Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1929)
ÏH * CZNÎMAL m int It*» PKItuV, NOVZlWt» II, I.» » Returil horn California FEDFUATF.D CHUKCII NOTES MKH. CORNUTT KNTRRTA1NH GDI.DEN LINK BIBI.B CLASH Seven of tlie workers from the The Golden Link Bilde class of churcli ami young people*« socictv Hie Christian church was entertain went Io Phoenix on Sunday even ed. Friday, ul the rurul home of Mr. ing and ronduetril the evening ser vices there. They went on the invi and Mrs. Jus. C.ornutt. In the absence of Mrs. Henderson tation of the young people’» society Mrs. Slrohmeier acted us president, of that place whirl» has taken the reading as tier lesson the 24th psalm responsibility of the evening servic after which the lx>rd*s prayer was es while tlie church is without a repealed. The class decided to lend pastor. A group ot Medford work their assistance to the circle in pro ers will go this coining Sunday ev moting the bazaar, next month. Two ening. Our people report a very songs were rendered by Doris Rich good attendance, and a tine spirit ardson and Mrs. Strohmeler ami Mrs there. Bev, J. M. Johnson preached at Young each gave two readings which were well received, lie- Ferndale, north of Glendale on freshments of Jello, whipped cream, Thursday evening of last week, sandwiches and coffee were served Mr. Knndull of the A. M. S. S. Union hy the hostess to the following: Mrs. I 1ms a country Sunday school there. Conger, Gregory, Vincent, llaley,, Mr. Johnson’s services were greatly Hermanson, Strohmeler, Cochran, appreciated hy the country folks. Tin* good congregations, close af- (tichardson, Neil, Burns, Cupps, l.cthrow, Hodson, Maury, Youngs, (eiition and favorable comment in Buckles, Cash, Young, Pankey, dicate that the effort of the pastor and lledg|>eth. to itring before the church some of Hie great truths of the gospel are Pendleton People Viait not without fruit. The personality, Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Gritmun of place and work of the Holy Spirit in Pendleton visited at the home of tlie church is being presentel in the Mr. and Mrs. Everett Faber, last morning sermons; and beginning next Sunday evening a series of week. messages will lie given on the in Lola Davis »vent Sunday and vitations of the Master. Monday visiting her folks at What can this church do lo make Grants Pass. Christ known to others? What can we do for tlie stranger in our midst? Kuhstilute Teacher What more can wc do to dissemin lx*ota Beanies is substituting in ate tin- gospel, and emphasize the the fith grade during the absence of need of a knowledge of the Bilde? Miss Harvey who underwent a ton What is the real object of the true sil ami adenoid oiwration. church? These are some of Ihe is sues always before us. C lim a tic Voung Ladies Should Expect ot tach other.” The UrlptitfC given as a basis is found id 2nd Peter 1:2-11. ft :34? is the lime. It is Ihe purpose ot the pastor In both services of the day; In the morning on, “What Pentacost Should Mean To The Believer To Leaven for Klam ath day,” and in Ihe evening on. One of John Brenner left. Friday, for the Master’s Invitations. Good con- Klamath Falls to visit his daughter. grcgational singing, and good spec V isit W jth Home Folks ials will be an important part these services. Mr. uni Mrs. Marine, father and mother of George Marine and Mrs. Mary Milligan arrived last week from Canada and wit Intake their residence in this city during the winter. Heavy cream is the most satis Visit at Medford factory base for desserts frozen with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cochran were out stirring. Medford visitors, Monday. D. E. Millard— Minister. Miss Eula Benson— Bible school TH E FEDERATED CHURCHE8 Superintendent. J. M. Johnson, Pastor Bible school at 10:00 A. M. wilh classes for all ages. Church services at 11:00 A. M. “Living wilh People of Other A cordial invitation to all. Bares” is the title of the lesson wc ---------- o---------- are asked to study this week. Itutli CHURCH OF CHRIST 1:1-1«; John 4:5-1«; Acts l« :l-» l; IK; lloin. I: 14; Gal. 3; 28, 29, are some of Ihe scriptures lo be studied. C entral Point, Oregon School opens at 9:45. Being a W e g Pine Street friend. Faithful Men in Charge Tlie young people will study the Assembly— 10 00 o’clock A. M. subject: “What Young Men and A cordial welcome to all. The longer vegetables are cooked tie more food value is lost. Over- ooking greatly increase, the loss of vitamins and minerals, and is iiarmful to color, texture and flavor. Souffles provide one of the most directive ways of fixing left-overs. The chicken or ham left over from Sunday dinner can appear on Mon day in a tasty soueffie, and no one will recognize it a* a left over. