Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1929)
TU» (W t'U A t HÜlNT CEN1KAL POINT STAR Published bv M ac’s Printing Co.« Gold Hill, Oregon . C. J. SHORB. E ditor An Independent Newspaper published in the Interests of Central Point Oregon and vicinity PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY E ntered as second-class m atter, October 20, 1928 at the post office at Gold Hill, Oregi n under the act i f March 3, 1879.___________________ ________ Subscription $2.00 year in advance. Ao rate on application Office With Al Hermonson THE CHAMPION OF KILLJOYS That perpetual pest—the reformer who, in the interests of truth, prea ches that there is no Santa Claus—is again with us. It is soothing to his shrunken soul to preach the belief that children who are taught that there is a Santa Claus will, when they grow up suspect their parents of being inherently untruthful. Now wouldn’t that be just awful? We wonder if there is in all the Christ ian world a person who loves his parents less becasse they taught him and proved to him beyond all doubt that there really is a Santa Claus. To many of us the most cherished memory pictures of life are assoeiat ed with hanging stockings about the old fireplace at Christmas lime in full faith that after we as youngsters had drifted into slumber old Santa would come. What matters that father and mother remained up later than us ual on Christmas eve. They—God bless them—were hut waiting to let him in. Confusion to the joy-killer, wheth er he be learned doctor, psychologist or other form of nut. who would en deavor to convince a child that there is no Santa Claus.—News, Caldwell, Idaho. THE JOKERS CORNER ¿T a « MIIMV. WAY HE TOOK IT Brown (ready to drive froill tee): "I want to get a particularly goon drive this tiiiie because my wife ba* just turned up over there.“ Bridal friend: - Don't be absurd! Why. she is at least three ¡iiiiii.rcu yards away. Yon couldn't possibly hit her from here. Jl ST LIKE A TOT Little girl: O h , I expect you have eon e for the rent and mother has forgotten Io leave it. Landlord: llow do you know? Mother told me before she went out in ease you called. THRIFTY Are you saving any thing for a rainy day? asked I lie nosey brother. "Yes," growled the gent in golf togs as he grabbed his hag of clubs, "the job of painting the kitchen." I NÛVfcWHlR IS, H « 4 ________ < • ,/ ■ Mar: « m Permanent Waves, ............................... AUTO SPRINGS OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING All Make (ails and Trucks. No job too small None loo Large 20 S. Itiverside Avenue MBDFOKD, OREGON E K n a B s iH B iB c s H H H a a B a ONLY EXCLUSIVE ALTO P U ' l CO. IN SOUTHERN OREGON All Work Guaranteed Phone 721 it J. H. DAILY A Painter of Reputation CRATER LAKE AUTO PAINT CO. Unequalled Work at Reasonable Prices 601 N . (¡r a p e M » t lf u iJ , O le g o n i a a. a a a- a a a a a a a a -a a a .a TOTALISATING Bride: So this is the machine that tells how much gas we use? Meter man: Well, I wouldn’t say that, lady; hut this is the machine that tells how much gas you have to pay for. T A IL O R IN G JOB | Operators Open Evenings Helen Smith By Appointment Alice Deardorf Phone 1478 I PALACE BEAUTY & BARBER SHOPPE 328 W 6th St. Medford, Oregon F. J. Harris, Prop. All forms of A Ringlette Beauty Culture Permanent is best Recipes fo r the Bachelor G irl I . t used to be the custom for a man who wanted to buy a car to take a mechanic with him. Today, General Motors itself employs skilled automotive engineers to make it easy for you to select your new car. These men ate working for you at its Proving Ground—the 1168-acre outdoor laboratory in Michigan where every kind of car is tested. Before any General Motors car goes in to production, a fleet of advance models is constructed and sent to the Proving Ground. There these advance cats must meet every test—tests far harder chan you would make. Sometimes they are rebuilt, redesigned, retested many times until they are pronounced right, and ready to be put into production. The tests involve speed, power, endur ance, braking, riding comfort, handling ease; fuel and oil economy; body strength and safety — every phase of car construc tion and performance. Buying a car is easy today—because these men at the Proving Ground are work ing for you to assure you of value when you select a General Motors car. E nd o f L itigation Nolle pros means the same aa nolle prosequi. It Is an entry made on the record, by which the proeecutor or plaintiff declares that he will proceed no further. Nolle prosequi means lit erally "will not prosecute.” It la s voluntary withdrawal by the proaecut Ing attorney of present proceedings on a particular bill. H a t It» D iaadvantagaa "My greatest th rill,” writes M. B A ., "was experienced when a mild looking man, sitting In front of me o. a fast express train, calmly put dowi his paper, and stepping onto the p!