiuaiion olid ulceration, ami cures ft male wcV ness. It makeicuU wcuicn ttroa;; cad del:. women welL Women suffering front chronic forms of disease are in w ted to cotisnlt Dr. l'lcrcc, hy letter, free. All corrcMJonrt ence is held ns sacredly confidential and womanly coufitlences are guarded hy strict professional j I vacy. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Iluflnlo, N. Y. Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce' Vavorite Prescription. There Is noth ing "else "ju:Uos good" for womanly uiimeuts. fl u(Tcrrl for more than ten yetM with fenule weakneu of very Uad form." wriim Axk U Marwood. of Trelunie I laolonaM Co,, Manitoba. "I utnl Dr. 1'iercc raotjic J'rt tftiptlou ami 'fioMcu Mnllcal DiwovtO ' -vltli .rao.1 rrtult. lam cblr to do nil my own orl. navr. I tin not Luow honr to think you enough for UieUnil')ilcc you have n-ut me ly letter. Your remedial did for me more tliau all other iloctor'n inediciue, and I have takcu lots of them Dft I'Jerce'si Pleisaut I'ellets cure bill- otyncla.. When you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth, go at once to Red Cross drug store aud get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabhts. One or two doses will make you well. They also cure biliousness, sick headache nut! coKstqratiou. In an address at Lincoln Neb., on occasicu of ths late President McKinlcy's funeral. Mr. W. J. Uryau said: "Let us hope that this National affliction, which unites all factious in a common sorrow, will result in n broader chariry aud a more liberal spirit among thoes who, by different policies and throtih differeue parties, seek to promote the wel fare and increase the glory of our common coutrv." unless, in the spirit of Christ we can truly low them. Our inter file recent Harvard address of the Hon. Wayne MacYeagh, LL. D., ex-Attoruey-Gciteral of the United States, on "The Value of Ethical Ideals- in American Politics," is published in full in was lost." If we love our pupils j The Arena for Octobei. A syin as Jesus loves them, our uprcnie ' posiuin on "The Trusts aud the an easy time of it. Aud just be- object will ever be to "ct those Single Tax" will delight the fol- cause the assaults of subtle temp- vho are not Christians, to accept ' lowers of the late Henry George with all sorts 01" vermin. If heart cleaning could be done up once for all, then the Christian might discharge all his graces, and have cud. nt rtll I "The Sou of man is come to seek and to save that which In more ways than one the pre diction of Presideut Krugcr that the conquest of the burghers would be attained only at a cost that "would stagger humanity" has been realized. The British losses have sufficed to produce that re sult; now humanity is being stag gered by the admiration it feels fur the iiidomitable courage and desperate striitjjji'i-of-tlijc Iiocrs. No matter to which side the sym pathies tend, we cannot withhold our admiration for the sturdy re sistance to one of the .strongest military powers on earth that is being mnde by thoes untaught tillers of the soil. Port Orford Tribune. tations are so constant, auil tlic n,m as their Saviour. For that uprisings of sinful passions are'rcasou, many Sunday schools so frequent aud the task of keep- j i,aVl. appointed one day each iug the inward man what it ought .year (generally in March, i think) to be is so difficult, many a one' caj.