Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1929)
4 CENTRAL POINT STAR VOLUMI TWO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 112» T ravcler Get Greater Cut Auto Tax President Hooter Proclaims The Thanksgiving Holiday NUMBER 17 Wins Honor * v& x Ex-Service Men Must File their Bonus Claims The American people were asked lightenment has grown apace in new ’v to give thanks for blessings bestow revelations of scientific truth and in cd upon them during the lust year diffusion of knowledge. Education in a Thanksgiving proclamation Is al opportunities have steadily en ? sued by I ‘resident Hoover. Approximately >-'X,750,(Mill will ac larged. Enduring advances have Ex-scrvice men, veterans of the In Hie first document of this kind been made in Ute protection of the crue to Ilic stale of Oregon (luring world war, must file their claims for be bad issued, the President said as- public health. Childhood is measur the period between Ocloberl, 1929 - :/ adjusted conipcns.ilion certifies!--» by • uraitCi s of peace at home and a- ably more secure. New experience and December 31, 193(1, from motor & January I, 1930 or forever the bene vehicle fees, uccortfiiig to a projec broad bail been strengthened, th a tlan(j new knowledge in many fields fit created by act of congress. The the harvest had been abundant and have been recorded, from which a tion of receipts from Midi source» first date set for expiration was ad that both capital und labor had en deeper wisdom may grow. We made by Hat E. I loss, secretary of vanced at the urging of the Ameri joyed “an exceptional prosperity.** should accept these blessings with »tale. can Legion when it was discovered "A break in the registration year resolution to devote them to service the thousands of ex-service men had BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE mid u change in the license fees both of Almighty Cod. A;c‘ ' not availed themselves of the benefit UNITED STATES OF AMERICA < • V /.S I authorized by the 1929 legislature, Now, therefore, I, Herbert Hoover, Figures compiled on June 30,1929, have made the estimation of prob president of the United States of A- showed that there was approxi A PROCLAMATION able receipts from automobile tees inerica, do appoint and set aside mately one million World war vel Georg» Vi rn» Bluo, profi i < r of Ills At this season of the year, when difficult und the department has j Thursday, the 2Xth day of Novcm- UnlversPy of Oregon, Eugene. - erans who had failed Io apply for la-en gathered in been conservative in outlining its tory ul (ho t'nlv. rd 'y of (),--,-on, who Hie harvest , has , , . turn-; i ber, as a day of Nutionul Thanksgiv- Jeannette Catkins, altuaini secretary oi the adjusted compensation certifi has Just returned Iro n an ex'ohslve the thoughts of , our forefathers anticipated revenues” says Mr. Boss. tour of the Ortonl. win-re ho studl-d , . . *ng. and do recoilin' nil that all our the University of Oregon, was elected calcs. On that date, application hat “The stute will receive during 1930 economic and political coBdlHcna. Ito <'d toward (iod with I lianksgiving people on that day rest from their a member of the board of directors ben approved for 3.050,093 cases. fees for licenses covering a year und was th« r «*<>h-iit of u Murray Wurner for the blessings of plenty und pro- duily work that they should extend of the American Alumni Council at A campaign on the part of Iht the sixteenth annual convention, I vision against the needs of winter. a half, us the motorist will be rc traveling fellow hip. to others less fortunately placed, a which met at Toronto and Mnskni.a Legion resulted in the extension of They came by custom to look to the quired Io take out a half year license share in their abundance, end :' * Lakes uurtng the summer. Several lime s-1 in the original aet to j chief magistrate to set apart a d a y )., Junuury I, mid Mt the expiration of gather at their accustomed hundred colleges and universities that of January 1, 1930. Tr.e Legion of prayer and praise, whereon tl.eir, this license on June 30, 1930, pay-i NEED ONE MILLION 1 '/laces of worship, there to render hold memb> rsbtp In the American has attempted through its members merit will be due for a year’s license | COLTS EACH YEAR thunks as aunited people might lie up thanks to Almighty (iod for his Alumni Council, aDd Miss Calkins and the public to inform all veterans given with one voice in unison. God election is considered a very hlg.n Io run until June 30, 1931. Adding' - . - ! hail greatly blessed us ns a nation in many blessings upon them, for his honor for both the univt-rsi'y and tbs j o f the hint fits granted by the act. Io the collection <>> IX mouths' rev Even on the farm, his lust strong forbearance and goodness. The average adjusted compensa- state. enue within a 1*2 month |>eriod will hold, the horse is now giving way 1 the year now drawing to a close. . Hon certificate is $1.000. This rer- In witness whereof I have here be the income from the normal in to the automobile und tractor at the The earth has yielded nil abundant unto set iny hand and caused to I: tificale granted