«i form of the train, deliberately threw himself off. . , That Is one waj of traveling faster than a fast train. If you ara sure of arriving at the hoped-for destination. — Capper's Weekly. Optimt'atf'c T h o u g h t "Ona nice thing about thln-aoled ehoaa In winter," aaya Gelatine Travera, cheerfully, "la that no matter how cold your feet may get outside, It doesn’t take them half the morning to warm up after you get Into a heated room.”— Kansas City Star. I aland a B ar Vahlelaa There are no vehicles of any kind In the Faroe Islands In tha North sea. Their streets are mere paths that lack all regularity. The capital Is T h o r shavln. The Islands belong to tha king dom of Denmark. But several agencies have com bined to help her. Canners put out fruits and vegetables in eight-ounce cans which hold a cup and cost ten cents. Evaporated milk solves her milk problem, for it obviates the nuisance of attending to milk bottles and milk tickets and the problem of storing milk. Evaporated milk will keep well after being opened, if it is not all used at once, and the un opened cans can stand on the kitchen shelf ready at all times for use. Recipes for Two Some recipes which serve two and include this time-saving milk are: Stuffed Totnatotf. Cut off stem 4nd remove pulp of two large toma T. N. PARRKIT YVreeked Cats a Spcclully llndiet Huili to Oriler Aliin Gliias. I•'«•nder Wurk, W imh 1 YYork Amorini llardwooil» ui- wuys in slock. Nul (lie chcapesl hut Quulity Colin lv. Sidlvfuclioii Gunranleed l’h 27tfy 36 S Blvervide Medford VERY SERIOUS THEY SHALL NOT PASS What makes you look so miser They met on the bridge at midnight; able? But will never meet again; I would like to change a $20 bill. One was an eastbound heifer, But that is nothing serious. The other a westbound train. But I haven’t got one. 4» .——------------------------------------- ► SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO Wheels Re-Rubbered Machines Rented, Sold, Ex- Phone 261 Medford, Oregon changed and Repaired MEDFORD CYCLE & REPAIR — SHOP Hemstitching and Button Holes ] Kevs Duplicated bv Code Phone 494J Saws Filed General Repairing 130 YV 6th St. Medford, Ore. Chas Fisher, Prop 19 N Fir St ♦ ♦ 4 ► 4 ► waste. : ! * -------------------------:-------♦ are testing your car + + C7T HE bachelor girl who likes to cook her own meals and occa sionally have a guest has diffi culties confronting her which may be summed up in the phrase: How to buy little enough food to avoid I F IMk/z like these THE UNMISTAKABLES Mrs. Withers had been to the talk L IV E A N D I.E A R N ing pictures for the first time. He (hopefully)—I've never seen “Ow did yer like it Nell asked her such dreamy eyes. friend. " All right enough, but to tell yer She (fed up)--Thal’s because you- the truth. I'd rather ’ave been to one have never stayed so late before. of the old unspeakable ones.” SOME MORE SCOTCH Bill: Wol’a wrong with Sandy’s CONSEQUENTLY- "1 have less dread of influenza hand? Angus: Oeh, he had had luck. He than of its consequences ” "Yes, I haven't paid my doctor’s was the thir-r-teenth man w i’ a match. bill either.” found in the same eave. S. & H. Green Stamps 135 West Main St. Medford, Ore MEDFORD BEAUTY PARLOR Medford, Oregon Phone 279 J 666 Shoes Repaired While You Rest oOo MERRIMAN’S BLACKSMITH SHOP DADS ONLY CHANCE When a man says be is cut out Father: Fritz, I am disappointed to be a bachelor, he doesn’t always that you behave only when you are add who did the cutting. being looked at. Fritz: But dad, you only smoke SAVE IT A Scottish farmer, being elected to when mother is out. the school hoard, visited the village school and tested the intelligence of O f P rohiatoric A g a the class by the question: “Now A seven-foot tusk belonging to some boys can any of you tell me what prehletorte animal w a i unearthed