Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1929)
T « « CBNTRAL POINT «TAU » e ■ ■ ■ •■ '■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ EDUCATION AIDED BY MANY PEOPLE IN li. 3. BUILDING M A T E R IA L S Our» 1» ■ m o 'kr, » u p p tv tlepa 1 for the builder for we hand le Lumber, Shuuile» Lath L,n «*. Plaster, Cement. Johns-Man ville Roofing» < ie„ and nmk. everything In Cabinet W ork and Mill Work Let us estimate your bill, you w ill like our Service, Quality and Prices, .. Medford, Oregon a « ■ a a a at fliia ic a e r a ia a c u a a -X—. ‘t /a te sf^ a n't tttosf atibrot/'ed Wet/to&r in denial sur<fery~>. Trained skill mid th. use cf the latest and most approved nieilioils in dental surgery arc here to aid you io tooih comfort. Let us examine your teeth today. Protect y< itr tooth health D r , I. H. G o v s T H I - B E J T - O t N T I i T H V - D O N ' E - P A IN L E S S L Y 2 3 5 E. M A I N S T . orru^e p h o n e » ra -T UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene, Oregon. — People of maans throughout th# United States are com log more and more to a reallaatieti that the wisest Investment of thot» surplus funds Is in education, It it pointed out by Dr. Arnold Hcnnutt H all, President of tho University ot Oregon. Figures Just revolved 'here, Show that during the past year Har vard University received gifts and legacies amounting to E13.S16.iKh) 00, -You bring protection to your fam ily, your business, your home, when you bring them capital. It is within reach of every man and woman. The simple part of it is there is only one way: By spending less than you earn. aud Yale University received amounts totaling about $9.000,000.00. Another outstanding gift was made by Clar encc H. Mackey, who gave $500.000.00 to the University of Nevada to estab lish the Mackey Science School |:t 1 memory of h i father. “The people who generously gave these huge aunts to Harvard, Yale ai d Nevada realized that there is no let ter way in which they can be of aer.- Ice to the world than by aiding and advancing education. They feel that they are making sound Inrcstmcn's for the future. They are not moved by a plea of charity, but feel that th» money will be wisely spent and th:. t tho entire nation will reap the bene fit.” says Dr. Hall. "Much of the money advanced to universities during the past year will go Into research, and directly Into the various fields of science. Out of this :w ~ ra rr *1 may emerge new methods which will save millions of dollars tor various Industries; new cures for diseases which will end untold suffering; new phases of education which will hasten the progress and add to the prosper tty of the country. “State universities are only now coming Into the realization that they can be of utmost service to their com munities, a service even greater than that rendered by private Institutions. A state university should have for Ita purpose not only tho education < f C U»îv. R. J. Rrra.Ma T o k .« . youth, but should serve state indus C s a u u y , W ia .tu .-S a l.« . N .C . try and should aid In development of state resources as well. The univer sity services also extend to lending B u ilt U p o n M a ie e the abilities of its experts to munici Archaeological excavation« hav, pal and civic organizations In solving <hown that the moat elaborate of the their many problems. A state univer nrly clvlllaatloaa developed In tb» sity can only expand In this direction veetern hemi.phere were all aup as Ita Income is Increased, and gifts •orted by maize. Doctor Morley of the made for this purpose will certainly Smithsonian Institution abowed how prove a sound investment In «very the decline and fall of the etvlllaatlon way." of the Mayan empire was eauaed la part by the decline In the prsduettew of malaa. The high cost of living, a« he called It, waa operating tbaa ar FARM PO INTERS Jackson County Bank Established 1888 Member Federal Reserve Oregon *IÌ^ZÌV,:ÌYz»,'. »vi* -ZÎViZÎ'“ZiSŸÜ»/î'i«ZÎSvA\’A>' I t ' s ju s t loci had if an y s m o k er heesuae of m ia- r m a tio n denies h iin a c lf or h s r» e lf th e p io ta rn e o f ( . » m u i . New smokers are not always In a position to have a real preference in cigarettes. But when they acquaint themselves with Camels they develop that sense of discriminat ion that leads to real smoking pleasure. Camels are made so carefully and of so good a blend of choicest cigarette tobaccos that even those with inexperienced smoking taste quickly recognize their superiority. They are lor those who appreciate the taste of choice tobaccos, the