(i "Decision Day." It is ex who begius a religious life get.: peeled that every teacher will discouraged and makes n wretch- Work throughout the year, with ed failure." So the pupil watch- a V:BV, t0 bringing the uncovcrt- iug the teacher is either helped Clj members of their class to a de- ; vigorous article on "The Spirit or hindered, as our livei citlicr ' cision for Clirist, on or before j of Mo trti Christianity." E li show that we know and love the, that day. 0. We teachers must ' tr Flower has an npptcciutive blessed Master or are trying to(i,L. vcrv careful that we .set a good paper 011 Sain Wrtlt-r boss, and The writers are Louis F. Pot, Jackson II. Ralston aud Iioltou Hall. The fourth paper of l'rof. Frank Parson's series on "Great Movcmcnaf of the Nineteenth Century" is entitled "The White Light of Civilized Democrary." Editor Patterson contributes n i 1 1 rcrrirts:iM.a miiws&j&vs?mxixmnaxttimaw3tiv Use Siirclay Dgg Fool i)oio "Sliialo ! iiwiiiy l'lsml You cannot affoul to he without it. Mniiuractutci's cost plus nuugiit of profit only. DiieCl from first bauds to last hands. OwinuK tlm iiitf.irillii', nt Iff i1mh Hm'.v nut inln'r. pi'iinlix nu o miiiuiiiictiuti u llrnt eliuti iiiliilo in ruiiKltltiniiily l mmv ni'iima pittv, Oureftcmht vtuiuuttm that no tnitsr V-; Juvtf urn ' M limvdtit any fricc. Xtitnhfictiliy rurtt, niitta iinrfo refund nteticy if ijnoa reutftx art not aotainrtf, Smiths bush Store, 25 Market St, S. F. l I'tv." i U I M. t lilt. ' I I till SMS lh, it wOilr OiMiwtmh iiW r?i.HYL--(w-w.-w i . . .,jv- .,..-. .Abj, . -virrf?r!!7.T(n . i. . ' y.M KICIOA'H BSST R It ! t' 11 I. I r A s I' A I' I'. It. I'd i tori (i 1 1 y Fearl Consist on Hi iicintblitHiujltnviyx, Sew (ruin nil Mrt iif the woihU WIII wiltti'ii, wild mil Hturlw Aiihwith tnr)tuilwitiii nil uhjrt Art teltvi utt liitttlt, Itir lttiou-. iivw tHkt ntnl mi uurK ulxtiit th" fttiui nud kiiMki the weekly mm m,m TlIK Imi'u Oil s ma iik'MiIhm 1 'i" Arnot'lutiMl I'-efi iiinl 'ilwii iltt i"l W.,.ro iiainr r'Tflxliiif 0i.. riimlinwd' Mid i- ildn iii'ti' rtlitlliir ' litli tin- N- York Shut itifl N-nr York World hmjnih tiwl'' ltoitiditlitll fi'pirta lrtiil miM 'Jt HXI koii rttii-iiiiiitii nii tli'nutthnu th" t mntrv N- pan imii toll niom tut Iv WHY it Ntlii- HKSfoii I'ftfth. ONE ?, Dollar r, M TKHttf imif" iii rM Itfim full ol ntn Inim rrrrt hT a mtai tn U all ONE v'.'i'Zl V. P- K 0 It T 0 K: I. ft I t'H t d m I I 1 1 a. m:vh iikai.i:k ami .miknt ban Krnlr r m i 1 1 m ti Ff tTrt I II K 1 tlKHSi . I"l TTT i deceive ourselves aud them I thinl; drr six too. example. !. . If our minils are to Iienjamiti tvarr writes stiggestue- ik it can be summed up tin-j jjave any confidence in us, they1')'0" "Electricity and Litcra ix heads, i. To Ik- au .must see that' we are evidently I tnte." At least one piece of fic- sstte ideal Sunday school