In naething is?” a cava In Portland quarrlea. I t crum is a Prescription for After a moments silence a small bled while being dug out, bat was Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, boy in a back seat rose. carefully preserved for examination Bilious Fever and Malaria " It’s what you gi’d me the other by the Natural History museum au thorities. A foFsIUzed tooth was also It is the most speedy remedy known day for holding your horse.” JOHNSTON S SHOE SHOP Marcelling, l inger W aves Facials, Shampoos, M anicures toes. Mix two laolespoons chopped, canned okra with one tablespoon bread crumbs and season with salt and pepper. Fill tomatoes with mix ture. Bake in a hot oven (450’ ) for fifteen minutes, then reduce heat to medium, 350’, for fifteen minutes. Make a cheese sauce by niching one tablespoon butter in a pan; add three tablespoons grated cheese and heat slowly until iru ted. Add one- fourth cup evaporated milk and heat until well blended. I’our over to matoes and serve. Salmon Patties: Remove Ixines and skin from a h ilf-poun! can of salmon. Add one and one-half tea spoons lemon juice, cayenne pepper, one-half teaspoon salt, one egg, one- half cup bread crumbs, one-fourth teaspoon baking powder and one- fourth cup evaporated milk diluted with one-fourth cup water. Mold into four patties. Place on an oiled tin and bake in a hot oven (425’ F.) for five minutes, then reduce heat to 375’ until browned. GENERAL M OTO RS Watch Repairing Done rig h t and we promised it. when We give a moneyhack guarantee on all worlc. When you think of DIAMONDS think of ^JEW ELER S MtOfORD. ORE. r i i n « « a i « •** Q OAXJAN® □ CHEVKO q o u -i> loD:LI Typvs ot the »M' iw »’ » at GvweraJ Motors Proving Grouod « h o art working for you. Drawn from a p h o to g ra p h T h ey n r ahown eiam ming a spaci a lly devised in s tru m e n t for measuring dutch pedal p t t i iu t i »4 " A car for retry purse a n d purpose" C H B V R O L F T . T model« |'M - |695 A an in the price r m gr of the four. Smooth, powe f j l 6<ylin«let valve ire head engine Beautiful Fisher Bodies. A lio sedan delivery Light delivery chassis I H ton th is snd l H ton chassis with cab, both « u h four t pee da forward. P O N T IA C . 7 models |74 5 — |8 9 5 . N o w offers ” Bcg six'’ motoring (usury at low cost Larger I. bead r.iginr. laryet Bodies by l uher. N ew attractive coloes and «rylish line«. O L D S M O B IL E . 8 model» |8 7 5 — 1 10 IS I I me < «r a t I »w I’m e N ow offer» further refinement», met barm ally and in tha Fisher Bodies »’so eight optional, equipment combinations in Special and D r Luxe line M A R Q U E T T E . 6 m odel. >965 — #105). Buu It’S new companion car, de signed and Suiit by Buick. Six cylinders. Fuher Bodies k s price purs (knek qual ity and craftsmanship within reach of more families. O A K L A N D . 9 m odels # 11 4 5 — f l 575. Oakland A ll American Sis Dis tinctively original appearance Splendid performance. Luxurious appointments. Attractive colors Bodies by Fuher. V IK IN G . 5 models. #1595. General Motors' new "eight” at medium price. 90 degree V t y p e e n g in e . S trik in g Bodies by Fisher. Unusual appoint ments. Also optional equipment com binations B U IC K . 14 models #1225 — >1995. Three new wheelbases, 118— 124— 152 inches. The greatest Buu It o f them all. Many new mechanical features Fisher Bodies with new lines. L a h A L L F .. 14 m o d e ls . | 2 2 9 5 — #2875. Companion < ar to Cadillac. Con tinental lines. Distinctive appearance. 90 degree V type R cylinder engine. Striking color combinations in beauti ful Bodies hy Fisher. C A D IL L A C . 26 m o d e ls . #5295 — #7000. The Standard o f the W o rld. Fa mous efficient 8-cylinder 90-degree V- type engine. Luxuiioual odies by Fisher and Fleetwood. Extensive range o f color snd upholstery combir-t/ions. (AU Prices f. o. b. Factories) ALSO qvuaNG QBUlCfc DMARQlD CA D lU A C^^^of be "f l"„„W rfx»»«- Scivi the > F R lG ID A lR F Automatic Refrigera tor New silent models with to ld con trol device. Tu tone cabinets. Price and model range to suit every family. D E L C O M G i l T Electric I fs T ts - ® W ater Systems. Provide all electrical conveniences and labor saving devicet or the farm. T U N E I N — General Motors Family Party,every Monday,9 :5 0 P M . (Pastern Standard Tim e). W E A F and 57 associ ated radio stations. N*®* -Iss— - 4