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hermanson and three daughters were dinner guests' ut Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. M. M Morris at Medford, Monday. D inner Guests at Medford Attractive garnishes often make Ihe difference between an appetiz ing disli and an uninteresting one. Cheese too solt lo W'<>" may often be put through a colander. CHUHcn- ! vr< *■ ■ ■ ■ ■> : : T u rk e y Buyer in C entral Point J. D. Watkins of San Francisco, the Turkey buyer of the Half Moon Co. arrived in Central Point, Tues day and is at the Al Hermanson Feed Store. A rrive From Canada Mr. arid Mrs. Jesse Bichardson F ru it Juices may be used in gal« who have Spent Ihe past week ul ulin« desserts in place of water. Bedding and Bed Bluff. California urrived home Monday night. They Pastry requires about (lie liottest were accompanied home hy Mi s. «veil of any type of cooking. Jennie Hodson and John Taylor, who will visit here for u short time. A leaspoonful of honey or syrup, or one-eighth of u leuspoon of cream Baby C linic Held of tartar, added to. each cup ot sug A baby clinic was held ut the ar in a fudge frosting will often pre Health Center buihMng, Tuesday af vent a gruiny texture. ternoon with Dr. Dulcomb and Lyd ia King in charge. There were sev The texture of biscuits is improv enteen babies examined which ed If tlie cut biscuit stands for ul shows that a great interest is laken least 15 minutes before baking. in the health work in Central Point. C h an g e» --------e-------- CHRISTIAN CHURCH ____ "You « a rt. W elcom e’’ ■ ■ a a a ■ Why Hide Your Light Under a Basket? ■ The evidence that dim e tic condl Bens have changed In the Arctic and Antarctic circles Is mainly geologic ft Is believed that tropical condition» esteted ae far north as Oreenlend be Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Garman of this ) tween the gladel epochs. Bemalae of city were at Gold Hill, Sunday in animal end vegetable life have been attendance nt a birthduy parly giv- j found In thaae regions, which Indi en by Mrs. Geo. Hammersly for Mrs. cated that oace the climate wee warm enough to permit ot their growth and Garman. existence. Xgwea W a t ln tere»ted Little Agnes was lo be the flower girt at bar aunt's wedding and her grandmother waa teaching her how tn comport heraelt Bat the little girl waa ae quiet during the Instruction that grandma asked, rather aliarply, If she were Ilatenlng: Agnes replied prom ptly: ** "Course I la. My ears ain’t cioaed. even If my moot la.” 1 If you have Something to Sell Adver tize It. Im m u ta b le O f A n c ie n t L in eag e The Biscayans are a remarkable race of people, dwelling partly In the eouthweei corner of France, but most ly In the north of 8paln, adjacent to the Pyrenees. They a rt probably de scendants of the ancient Iberl, who occupied Spain before the Celts. They preserve their ancient language, for mer manners and national dances, and make admirable aoldlara, especially tor guerilla warfare. It might b« worse. The definition of sin changes, but the definition of virtue doesn’t.—-Duluth Herald Hotheuee Cheaply Heated _ hothouse near Old F aithful geyser. |D Yellowstone park, la used tor raising vegetables and flowers the year arcund. It Is heated *a te r from a nearby hot spring. Don’t try to keep it a Secret. You have Competitors who will not be so retiring. S m e lt b ik e r e p p e r n u n t At a recent (tower allow them was exhibited a plant called the bull's-eye geranium. It has thick velvety leaves and s uisuve-colored flower. The leave# have a rich scent of peppermint If you don’t think enough o f your business to boost it. Have Stone Fill Your Good in A d v e re ity Adversity has the effect of ellctlng talents which. In prosperous circum stances, would have been dormant.— Horae«. • Soothing R aby E lep h an t» A French explorer, back from the j hoar» of Africa, says that the bahv I elephants captured on elephant farm- are frantic when flrat separated fruit; their mother«, but that the native-, gradually quiet their nerves by sing I Ing them to sleep with cradle melodle. Prescriptions at the You should not feel bad if its is not a success. Rexall Store Ten years experience In 'Hie pre scription Department. ' Always on the job. 7:00 a. in. until 8:3« p. in. PAXSON DRUG CO. Phone 11 Central Point, Ore Willing to Serve You at all tines with the very best meats the market affords. We do our own buying to conform to the local demand for good meats as wc know it from our long experience dealing with the local trade. NO PRODUCT TOO GOOD FOR OUR CUSTOMERS : ■ : ■ Use Your Oldest Established Newspaper ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The Central Point Star : Our Newspaper is Not a Sideline But a Business With Us Central Point Meat Market Central Point I. D. Lewis Oregon ■ * &