teacher, one 'trying to pflt the Hiblc teachings tujn u' appear in each ksi should be familiar with the whole ito practice, in our daily life, .hereafter. (25 cents, at all new Bibe. yueattons will often come! Alice Shudder in her practical "amis. The A'.liantf Pujili-h-upiulhecla, involving other j suggestions to leaders, in work ing Co.. Fifth avenue, NewYork.) "" " - a "-, wiiii cuiuireu soys "i: needs a of the day's text. It isaometiiues I)crso Qf n bright, happy tlisios uecessury for psrsous to act as jtj0Ilj with time aud inclination ' teachers who are not thus quali- for worj:; ollc w;IO poMesw the fied. In such cases, they ought combined qualities of gentleness to prepare the Icikki very care- a,i f,rn,es,( spirituality and fully and look up the Uible refer- mirth, tact also, is nu essential cuccy which bear upon it. When'eiemc,, for there ore trcublesome IV. a f tfx uafofVfll llhi tlVIWtt 1.1 I ! I t r. a .. v, . ...w, w v... ... cniuircn wno oneti try one's pa- teaetiers to Know more tnai; we t,ecc. Scolding, however, 1 do about the branches of know- 0t be resorted to, for spir i :or 1 c 1 II It ' $ ' t 1 II 11 h r r t p t I 11 r f h 1 ti 1 1 ! !t li ; . ' l . ' ;i; ' J ;u p r 11 11 d jic r I ml I r n I n. - ' j I 1 1 Kim t'lgar nml tulMtni. I Sltttlinifiy. Jnwiliy. ihilliii I 'a -o- o -o -o- o o .0.1 .. .. .. fc - f 1 1 1 1 M k r 111 v i 5 H J I m Mil ill "I , 'cfr'T".r'r k h ' hi: CGtfraRTA ir H jSKHiVi vc''m&F T l"Tir ,- III IIS r-l I' . .J t.f, .'JO -AV3 V5IAL FKCu. It ' ' 11' air f 1 1 i hi jt t la f 1 nr. - ' 1 . 1- 1 ' I I ! , HI '"' If ui jvjh' mB iwvi u- 1?; f 'S'-TiHAub re 1 '1 '1 bSSJbr I Hav I wflcyPH 1 I ' .'.".uri, I aud Krr . . KCj.y . A ,1 kl j- . vr, Sitl.iir. HiilK'liaUirl, YVKi K f l 'ft ('( n n hi in v- i i.m !.- h! flit. A" i ' ; W .,.. I-U.IW..K; ...mW. R'At V. 3 to If ' " I'-'- l Jt,JT ft' a . . -. . ... -..... . . 1 L . . k m till 'imJJf.ll ..i J 9. I fr- .' i' , h. I'll i tt 4 -(. J..I . , . I . th" 1'uniiiiii it .s . llm H't il . I. mii i,, Y,mte f fitifii.r -i a-v...i. , kl.j.l, lndlu-. Ir f tc l-ro-forii- a.ttii.r. Aiiluiublt In any I Ivtirc. xaax232&m5x.Wt2iis: -TV'"! 'mm A'efH&'m ,Z Dyspepsia 6ure s: Dmests what you eat i"ll!l' mini tiutiTrtt hy 'cuing fi rn It ami M,f . ielill wltlioiil Iter in cuDVr or arlit. tlii-n only n cirl or 'M. dm ; " r 'i i-r inKiiiiinu.i Vlrturlii'a l'riiinni. It wim at U'lniixor cuptlu Unit Qui Imr hIii-ih-Hcrliivil n tin-nitmi m-rv-1 ' "..7 . '"" "" ,,r "' "u iSUI ililiiK it tvriiiinii wna tnllnl tm . A"; i imm t untnni I,, Pw.rat ,.wl lo dii,'-trliin idic Mimtnuitvd Hit- igiin """""Nt itrwi nuoi iw ui. ' l" T - .. . . it-i..... tnu.r ..r K.i...ii.l.r...i!i,il.n ! n apil (ur all tun. Dm IIOMK VC liellcc. Scolllillff, however. Wist i,"'.P.;." P",!."!!.".'.".!.1", ., trlVn . In rvl,, v 7l - miMm. ,1-10 ' (,t"- -' -.-! -I lb. r,ralr U - uikbitiuiiif oiiii tiik-ia mi itiuiia i;i .. f . , , i . i .. . . .. . ritltill rood. ItKleslii'itaiarcllcfniulncvrr him. Sin- hml llri nut turn when nu n '."" u-iwuar. in Hwg wiimn tr.un l.l.. .!... ..