the veteran on the crease in the number of motor ve rale of 5t)U,(l(MI a year, reports I). harvest in most parts of our country. affixed the great seal of the United T? UNCUT METHODS basis of the time he was in service The fruits of industry have been of hicles registered in Hie stute briug- Lowe, Department of Agrilulture States. LISTED BY EXPERT , and whether he served overseas, ng u total of collections for the 15 statistician.. Where there were 21. unexampled quantity and value j is similar in many respects Io a 20 Done at the city of Washington, months starling October I, 1929, of 555,000 farm hors, sin America in Both capital and labor have enjoyed Trapnesting is to the poultry bree I year paid up endowment insurance this fifth day of November, in the an exceptional prosperity. $X.758,323, according to the statistics 1918 there arc barely more than \ssurances of peace, at home and year of our Lord one thousand nine der what the scales and Babcock ' policy. It is payable on death to compiled Of this total administra 14,000,000 today. hundred and twenty-nine, and of the test arc to the dairy Cattle breeder, the beneficiary of the veeteran or tive expenses will require $350,332, (If course an abnormal increase in abroad, have been strengthened and Independence of the United States, bitt trapnesting alone is not a guar to the veteran himself if living at leaving a net revenue of $8,407,991 horse and mule breeding marked the enlarged. Progress has been made antee of good breeding results, finds the time of maturity. The certifi to be distributed to the counties of war year, when animals were ship in provision against preventable dis- the one hundred and fifty fourth. A. G. Lunn, head of the department cate has a loan value that increases HERBERT HOOVER the state and the state highway fund. ped overseas In (he millions, but a ter-, from flood and pestilence. En- of poultry husbandry at the Oregon with the years. Application blanks Under a new apportionment basis the years since have seen a distinct State college, a pioneer in poultry may be obtained from I.egion posts established by Hie las, legislative as falling off even from normal pre STATE SURVEY OF B U N D breeding work. or regional offices of the United W HAT BACHELORS sembly effective January 1, 1930, war figures. TO BE MADE IN OREGON A good trapnest record contains Slates veterans bureau. ARE MADE OF counties of the stale will receive one A comprehensive survey of the in addition fo the total number of Veterans who have no; made ap ’’The Department of Ygrlr .llure third of the motor vehicle revenue puts the lotul number of hors,- on blind of Oregon which is expected to egg-» laid by each individual, the plication are warned to act very" One of the most serious offenses result in a great deal of Information dale lhe first egg was ,.|i(, and ,he promptly as it is considered that Instead of one- quarter ns the divi . the farms in tin* United States at , sion is made now. This change was Ht029.(iiMi bend, and mules 5.417,000 parents ran commit «gainst their hat wtll aid in vocational work, is ,o(als bv , bc lnonths so ,ha, the ,av. congress may not again extend the made in the apportionment to com , » rt.,)or,, Mr. Lowc. • Tllis ¡, 1 children is to joke and tease them Io be conducted by the department ing rvck, an(l rhvthm art. show„ „ time of filing. pensnte the counties for the decrease a reduction in horses of approxi- about that most innocent and timid of sociology of the University of -------- n------ — in license fees which would cut j mutely 590,000 and in mules of X5, <>f emotions, the thing we call calf Oregon, in cooperation with the is just as important says Professor Lunn, to know when a 200 egg hen Next I I love or puppy love. down receipts to the -ounties from ' (MX) in a year, Lions clubs of the state, it is an lays her eggs as it is to know this 8am wa« an old southern darkey the motor vehicle registration ami Wise Reginald Weight Kauffman nounced by I)r. P. A. Parson. As total. “Assuming that the average life whose amiability would never permit transportation fund. The stale high-. ()f „ work amnia I is 15 years, P°*n,s out *hi» common error clear- sisting Dr. Parson will be Edward him to acknowledge a thing could not way fund will not suffer a decrease 1 about a million folds annually are ly. C. Bobbins, graduate of the L’nivers- j Experiments have demnstrated be done, even though he was utterly that it is poor management to trap from the cut In licenses due to the ! . required to maintain the work-stock at a loss as to procedure. He was called "Why do you do it 7” he asks. "Be ity of Oregon who is now a candi additional one cent ja r gallon added . ,>ol,ll|lllit)II j,, ,,r,.SPnl |,.v,.