fragrance of a perfect blend and the soothing mellowness of a really satisfying cigarette. You Realize It More With Long Evenings When things become common it is sometimes hard to realize their full value. Electricity is there at your command every hour of the day—it comes to you, seldom in terrupted—it becomes common to us all. When the evenings become longer and chores must he done—we realize that elec tricity is a wonderful thing after all. It will do those things cheaper than the old way— and faster, too, so that you have more time to spare. Camels / r k . P .» /—« ■fcvAJ«» 1 I C i/r *e « EUwAerem. ÄAaS P T h e T o p az, N o vem b er V hirthsum e. is the gem o f Faith • • and you can Every pile of leaves burned is just that much valuable plant food lost to the soil. Surveys made In Oregon soils by the experiment sta tion show also that the additional humus supplied by leaves and other plant wastes is needed in the major ity of the soils of the state. The average fow l in the country today lays only about 60 eggs a year, says the Oregon Experiment station. Good feed and management would raise this figure with some hens, but others simply lack the machinery for more eggs, hence improvement is a matter of breeding The earlier next year’s seed sup ply is ordered the better grade w ill probably be obtained. Most grow ers also find that it is more satis factory to deal w ith reputable seed house than to depend on supplies from the corner grocery, says the experiment station. Cooperative fertilizer trials w ith growers of walnuts has failed to reveal any consistant relationship between fertilizer and walnut blight extension workers report. More ex tensive tests on this and other pha ses of nut fertilization w ill be pos- | sible now with the establishment of a federal nut experiment station in Oregon. ' O W la 'T h * T op az Rings and «tic l u i t n n i o t thnt Parte L attn Q u a rte r bringing pleasure io ihuee w h o reco va them fax Birthday g ih n Tbs Latta quarter of Parta la tbs section of the city In which tha Unl- vsrslty of Parta la situated Rduratton la tha university wna formerly given la Latin, and the students need to go «boat tha town singing tbelr songs In Lattn, thus giving rise to the nam» which persista to the present day. MEDFORD. ORC. A i|ouve wanted in radio- MONOTRAD—7 Tube Screen Grid Push-Pull Chassis Dynacoil inthto brand new GROS LE Y 32 " i * * I $132.00 iiM fit' M o n u m e n t Gone Innocent« Abroad" Mark Twain tells of an Inscription which reads. “We are the Canaanitaa drive« oat of Canaan by the Jewish robber, Joshua." The monument bearing It was described by Roman historian« 2,000 years ago as standing Io the streets of Tangier. It la not known what became of this monument, but the people of Tangier today still point <>ot where It stood. 42 S UNITRAD 8-Tube Screen Grid Puhs pull Chassis and Dynacoil in Beautiful Console. B veryb o d y W a n t» H u t t f The more yon get the mere yon want. They tire payable oa demand and good for face valne. Soma am counterfeit, Homs eoma la amalt ds- nomlaatlaaa, otbera In large. Some people are stingy with them, ethers extravagant. They can’t always bay happiness. Kisses are Mbs money mly sweeter.- Bxchange. g j — -------- $159.50 Beets P ro v id e H a lt Sugar $99.50) ■ M i', want you to coma in Iff1™ and a « thia act I Hear EHS it in op«ration. You * » bs T he C alifornia O regon P ower C ompany One-I.alf of the world’s sugar crop Is cbtai.icd from sugar beets. If per fectly purified It has ubo<»t I he same sweetening power aa cane ’ ugar. ot me place faith in the quality BOW. ______ OFFICES. Medford. Grants Pass. Roseburg. Klamath Falla -Oregon Yreka. D unsm uir -C aliforn ia cCn sm okers! when they learn the difference they flock to i SIM PLE Medford, Cam els are for k n o w in g Gifts to Universities and to Other Institutions Held to be Real Investm ent T R O W B R ID G E L U M B E R YARD T R O W B R ID G E C A B IN E T W O R K S I FUI DAT, NOTBMBM It, 1M> » Two-ton* walnut w n « r ¿easol*. 6-tuba A. C. n t including rwtdw r. 4 ¿26 tu b « . I 227. 2 171-A. end I 2S0. Threa a t .p a el genuine Ntutrodyn* radio Iraqutncy amplification, tunad non-r*g*n*r- ativa dtUctor. two atagea ol audio fraqutney am plification, with puah pull output. will ba aurpriacd at itabaau- ty. You will ba amaiad at ita lull, beautiful ton* and ita aatounding perlormanr* I Nothing like it ha* «var bean afhrad to the radio pubfi* b*for* Only Croalcy could nficr such a n t at auch S low pric*. _ T h e M usic B o x i tu E. M a in S t. JVJçdford, Ore. A