-.!.... -i... i. . .... fa IB tn cure. ILn okhvoii to cnLn I niv nf IT n- piiiuo I i hm fill itir In """rimiwi w pm-muai man - ' " - "- iw.Miia mil nut uc hiimix IKKCIV- 1118 flKMlJOll want. Tlio inosiseniiltlvo WKewise, tue teacuersol bitruiay Cl from one who has showtnit int. tomat'h can liikolt. Hy lt iisoiiinny phrvil pI.iou-w. stintitiMti- rf-tr'nrded ...: III0US.III(IS Ol UMIK-JllH 1 llllVU fjcen fnp w.lWlll "llll DUO W)l nlimrlriwl llllU ! yWH whril rr.r,t wilhmit rM 7 . . . . .. l"i temper. turcu in trevuryiiui.u tiso iiiiica. it ..,,.... ull0 W3a ,.llii:hted."-i;oiiUoti Tit. i''-"if P"i-mI i-nv ..f ih. wnrM i:iit-lmiil. nml wliun. llni'o ti'tn-M lntt-r. wlirriroiliwK in $jn. full Uiir tkmt nc lie "made mi mmx-I" of III lim fur Id" HMHy mUi pUge. ScUI(Wk. I,rill. by their scliolars as an authority upon the teachings of the Hiblc 2. Conduct the lesson in such a way that the mote ignorant ones will not be embarrassed by being Re!atiou of Teacher lo Pupil. Mrn. H. F. Alhsrnctliy proparvd mid Trail the fiilliiMiiifr jmj:-r ul tho Hiimlay bcluAil (oiiM-utluii ami i ia Mii'L-iul n iiieht K-llulU Hie t-alllf U lw plllilinliwl.! We are supposed to be talking of the Sunday school teacher and his or her relation to their pupil. The Sunday school is the one place where the Uible is taught, or it should be, and if the teach er is a IJlble student and loves it because it is the word of our Father in heaven, who is all-wise, whose love is perfect because jus tice upholds it aud mercy tem pers it, and he so loved us (the ppople of the- whole earth) that lie, through Christ, gave his life for ns, and the teacher's heart, is That's i ood name for Scott's Emulsion. Children arc like young plants. Some will grow in ordinary soil. Others need fertilizers. The nature of some children prevents them from thriving on ordinary food Such chil drcn grow right if treated right. All they need te a little fer tilizer a little extra richness. Scott's Emulsion is the riht treatment. Fertilizers make thingsgrow. That's just what Scott's Emul sion does. It makes children grow in flesh, grow in strength, grow rich blood, grow in mind, grow happy. That's what we make it for. Send for free sample, 6C0TT Cl JI0WIIK, ChemUn, 4 1'carl St , N.Y. 5w auJ f uu, all ilivi&u. ti'l'li,. t.w.1.:.,,. ,.f T...... . ...n.imij; ui JlU.-l full of lite and realty. He among men, and spoke to in terms of their common thought and surroundings. Catching up present suggestions of spirtual truths. And notice how He con stantly makes use of common in cidents to draw from them, or rest upon them some new teaching." He is our example, and we need nevti fear if he is our ideal teach er aud we keep so close to liini that we can see the shining of his face and it is icflected in our lives. prevonisioniiauoi oikubihiuiobiiiiii. ... - - olI . r , u.i, ,,(ll was nrh- ri'lliivlntf nil mt.nH4 nflnr liiu. iiip- ..... stood DletliiBurincctssary.ricasanttotake. I, , 1'. ,,1, 1 ' er . i UJ l,l,,l hlit lilWiUliUi, theill COn 10.'P . . . tmra.H i ,.,.,,VI DUl uo vou nooa f-fc swi,'Mz rtTtw&saszst. -vp j uteraiy nines, j At a time when all the world is asking "What manner of man is our President?" Modern Cur