|. Al cause you have a half-concious re date for a degree of master of arts. nest every pullet on a breeding farm by a tenant In the flat where he was to the gasoline lax effective Jcnuary „ j, on|y ,, half. rah. re. gret for the days of your own calf Bobbins has made a remarkable re as muehlabor may be saved by e- Janitor to examine a leaky pipe. liminating late maturing birds at the “Now I conld And that leak,” he said, 1, 1930. Beceipts derived from Hie I placement basis." love, and want to laugh down your cord as a blind student, and will al outset. This in itself eliminates scratching a bewildered head, then tax on gasoline sales are not includ survey as an expert con- However, the horse has and will regret? Because you feci that jeal-j s*s* *n adding, in a burst of Inspiration, "sf some undesirable families. ed in the county apportionments. hold his place, in the city where he ousy which sometimes perverts the suHant. 1 could Jest locate i t " Some simple, practical steps for but are held for the slate highway i has been found more efficient than beautiful tenderness called Mother- New state and federal legislation fund. I the motortruck for certain types of Love? Or because you honestly which will he of help in assisting any breeder to use in improving his F a m o u » H - ,’j i g a t o r Of the eight and a quarter million heavy hauling in congested traffic, think Joe is loo young? blind people to he edonomically in flock one slep at a time are quoted John Cabot, navigator, who dtseov- by Professor Lunn, with some ad dollars Io be distributed next year, and on the hilly farm, as well as in "If you’re sorry those limes are dependent will be sought on lhe ditions from his own experience, ered the continent of North America, counties of the stale will receive sport, where he can never t--? re gone when you could see Heaven in basis of the survey, it is stated. Is considered a Venetian. He was an j These follow: 82,802,903 and the state highway placed. a smile, feel it in a hand-clasp, why, Blind persons in every part of the First, get the flock so that the pul Italian navigator In the employ of the share will be $5,9052127. The ap Mr. Lowe’s figures indicate a all Hie more you oughtn’t to want to state are being asked to help in ob English king, nenry V II, but the time lets mature 200 days of age. by frst and place of his birth and death are proximate amount to be received by trend toward more hears-duty hor spoil this time for Joe. If you’re jea taining the names and addresses of each county from receipts in 1930 ses and Hie selective breeding of rid lous of the tliought of his ever leav every sightless person that they choosing early maturing breeders, not known. and the total of apportionments ing amt racing types. The draft ing you, you are wasting your time. know of. It is estimated that there both male and female. Second, ehoosee breeders that ma made to the counties in March and breed stations now being licensed, For you are rebelling against one are from six to eight hundred blind M o u n ta in V eg etatio n ture rigid and are not broody. The September 1929 arc given for the lie points out. outnumber the lighter of Hie strongest—yes, and one of the people in lhe state of Oregon. The Lemon and orange trees grow on latter is seldom much of a factor purpose of comparison: type stallions by approximately 12 best—laws of life. If lie is loo young whole purpose of the survey is to Mount Etna to a height of 1..S00 feet with leghorns. Jackson county's portion for 1930 to I. — hul nobody in love can he too find out exactly what can be done up the mountnlnside. Above thesr Third, ¡is soon as half of lhe flock will be $109.001.41 as against $70.- , ■ - , o ... young to he in love; and not one in to help these sightless people. trees Is a zone which rises 1,500 fee qualifies in these respects, select for 233.7« for 1929. a thousand marries his first sweet La.-t F a ta lity U n k n o w n In the opinion of the Lions clubs, breeders only those that lay 22 eggs Vines, olives and figs flourish here. From this extends a zoue rlatng to a The War department »ays It ha» heart, anyway. the $85,000 annually available for in either N’ovcml»cr or December. height of about 8,000 feat, which ls a never been determined who was ths "At all events, slop teasing himli the welfare of the blind in Oregon | Finally, use as breeders only those wooded region. Here are oaks E m p e ro r’» U n iq u e Chctir last American soldier killed, as men How did you like ¡1 when some 30 is not being spent for the greater that lay at least 80 eggs during the beeches, birches and chestnuts. Abo’ s At Longford castle. Wilts, England were being killed all along the line years ago, people jeered al your calf Is sn armchair of »olid »teal, presented and It would be Impossible to say Just love? Maybe hearts can.t break- good of the blind up and down the winter, and stay in continuous pro- 1« the bare mountain «id«. state. The Lions clubs have prepar duct ion for 12 months. After this to the Emperor Rudolph I I by th< who wn» the last. hut they can wither. Many a hoy’s ed a hill to he presented to the next egg size, color, or other refinements people »f Augsburg In 1977. It I» P oor O ld N o rth Pole said to have taken thirty year» to best emotions have been dried up legislature that is designed to permit may he added as the breeder may Let us all be frankly sorry for the make, and to be valued at $200.000 for life by the early frost of his E a rly R o yal S ig n atu re blind persons to own nnd operate desire. North pole. The pole ls no longer whsr It Is covered with historical and sym Who was Hie Orsi British king to elders’ scorn: Those of most old cigar and news stands in state, coun It used to be. The pole not long bollc scene», each »aid to be the work sign hl» name a« distinguished from bachelors were.” ty and local government buildings, CRITICS AI.REYDY AT DOOR ago ivns a dream by night and a of a great master. the mere murks formerly used?