ture reprints in October number an article entitled. J'TIu-odarc Roosevelt The Typical Mail of the Twentieth Century." by Day Allen Willey. Of this article the President-himself has written: "I havoso genuinely liked that arlicai.of. yours about me thut appeared in Modereu Culture, , rrrpamloniyljy I'. (' !lrViTT&ro.,:hlrao Tbe II. Uiltlo uiDlaloa ?u lluiia tliu UK. lU. Among the most notable feat ures of the Argonaut for October 7, iqoi, are: "The Savin" of Sister Seraphica," by Marguerite Stables, a story of convent life with pathos and humor mingled; "From 'in. erhiken to Lucerne," a letter from Ur. W. S. Thome, describing some of the inarvehi and beauties of Switzerland; "The Sultan at Close Range," nu extended review of u new vol ume on the private lffe of the Turkish monarch, Abdiil-Ilnmid, which ci catena sensation in Paris on its publication a few week's ago; "The Czar in France," nu article picturing the ceremonies with which the ruler of the Rus sias was welcomed, and many of the amusing incidents of the roy- ul visit; and a New York letter noting the passing of two well- known figures, J. Hooker Haulers- ley, the wealthy man of letters,. and Chatles Deliuouico,,of the far- inous fiim of.calorers, THE HOME COLD CURE An Innriiloii" Ti nut utfiit liy uliiob DrilliliuriUiirn lli'lll Ouri'il Ilally In Hpiln ul Tlii'iiuulvtm , So XiixiniiK Dosiwi S'o WimkiuiliiK n tliu Nurvi'm A plHiiriilld mill 1 ')! livu Curu lor llip l.Iijiiiir llnlnt. H-tl l'A7 jy& uinl Cobs Bay Wliolcsiilc Liiiiior SB. It l kiniwii mitl imOnrilrioil III it DruiikaniiMtian iliw nml mil ui'.ik. nM, A Ixxly Mini Willi pulaon, nml nirvaa (oiiiplricly 'i illirwl liy fxidoOlciil tir tontlRii nu: n( inliixicnlinK liiUon, irijulica n nnlklttu niKililt'i( iiriitntliiliijpiiil irjil!uiliii; llil XI tou. njul ili-ilruvint; llm ri.ivlni,' for InloiluinU. SiiffmiTu nuy now tun- tliunmlnji nl domr ulllioul inliliclly nr oit of llnio rul.y Hill ivonilciful IIOMIC () Jl.l) CUKK" wliicli Im Utu prifctlril allir mtiiy )iura of cl(M tin 1 mid irrtlmiiit ul lnt-l;rl.UyS '1 Ik f.ilthfu tiw nrinrillii); n iliitcltimi nf Ihit uonili rful illv toiry li iollivtly to curu llw mint (jlln ilu iAwr, no matter Now linul n iltinkur Our rcconhilioA tlm nurvrlout tramforiinliun of iliuuvuiili (if DiiinL.iriU Into to'.n-r, luilin tnouj iind nptijilil iimi. WIVKS CUR1'. YOUK HUSINIWII ciin.nui'.N-cuim yovk r.viin:Rsii 'I lil remedy ii In no nine a nostrum 1ml ii n inrcific for llili iliniuv only, anil It mi iMIllully dcviiru nnd reparcil Hi it It H llioroiijlily oln. lilouiiilplcuirt in llio Mile, to Hint ll cjii 1c filyt n In u tup of ton or toffco without llio JAiewlcdL'C of tliu icrton Iflklii2 II. Ilioiuaniik ofDninkariUliuuMirtil'tlii-niKhri wli lit drlcck'M icmeily, nml a irnny moro iuto I in cual'.iuil madd lriiijrarci hy luvli'C the. iii:ai)(iuauti;u roi: iikik (iUADK I.IQUOUii OllOlt'l! WINIM1 AND I'lJItlC llltAMUIW.' LRAIlNti BUANOS OP BOTTLHO BEER pamily Ordor (Solicited. HOIiK AtlliNT KOU TlIK UUI.K-llltATKI) DvC! 0 itinlly orilcix for Vopx, pin In nnd ritmi ly, tlehvorctl liy tliociifo. Robert ttarsdeiu tf K4-4.-w :,