—The an a similar hill is being prepared OF FEDERAL FARM BOARD vision by day, and now look at It. An earliest record Is a letter signed by airplane may stnrt out. whizz along for congress Io permit the same kind W eb ater M a d e C h an g e King Richard II, graining to a pri D ifferen ce» in H a n e y a way, turn and loop about the pole, of thing in federal buildings. U. S The “honeymoon" period for the wave Noah Webster, author of the "Amer It goodhy and leuve tt by its There are four kind« of honey. Cotnl- oress near Bristol u tun of red wins Senator Scholls of Minnesota, who | Federal Farm Board appears to he ican Dictionary of the English Lan lonesome.— Philadelphia Public Ledger. honey Is the product In th» comb »very Christ mu« I guage," was responsible for the is blind, ha.» consented Io introduce over, or drawing to a close. Enemies Ju»t ns It comes from the hive. V lr change In America of the "our" end this latter measure into the U. S. ' of farming and enemies of this par- gin honey 1» tin i which flow» from ing to "or." Thus labour, honour, be Senate. j u Cular experiment in farm legisla-, W h en You P u tty W in d o w » Q u ick W o rk the comb«. Strained ho"ey 1« thm haviour have become labor, honor To make a neuter job In puttying He turned around, gazed at tils wife A similar survey was made in Cali- lion, who have been mutely lurking which ha» been extracted from the In the hack seat and said. "Aw. shut snd behavior to this country fornia recently and new legislation in cyclone cellars and behind trees windows, cut a small groove In your comb», «trained nnd put up In bottle putty knife ubcut one-half an Inch or cnn». It form» about nine-tenths ap. I know what I am doing an' don resulted, lhe Oregon survey will are beginning to venture forth, from one corner. This groove rides •'her ferglt It.’’ One minute afterward of all tl»e honey «old. Candled hone' he carried on in much the same way , Murmurs of dissent and criticism in the corners of the wood, while the She D oesn’t M e a n I t 81. Peter handed him a flute with »lx 1« the honey that ha« been allowed Even though a mother should coma as other fact finding surveys that are being heard in various quarters, point of the blade rest on the glass. holes and told him Io move over In the to crystallize Into n kind of »ugnr. to you and espresa the Ann convic have been made in the state iueliid- and notablv in the halls of Congress When pushed dowD hard the knife «Ito section Times Union. tion that her offspring are a nulsancs, ing the medical survey which is he- where the members of the Farm will not slip and a straight line of don't agree with her, warns an article ing made by the University of Ore- Board M e m o ry were pul thru an unneces putty ls Insured, says the Popular Sci T o m -to m fro m Tub In Liberty. Swear that you belle»» gon Medical School under appropri We consider ourselves g» defectlvt sary amount of grilling before the ence Magazine. ber little ones are angels, If you would An Indian from Oklahoma recently In memory either because we remem* bought what wus tliought to be the keep her friendship. ation from the state, a business sur Senate was permitted to confirm V i her less thnn we desire, or tea« thse vey now being made in Portland, their appointments. T ra in in g a C h ild only remaining wooden I h i I I i tub In we «appose other» to remember.— and the survey made of the Portland Kansas. te mti-le It Inin u huge tom In Congress, the criticism mostly How to teach children ta a problem Johnson. schools a few years ago. tom. suys the Dearborn Independent U n cle Eben lakes the form of demanding why whoae dlfllcultles are expressed by an Mr. \\ arren Williams, owner of the Board has done so little for far- English authority. Dr. J. A. Had- "Os trouble you make» foh aoma- Q u ite Solid fteld. In the terse statement: ‘"The boily else," ««Id Uncle Eben, “la alius the Liberty Laundry of Portland, is tners, and especially wheat-growers M u c h T ru th in Thia A .45-csllbcr revolver had been fired liable to turn up In yuh own affairs chairman of the Portland Lions club Such a demand discloses a surprls- three main principles la the training No man can he happy without a un' make yon wish you hadn't made commltlce on lhe welfare of the , ing lack of good faith, or good sense, of children are to make them do at him, the bullet penetrating tils skull friend, nor he «ure of him until he’s so good a Job of It"—Washington one wants, to let them do what and entering the woodwork.—Tampa blind and will be in charge of most . nr both.-Editorial from The F 'arm what unhappy, says an old Scotch proverb. they like and te make then Uka taper, ktar. of the work. Journal. what they do»" J